Four stories, three bonnie lasses, connected through time and spirit -- by blood, and something more.
Join Drea DiMaggio as she explores faith, faithfulness, and love in this collection of some of her best works.
“Some view the machinations of Maeve, the Queen of the Faeries, as arbitrary and capricious. That we mortals are seen as mere things to be manipulated. But Maeve and her minions are more like benevolent caretakers of the ones whom the Creator has deemed able and willing to bless.”
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I Bought It Already
It's long overdue for 'Drea to be a published author.
How exciting!
Just bought it! Go, ‘Drea!!!
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I can't find a place in the summary to give this book the wonderful review it deserves.
Got it! You have to go to the Kindle site, where there is a provision for reviewing and rating. Just clicking a link from here doesn't work.
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Is up on Amazon.
Many thanks
I am so grateful!
Love, Andrea Lena
Tales from the Irish
Very much enjoying this book. Am about a third of the way through but it is beautifully written, so I think it is entirely reasonable to comment even now. I know the front cover probably not the work of the author, but the colouring of the image is very Irish and compliments the contents very well.
Many thanks!
I am honored by your kind words.
Love, Andrea Lena
Just bought it
I'm planning on enjoying this tonight!
Yay! So glad to see your works published, Drea!
Like the most gentle embrace . . .
Andrea Lena DiMaggio is one of the kindest and most gentle souls I have ever been privileged to encounter, and her beautiful soul shines in these Tales from the Irish. I spent the last two nights reading this cover-to-cover, and I feel like I’m stepping back, refreshed, from a life-affirming hug.
The stories are all written in a lyrical style that feels like it is set to music. I want to say horn pipes, but I think the author would demand a mandolin. There are beautiful scenes and touching scenes and just the right sprinkle of brilliant word-smithing (too much grates; too little is bland!). I could give many examples, but here’s one that made me smile: “Just a nice bit of Moo Goo Guy Pan and a side of awkward silence, or so they thought.”
If the world has gotten you down and you want to step away for a bit, buy this book. :)