Understanding Rachel Part 8
Rachel turned on her computer, and prayed the machine worked.
Her problems had started a couple of weeks ago. She had been fighting anxiety about her upcoming “debut” to her daughter, so finally she decided to write out the worse case scenario and publish it online. To make it a little fun, she turned her best friend Tanya into the white knight who would come to her rescue, but left the story on a cliffhanger, with Tanya coming up with a plan, but not saying what it was.
Then the computer totally crashed.
For days, she was forced to schlep the machine to a repair shop, and it drained her of all energy to do anything else.
Finally, the machine turned on, she went online, and uploaded the patch that would fix her email account.
And that’s when she saw the message from Tanya.
“Without you, the walls of Martin are closing in. I dont know how long I can hold out.”
“Oh God....” Rachel said
She went to her phone, and realized it was flashing, saying there was a message on it. When she checked the messages, she found out that Tanya had called at least twice looking for her, and she’d missed the call.
The calls had been frantic, apparently Tanya thought the story Rachel had made had happened, and was freaking out trying to get a hold of her.
Rachel phoned Tanya, worrying.
“As bad as things are for me, they’re worse for Tanya,” She thought as the phone rang.
“I hope I can still help. I hope my little moment of drama hasnt hurt her.”
The phone rang and rang....
OH GIRL! (boy)
Drama Queens one and all!!
oh God, what's happened?