Lesson Learned

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I thought I'd post a chapter on an old story that had 34,000 hits on Chapter 1 in 7yrs. It was only 6 chapters and they all had lots Hits and plenty of Kudos.
It was only a short chapter to decide if it was worth doing a few more. This chapter got more hits and more kudos than I expected and so I take this as a lesson learned.
I realised for me it's best that I should not to expect too much and just to keep stories to solo's or just a few chapters around 2000 words each.
Or I follow the trend and post longer stories in book form and don't consider comments and feedback to develop the story. Seems other regular authors sell their stories on Amazon rather than post on BC or am I wrong?


You can do both

as in post here and on Amazon. The only thing to be careful is that Amazon can get a bit sniffy if they find the story posted elswhere. So it might be prudent to remove it from here when it goes up on Amazon
Erin can provide guidance on that matter.


one way around

Maddy Bell's picture

the Amazon 'exclusivity' thing is to publish chapters here as 'teasers' and an enhanced version with Amazon or turn it around, publish on Amazon then post in parts/chapters here on BC. I've done both so for example you can read a Gaby book in parts on BC or go to Amazon and buy a full copy - you can have your cake and eat it!



Madeline Anafrid Bell

Amazon exclusivity

WillowD's picture

If you have your book set up so it can be borrowed using Kindle Unlimited then Amazon will not let you post or sell digital copies of it else where. If you are just selling copies of it then I think you are also frequently allowed to sell copies elsewhere.

BCTS is used as an editor

BarbieLee's picture

For many of the boys and girls posting on BCTS is used to clean up the script, spelling, grammar errors and such. Once they get what they wanted they pull their stories and go to publish on the different sites. If they had an agent and publisher this would all be in their contract where the fees would be back charged when the story started selling. Using BCTS they receive for free what would otherwise cost five to twenty thousand depending on how much editing and hand holding had to be done before the book went to the presses.
I have mixed feelings about this. Should they be making a donation to BCTS and all the readers for being their editor? Many of them are poor as Church Mice and struggling with meeting the daily and monthly obligations.
A situation I'm not qualified to answer. It seems electronically publishing and dead tree publishing share the same problems. How to justify the expense in all directions.
Hugs Julie
When life hands you lemons hand them back. It's a trick.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Well said Barbie

Or those authors can do as I'm going to (eventually) and that is donate ALL the proceeds from Kindle (or wherever) sales to the site.
Should I 'pop my clogs' Erin is free to monetise my work. I write for pleasure not money.


Same for me, Samantha.

I've already consigned all rights to my writing to Erin via Big Closet/Top Shelf.

Writing was fun, but I don't feel it's right for me to profit by charging for any of it. I can't afford to publish on my own, so since Erin and crew will do the work of getting it ready for publishing, I feel it's only right that they get whatever proceeds any sales generate.

I get all I need from the approbation (comments and messages) that I could have ever hoped for and the site is so important to me that I want to do all I can to help it continue and grow.

Thanks again, Erin and crew, for all you do for all of us. You are all top drawer as far as I am concerned.

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

When you first go to Amazon and setup to self publish

There is two options. One allows you to have it posted elsewhere, although the funds you get are less and there is copyright issues.

Second is more exclusive.

Side note i enjoyed dress up day, HOWEVER. I would really like to see more of derby day myself.