Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

I need a fill-in story reviewer / possible collaborator

I have a long story in work that Dawn Jehs was reviewing / collaborating with me on. As a previous post noted, I haven't heard from her for many months, and the lack of someone from whom I can get feedback has really affected my writing. While I don't want to replace Dawn's role, I do need to get someone to assist with this. The role is reviewing chapters or sections as they get written, reviewing / assisting with the story outline, offering suggestions, and generally helping keep me on track.

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Cannibals (And I'm NOT Talking Politics)

Nora Ephron said “Writers are cannibals. They really are. They are predators, and if you are friends with them, and if you say anything funny at dinner, or if anything good happens to you, you are in big trouble.”

In a sense, we do devour everything we see and regurgitate it, as needed.

I’m more curious about a different kind of cannibalizing. In marketing, be use that term when introducing a new product or service.

Will the new product help us gain market share. . .or will it simply cut into our current sales?

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Collected: A Time Travel Story Of The Twenty-Fifth Century

Collected copy.jpg

Hey, Gang!

Collected was published this spring and Just In Case you missed it, here's another pedantic plug for Leslie Moore Industries where they're stamping out new novels every day (just as soon as we get this chimps typing again!).

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I have something important to share.

To every one of you who have questioned yourselves, who haven't been able to make that big step...I know where you are...I've been there and I KNOW how difficult it is!

These words, from a TV show of all things, helped me...encouraged me...spoke to my struggle and the courage they spoke about. It became my private, personal theme.

I share them with you now. They may be familiar to anyone who is a Science Fiction fan.

Rod Stewart's words.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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The Loft

Happy Sunday!

I have started another novel ("The Loft") and will post chapters as I get them written. I only have a couple of chapters written, so this one is a work in progress and my writing time is very limited right now--but I felt like I needed to get something in the works to get over my "Broken!" hump. LOL

So, these may not be exactly weekly, but I will keep them as close to that as possible.

I hope you like the story!


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Dialog challenge

Okay so last night this bit of dialog came into my head:

Young man, looking in a mirror while wearing girl's clothes for the first time: "Is it weird that I'm super attracted to myself?"

Female friend:"You're not the only one. If I'd known how hot you'd look, I would have tried to talk you into skirts a long time ago"

And since I dont have a story to go with this dialog, I'm offering it up as a challenge to anyone who wants to make a story around it,

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You are a Meany and my health

Thye next chapter of You Are a Meany is just about ready to be posted. It has taken a while because I had health issues. I am almost fully recovered from the issues so I should be able to write at a more normal pace. I want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding.

Love N Hugs

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Butterscotch 24 on BC, 30 on Patreon + No Strings Attached

On BC, Kissy finds out the results of lots of tests, and the doctor has a question.

On Patreon, Kissy and Rory escape while Mom and Marjorie make nice.

Also on Patreon, Melanie E contributes a short story with "No Strings Attached".


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New Book up on Amazon - Out of Death's Dark Shadow

Yes folks, another new book published...
Many of you have PM'd me to attempt to ascertain my 'other names' under which I publish.

Well, the truth is that the 'other names' don't sell nearly as well as Tanya Allan, so I am now going to bring all my work under this one - TG or not.

This one is the first of many that I was going to publish under another name - it is a romantic thriller and is as straight as they come.

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Scribbles update

A quick update on scribbling.

Firstly BCTS: Tammy's Interlude stories concluded last weekend. The next story 'Deja Flew', in conjunction with Snowfall, will start in a few weeks and will likely run (just) into the New Year. Then there will be a break.

The re-post of Unaccounted Gains Book 1 ('Accountancy Can Be Deadly') concludes shortly. Book 2 ('Spying by Numbers') will be re-posted after UG3 is published on Kindle.

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Apocalypse Dawn resources

For those of you following Apocalypse Dawn, I have added a considerable amount from my story notes and background info to the appendix over the last few days to make things a bit easier to keep track of. I've added a character list of sorts, as well as some information on monsters and other creatures that have been mentioned at some point in the story and maybe even things that haven't been yet. Just let me know if there is anything that I missed or should add, though I'll be keeping any spoilers to myself ;)


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17! DopplerPress tops the list!

It may not be true for long but as of just now, DopplerPress has 17 of the top 100 books on the Kindle LGBT YA bestseller list. :)

This is NOT the most we've scored there, a month or so a go we had 18 but it didn't last long enough for me to get a blog up about it. :)

Go DP!

And thanks to the authors who have put us on that list!

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Friendly Persuasion

One of my favorite movies is the 1950s classic Friendly Persuasion – starring Gary Cooper. The entire movie is based on people trying to motivate the Quakers to take part in war. The movie dissects the ethical considerations for various members of one large family. (It also has a great theme song - Thee My Love by Pat Boone.)

We have recently discussed forced fem stories.

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Re-posting SNAFU

I'm reposting SNAFU which used to be on Sapphire's site but which has now become unavailable. I was asked to do so by several readers including our own Web Mistress. I have tidied up a number of typos and other mistakes, though Grammarly doesn't appear to recognise proper English (ie UK variety) in terms of spelling so it nearly drove me to distraction.

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Oh Dear -- Forced Fem

Over the last two decades, I’ve written many dozens of TG stories.

Some are light and fluffy.

Some are dark and dreary.

My stories have gathered over twelve thousand kudos and about two thousand comments -- whatever that means.

All in all, I think I have a broad understanding of those BC readers who are kind enough to comment or post a kudos.

In general, I think that represents about three to five percent of those who read stories here.

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The Shady Post: And I'm Back!


The Shady Post
Shadowed's Personal Blog
From the Depths of Her Mind

My thoughts on the world and what is coming about for the future! Expect at least one post from the Shady Place of my mind at least once a week or once every two weeks when I'm busy.


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I’m back.....Sort of

With COVID-19 rearing it’s ugly head these days I’ve had to find a way to entertain myself and my 3 girls. Recently I have been reading stories on here that have not only been enjoyable and entertaining to read but have been scratching that itch inside me that wants to write again but doesn’t know where or what to start with. My girls have their interests and that’s great to see them spreading their wings.

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The Handshake that Hides the Snake

I am reading a Kindle Book that makes me very uncomfortable because I have personal experience with the subject matter in a very specific way. I've been personally raked over the coals by the company and SEEN the manipulative way their parent company gaslights them. I'm very upset and feeling like I'm going to have a Panic Attack. AND, there is an admonishment to comment on the work and so far I can find no way to do it. I paid for the Book and think that it will be best to walk away from it. I can be a lot more specific but then Erin will be very upset. Dropping the Mike now.

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South-Jersey-Verse by Heather Rose Brown

While writing some of my stories, I've imagined them in the same universe, and had a general idea of where those stories took place, but never really organized everything until now. All of these stories are set in the South-Jersey-Verse. Below is a picture of the area, with imaginary city names based on the names of cities in the "real" world. Below that is a list of the cities, and the stories set in those locations.

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Jack L. Chalker, BC writer?

If you are a fan of transformation fiction, or just good science fiction, you've probably have at least heard of Jack L. Chalker. Well, I found a book by him that could have easily been written here.

It's called "The Identity Matrix", and its the story of Victor Gosner, a 35 year-old expert in political science who finds himself body swapped with a 13 year old native American girl, and then into the body of a blonde bombshell co-ed.

I found the characters charming, the situation engaging, and the book really hard to put down, so it gets a recommendation from me.

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Out with the flu

Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to let everyone know that I've been stuck in bed with the flu the past few days, and while I'm feeling a little better today I'm still not quite up to writing so the next chapter of MSPD probably won't be posted this week. I'm hoping to be on schedule with Apocalypse Dawn though if I continue to feel better over the next day or so.

*big hugs to you all*



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The Fall of Kruhl - Two Sides of the Same Shield

The Fall of Kruhl

Two Sides of the Same Shield

By Daniela A. Wolfe

When Alexandra makes a mad dash for the new opening in the dome, Amelia, Grimes and Fredericks all take off after her, but what awaits them on the other side?

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Sweet story about twins.

I wanted to write a story about twins, girl and boy who were very close, perhaps right up through High School and longer perhaps. As twins sometimes do, they played games with their parents, switching clothes and so on.

I read this story more than 10 years ago, I think. Since the Author was so much better than I, It seems that it would be better to read their story rather than my own.

Has anyone an idea where I might find this story?

Thank you


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Crazy 2020

HELLO ALL!! Sorry but I have about 8 new stories/Chapters that I'll be posting soon. I wrote some on my phone and some on a tablet and some was written on a notebook. What a crazy 2020, from a fire at my house (no major damage, but lost a tablet) to Covid-19 to a broken foot. I also won $1000 in a lotto winning and working about 50 hours a week...if not more. I finally remembered my password here, so I'm cleaning up some new stories and give you (if you want to, I'm not forcing you :-) ) something to read.

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Lesson Learned

I thought I'd post a chapter on an old story that had 34,000 hits on Chapter 1 in 7yrs. It was only 6 chapters and they all had lots Hits and plenty of Kudos.
It was only a short chapter to decide if it was worth doing a few more. This chapter got more hits and more kudos than I expected and so I take this as a lesson learned.
I realised for me it's best that I should not to expect too much and just to keep stories to solo's or just a few chapters around 2000 words each.

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So Starting to write again.

So after a prolonged illness that resolved in a triple bipass and now recovery I'm back to writing again.

Several blockages and low BP issues had me compounding ills with fluid making it hard to breathe, then getting three flu bouts and adding that to not being able to sleep...everything snowballed rather insanely but this are better.

Well getting better.

Which is good considering all the stuff with covid we're all facing.

A HUGE TY goes out to all my friends here and well wishers too, you all helped.

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