Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

Not Pleased With Commenting Off Site.

I am writing this out of frustration and I hope that my ire is not offensive to anyone. With no one to spank me, there is no telling.

So I bought "Accidental Romance" and just finished it. The writing is excellent and it was a great story.
For me, SRS does not enable coitus. My problem, not yours. There does not seem to be a way to comment on it. :(

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Floria - Most Likely My Swan Song

I have just posted "Floria". This will probably my last story posted here and elsewhere. I had posted four other stories that were taken from well known operas. They were "The Queen of the Night", "Anita", "Discovery", and "Mike and Ashley." They had happy endings but I had to do some significant finagling in two of them to make them end up that way' It wasn't going to happen with "Floria".

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Plagiarism on Patreon

I am reposting this from Fictionmania: A message by Sir Lee with my comment to it:
"Subject: Re: Plagiarism on Patreon
A new user recently began posting stories on BigCloset -- or actually, the first chapters of stories with a link to Patreon at the end. A reader noticed that one story was actually an old one by TG author Samantha Michelle and asked about it. The poster then claimed (in a somewhat broken English) to be Samantha and changed their BigCloset display name to "Samantha Michelle." Yet their other two stories on BC did not seem to be by Samantha Michelle.

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Hello me meet the real me.

Hello out there,

Wow, have I been making some changes.

I've pretty much re-branded myself as Katherine Phillips' Brain on all of my social media. It's fun because I started adding little daily memory slips. A memory of mine is presented and then I snap out of it mid memory. Then I apologize.

I've been interacting a lot on just about every social platform I can. I'm trying to amp up my presence.

I also bought a domain for my author page!

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A little Help Please

I am having a senior moment trying to remember a story. I have been reading dragons stories recently. I read a story in the past, that was similar but different. A young boy was at a ceremony where young girls would join with( I believe its a joining of some sort). The boy sees some major figure show up and he tries to get a closer look and falls in the pit or pushed, with those egg sorts. He lands next to a black one which encompasses him. He is strong and fights and she actually joins with it. I feel like they were some type of winged beings.

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Just seeking advice

I'm reaching the point on my story 'Carla & Julian' where I want to link it to a video posted on YouTube that inspired the story. It is fiction and provides the background to the 2 central characters, one who is transgender and provides an insight to the lives of their families. The film is a wedding day.
Can the story link to the YouTube video without breaching copyright or risk of my story being removed? The main character names are different and I could just add that the story was inspired by xxxx.

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Sam and Del -8- "Why did it have to be possums?" is on Patreon for Everyone

Is Sam beginning to adjust to being Samantha? Or is it just the possums? And who is Sugarpie?


Follow Sam's adventures on the BigCloset Patreon as he finds out just what kind of girl has long hair as beautiful as his?

There are also two cover previews up on Patreon right now, viewable by anyone who wants to see them.

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Oldies but Goodies

I have for decades been writing a column titled The Joy of High Tech, which has appeared in print and digital fanzines. I have recently begun rewriting some of the older ones and posting them to DreamWidth, at:

Folks who enjoy technology, science and the history of both might find these interesting.

The next Masks story is coming along slowly, recently reaching 23k words out of an estimated 40k - 50k.


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Maryanne -- Your Power

Many years ago a person on FM posted something that was quite painful for me.

He said that there has never been a transwomen who he could not spot.

Imagine how devastating that concept felt for someone desperate to pass.

As therapy -- I made that person into a major character in my next story and in the story made him realize how wrong he was.

Just a thought.


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Unaccounted Gains


I've started a repost of Unaccounted Gains: Accountancy Can Be Deadly. I said previously that I would repost Book 1 when the new Book 3 was ready, but that is taking longer than expected .... so I'll post Book 1 weekly in order to remind me to work on Book 3!

Of course, the whole book is available on Kindle as well!


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Still here ... sort of

I just wanted to let people know that I haven't abandoned the site, nor the next chapter of The Other Side of Me. I went on vacation a couple of weeks ago and returned home with a bit of depression and a huge pile of Impostor Syndrome. I promise that the next chapter will be out soon, it's already half written. I just needed the extra time to find my voice and get the words flowing again.

Sorry for making anyone waiting on it.

Limbo's (Samantha)

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Attention all Anmar fans

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Good day all you who are fond of Penny's Anmarian Universe.

You are probably aware that I maintain all the Appendix information as well as write a few tales there too.
Well, in the lockdown, I turned my attention to those Appendices, thinking that it would be a great opportunity to maybe tidy some things up, streamline others and so on.

BOY - was that ever an enormous task. Far, far larger than I anticipated.

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So, things have kind of sucked for me and Martin. Things sucked financially before Covid, but the quarantine killed our one small source of income. Martin got offered a good paying government job and was supposed to be getting training for it, but it seems like s/he keeps getting the runaround about when that training will start after making inquiries at every level ad nauseum for almost a month. So things were looking up oh so briefly, but now seem even more frustrating and our financial situation worse than before when we were living on $70 a week.


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new Meagan's Tail up!!!!!!

new Meagan's Tail is up and read away!!!!!!!!!!

please leave a comment we are world building here and need any input

no idea is too crazy or zany during world building time

just remember that in my drow/elf story you all loved the pixies, so I added them in even more because in plans they would be far background characters at best...heck I even added the one as twins!

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The Fall of Kruhl - Mind's Eye

The Fall of Kruhl - Mind's Eye

By Daniela A. Wolfe

With her brother all but unresponsive and the sorceress’s attacks becoming harder and harder to fend off, things take a turn for the worse for the agent, but hope has not been extinguished just yet.

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I'm currently broke. I've begged to have people pay my bills for the last three months and I'm going into at least 2 more months where I'm going to have to beg again. As it stands now, I've got $40 to my name and next month $200 in bills to be paid. If I can't pay them, you won't be seeing or hearing from me AGAIN because I won't have electricity.


Here is a link to my current book:

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"The Novitiate" by Angela Rasch

There are two versions of this story, the best of which by Angela Rasch. It is sweet and touching. I've read it twice and have not stopped living it over yet.

The other version is in Movie form and I am not entirely sure that I will watch it. I have to examine it first.


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It's all pants

For those not English, "Pants" is not only a reference to underwear — usually men's — but can also can mean: awful or nasty, not pleasant at all.

Today was pants because of pants.

Now, those who know me — although it's been so long since I last posted anything, I may now be no more than a dim and distant memory — I'm not trans. I got into writing TG fiction many years ago because of someone I met at work, but now here's the strange thing about life. I now live in France, where my name sounds like Nicola and because Pen and I are now married, I am her Marie — go figure.

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Butterscotch -15- Pizza on BC, and -21- Waffles on Patreon

It's sort of a Butterscotch feast. In Butterscotch 15, here on BigCloset, Kissy finds out if she's really on a pizza date with Rory.

While in the sneak preview for patrons of chapter 21 on Patreon, Mom and Davey—or is it Kissy?—go out for a waffle breakfast.

kissy dress 3_0.jpg

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The Shady Post: Plot Arcs


The Shady Post
Shadowed's Personal Blog
From the Depths of Her Mind

My thoughts on the world and what is coming about for the future! Expect at least one post from the Shady Place of my mind at least once a week or once every two weeks when I'm busy.


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Sam and Del -7- I Don't Have to Wear Dresses... - On Patreon for Everyone

In Sam and Del 7, poor Sam finds out if he's going to have to wear dresses while play-acting as Samanth in his parents wild scheme to persuade him that he needs to cut his hair. On Patreon for Everyone.

Sam And Del

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New Kindle Book

I mentioned a few weeks back that I pulled my first Center story, Darkest Before The Dawn, off site and decided to publish it on Kindle because I'm broke. I've finally gotten around to doing so. I've opted to drop The Syndicate from the title and decided to call the universe Tainted Waters. I felt it was more appropriate.

US store link:

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The Interview Nears Completion

Okay, just a quick update. I've reached the 81k word mark and there are still two chapters left to write. I think the first SoTF book will top out at 92k words, which makes it roughly as long as Twilight. Not the greatest comparison but if you were looking for a good doorstop this book will probably suffice.

A few changes have been made. Yes, there will be more parts with Donna as she is responsible for giving Astra her humanity. Parts with Kerra have also been expanded, and we're going to see more exploration of Ereen itself.

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NO MSPD this weekend

Hey everyone,

Sorry about this, but there won't be a chapter of My Super-Powered Diary this weekend. I've been trying to work on it, and tried to get it ready for yesterday, but between feeling under the weather earlier this week, being really busy, not sleeping again, and my brain being in a fog all week due to another issue, I just haven't been able to get anything written, well not anything fit for posting anyway. Hopefully I'll be able to summon the spoons to at least get Apocalypse Dawn posted on Tuesday, but we'll see how that goes.

*big hugs*



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Please help me to decide....

I really need help in reigning in what to actually try to work on...another author informed me that I have too many irons in the fire.

I know, in the end it should be my decision...but I think I need a push off the diving board to actually finish at least ONE project before jumping to another.

I’ve prepared a list of titles...and if I could get a comment or two, three, or four...on which one to buckle down on and complete:

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Tell me this is not one of my Drow twins!

Note the video is not cute or cuddly in any way!

from the new amazon "the boys" season 2 preview

tell me that this is not one of the twins Rohanna or Rehanna my Drow dark elves at work! even the bunny at the end fits!

be warned this is violent with a T and is the boys tv show after all!


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Transglimpses by Wanda - Bonus Download for $10 Patrons

A bonus for all $10+ (Bronze+) Patrons, a downloadable Epub of Wanda Cunningham's Transglimpses.

Click image to go to Patreon to Download:

Click for Patreon Download

This is an anthology of 14 of Wanda's short stories, including classics like: "Special Ed," "Fortune Cookie," and "Cahoots."

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Research for story - facial feminization surgery

I'm writing a rather lengthy story (working on it interspersed with Whateley) and I have some questions relating to facial feminization surgery. I've looked up what I can on-line, but I'd like to gather more data.

I've identified the following procedures:
brow reduction, eyebrow lift, hairline alteration, rhinoplasty, cheek implants, lip lift, lip injections/implants (minor amount), chin reshaping, jawline reshaping, tracheal shave. others?

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