Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

01 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Ghost Ship

Well, it's been a while since I started Legacy of Earth. I will be posting this in larger chunks at least until I get through the first 100k words. I hope you all enjoy!

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

Ghost Ship

By Daniela A. Wolfe

A hundred and sixty years after the fall of the Qharr Ascendancy and the end of the occupation of Earth, Jek, a descendant of Lexa Briggs, sets out on a quest to find his long-lost mother, but when he discovers her ship adrift in space, and it’s crew brutally murdered, he unwittingly unleashes a mysterious new enemy upon the galaxy.

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Well, after what was apparently

After was was apparently a current and nasty ailment, (at least I had every symptom) I am getting back to wakefulness, and will be writing more again.

However, I doubt people will see much of my writing for a little while. I'm working on 3 multi-chapter stories, and one 2nd part to a one off I wrote awhile back.

I kinda fell behind while I was sick, so I'd like to catch up a bit.

For those fans of Arctic Fox, the sequel is in the works. I'm also working on The Letters and To Head Home.

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Apologies to my readers

I've been trying really hard to finish the new chapter of Apocalypse Dawn, or anything really the past few days, but it's just not happening. For a week, since I got my medical coverage sorted out, I've been trying to find a new doctor, or at the very least someone to renew my prescriptions for my hormones and meds, but so far I can't even get so much as an intake appointment for eight months to a year. The walk-in clinics won't write a new prescription for me either, unless I have a standing one from a local doctor.


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Reader Enjoyment

All I know is what I've read in books.

Supposedly, readers get a great deal of enjoyment out of guessing what happens next. How will Emily react when Jacob tells her that she is trans? If the author has made that answer plausible in the story the reader will feel good about continuing. If the answer has been guessed correctly the reader pats herself on the back and reads on -- looking for more self-affirmation.

There has been much discussion about whether are not writing a synopsis is preferable to writing a complete story.

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Go away Maryanne, and write a Novel

I know, I know, I know. I write too much. Cacoethes scribendi. And sometimes my stuff looks as if I am so keen to get on the table it is half baked. “It reads more like a synopsis” at least makes it sound like I have a recipe!

So where is my novel. Well, I am not ruling anything out, but here are my excuses:

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My total word count posted on BC has just gone over one million.

I suppose that was almost inevitable given my immediate infatuation with a word processor three decades ago.

Thank you Erin for giving me a place to publicly display my stories.

As a dear friend of mine, Percy Ross, said many times, "Thanks a million!"


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What! No Comments?

I really love comments. I suppose that makes me needy and insecure, but what (wannabe) girl doesn’t crave attention? I recently posted a story called “Bordello Boys” which is only the second story I have posted on BCTS that got no comments. Of course, I am mortified.
To assuage my hurt I need only refer to my first story “Pretty” which still has the most comments – largely messages of welcome for the same people who revisit my writings again and again – THANK YOU TO ALL.
After that, I have received the most comments from an interesting variety of tales …

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The Writer's Contract

An unwritten contract does exist between the reader and the author.

A comment yesterday on one of my stories brought this home to me one more time.

A few years ago, I tried to write a story that would create a pile of revenue for Erin through Doppler Press. That effort failed. I have no interest in reading age regression/baby stories and shouldn’t have tried to write one. I donate my books to Erin and she receives 100% of the revenue. Unlike the other twelve of my books published by Doppler -- this one doesn’t sell much and received poor reviews.

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A new edition of Ultimate Writer's Challenge?

Lately I've been working on a group project with a few of our other authors/authoresses here, and one of them has been asking me about something I used to do....

See, many many moons ago, I posted multiple forum entries containing a year's worth of story challenges at a time: one for each week, one for each month. This person has expressed that they found these challenges a lot of fun, and would love to see me produce something like that again.

So, here's my question: would anyone ELSE like to see a new edition of my Ultimate Writer's Challenge?

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The Fall of Kruhl - Now on Bigcloset Topshelf!

Just a quick note to let everyone know that my superhero/sword and sorcery yarn, The Fall of Kruhl, is now up on Bigcloset Topshelf for your reading pleasure.

So, please take a moment to comment or leave a kudos.

Have a delightfully demented day,

Daniela A. Wolfe

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No MSPD this week

Hey everyone, sorry about this, but I don't think that I'm going to get a chapter of MPSD out this week. It's been kind of a tumultuous week (though a lot of it has been in a good way) and I've been behind on writing and everything because of it. I'm worn out and I don't have any energy so I think it best I just take a day or two to rest, relax my brain, and try to get back on schedule for this upcoming week. I can't wait until I get my medical card so I can see a doctor about getting back on my meds and hormones and actually feel energetic again.


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RIP Jan Morris

Jan Morris, a very famous trans author, as well as one of the earliest major public figures to undergo SRS, just passed away. She was 94. I only discovered her writing last year, while working on a college paper, but reading her autobiography, Conundrum, was a blend of heart-wrenching and inspiring.

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More like this

I was just curious as to how this function works?
In my latest story "Becoming Holly" the "more like this" included the twist endings "Instrument", "Making a Scene" and "Rehabilitation" and a couple of others "Closer Friends" and "Sought After".
It possibly should have included "Uncle", "Bait", "The Surgeon" or the multiple personality one - forgot the name!
Is it an algorithm?

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Book number #81 now up on Amazon Kindle - Netherweld, The Sacred Quest....(non TG)

Yup, this lockdown has an added benefit. Book number 81 is up. This is one of the many I was going to publish under a different name, but thanks in part to many of you, books under this name sell best... so here it is, book 1 in a fantasy/sci fi series involving parallel worlds and time shifts.
***Not TG, I have to add***.

Find it here - Netherweld Book1 - The Sacred Quest.


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Be a Storyteller

I was a little under the weather yesterday, so I spent the day reading A Time for Mercy the latest Grisham novel.

John Grisham has sold over 300 million books.

He talked a small press into publishing 5,000 copies of his first book A Time to Kill. In his words, he couldn’t give it away.

Then Random House published his second novel The Firm. It became a bestseller and he eventually also sold millions of copies of A Time to Kill.

What does this mean to BC writers?

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Research on medications - anxiety, compliance

Writing a long (very long) story, and I need to find some information on medications.

Without hypnosis (I won't use that), I need to find a medication for a story. The main character is being really put through the wringer, and while he has significant motivation to comply with the 'torture', there's suggestion that additional 'help' to ensure compliance / reduce defiance would be needed. It needs to:

mood stabilization
increase sense of compliance
reduce ability to be defiant or objectionable

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The Fall of Kruhl - Epilogue

Well, here it is at last the final part of The Fall of Kruhl. I hope you all have enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it! It's been an absolute blast.

The Fall of Kruhl

Pitched Battle

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Months after the events in Tondzaosha, Alexandra has begun to make a life for herself in New Hebron, but never one to back away from a fight, she leaps at the chance to interceded when she crosses paths with someone who needs her help.

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The shoplifter - a continuation.

I said I had a mind to extend some stories, this is the first.

I wrote The Shoplifter in 2012 which has over 7,700 hits and 239 kudos, so it seems you liked it a little.

I've written a sequel which I will post soon, there will probably be another after that, which isn't written yet and will depend upon how much time I have to write, being a rather busy woman, I have squeeze things in when I can.

If you haven't read the original story, the follow up will miss quite a lot. Here's a link:

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Perfect Line

Sometimes as an author you write a line that is just perfect. The type of line that tears at the reader's heartstrings. The type of line that makes a perfect last line of a chapter, that will have all the readers mad at you for ending there.

I just wrote a line like that. I hadn't put any chapters yet in this story that I am writing, but after writing this line, I will. You will all hate me when you read it, but . . . You will tune in to the next chapter after reading it.

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Over on Fictionmania ...

... something strange has happened. I wrote a story called "Christian Feminization" based on an institution of that name described in a TG site I found called When posting it I mentioned: “This is a story that could certainly be extended”.
It must have struck a chord. As I later explained, that story received around 11,000 reads in just two days, which is almost unheard of. Reviews of the story included one describing it as: “this titillating new genre and another said: “I would like to see more, and longer, stories set in this universe”

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Calling all Whateley-philes

As you may or may not have seen, I’ve recently started releasing a non-canon tale in the Whateley Universe, “A New Direction” - thanks to my non-canon status, I can afford to be a little more free with fitting setting restrictions, but it still rubs me the wrong way to break from the established canon.

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writing prompt

I was watching a video about the "Make a Wish" foundation, who give kids with serious health issues a chance to do something they always wanted to, and it occurred to me, this might make an interesting premise for a story here, like a trans kid uses their wish to spend a day as their true selves, or something.

Sadly, right now my writing spoons are missing, so I cant run with the idea, but maybe someone else would like a crack at it.

what do you think?

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I could use some help with reviews

I have shared here both times that I've posted my book 'Enamored' to online stores: first, on Smashwords, then on Kindle.

I've gotten a few sales of it, but both times I've asked for reviews as well, and that's been a lot harder to score so far. In fact, on Kindle -- arguably the higher profile of the two options -- I've gotten precisely two star ratings, and ONE review. One of those two ratings was a two-star with no explanation, knocking my book as a whole down to a 3 1/2 star total.

So, here's what I'm asking:

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Time again for a new Shadowsblade!

Just posted another chapter of the twins and more of the "kidnapped" story

"Kidnapped"? But who is who's captive? Do the villains 'have' the twins or are the twins really waiting to HAVE some fun at the villains expanse and pain!

have fun reading and leave comments and maybe if you have not read them? Please take a look at my mermaid series or Vaniter a sort of godess going to high school!

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