Bailey Summers

Evanescence 12

Evanescence 12

Chapter 12

My eyelids flutter open and I inhale this wonderful combination of scent’s old straw, fresh hay, clover and the smell of sex. Shaun and I had just made love and I’ve never felt like thing in my life. It’s quiet inside of me for the first time in awhile, all of me satisfied. The layers that are me all happy for various reasons.

And of course just to be a girl, I’m actually a little freaked out. Shaun, My Shaun is a caster, a mage of somekind. I’m lying there being spooned and watching the sunlight starting to wane.

Bridges 16

Bridges 16

Chapter 16

I don’t really remember much of the trip out of Alberta and back through the mountains and home to Bridgeview. Brandon drove while I slept snuggled up against him. We got into it over Steve’s bigoted girlfriend, or well now ex-girlfriend, it was one of those turf kinda brawls like you might see in the movies. I knew that Bobby and Steve were living in a nice town, and were religious but this was that you walk with god, our god or we’ll break your legs kinda town.

Bridges 15

Bridges 15

Chapter 15

I lose myself in the moment, Cass seems good with all of this. I just kind of sway dance there in Brandon’s arms. We kiss for a little bit and he smells so good. Man scent blended with soap that’s like this English leather kind of scent, clean clothes, and a bit of this scent of soil, and greenery. I have always loved the way that he smells.

Sweet Dreams-7...I'll never have them

Sweet Dreams I’ll Never Have Them…7

Chapter 7

Alex left and that leaves me staring at that girl in the mirror. That girl from the picture he drew of me that he said was what he seen. I’m sitting there for a long time actually. I can’t get it out of my head for like hours. It just kind of sits there inside of that mess of me that’s me but, I’ve no idea exactly how I really feel.

Actually I kind of do. I know, I really have a real strong knowledge of being all fucked up.

Bridges 14

Bridges 14

Chapter 14


What the hell should I do? I…I break the kiss with Brandon.

“Brandon, Brandon….I…I…can’t, I can’t get as involved as we were getting okay? It’s not good for me right now. And…and I’ve kind of…no...That’s not fair; I’ve gotten involved with Cass.”

I can’t help but to step back a little and hang my head, he’s been so great. He doesn’t deserve my bullshit.
“I know.”

WTF? “Huh?”

“He knows.” Cass says that as she walks up to me and slips a hand around my waist.

Images 22

Images 22

Chapter 22

Taylor just stared at the doctor for a minute then at the porter who came with the wheelchair for him. He actually hung his head a bit with a sigh. He looked like he was heading to the gallows as he got up and moved from where he was to the wheelchair. I smile at him, Then look at Dr. Clark “Do you have a list of what he needs and where?”

Snakes and Ladders-8

Snakes and Ladders-8

Chapter 8

It was really faster paced than I wanted or Shaya wanted but at the same time oh my gods this was good. It was running up the stairs of this beautiful wood paneled mansion that I’m sure was all really intricate and everything. But Shaya’s and my lips are locked and we’re bouncing off some of the walls shedding armor and clothes well it’s easier for me but getting Shaya out of her armor’s like trying to get a three year old out of a ski suit.
It’s enough to set me to giggling.

Bridges 13

Bridges 13

Chapter 13

Brandon’s alive I’ve been told by Lacey when she came down to see me. She’s made the trip three times since I’ve been down here. Three months I’ve actually been down here. I was under heavy observation for a week on suicide watch. Then three weeks of really heavy observation to see if I’ve literally gone off my nut.

Hungry like The...

Hungry like The…..


I woke up, sore…and mystified and still kind of upset. I felt, good, really good this itch scratched somewhere deep inside. I felt satisfied in a way that I’ve never known. It took me a few minutes to really get the willpower to move and tried to do it quietly so not to wake Dom.

Snakes and Ladders-7

Snakes and Ladders 7

Chapter 7

The air is so beautiful up here in the sky above Highwood. We bank and we soar and over the massive canal like sea. We pass by air-ships and over regular boats and ships and fly out of that canal over this cliff-side down to beach like city only about seven our eight miles from the palace and the whole canal opens up into this wide open sea.

Vampyre 2.

Vampyre 2

Okay…it’s bee the most stressful week that I’ve had in a long time. The TG Witch knew me and she hasn’t really laid off of trying to find me. I think I might have wronged her in a past life or something.

I’m a Vampire, a real unlife blood dependent vampire so yes please trust me reincarnation is possible. Well for most people, I’ve got no idea really of what really happens when I eventually get ashed.

Evanescence 11

Evanescence 11

Chapter 11

“Easy Raine, slow your breathing, you’re thinking about everything too much. Circular breathing, in for a count of seven, hold for a count of seven, out for a count of seven. Breathe just breathe you have to feel that inside of you. It’s the stillness of being without thought. Breathe, breathe…”

Images 21

Images 21

Chapter 21

We stayed for maybe another twenty minutes before we kissed and walked to our Honeymoon suite. The room was breathtaking just like out of a fantasy. I know that Taylor did this. He scoops me into his arms and walks me through the threshold.

Okay let me tell you just how special this is.

My Super Secret Life-2.

My Super Secret Life-2

Chapter 2

I stared at myself, and in the mirror. “Wow…I’m kinda hot.”
Annnnd, suddenly I kind of feel like a retard for saying that.
But, I look good.
And I’m huge.
No, Sonny…look later.

I sneak to the door and peek out. There’s three guys with those stupid stocking masks yelling for everyone to get down. They’ve got shotguns. I’m not even sure what I was thinking but I slipped out and moved between the aisles keeping as far out of sight as I could. I grabbed a big can of pineapple juice and hefted it, weird it kinda felt like Styrofoam?

I'd Do Anything for Love...But I won't do that.

I’d Do Anything for Love…But I won’t do That.

I can’t help but stare at the sight of the forty odd people kneeling before me with golden eyes flashing in the lodge’s firelight and all had lengthened canines.

I really, really should be freaking out right about now…

Sweet Dreams-5...I'll never have them

Sweet Dreams I’ll Never have them-5

Chapter 5


It hurt, dreaming had hurt. It had been awhile since I had dreamt about my dad. It had been as much as about him as it had been about my childhood. Yeah I know I’m not really that old.
But I really feel old.
I know, that I shouldn’t be but.
There’s just got to be a point where you just can’t take it anymore.

Bridges 12

Bridges 12

Chapter 12

All of a sudden my world came crashing down back into reality. I was on top of Brandon.
Brandon who was lying there.
Bleeding…there was a slow pool of blood forming under him and the gun…there’s a gun in my hand. Mom’s service revolver.
I can remember the dream.
That memory.
The violation.
I was just a little kid, my family knew then.
I knew then.
That I’m transgendered.
The rape, the molestation.
I was remembering all of it when Brandon touched me and I slid from one PTSD moment into another.

Snakes and Ladders-6

Snakes and Ladders 6

Chapter 6

I stare at the three of them my head going from one to the other to the other.
“Sword fighting?! I don’t know how to sword fight!”
Brennan just nodded as he made what looked like a tea. “Yes, this is exactly why they have asked for this.”

Shaya frowned as she was sliding into this dark blue silky dressing gown. “It is dishonest is what it is, they want to hurt her and embarrass us. Wren cannot be expected to perform well in a duel when does not have the training nor the years of experience that Kyte has.”

The Fastest Dress in The West.

The Fastest Dress in the West.

The Sun’s pretty hot as I urge my horse around the cooley and down towards the creek. I needed to make camp soon I’m still a few days’ ride from where I gotta be. I’ll be out in California before too long I hope. There’s a gold rush going on out there and I want, no I need a piece of it.

I got too many folk depending on me.

I lead Lola (Ma Horse.) around to a bit of a promising looking spot, good water here, and a nice deep spot in the brook for some fish maybe. Good ’n sheltered here too, a bit of trees mostly pines and cottonwoods.



I don’t know even how to really tell a story, much less one like this. My name is Jamie Stevens and I’m I’d like to think I’m an average guy. Even to the point of thinking I’m a freak sometimes. I think everyone has that thing in their head saying I’m not normal.

Sweet Dreams-4...I'll never have them

Sweet Dreams…I’ll never have them 4

Chapter 4

Sunday? September 26th.

I cannot believe it and my brain is going right back into overload. I’m being kissed by a guy and I’m liking it….naked in the bath and…I can’t, I can’t like this can’t …can I…

I push Alex away, the size of him I’d never move him so he’s being a good…I’m so fucking scared. He stares at me oddly for a second, a slight nod? I don’t get him so much its giving me a headache.

Evanescence 10

Evanescence 10

Chapter 10

Well shit…shit, shit, shit.
I just ran into a friggin Vampire, a real frigging vampire, in my hometown and in Dairy Queen? Of all places.
I knew here or rather Joanna-me did. Alecia…petite and cute and blonde and just as lovely as and angel ordering an extra rare burger. I’m sure she was part of a massacre that killed hundreds in a “Riot” in Birmingham.
I’ve seen her slice men open with her claws, I’ve seen her kill and I know she’s one dangerous bitch.

Images 20...the wedding.

Images 20

Chapter 20

The party is great, Taylor and I dance for a couple of hours sometimes fast and sometimes slow and we do a lot of kissing. A lot of kissing. I was not expecting to have a good a time as I had. When I wasn’t dancing with Tay I was dancing with my Net girls and even some of the other club goers. I’ve never really got to do this before, I love it the feeling of freedom, of getting to be sensual with out being sexual and I’m not without a few moves despite not getting to do this as a girl all my life.

The Princess...

The Princess…

I take a drag off my smoke as I sit on the rocks and watch the new batch of idiots heading into Stonewood…It used to be this great, great forest, almost a small country really. In fact I used to live there as a boy. Then came the curse that turned everything in there to stone. Those of us who used to live there fled…except for one in the castle.

Bridges 11

Bridges 11

Chapter 11


Morning light seems to almost drift in through my windows. It’s so…I’m not sure there’s words for this right now but I’ve been watching the little dust motes in the sunshine for about ten minutes now as they drift in the sunlight. I’m so not used to any of this. That feeling deep inside. My breasts tingling and more aware that they’re breasts than in awhile…after awhile it’s just parts of you a vital part if your like me but this morning they’re more there.

On a Hot Summers Night.

On a Hot Summers night.

“On a hot summers night would you offer your throat to the Wolf with the red roses?”
* “Would he offer me his mouth?”
* “Would he offer me his teeth?”

Vampyre 1.


*An Evanescence side story.

Chapter 1

I used to be human, I used to be a lot of things before the Sanguira came into my existence. I was a son, a good son…except I was the child of the devil.

“Alex!, Alex where the bloody hell are you boy?”
That’s my father and he’s pissed at me. I’m scared as hell because I’m dressed in Annabella’s things. Up in the attic. I hide like I always do but he finds me this time. I’m all shaved and such and washed with my mothers soaps in a basin up here.
He stares at me.

Snakes and Ladders-5

Snakes and Ladders 5

Chapter 5

I couldn’t help but to hold her tightly and to kiss her, to try to do something anything to keep her together. I’ve known people like Shaya, she’s tough and capable and strong and amazing and like a lot of things that are tempered to be strong if you hit them the right way…

They shatter.

Bear was a lot of things but one thing I was very good at being was the professional tough guy. There’s a lot of f-ed up hurt little children in us tough guys. And from what I’m seeing with Shaya there’s a lot of the same pains there.

Sweet Dreams-3...I'll never have them

Sweet Dreams…I’ll Never have them.-3

Saturday September 25th 2010

It takes me I don’t know how long before I come down from my freaking out and having a breakdown. Alex has his arms around me and I’m warm for the firs time in I don’t know how long but I really hurt. I know the life I’ve grown up in I should be used to being hurt but the Step-shit had really done a number on me and so did my mom.

Evanescence 9

Evanescence 9

Chapter 9

I’m not sure how long I laid there just flipped out at what happened between me and Shaun. I mean it was awesome; it was great and messed up and weird with things bouncing around my head all at the same time. I mean this was Shaun who was my best friend and yeah I was really starting to like him as a girl would.

He just gave me a blow job.
It was a great blowjob.

Snakes and Ladders-4

Snakes and Ladders 4

Chapter 4

“Yes, yes you are Shaya. You are beautiful and brave and amazingly sweet….I want to take your pain away, I want to cast it away on the wind and replace your pain with sunshine and love.”

Bridges 10

Bridges 10

Chapter 10

Henry Wade…

I’m pulled over to the side of the road and there’s the police cruiser behind me that’s the one that pulled me over. It’s one of the new constables. He did something with the dash and he got out with a German shepherd?

Images 19


Chapter 19

I wake up and it’s mid morning and I’m feeling sleepy and lazy and really, really good as Taylor’s arms are circled around me. I love these moments, just feeling that. I almost bathe in that really femmy vibe I feel. His arm on top of me is resting in that girly spot; You know that thin spot at my waist just above my hips. I love having that spot, I love having wider hips now.

Cat's in the Cradle.

Cat’s in the Cradle

No it’s not a typo in the title. My name is Cat, or it’s what everyone calls me. It used to be Charlie. I used to be Charlie and Charlie was to me like living as a space alien. See Charlie was a boy and to me, ever since I remember I was so not a boy. I was a girl and I was trapped.

Bridges 9

Bridges 9

Chapter 9

The Bridgeview Galleria didn’t exist back when I was living here in high school it’s a kind of nice place with three floors and lots of brand name and box stores. I get a Orange Julius and wander around the mall. I’m not in a hurry so I’m just enjoying myself, looking and window shopping while I have a few hours.

Evanescence 8

Evanescence 8

Chapter 8

I wake up in the hospital again. Mom’s there in uniform. “Are you okay?” she asks me. I’m blinking as a little dazed. “Uhm yeah, I think so…ow.” My right arm hurts like the dickens. It’s in bandages and in a sling. I look at mom. I remember being on my bike then there was… (Best not to tell her about the majik stuff.)
“I remember driving and then taking the corner then the bike just went our from under me. I think I might have hit some loose gravel that had come off the side of the road onto the pavement.”

My Super Secret Life-1.

My Super secret life

I guess it started like, about a month ago yanno? See I really screwed up but like not back then. I mean really screwed up and I’m in trouble I think I could like go to like jail or like mebbe even like uhm die. See my name in Sunny, Sunny Harper and my dad’s this really smart research scientist he works for this company called Genoma-Tech.

Sweet Dreams-2...I'll never have them

Sweet Dreams…I’ll never have them-2

There’s the swirl of his tongue and mine. Alex’s strong hands gripping me, hard yet soft. Almost synonymous with his massive cock.
Pressing into my stomach…I want him. I want it so bad I cramp in aching need.
Alex breaks the kiss and squeezes my breast.

Tuesday, September 21rst, 2010.

I wake up from the nightmare, wet, red hot sex dream and I’m cumming pressed into the ratty old mattress I sleep on. I swear I can feel his touch…I’m not gay!, I’m no faggot!

Snakes and Ladders-3

Snakes and Ladders 3

Chapter 3

The palace is so stunning but the view is so…That huge moon. Shaya feels so good pressed into my back. It’s been too long, so long…and the way I am now…Never? I gesture out at the sky and all the things I see there. “Just how many moons are there?”

“Fifteen but not all are inhabited.”

“Oh, the big one must be the closest.”

“No, we are the closest. That is the Sacred Heart, The Planet of Sylvania we are on it’s closest moon known as Highwood.”

“Oh it sort of looks like home, is it inhabited?”

Images 18


Chapter 18

Thursday morning moves so fast for me and by lunch it’s dad to the rescue again as I’m getting calls from my online friends and family. Some of them are arriving tonight even and god there’s so much to do.

I guess first thing’s first, and I slide up to Taylor just as he’s finishing the last cinnamon roll in the place. I kiss him and lick the icing and cinnamon and sugar off his lips. “We’re getting busier Tay we should hire someone else.”

“We could, any ideas?”

“Billy’s girlfriend Dallas.”

Sweet Dreams-1...I'll never have them

Sweet Dreams…I’ll never have them.

Okay yes that’s one hell of a depressing statement. But it’s true. Hey…My given name’s William Hunter, I get Will or Bill or Billy but the thing is I’m none of those. I don’t have a clue who I really am but tell me one teenager that does.

Monday September 20th, 2010.

Bridges 8

Bridges: 8

Chapter 8

It was morning when Brandon took me home. I’ve been up for most of the night with Brandon just driving around. He walks me to my door. I turn to look at him. “Thanks Brandon, I really needed last night.” I lean down and kiss him on the lips from the step I’m on. He needs to shave and as much as I’m not sure the prickle of bristles is something I like or don’t. I like the feeling of under my fingers though. I like kissing him too, very much.

It makes me feel significantly female.

Evanescence 7


It took hours of investigating the crime scene and the “Cult” site. The guys aren’t too bad but the local cops are more blasé about the whole thing. Miami…One of the worst cities for murder than any other in the United States.

I go through the motions as I seem to be stringing together mumbo-jumbo from a lot of occult sources. Most humans won’t know the difference in what I’m talking about. The one’s that do. Are players either on one side or the other.

Snakes and Ladders-2

Snakes and Ladders: Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I lower the girl onto the bed I had been sleeping in. I’m not as strong as I was. It’s not that I care but I’m not used to the differences yet. Huge differences. Two of my new huge differences pull my off balance and tumble me onto the bed too. I roll over panting. She’s heavier than I thought. I’m exhausted, and I just got up? I’m shaky I realize.


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