When Worlds Collide: A Vision Spring story
(Authors note: Its probably a good idea to read the first two stories before reading this one)
Last time … (From This is how a Heart breaks)
“He told me his story Itzel, and it doesn’t change anything. I . . I love him anyway.” Sara said
“Love?” the creature said, “You can do more than summon shadows Sara. Look into his heart, and see the darkness there!”
Unable to resist, Sara looked at Gregory, and suddenly her expression changed to one of hate. “Come Itzel! Come with me” she said, and opened a door in the darkness and stepped through.
The creature started to follow, and turned and faced Gregory and Aleese, and said “Taiyo no masuta no aki ni yoru no kuna no mokugki-sha no ima aijin!” and went through the doorway, which closed and vanished.
Gregory moved to the space where the door had been and cursed. When he turned to face Aleese, there were tears in his eyes as he said “Gone. And now Sara thinks the worst of me.”
Aleese took his hand and said, “We will get her back. But my Japanese is rusty, what did Itzel say?”
“Now may the mistress of the night bear witness to the fall of the master of the sun” Gregory quoted.
“You mean she is headed for Egypt.” Aleese said.
“Yes. Now you must go back to Seattle and get that girl if you can. I will go to Egypt and meet the others there. Its clear this is going to take all of us.”
Now . . .
Gregory stepped off the plane in Cairo, and tried to blend in with the other tourists. He joined a group heading for Giza, and glanced at the Sphinx, and was caught by a fellow tourist, who remarked that he looked like he expected it to get up and walk away . . .
That night, he slipped out of his hotel, and headed for a slightly less attractive area of town. The old place was still there. During the Cold War, it was THE hangout for all the “assets”, from all sides. KGB, CIA, and all the other groups were welcome, as long as they left politics outside the door.
A middle-age man held court in one corner, and beside him was a very old man in a wheelchair with an oxygen tank. One of the companions of the man noticed Gregory, and nudged the younger man, who got up, and came up to Gregory.
“Gregory!” he said, with a thick Russian accent, and the two men kissed cheeks.
“You look well, Anton” said Gregory.
“YA delayu, a kak i sledovalo ozhidat'” (I am doing as well as could be expected) said Anton
Kak starik? (How is the old man?) Asked Gregory.
“po-prezhnemu s nami. Bukval'no na dnyah on rasskazyval nam ob etom britanskiĭ shpion vy vstretilis' dva, kak yego zvali. . . Ian? “ (still with us. just the other day he was telling us about this British spy you two met, what was his name . . . Ian?)
Gregory chuckled. “Da” (Yes)
“chto s nim sluchilos'?” (what happened to him?) Anton asked.
“on stal pisatelem” (he became a writer) Gregory answered.
Anton shook his head, and said in English, “Well, I am assuming you are here for more than small talk. What can I do for you?”
Gregory said, “I need a place to hang my hat while in Egypt, close to the temples. Ground floor only.”
Anton nodded, and said, “Give me a day, and I will have something for you. I should tell you to be careful while you are here, some of the people who visit this place have long memories”
“You can tell anyone who cares that when it comes to memory, I have a longer one, and a longer reach should I need to use it” Gregory said
Anton paled, and said “And what message should I pass along?”
“Tell them that the past is the past. I have no desire to go there again, unless I have to.” Gregory said.
Anton nodded, and relaxed, and Gregory left the bar.
The next morning he got a message with an address near Luxor. He went to the address, and found it to be a small hut, and it was fairly bare, with one notable exception. There was on the wall a tapestry, of a knight from the Crusades, looking wild and fierce. Gregory allowed himself a little chuckle at Anton’s peacemaking gesture.
That night a sandstorm moved in, and suddenly Gregory’s house was buffeted by winds, and then a whirlwind came to his door, stopped spinning, and became a man.
Gregory nodded to the athletic Oriental man, and showed him inside.
“Any news?” Gregory asked
“Méiyou xÄ«nwén, méiyou rá¨nhé jÄ«xiá ng nuzi” (no news, no sign of either woman) the man said.
Gregory shook his head. “This is very bad. What about our perspective member? Any sign of tampering”
“Méiyou” (no) said the man.
“I don’t like this. Last time the creature reacted more on instinct, and now it seems like it has learned to plan, and to delay gratification. Well, keep me informed. I am going to open a portal to the castle, and wait for news there.” Gregory said.
The man nodded, bowed, and left. Soon a whirlwind span away from the house, and headed back into to the desert. Gregory watched him go, and then went to the back wall of the house, which was made of stone, and opened a door and stepped through. . ..
Once at the castle, Gregory went to a room where he stayed when he was here. He paused at a curtained area, and went inside. Within the area was an alcove, with a statue of a woman in it. It was a beautiful work, with exquisite detail of a woman wearing a beautiful gown from the early middle ages, kneeling with one hand skywards. Only one thing marred the work, and that was her expression, which was one of pain, fear, and betrayal.
Gregory went up to the statue, and caressed a cheek, and said softly “Soon, my love. Very, very soon.”
Days pass . . .
Michelle joined Aleese in her red sports car, and they left Myrtle Edwards Park, and zipped almost right past the space needle. Aleese soon was heading north, and stopped at Lake View Cemetery, and walked into Volunteer Park. There was a large tree in the park, and Aleese headed for it, and began to sing.
The tree shuddered, and suddenly there was a door right in the middle of the tree. Aleese ushered Michelle to this door, opened it and they stepped inside. Michelle thought she had seen just about everything in the last couple of days, especially since she had witnessed Aleese make plants dance, and she had found out that she herself could control water, even the water inside people.
But nothing had prepared her for the sight she saw on the other side of the doorway. In the distance was the castle she had seen in her dreams, and instead of a path going to it, there was what looked like a cable car system.
Only the “cable car” looked more like a person-sized flower basket - made out of real flowers.
Once in the basket, it began to move slowly up toward the castle. While they traveled, Aleese told Michelle about the colourful cloud that hung over the castle. She told her that it was the source of their extraordinary abilities, but it also was the source of the threat to mankind that Vision Spring vowed to stop.
She also told Michelle about Sara Song, who was supposed to be another recruit, one who could control Darkness. Only she was now influenced by a former friend named Itzel Owana, who had become controlled by a creature from the cloud, who claimed to be Izanami No Mikoto, an ancient goddess of Japan.
“Do you really think that she is a goddess?” Michelle asked Aleese.
“Stranger things have happened.” Aleese said, “during the last major incursion a being claiming to be a Slavic god named Svantevit was a major player.”
“Wow” said Michelle
“What’s really worrying is that this happened more than a week ago, and we have had no sign of either of them since. From something Itzel said before they disappeared, we have expected an attack on our last recruit, who will control Light. We have a candidate under surveillance in Egypt, but there hasn’t been any attempt to contact him from either of them.”
“What do you think that means?” asked Michelle
“We are not sure. It could mean that they are waiting to be sure he is the right person, just we have been. He shows some signs of being the one we have been looking for, but its not clear, and we don’t know why. But Gregory and the others will check in soon from Egypt, and maybe they will have some news.” Aleese said.
A few moments later, Michelle gasped, as she saw a large stone floating toward the castle, with a figure on top of it. As he came closer, she recognized the old man from the club Aleese had taken her to.
After his “craft” settled on the surface, he carefully made his way off the rock. She noticed that he had to lean heavily on his cane, as he was moving very slowly toward them. Aleese took his free arm, and brought him to Michelle, and said “Gregory, you remember meeting Michelle?”
His voice was shaky, and his attempt to shake her hand was weak. “Welcome to Vision Spring, miss Achazia. The others will be arriving shortly, and I need to freshen up before they arrive. Aleese can show you where you can change for your first official meeting.” He then moved slowly away from the women, and carefully headed down a hallway.
Aleese showed Michelle to a room with a wave carved into the door, and said “There is a good outfit for you inside to wear to the meeting dear.”
Michelle went in, and soon found a beautiful gown, sea green in color, with white lace at the hem, styled to look like foam. She put it on, and went to the meeting room, with the round table with its impossible chairs. Aleese was already there, dressed from head to toe in green. Her dress looked like leaves woven with vines, and She had a large rose acting like a pendant just above her left breast.
Michelle went to her chair, which seemed to made of dancing water and ice. Aleese sat in a chair that looked like a tree trunk, and a few minutes later, Gregory came into the room. He looked stronger, younger, than when he had arrived, and sat down in the chair made out of stone.
After a few moments, others came in and sat down. First, A young black woman came in and sat in a chair made out of fire, and then lastly, a middle-aged oriental man came in and sat in a chair that looked like a whirlwind.
Gregory tapped a gavel on the table, and said “I call this meeting of Vision Spring to order. First order of business is to officially welcome miss Michelle Achazia to our fold.”
He gestured to Michelle, and she rose, and said nervously, “Thank you. I will try to do my part in what’s coming up.”
Aleese then stood, and said “Welcome, Michelle. May I introduce to you Anaya Jefferson, our mistress of fire,” At which the black woman stood, and nodded to Michelle, “And this is Feng Chan, our master of the Wind,”
and the oriental man rose and bowed slightly.
Anaya said, “I would like to share some of my story with you, Michelle. I was born a slave, on a plantation in Georgia. I became a “inside” slave, working directly for my master’s daughter. When I had been called inside, I was afraid the master would use me, as happened often. As it turned out, it was the daughter I should have been afraid of.”
Michelle said, “You mean, she …”
Anaya said, “Yes. I don’t know how long I would have survived it, but the next year a man bought the plantation and all of the property, including me.
That man was Gregory Kolvolenkov.”
“He arranged for me to ‘escape’, and thanks to a friend of his who was part of the Underground Railroad, I came north. He found me again in Detroit, and this time, he showed me what I was capable of doing.”
Then Feng said “I was born in China, and had the misfortune to be an official in the last Ming Emperor Chongzhen, who was overthrown by the Manchus. Somehow, Gregory found me before I could be killed, and took me to a safe place, and showed me how to control the Wind.”
Gregory said, “Let me see if I can get you up to speed quickly, because we are very short of time. A creature has crossed over from the chaos above our heads, claiming to be an ancient Japanese goddess. It has possessed a human female, and now has taken our potential representative of the Darkness with her. Mr. Chan, what is the status of our potential recruit in Egypt?”
The oriental man rose, and said “We have our candidate under constant watch, and have seen no sign of tampering. But we have also seen no absolute proof that he is in fact the one we are looking for.”
Gregory nodded, and said “Keep him under surveillance, and lets hope we can figure this out soon. Frankly, I have expected a major incursion by now, and we may have only days left before things really get rolling.”
The black woman stood, and said “As for that, I have been in contact with our agents around the globe. There has been an increase of activity at almost all ancient worship sites everywhere, but nothing that we can say represents an actual breach.”
“All right,” Gregory said, “that matches what I have heard as well. For now, we need to focus on Egypt. Not only is our potential recruit there, but its loaded with potential hot spots where we could see a breach. Feng, you have spent the most time with him, you have any clues why we haven’t seen a breakthrough before now?”
Feng stood and said, “No. He has come to the temples at Karnak, and paid special attention to anything relating to Ra, the Egyptian god of the sun. Plus, we know he has looked up Vision Spring online, trying to get someone from the charity to contact him, but left no details as to why. I don’t know what we are missing.”
Michelle murmured under her breath, “Family …”
Gregory turned to her, and said, “What was that, Michelle?”
Michelle blushed, and said, “I … I don’t know why, but the word ‘family’ entered my head”
Feng said, “He still lives with his father and mother, and he has a twin sister. The father seems unremarkable, and like many Muslims, the women rarely are seen, especially the sister”
Gregory said, “Its worth checking out. See what you can learn about the sister.” He then banged the gavel again, and said, “we are adjourned.”
One by one, each left. Gregory said to Michelle, “I was quite concerned when no attack came in Egypt. It occurred to me that Itzel was faking us out, and that there would be an attempt on you.”
Michelle started, and asked, “Do you think she was behind my brother finding me? His reaction was so violent, which isn’t like him normally”
Gregory said, “Its not impossible. As the representative of Darkness, she could touch the darkness in him, and even bring it to the surface.”
Aleese said, “How could she do that? For that matter, how could Itzel make her see the darkness within us?”
The creature controlling Itzel is from the very source of our abilities. She would know what we are capable of better than we do. You may recall that the former mistress of the Dark said she had trouble being around people, because the darkness within them would call to her.”
Aleese nodded, and said, “Ok. So what do you think we should do now? My abilities are not going to be as useful in Egypt, there isn’t a lot of plant life.”
Gregory said, “ I would like you two to go to Port Said, and then head for the Nile. Those will be the biggest sources of water for you to use, Michelle.”
He then took Michelle by the shoulders, and kissed her on both cheeks, and said, “Good luck”
Michelle nodded, and Aleese said, “Come on. I will show you your own transport site.”
They made their way back to the room Michelle had gotten changed in, and Aleese showed her a door at the back of the room. Opening this, inside was a pool.
“This goes all the way to your own residence in this realm. If you take the stairs over there,” she points to another corner, “it leads to a spot on the roof where you can “take off” and “land” when you want to come to this castle when you are coming from earth”
“Do all of us have a residence?” asked Michelle.
“Yes” said Aleese.
“Do you think it’s possible that this woman, Sara, went to her residence, and that’s why we can’t find her?” wondered Michelle.
“Hmm,” thought Aleese, “That’s possible. Its almost impossible for anyone to get into her residence unless she allowed them.” said Aleese.
“So what do you suggest I do when I get to Egypt?” Michelle asked.
“I will meet you at the port,” Aleese decided, “then we will go to Cairo, and look up the family of our candidate. You may be on to something there, and I want to check it out.”
“Ok” said Michelle, and went up the stairs to her “take-off” place, while Aleese went to her own spot, and left for Egypt.
Egypt . . .
On her arrival in Port Said, she found a small park, with a juniper tree. She approached the tree, which began to shake, and then suddenly there was a door in the tree, and Aleese stepped out.
Aleese hugged Michelle, and the two of them went through the city. Aleese asked, “How do you feel? It’s not a perfect environment for either of us.”
Michelle replied, “I am ok. I have gotten enough strength from being by the port to handle whatever comes. So you think we should go to Cairo?”
Aleese nodded, and said “Yes. Fortunately, Gregory was able to get us some credentials from the Egyptian government. It might help us get in to see the sister.”
While they were traveling, Michelle asked Aleese, “You know, you know my story, but I don’t know yours. We have a little time, would you care to share?”
Aleese sighed, and said, “My story isn’t a happy one until I met Gregory. I was a street urchin in Rio. Even as a child I knew I was really a girl, but Brazil is a strongly Catholic country, and such things were and are frowned upon. With no money, and no support, I felt I had no chance to be my true self.”
“Then Gregory came, and somehow picked me out of a crowd of street kids. Soon, I was wearing the clothes I had always dreamed of, and more than that, he taught me how to be a lady as well as a woman. When the time came, he paid for my surgery to make me complete.”
“By then, I was terribly in love with him, and when he turned me down, I rebelled, left his organization, and ended up working in a brothel in Nevada, where I learned how to please both men and women. I also learned about my connection to plant life, and at the time, even animal life as well, and used the power ruthlessly, as if I could hurt him for his rejecting me in that way.”
“ But then there was an incursion in my hometown, and I ended up going home to defend it, and he was there, and helped me save my city at great cost to himself, and I decided I couldn’t be angry with him anymore, and rejoined, and haven’t regretted it since.”
“Thank you for telling me, Aleese.” said Michelle. “I guess I am lucky I met you before I went down those kind of roads.”
“You are welcome, my dear. I am glad I was right that you were our candidate. I had a good feeling about you, and you haven‘t proved me wrong.” smiled Aleese.
“You said you could control animals as well?” Michelle asked.
“Yes, but I have lost that ability. Which is too bad, we could probably use it now.” Aleese said.
It was evening by the time they made it to Cairo, so they found a hotel near the neighbourhood where the young man they were trying to see lived, with his family. The next morning, after the morning call to prayer was over, they went to the house, and knocked on the door.
The young man answered, and said “NÊ»mØŸ Hl 'StÅ£yÊ» MsÄÊ»dtkØŸ” (Yes? Can I help you?)
Aleese was about to pull out the credentials Gregory had gotten for them, when Michelle interrupted, and said, “Actually, I think we can help you. You are scared for your sister, because of her dreams, aren’t you?”
He looked at Michelle in shock, and switched to English, saying, “How did you know that? Who are you?”
Michelle said, “We are from Vision Spring”
He said to her, “That’s … that’s one of the names she keeps repeating in her dreams. Something about it frightens her terribly.”
“I can imagine. We can help though, if you let us.” Michelle said.
He shook his head, and said, “No! Please leave, now.”
Aleese and Michelle left, and Aleese asked, “Why didn’t you let me use the credentials I got from Gregory?”
“I … I don’t know Aleese. I suddenly saw that he was terribly frightened, and thought that he would be more frightened of the government getting involved than a private agency.”
As they moved away from the door, suddenly it became very dark, and both of them looked up, and saw what at first looked like an eclipse. Within a few moments the sun was covered with darkness, and everything on the street stopped.
At first, the darkness was total, but then a glow appeared in the sky. Michelle watched in wonder as the multi-coloured cloud she had seen over the castle began to form in the sky, and soon filled it from horizon to horizon, casting a odd light.
Aleese grabbed Michelle’s arm and said, “Come on, we need to find a TV, I think things have finally gotten interesting.”
“Interesting isn’t the word I would have used,” said Michelle, and they ran back to the hotel.
Back at the hotel, they found a television, and soon found that the darkness was world wide, and it was the mildest symptom of what was going on. All over the globe, reports were coming in of bizarre events. Most seemed centered on places of worship from ancient times.
For example, at the Parthenon, there were reports of a flying horse with a rider carrying what looked like a head with snakes attached . . ..
In Tibet, a statue of Buddha came to life and its conversation with the monks of a temple was caught on film by a couple of tourists . ..
“We have to go back and talk to that family.” Michelle said.
“I agree.” Aleese said.
“What are their names?” asked Michelle.
“The family name Is Nashwa. The boy is called Aden, and his sister’s name is Arjadah.” stated Aleese.
“Ok.” said Michelle, then taking a look outside, she added “Do you think we can see well enough to make it back?”
“That will not be a problem” said a voice from outside.
Michelle looked, and saw what looked like a whirlwind, with flames inside.
She watched it come down and land just outside the door. A moment later, two people were standing in front of her, Feng Chan, the master of Wind, and Anaya Jefferson, the mistress of Fire.
“I can light our way” stated Anaya confidently, and produced a flame that danced above her right hand.
The four of them made their way back to the Nashwa home. Feng said, “Gregory will meet us there. He was keeping an eye on things at Karnak, but so far, the temples there have not been affected by the incursion. Although its only a matter of time”
But when they got there, there was no sign of Gregory, but his cane was by the doorstep. Alesse picked it up, and said, ‘Oh, no. Gregory . ..”
Elsewhere . . .
Sara Song sat in a dark room, bathed in dark light, singing along with a song on her MP3 player.
“She sits in her corner, singing herself to sleep. Wrapped in all the promises, that no one seems to keep” she sang.
While she sang, shadows moved through the room, quietly serving her and her guest.
“She no longer cries to herself, no tears left to wash away. Just diaries of empty pages. Feeling gone astray. But she will sing . . .” she continued
Her guest sat quietly, watching Sara, and said nothing.
“Till everything burns, while everyone screams. Burning their lies, burning my dreams. All of this hate, and all of this pain, I’ll burn it down. As my anger reigns. Till everything burns.”
Sara stopped the player, and her guest moved out of the shadows toward her.
“Yes dear, soon. Everything will burn” the woman said.
“Yes, Itzel. And I a especially glad we could start with the man who abused my former client.” She indicated a figure that twisted in the corner, and added. “He is now enjoying what he subjected his adopted son to, feeling every bit of the agony his son endured”
Itzel smiled, and said “And he is only the first. Next, we will deal with Gregory Kolvolenkov”
Sara smiled back, and put on the MP3 player again, and began to sing,
“Walking through life unnoticed, knowing that no one cares. Too consumed in their masquerade, no one sees her there. And still she sings . ..”
Itzel joined her, and they sang. “Till everything burns, while everything screams. Burning their lies, burning my dreams. All of this hate, and all of this pain. I’ll burn it all down, as my anger reigns. Till everything burns…”
Gregory awoke in darkness. He could not see anything, but he could hear the singing nearby, and recognised the voices. He soon realized he was bound, and couldn’t move.
At that moment, he hoped the little present he gave to Michelle would be helpful, because he knew that he was in trouble, and it was going to fall on the others to come through . . .
Egypt . . .
Michelle, Aleese, Feng, and Anaya went to the Nashwa house, and Michelle knocked on the door. As before, a young man answered, and seeing Michelle, said to her in English. “Please leave us alone. My father has gone to the mosque to pray for us, or he would be here himself to tell you, that this is a private matter.”
Michelle said, “I know you are scared. But I am sure you have heard what is going on, with the darkness and the weirdness that’s happening worldwide. You and your sister are the only hope the human race has.”
Aden looked doubtful, so she added “I also know your dreams. You have been seeing things as though you were your sister.”
Aden and Aleese said at the same time. “How did you know that?”
Michelle said “I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter. The fact is that we are the only ones who can help you both.”
Aden paused, and then said “Come in.”
As she entered the house, Michelle suddenly felt a burning sensation on her back, and cried “Ouch!” and tried to reach to the spot.
“What’s happening?” asked Aleese.
“I feel like something is burning on my back.” said Michelle.
“Let me see.” Aleese said, and looked at Michelle’s back. She saw something glowing, and picked it off her back, and showed it to Michelle.
“It’s a crystal” she said.
“Gregory must have put it there when he kissed me before we left the castle.” said Michelle, taking the crystal.
As soon as Michelle took the crystal, it began to glow stronger, and soon it lit up the whole entry room of the house.
“Take me to your sister, please.” Michelle asked Aden.
Elsewhere . . .
Although he couldn’t see anything, Gregory could hear that the torture of the other man in the house had stopped. A few minutes later, he could hear the click-click of two pairs of high heeled shoes, and knew that his captures were coming.
“Well, Gregory, are you ready to pay for your crimes?” asked Sara.
“Sara, you don’t want to do this. Itzel is poisoning your mind. I have done nothing to you, in fact I risked a great deal to find you, and to tell you my story.” Gregory said.
“But you didn’t tell me the whole story, did you? For example you lied to me about your wife.” Sara said.
“Tell her the truth, sad male, and maybe your death will be swift.” mocked Itzel.
“You cannot lie to me now, Gregory. I can see your dreams.” said Sara, “the creature you blamed was not responsible for the death of your wife. You were.”
Egypt ...
Aden led the way, and they went to the girl’s room, and saw that she was laying on top of her bed fully clothed. She tossed and turned as if trapped in a nightmare.
Michelle held the crystal, and put it on her forehead, and as soon as she did, smoke seemed to pour out of the crystal. Soon, the smoke took the shape of a female, and it said “Who summons Nox, the Queen of the Night?”
Michelle stepped forward, and said, “Vision Spring summons you, your majesty. I believe you owe Gregory Kolvolenkov a favour.”
“And where is Gregory Kolvolenkov?” the creature asked.
“We believe he is a prisoner of our representative of the Night. To free him, and to save the world, we need to wake this girl.”
The creature said, “The two must become one, as they were at the beginning. Then you may take this crystal to any dark spot and I will open a door to the House of Night. More I cannot do.”
Aleese asked, “The two must become one, as they were at the beginning?”
Michelle smiled, and said “Twins”
Elsewhere . . .
“Are you going to tell her, Gregory, or should I?” mocked Itzel.
Sara said, “Remember that moment Gregory, and let that memory be the beginning of your torment.”
Gregory gasped, and suddenly was plunged into a memory. He was headed for his home, his bride, and the first opportunity to let out his feminine side in months. He saw the strange creature in his bedroom, and called on the earth to protect his home and family . . .
“I didn’t know my power” he said, “I killed it, but I also caught my wife in the power. I … I turned the only woman who had ever accepted my feminine side into stone.”
Itzel smiled, and said, “And that wasn’t the end. When the breach started, and you learned there was an intelligence behind it, you thought you could restore her, didn’t you. But then you made the choice to banish it, rather than let it help your wife.”
“I couldn’t ask the whole world pay for my happiness. I had no choice but to let her go.”
Sara said, “But you didn’t let her go. You still have her, in your place back at the castle. Well, now you can experience what her existence has been like!”
Gregory began to scream . . .
Egypt ...
Aleese smiled back and said to Aden, “Take your sister’s hand, and call her. Join with her, and she will wake.”
Aden hesitated, so Anaya said to him “Please. For the sake of your sister, and for the sake of the whole world, trust us.”
He moved forward, took his sister’s hand, and said “What do I do?”
Michelle said, “Close your eyes, and remember your dream. The dream where you are your sister. Then call her name.”
Aden took his sister’s hand and closed his eyes. Everyone in the room held their breath, and after a minute, he said “Arjadah!” It’s me, Aden!”
Michelle gasped as she watched what happened next. The two began to merge, and soon there was only one person was standing in front of them.
“We are one, now. Aden and Arjadah are now one. We are Light.” the figure said, and moved to a window, and turned into a beam of light, and they were gone.
Michelle took the crystal that was now on the empty floor, and said, “Come on. They will do their part, but we have to try and save Gregory.”
Feng said “This way. There is a prayer room over there, and it will be dark enough for the crystal to work.”
They followed him, and when they found the room, Anaya opened the door, and Michelle threw the crystal inside. A moment later, there was a door in the darkness, and it opened for them…
Elsewhere …
Arriving in darkness, Michelle used the crystal to make a light, so they could see. Ahead of them was a dark mansion, and it had a forbidding look.
“Let me do the knocking.” said Anaya, and suddenly there was a fire that blasted through the door.
As soon as they went through the door, they could hear the screaming . ..
They followed the noise, and soon found Sara and Itzel standing over the huddled figure of Gregory Kolvolenkov.
Itzel and Sara turned towards them, and Itzel said, “Well, the gang is all here. You are just in time to witness the end of Gregory Kolvolenkov, and the world will soon follow.”
Aleese stepped forward, and said, “It’s over, Itzel. Aden and Arjadah are now united, and they are the Light. Soon, Sara’s darkness will be gone, and the incursion will be ended.”
“I am not defeated as long as Sara stands with me, fool. Sara, show them who they really are.”
Then each member of the group was plunged into a individual nightmare.
For Michelle, she was back to the day she had attempted suicide because of being a girl trapped inside the body of a boy …
Aleese was back on the streets of Rio, starving and desperate …
Anaya was once again a slave on a plantation in Georgia …
Feng was forced to witness once again the Manchus defeat The last Ming Emperor Chongzhen…
Egypt …
The combined person that had once been Aden and Arjadah Nashwa was lighting the skies, and bit by bit, the darkness was forced to retreat. Soon, it was day, but the strange coloured cloud remained in the sky. …
Elsewhere …
Michelle stumbled forward and fell into Gregory, and passed him the crystal. Gregory took the crystal, forced himself to stand, and called out “Aden and Arjadah! The door is open, come to the house of the Night!”
Almost instantly a bright flash came to the mansion, and the combined figure of the Nashwa twins was in the room pushing back the darkness.
Gregory said to Itzel “Its over. Go back to the dreams of men and women, and be content. Izanami no Mikoto, exalted female, go back to sleep.”
Itzel said, “I can cure your wife, Gregory. She could live again”
“Humans could not survive you. She would live only to die in confusion and agony again. I could not do that to her.” he said.
“I may go, but I will take your new love with me!” shouted Itzel
“No! Take me instead. I have lived past my time. She deserves to have a life.”
While he spoke, Sara blinked and shook as though she was waking up from a deep sleep, and looked at Gregory, and said, “Gregory? Please, don’t. I deserve to be punished for what I have done.”
He smiled at her and said, “No. I am sorry I didn’t tell you everything before.”
The others came forward, and Aleese said “We will all fight to keep you, Gregory. We all owe you for giving us these lives, and we need your leadership.”
He said, “No. That’s the mistake we made last time, and it meant that we would have to fight this battle again.”
Gregory said, “Izanami no Mikoto, take us to the castle”
And without any fanfare, they were on the roof of the castle again. Gregory said, “Give me a moment.”, and left them. Shortly afterward, he returned, with a new cane, and floating behind him was the stone remains of his wife.
“I am ready Izanami. Let there be an end.” He said, and suddenly, he, his wife, and Itzel were gone, and the cloud retreated.
Everywhere in the world, people rejoiced. The darkness was gone, the strange cloud was gone, and although most people had no idea what had happened, a good feeling was almost universal.
The Castle of Vision Spring …
Sara sat on the roof, crying. Aleese and Michelle stood behind her, and tried to comfort her. They hugged her, and led her back to the table. When they arrived, they noticed that a glass of wine had been placed at each chair. They took their seats, and Feng said, “Let us pause and toast our fallen comrade. Knight, companion, leader, mentor, friend, and more. We will always miss him, but he will always be with us. To Gregory Kolvolenkov."
They all drained their glasses, and sat for a moment of reflection. Then Feng said, "I feel that we will still be needed. We must find a new Stone Master, and prepare for the future.”
Somewhere in the Ural Mountains …
A small girl sat by herself. She had snuck away from her family, and she found a quiet spot. She concentrated, and a pebble began to dance …
The End. (for now)
“Everything Burns” written and sung by Ben Moody, produced by Jay Baumgardner and Ben Moody)
here is a link to the video:
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I struggled at first, even though I had read
the previous episodes. But it became more and more fascinating as I read. I'm really enjoying getting to 'know' Michelle and the beings who populate her universe. Thanks for a very compelling read!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
When Worlds Collide, a Vision Spring Story
Lots of action and drama. Hope that you continue the story.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Sorry to see Gregory go,
[email protected] But I have a feeling he already knew that a replacement was in training to replace him on the stone throne.
LOTS of action in this chapter! And I liked finding out more of the background of each of them. Good to know that the world is safe for now....
Overall, a very enjoyable read.
Thanks and Hugs,
[email protected]
It was a very interesting story, but why did you have to kill off Gregory. I liked him.
Write more please.