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Doppler Press

A few years ago, I asked Erin if she would be interested in publishing Peaches through Doppler Press. I agreed to donate all proceeds to the maintenance of BC.

I wasn’t sure what to think and frankly sort of washed my hands of it and didn't think much about how many books were being sold. Last summer, Erin told me about the amount of money the sales of my books have generated. I was amazed and gratified.

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Santa's Secret Transfic Stash

I'm one of twenty-five trans authors with a story in a new bundle on My story in the bundle, "Armored", is a secondary world fantasy about a scavenger who finds an unusual set of armor in the buried ruins of a mage's house. It will appear on BigCloset, Scribblehub, and other sites eventually, but for now you can either get it as part of the bundle, or as a stand-alone download from

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Hole in the Sky -2- on Patreon for Everyone

Four men with a secret little hobby get swallowed up by a cosmic phenomenon...


Pete, Doc, Josie and the General fall through the Hole in the Sky into a new world. Where are they? Or is that even the right question?

Hole in the Sky
2. Into the Hole
by Erin Halfelven

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New Walker's Path has arrived!

Hello out there,

I hope you're all doing well! Like I said earlier I have been working on Walker's Path. The new chapter has come out!

This ones all abo-- Well you'll have to read to find out!

You can view the new chapter here.

I really hope you all enjoy it.

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Kravaal Island Background

Kravaal Island and the background tales of what happened there were inspired in part by the Boris Karloff movie The Man With Nine Lives and the music video for the Buggles' "Video Killed the Radio Star," as well as the Dark Star ominous, minor key version of the song.

In an interview a few years ago, Trevor Horn of the Buggles said he still had those glasses. ;-)

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05 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Raising Cayne

Just a notice for those who don't already know. As per this blog, I will be removing Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series, from Bigcloset Topshelf and my website soon. So if you haven't read it and still want to, you may want to do that.

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

Raising Cayne

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Aboard the Valiant, Jek must not only face down Kaya Briggs, but also the headstrong Colonel Cayne. To make matters worse, a new danger lurks on the horizon.

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Walkers Path Progress!

Hello out there,

Made a lot of headway last night. Wrote around 2k words for Walker's Path.

Generally, I write while I'm downstairs and lately I've been spending a lot of time upstairs. That is until we found a rat digging around in our pantry. My dad set out some poison and the rat ate it. It died in a wall somewhere near my room. So needless to say I'm not spending much time in my room anymore.

I'm both happy and sad. Sad because I am not spending as much time with my friends anymore and happy because I'm actually getting some writing done.

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Book 82 - Fed on Fear - now available on Amazon

NEW BOOK WARNING! I have just uploaded FED ON FEAR to Amazon for a Kindle eBook and a paperback.
For those of you who might have read The Rats of Hell - this is a rewrite and expansion of that story - bringing it into Natasha Mackay's universe - long after she has died (or has she?).
Kindle version is already available - the paperback might take a day or so longer.

Fed on Fear

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It Draws Nigh...

So, I don’t have an exact timeline, but soon I’ll be removing Battle for Earth from this and other websites. If you wish to download a copy for yourself, I have no qualms with that, but I hope that you’ll choose to support me when it is released on Kindle. I’ve already asked to have it removed from a certain other website, but only because I cannot directly remove it myself. I have put notices on several organizer pages for the series, the very first serial part, and on my website.

I hope everyone has a deliciously demented day,

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New Chapter of Wayward

I don't generally do this when I post a new chapter but seeing as its been a while since I posted the last one and well frankly, I said there wasn't going to be anymore. I thought I'd let everyone know that there is in fact a NEW chapter of Wayward that I posted today. Its a bit on the short side because well I haven't written anything in a bit but I'm just happy I pulled my ass off the floor to do something again.

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Regarding Walker's Path

Hello out there,

It's been a couple of weeks since I put up a chapter of "Walker's Path" and I wanted to apologize.

We've been having problems with my nephew that I don't really want to get into and I've been having problems getting the medical care that I need. Specifically some trans-related surgery.

I also have a lump on my right breast that has been steadily growing. I found it in October 2018 and got a biopsy in 2019 which showed that it was benign. I'm hoping for the same result and hoping that I can get it removed soon as well.

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"Detransition, Baby" - book review. An interesting perspective.

Book Review: A social comedy on ‘detransitioning’ asks: Who is anyone to judge?

The entire review is interesting and presents unique perspective on transitioning and on DE-transitioning; a concept I never knew existed.

The author is trans; "Peters often aims her barbs at transgender people like her."

"“Detransition, Baby” is that rare social comedy in which the author cuts people up not to judge them, but to show how we fail to fit together."

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04 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Waiting Games

And we're back to resume Legacy of Earth after our holiday break!

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

Waiting Game

By Daniela A. Wolfe

As symbiote and host wait, they begin the unpleasant but necessary task of discussing what lies ahead for Jek as a bonded host.

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Five years

For various reasons it has beeen five years since I last contributed to this site (other than lurking in the background, reading stories and awarding kudos). How quickly time passes! I have, however, continued to write but in each case have run out of ideas after 20,000 or so words. I have just posted the first chapter of a new story. I have so far written 29,000 words and have an idea of where it will go after that, so I will post one chapter a week with reasonable confidence (d.v.) that I will be able to complete the story.


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First Anniversary

Today marks one year since I posted my first story on BCTS.
A week or so ago Jill warned against analyzing responses to stories, but I have to say that I could not help myself.
I love the kudos feature. I have looked at popularity by these and I see that the lowest is "Big" with 44 and the highest "New Plumbing" with 240.
I confess that I am a little surprised. These are both "voluntary" stories which I don't write too many of, but maybe the more popular one is more romantic?

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Mainstream trans novel by Torrey Peters

I'd never heard of Torrey Peters before but apparently this is her second trans novel and judging by a blurb I found on her, she is probably trans herself, though obviously transitioned young if she is. Anyway, the reviewer in the Guardian seemed to enjoy it, though not sure it's my cup of tea.

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Attn: "One Dozen Roses" readers and those contemplating reading it.

Here is a Table of Contents that you can use to access individual stories within "One Dozen Roses" without finding the original post.

I encourage you to send the authors a message (link provided at the end of each story) for each story you liked, even if you just say, "kudos".

One Dozen Roses

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Hey, I Made Some Things!

This was originally posted on my website, but I thought I'd share it here too.

Okay, so I've been working on my Ragnarok Rising rewrite, mainly on days where I'm not feeling particularly inspired with Legacy of Earth and yesterday I was just not very productive for writing in general. So, I made the cover art which you can find below.

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A Conflict of Expectations

I had hoped to post the first installment of the next Masks serial today. However, "things happened" over the holidays (nothing majorly bad and a few things good, including some nice presents) and I'm only about halfway to the planned final length. I only just got my main villain of the piece completely fleshed out this morning! (He has connections to Rasputin, with some of my inspiration from Doc Savage and a bunch of other sources.)

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Emotional Viewpoints

I am not sure how long blogs remain in front of people - I suppose I should note the number of reads to work that out, but I suspect that if it is more than a few clicks on the scroll bar it is lost to most.
I like to blog about writing and I was intrigued by Gwen's blog "Which is the easiest to write about": "Out of curiosity, Is it easiest to write about a deeply flawed, even perhaps handicapped protagonist, or one who is nearly perfect, and very high IQ?"

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I'm Back - Sorta

As far as new stories go, I'm in the midst of setting up a story in my mind, but haven't put the pen to paper at this time. I have been doing a lot of proofing of my older stories as I intend to publish them during the next year. I'm thinking of reposting some of the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles here. I feel a couple of them are pretty good and will leave the readers feeling good. Besides working on my antique business, I don't have much else to do. I retired completely at the beginning of the pandemic.

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It's complete I say; COMPLETE.

Posting author oversight corrected.

To all who may have declined to read One Dozen Roses

I apologize for failing to tag it as complete. It is indeed complete and is now tagged as such.

Again a reminder One Dozen Roses has an interactive Table of Contents. You can read one story at a time and go back to it and jump to the next story by clicking on the title of the next story. Try it here.

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Ho, ho ho!

Hello out there,

This week's chapter of "Walker's Path" is up!

It's pretty late coming but Christmas and family were a top priority this week.

I feel like I'm actually fleshing out the characters now. Knitting in the little details that make the characters come alive.

Remember to leave feedback on the story and I'll get back to you if you have any questions or concerns.

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

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