Good news for a change

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Hey everyone, I was really hoping to have a chapter of MSPD ready for this weekend, especially after being sick last week, but the past few days have been pretty busy and I've had no writing time so it probably won't be ready until next weekend.

Martin got confirmation that he will finally be starting his job training Monday (only three months late) so we've been trying to make preparations for that, getting his uniforms and stuff and some errands today including getting me a phone, since he's worried about me being home all alone with no way to contact him, or anyone else, in case of emergency. We've been borrowing a lot of money we don't have right now from his parents for those things, but still, this is great news for us because our financial situation will soon improve. It's going to be a while before we're secure, but we should be back on our feet and able to afford medical coverage and my hormones and meds and such soonish I hope. That will mean that I will hopefully have the energy to be more productive soon and get to some serious writing. So while I've been busy the last few days there's a silver lining starting to show on those storm clouds that seem ever-present in my life the past several years.

Thanks everyone for your comments, kudos, and support over the years, I love you all.

*big hugs*



Glad to hear it Hon........

D. Eden's picture

I have been very lucky regarding healthcare and employment. Since I came out and began my transition I have in fact lost several jobs due to the fact I am transgender.

The first one, I lost before I even began my transition - simply because I had come out to my employer with my plan to transition. But because I was senior management and had high level dealings with our largest customer, I was pushed out of the company. I was the primary contact with the customer, and ownership felt I had become a liability because of my plans to transition. So I was given a nice severance package and let go.

The second one i started work as male, wnd then transitioned on the job. I lost my job after transitioning. Although our VP of HR talked a good story, the board of directors wasn’t comfortable with someone they dealt with daily being transgender. So once again I was let go.

The third one was after I transitioned and they were fully aware of who I was. Unfortunately, I ran into a group of redneck assholes at our company HQ in Charlotte, NC, who found a reason to let me go.

The good news is that when that happened, I had already been recruited by another company who then hired me. I have now been there for two years, I love my job, and my employer paid me for the entire three months during which we were shut down due to Covid.

On the health insurance front, ,y health insurance is through my spouse, and as a resident of NY State, I am guaranteed coverage even though I am transgender.

So yeah, I have been lucky. It took me a while to get here, but I am better off in the long run.

Hopefully you will feel the same way.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

I'm glad that things are

Amethyst's picture

I'm glad that things are going better for you now. Things have just been so hard since I got my SRS nine years ago and then a year later my marriage ended in flames. It helps to have someone to support you, emotionally and mentally. Martin has been that support for me, S/he gave me a place to stay when I would have been homeless and helped me to get mostly over my PTSD and everything else in my life. "I know it's cliché, but we may not have had a lot of things these past years and things were always bad and getting worse, but we've always had love. Martin has been my rock through the worst of times.

It's so nice to have things turn around for us, because this was hurting both of us and now we have some hope that things will actually improve for us. I've lost so much, but I've gained a lot too and having someone love me for me makes it all worth it.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Fingers crossed

Amethyst's picture

I'll still need to try to publish some things and get a patreon going if I'm going to contribute to making things better for us, but at least things aren't hopeless anymore.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Phone service

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I don't know what you've looked at for cell phone service, but I can't recommend Consumer Cellular high enough.

Phones start at $30 for flip phone. I got my Samsung J3 smart phone for $100. Those are full purchase prices. Plans start as low as $20/month. Unlimited calls and text.

I used to be on my son-in-law's family plan, while my wife was on TracFone. My phone cost me $40/month My wife paid TracFone $7 for automatic renewal of her phone. She had limited minutes. with Consumer Cellular, we added my other daughter to our plan because she had an Obama phone with limited minutes and so we have three lines unlimited talk and text for $67.50 plus 2.5 Gigs of data. They walked me through porting the numbers so we didn't have to change phone numbers.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Yeah, I'm in Canada

Amethyst's picture

So I don't think Consumer Cellular is an option. We got it through videotron and I got a pretty decent phone for nothing just by getting on one of their two year contract plans the monthly rates are reasonable with unlimited text and talk in Canada, voicemail and call display.


Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

That's amazing news!

Daniela Wolfe's picture

That's amazing news! I'm glad things are taking a turn for the better!

Have delightfully devious day,

It's a huge relief

Amethyst's picture

Hopefully we'll be able to get out of this hole and get my medical and prescriptions set up soon so I can get back to feeling normal.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3


Daniela Wolfe's picture

I hope so too!

Have delightfully devious day,

So glad to hear

Angharad's picture

things are improving, long may it continue and I wish you both lasting happiness together.


Thanks Angharad

Amethyst's picture

I'm hoping for that too, it's nice to have hope for a change.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3


That’s great news I hope everything keeps improving for you.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna