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“Let me dress you.”
“Let me dress you.”
My spouse and I were discussing sexual fantasies, and when Terry said this, I was utterly surprised. I’ve heard of being undressed but being dressed?
“Its an exercise in trust. I’ll get the outfit, and put you in it. Will you?”
I thought about it for a moment, and said, “If its about trust, I trust you completely. We’ll do it.”
So my spouse carefully took measurements, and then I waited. Then one day, my spouse asked, “Tonight?”
And I said, “Okay. Tonight.”
So when I got home from work, my spouse said, “I’ve drawn a bath for you. Take your time, and then just dry off and come to our bedroom.”
So I went to the tub, and got in the scented water. I was normally a shower person, but it was rather nice and relaxing.
When I was done, I dried off, and went to the bedroom.
“Okay,” Terry said, “Let me dress you.”
“Okay, my love.” I said, and sat on the bed.
Terry got a group of bags, and began pulling items out, and when I saw what Terry had bought, I raised an eyebrow, but remembered my promise to trust, and said nothing. My spouse took a pair of lacy black panties and slid them up my legs. when Terry had gotten past my knees, my spouse gently pulled me to my feet, and then kneeled in front of me to raise them the rest of the way.
Once they were in the proper place, my spouse pulled out a matching bra, and gently slid it on my arms, and then came around me to pull it until it was where a bra should be, and fastened it in place.
Next, Terry gently sat me back down, took one of my feet, and slowly rolled on a lacy black stocking. Once it was in place, I found myself utterly fascinated at the difference between my two legs, the stocking-clad one and the bare one. Then my spouse fixed that difference as they gently put the other stocking on.
Next, my spouse pulled out a black dress, and raising my arms, Terry slid it over my head, pulling it down until it was in its proper place, and by now I was tingling all over from the feelings this act was producing in me.
Gently, Terry put my feet in a pair of stiletto heels, and then helped me stand again. Not used to being in such shoes, I wobbled a bit, but found my balance.
Finally, my spouse took out a pallet of makeup, and before I knew it, I was done. My spouse had asked me to close my eyes for this part, and then led me to our bathroom mirror, and then said, “Open your eyes.”
I looked at the person in the mirror, and gasped at how different I looked.
Then my spouse took my hand, and led me to our car, and we drove off. Any anxiety I had over what was happening was lost when I looked at the person I loved, and knew I was in safe hands, no matter what.
We went to a club I had never heard of, had a great time, and finally, we headed back home.
I went to our bedroom, and I said, “Are you going to undress me as well?”
Terry grinned, and soon all their careful work earlier was strewn around the room, and I was basking in the afterglow of being the object of so much passion, so much desire, and so much love.
We held each other, and my spouse said, “Did you enjoy it?”
“It was wonderful. I .. I never knew I could feel this way. Thank you.”
“Thank you. It was my fantasy, after all.”
I kissed my love, and soon Terry was asleep. I breathed a prayer of thanks for this wonderful person, for how safe Terry had made me feel, that I would be willing to move so far out of my comfort zone without any fear.
Once I finished my prayer of thanks, I closed my eyes, and drifted off, dreaming wonderful dreams.
Author’s Prayer: May all my friends and family here experience a moment like this, at least once. And if possible, I would like to have this too ...
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"Let me dress you..."
Sweet and loving. Just the way I like it...
Can't have aliens or superpowers or shape shifters all the time. :P
Angel Lisa
thanks Lisa
for a while there, I thought nobody was going to say anything about this one. I'm glad you liked it, and thanks so much for commenting
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
When your
stories are happy ones, they are an absolute joy. No exception here. ^_^
*HuggleSnugglePurrKiss* <3
- - -
Merry Christmas from BCTS's resident Extravagant Honorable Trans-Cat-MegaTomboy! ^_^

thanks so much, Extravagance
I was hoping you'd like this one. Thanks for commenting.
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
Kind of out the ordinary, what.
The couple had a trust going that nobody would believe. Usually in these stories, the woman dresses her man and takes him to a club to get a pre-arranged "date" for the night. The poor guy is then drawn deeper and deeper in to a feminine world.
But we have none of that here. The wife's fantasy was for a girls night out with her spouse as the other girl. It seemed to work out perfectly.
Thank you for sharing.
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
girls night out?
giggle. how do you know it was a wife dressing her husband, and not the other way around? I made sure there would be no mention of either parties gender, so it could be any combination possible.
I'm glad you liked it, thanks for commenting.
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
Personally, I read it as a
Personally, I read it as a femme lesbian dressing up a butch one... but they could also be both men. ;-)
exactly, Lexa
you can make it anything you want, that's the idea.
Thanks for commenting
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
A fantasy with trust and meaning no harm. Should we all be so lucky.
I liked it. Thank you.
Its my hope and prayer that we all are so lucky someday
I'm glad you liked it, Melodie. Thanks for commenting.
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
"Let me dress you."
Sweet/sentimental, Thank you for posting your story.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Being Dressed
Neat story in of itself; any possibility of taking the story further?
Several times in the story it says "they" did this and they slid it over my head. Does the wife having someone helping her or is it her husband who is working with her?
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
I was trying hard to avoid any mention of either parties gender, so I ended up saying "they". As for taking the story further, only my muse can say ...
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
OH, WOW!!!!!
Thank you so much! I was transfixed for moments longer than I thought existed..... XX
can i take that to mean you liked it Ginger?
giggle. Thanks for commenting.
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
There you go again making
There you go again making such nice lovely stories.
I really enjoyed this one and I get it !
My you have this wonderful experience soon !
Hugs and Tender Kisses
"Life is pain, Princess ~ anyone telling you different is trying to sell you something."
"Life is pain, Princess ~ anyone telling you different is trying to sell you something."
thanks, Daniellle
I'm glad you liked it. I wish this would happen to me, but I'm not holding my breath.
Thanks for commenting.
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
Gender Neutral Pronouns
Dear Dorothy
This was a wonderful story. I am sure that many of your readers wish their spouse would grace them with such a pleasure. Yes, trust is a big factor, but hopefully you trust your spouse not to harm you. The story went the way these type of stories should, and not ending up with the spouse asking the favor, harming their mate.
Your use of they for he or she threw me and it felt akward. But there really are few words available to use in there place. Perhaps away around it, at least in your story, is to give both protagonists, gender neutral names. Robin and Jan, Addison and Bailey, Carson and Casey, Harley and Hayden, for example. Using them creatively, would remove the need to use they and might add to your attempt to confuse as to the gender of the parties.
This is not meant to be a criticism, just a trhought as to how to do it differently.
good idea, Rami
That's a good idea. I'll noodle it.
Thanks for commenting.
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
Hi Dot!
I feel like I'm nagging because I've often talked about my used of made-up or nonstandard genderless singular personal pronouns. OTOH, I sometimes think people reading my comments, etc. just plow through my words and don't notice my pronouns or soon forget. Maybe this is good, like people get my meaning without thinking about it and continue reading the sentence. Maybe using these words irritates readers and they vow they will never mention their use. I don't know, do I?
AnyWay..... I use 'e' where a gendered pronoun would be he or she. I use 'er' where it could be he or her and I use 'ers' for his or hers. There are many others words/systems (?) used for singular genderless pronouns. I've seen 'ey' (from they) for he or she, 'eir' for he or her and 'eirs' for his or hers. I think (or I hope) readers can easily figure out what a writer means using these pronouns.
I, too, get mixed up by the use of 'they' as a singular pronoun; I usually think: they who? there's more than one? Often when this happens, I will write about my use of the nongendered personal pronouns. After writing about this topic, it seems to me that nothing changes, no one uses any system of genderless singular, etc., so.... the idea is ignored or soon forgotten. I guess most of us are "creatures of habit" and don't think extraneous thoughts when they write; they just do what they've always done.
I'm a creature of habit, too. I learned that they, their and theirs were plural forms, that if I used these incorrectly on anything I wrote (in school, anyway) I would be penalized. Because of that, I have just one definition of the plural pronouns in my mind. When I read them in another context, I get a mixed singular/plural message which confuses me (sometimes for a few seconds) and/or makes me go back and read the sentence again.
So, I'm just sayin'.....
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
thanks hon.
Rami mentioned using gender-neutral names as an alternative, I think that's the easiest way around the issue, so I'll try to think of some, and where they would go.
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
I like it very much. In fact, if you don't mind, may I use it as the basis for an FTM crossdressing story involving my GF Sparky and me.
Staying briefs and strapped,
that would be cool Trap
I look forward to reading it.
Just read this again....
.... and WOW! I loved it as much..... and a little more - because of the way he readers' comments picked up on the gender neutrality..... intended..... but for me..... undeniable - it was me, and her.... and you and her and any other (male) and a "her".......... Spouse is such a lovely word! :) xx
That was truly a gift
I loved your prayer and it's meaning. Wish the world was more accepting of differences. Nice job Dorothy.
A loving fan,
maybe someday, the world will be more accepting
thanks for commenting!