Tea with True North
I was planning my next crime when I got a call, from a superhero, of all people.
True North was almost a stereotype of a Canadian - unfailingly polite, but a stickler for law and order.
I was so shocked by what he asked me - to meet him for tea and conversation - that I forgot to be shocked about how he knew my number.
So I said yes, we arranged a time, and he took me to his arctic base.
The tea was lovely and the treats delicious, but afterward we got down to what he wanted to talk about.
"I'm getting married." He said.
"Congratulations" I replied, "Is it to Arctic Princess? The papers like to speculate about you two."
"No, she really is just a friend. The person I'm marrying is a civilian - and a guy."
I took that in while taking a sip of tea, I couldn't say I was shocked that True North was gay, in fact I was more surprised he wasn't marrying a cape.
"Well, I appreciate you trusting me with this, TN" I replied, "But why me?"
"I want you to switch sides, at least for a while."
"Wait, what?" I sputtered, "You want me to join the good guys?"
"Hear me out" He replied, "I want to be able to step back for a bit, have an actual honeymoon, but I don't want Arctic Princess to be stuck trying to do the work of two heroes."
"And I've watched video of all your crimes," He continued, "You are always careful to avoid casualties and the businesses you target are always known for their corruption. That's why I figured you'd might be willing to take up my offer."
I sighed, and said, "I guess you never learned why I do what I do. I need money, lots of it, for a surgery I want done, and thanks to Canadians electing a Conservatives government, its not covered."
He sat for a moment, and then he said, "There is only one procedure that the government has taken off the list recently. You're . . . transgender."
"Got it in one." I replied.
"Which explains why the businesses you target are also known for being very much anti-LGBT, and anti trans in particular."
"Yeah, I like the idea of those buggers being the ones who 'pay' for my transition"
He sat and thought for several minutes, and then he smiled, and said, "What if I had a way to get your surgery done without you paying?"
"How could you do that?" I asked.
"I'm . . . good friends with the American hero, The Surgeon General. He really is a doctor, you know, and I bet he could do it as a favor for me"
I pondered that, and then he continued, "And I might have an idea of how you could drive the anti-trans idiots crazy and be a hero."
I looked at him hard, and realized I'd seriously underestimated him.
And despite myself, I found myself trusting him.
"Okay hero," I told him, "I'm in."
So it came to pass that Canada had a new heroine, and one who was out as a trans woman besides.
And I'm having as much fun as I did as a villain . . .
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Cute idea
I hope she has more adventures.
Gillian Cairns
I cant promise, Gillian
but if my muse agrees, I would love to revisit this character
Dumb Question
How many superhero stories are supervillain stories told from the super's perspective?
-- Daphne Xu
I guess it depends on your point of view
doesn't it?
Nice twist. But I wonder if
Nice twist. But I wonder if the hero life will begin to get old after awhile...
maybe she'll find a good person and settle down?
A pairing?
Maybe with the new heroine working with Artic Princess in time the two will become a pair both in public and in private.
Why not...
Why not stay super-villain? Maybe with some positive attributes but the sexy cute villain.
maybe I'm strange
but I'd always choose to be the hero
I think, in the comics, there
I think, in the comics, there HAS been one character who played both sides of the fence under two identities...
Cute story
We always want more but this was satisfying. :) If your muse revisits, I'm sure all of us will be reading.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
thank you very much, Erin
always glad to get your seal of approval
Name needed for new superheroine
and one for the former villain as well. One small quibble :- 'Arctic' not 'Artic'.
Since she represents darkness turning to light, I think a dawn-related name would be appropriate.
Dawnstar and Aurora are already taken (too bad) but how about Iris or Morningstar? The last would be appropriate if she fights with antique weapons ala Hawkman.
It does depend a lot on her powers.
Novadawn? She's new!
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Novadawn sounds like an awesome name
especially if her villain name was something like Shadowninja
I love it when superheroes and supervillains have the same mundane problems as us regular schmoes. It brings them down to Earth, even if they can fly. And this story sketched out a whole story universe that I instantly got the gist of while being totally unfamiliar with it. Plus it had a high silliness quotient, with the tongue in cheek superhero names; and got a few well-needed political digs in, so it was right up my alley...
But what's her NAME? If you don't have one I'm sure there's someone around BCTS
clever enough to come up with the perfect moniker for our new villain-turned-heroine;
Altho' knowing her particular powers (if any) is fairly instrumental in the name department...
My own secret identity in my occasional work with the JLA (don't tell anyone...)
is a dragonfly-winged fairy named Dart, (or maybe The Dart, but I just couldn't
think of a name that contains the word Fairy that my foes would take seriously...)
who packs quite a punch when she hits someone because she has the same
mass in her tiny winged form as she does as a human. She's particularly good
at zooming in + pulling that steroid tube out of Bain's neck. But she could just as
easily be a catwomaneque villain as hero, I'm still kinda on the fence about it...
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Erin suggested Novadawn
and I kinda like it my idea is maybe she bent shadows as a villain and discovered she could bend light in the same way.
Hmmm, where’s the like button
Hmmm, where’s the like button? Oh, wait, that’s a different interface...
Minimum Wage Crime
If she (or he) was a supervillian and yet couldn't come up with enough cash in one crime to pay for her surgery then truely crime doesn't pay! That would be chump change to Lex Luthor.
"Here's the key to the petty cash vault. Take what you need. Be sure to lock up and bring the key back. If you need to borrow a truck and a couple of henchmen to move it just say the word."
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I assume there was more than surgery involved
after all in a world with superheroes she might have been looking for the full deal - ovaries and womb and all - and that would cost much more than a simple GCS
Clever absurdity
Leave it to a superhero to know who can handle a problem. Fun.
>>> Kay
fun was what I was going for
glad you found it fun.
This is such a fun story! I've always enjoyed stories where villians decide to switch sides, and become heroes. I guess it kinda fills a need in me to believe that even bad people can be turned around, if you could figure out why they decided to be bad, and could be convinced to try being nice instead.
switching sides
at least in this case, switching sides seems to have worked