Bailey Summers

Evanescence 23.

Evanescence 23

Chapter 23

It’s been a long day and everything since I had started to practice in earnest. Shaun had retreated to his workshop where he was doing Artifice and while I was curious I was too busy trying to get a better grip on myself and my magic.

I had made some water bottles up and a jug of lemonade and a few peanut butter sandwiches and went out into one of the fields and sat with a blanket.

I need to touch my other selves most of them had been magic-users of some kind before I had been and I actually don’t try to bring Antonia up first but Kara.

Walking through Hell...Chapter 1.

Walking through Hell…Chapter 1

Chapter 1

I can still taste the blood.
More than coppery because of how I died.
Left them.

I left my heart behind.

Day’s become night now…it just did and there’s another moon that the one that’s in the world, there’s the moon shining down on me like the true moon the one that we feel when we’d sing and we’d pray.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-17

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-17

Chapter 17

I actually lead Kaylee into the ladies room and we actually use the facilities when she does this cute sniffly. “I have to pee.”

I do the same and yeah I sat and I wiped.

Okay, girly stuff aside guys should wipe. Shaking it’s fine in the woods but even shaking there’s drips and more and more to me that’s kinda eeew. Not in my clothes. Okay I know that’s the new me talking but hey. It’s not a bad habit to get into.

I come out and get washed up with Kaylee joining me and she takes out her purse and starts to try to repair the damage. I reach out and take the wipe from her. “Hey, hold still.”

I cradle her face and start using the wipe to clear off her make up trying to do this in this slow caring romantic way. I’m kind of winging the whole lesbian romantic gesture thing. I actually love this…not just like it but taking my time, being gentle and the eye contact mixed with that bit of trust.

I love this feeling…

Jem...Chapter 33

Jem…Chapter 33

Chapter 33


I was a little embarrassed at Kim doing her bit with the sausage and I had to get the car going so I headed out to the garage.

It’s been hectic the last two or so days with the firebombing of my car. The girls showing up for this whole Sunday dinner thing that honestly I haven’t had it so long that it was almost a new experience. Heck I know that Dad loved it and Uncle Remy was right in his glory as a father.

My Super Secret Life...Villain-6

My Super Secret Life…Villain-6

Chapter 6

It’s my first sex dream.

And Link is the starring player.

It’s raining out that night time movie rain and I’m back at the tunnel with her. I came with supplies and I’m wet and shivering and she comes in from the deeper tunnels and she’s……well she’s.

My Super Secret Life...Diamond-6.

My Super Secret Life…Diamond 6.

Chapter 6

The last two days were really busy really in just getting settled down and unpacked into my condo here in The Tower and getting things the way that I like them and getting tips from some of the female members and staff here at The Tower.

Mom had actually the great idea of me having a housewarming shower here in a sort of open house sort of way here for the people here that worked in the building and the other members on the team.

Sweet Dreams-34 The first cut is the Deepest.

Sweet Dreams 34…The first cut is the Deepest.

Chapter 34


I finally got out from under the drama and stuff with Alex and Hunter and stuff with home and my mom and my dad and I might not show it but I’m tired.

Yeah it’s the sleep tired but it’s a lot more than that. I’m just tired of being…me.

Of being mom’s little miss perfect and doing stuff so that mom had the perfect daughter and that she would look like the amazing parent when she’s been making mu life suck in her own special ways for years.

I had honestly for a long while seen Alex as my way out.

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-4.

My Super Secret Life… Potentials 4.



My name’s Andrew, but I’ve always liked Drew better so there’s that. My last name’s Porter and I’m a mutant.

I have been since I was thirteen.

Jem...Chapter 32

Jem…Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Really we should’ve not have stayed the night again with it being Sunday and with raven having to get to work and Brooklyn and the girls having to get ready and for school. We shouldn’t have stayed up really, really late with Dad and ate more and watched the movie with him even it was really cool and actually something that they raved about while we were getting ready for bed.

I’m removing my make-up when Raven comes up behind me and she rubs my shoulders and massages my neck. “You okay Angel…?”

“Huh…what?...yeah…why? aren’t you?”

Sweet Dreams-33 The first cut is the Deepest.

Sweet Dreams-33 The first cut is the Deepest.

Chapter 33

Okay…I guess to fill things in I had passed out because I had pushed things too hard and it sent my pressure into the danger zone and they had to get things under control and since the right doctors where there and stuff they said that they might as well go ahead and operate. Right after they had got me stable. I guess my nightmare had them worried about my pressure too.

Days and Nights on Old Haven Road-2

Days and Nights on Old Haven Road-2

Sweet corn.

There’s just that smell to it isn’t there? I grew up actually just inside of Masstown Kansas it’s just a medium sized small town a few thousand but it was one of those towns that growing up was you lived in town but at least one set of grandparents lived out in the country.

Lead Shoes-10

Lead Shoes-10

Chapter 10

I’m floating on air as I get into the house and I’m not going fast but in my new boots I make it all the way into the kitchen to grab something out of the fridge to drink and nibble on while I start my homework.

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-3.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials-3.

My great thanks to Thera who came up with the greater part of this really interesting character.

………………………………................. *Karma….

My name’s Quinn, Quinn Jackson…yeah that guy…poor me right. I know, I know.

I guess this is how things got started and that was as far back as junior high. I was famous. Q-J…the all star basketball star and even then…It thought I was perfect…I thought I was king of my world. Big and strong…I was even good looking and I’ll admit…I knew I was all those things.

Images 37

Images 37

Chapter 37

Ingrid was the last person that I had been expecting to just show back up in my life…oh she was still around, she was still in Edmonton but to actually have her here in the diner.

Wanting to talk to me.

I look at her and she’s changed a lot too. I mean we’re older both of us but she looks…hurt…tired…drug out like she’s been haunted by something.

Snakes and Ladders-20...part one.

Snakes and Ladder-20...part one.

Chapter 20

She’s well ahead of me as I’m trying to wrap my head around that last part. Thief? Shaya?

“Hey! Waitaminute!” I head up the stairs after her and she’s laughing and she does that elfin light-footed thing up the stairs like they’re not really there. Me I’m in better shape and with having two legs now it’s still a luxury to me but I can’t keep up. “Shaya!”

Tilting at air-conditioners.

Tilting at Air-conditioners.

I heard this a lot y’know. “You’re so pretty and talented you should be a cheerleader!”

My Name is Stacy and I live in hell.

Well not quite hell but out here in the suburbs it’s kind of the same thing. I’ve even sort of grown up in hell.

Mom’s a housewife and that’s all good and everything and Dad works in a bank and we’re well off. Even with that whole banking thing we’re still kind of rich, definitely upper upper middle classed. See Dad was the quarterback of the high school team and he was that guy that was the sports star and hero. My dad’s not a hero he’s a lucky jock.

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-2.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials-2.

Chapter 2

Landon St. Pierre looked at Songbird of the Ark Angels and rubbed at the fur on his face. “You’re kidding me right?”

She shook her head. “No, we’re dead serious about this Landon we want you and we need you and we can pardon you and get you out of here.”

“But teaching?”

“Yes teaching, I know you’ve been in the life a long time since your mutation kicked in pretty much and but you have real skills that we need.”


Sweet Dreams-32 The first cut is the Deepest.

Sweet Dreams-32 The first cut is the Deepest.

Chapter 32

……………It was cold and I could see my breath. Everything was just freezing in the place. There were drafts through the whole place because we lived in an old building that was in a bad place that no building checker from the city would like to go and we were too far out of the way for them to really care.

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-1.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials

Chapter 1

Three years in the making. Three years with every step forwards been ten steps back sometimes because of just anger, stupidity, racism, politics but it’s finally done. Finally here.

Victory looked out over the campus while sitting on the roof of the stadium and smiled letting the wind blow through her long white hair. There was movement to her left and right as she was being joined by Sentinel in his power suit and Champion all the way up from Paradise City on the other side.

My Super Secret Life-24.

My Super Secret Life-24.

Chapter 24

Darkness, it’s all darkness and pain and muffled noises and the sense of movement. I think that I hear sirens. Them I’m pulled down back into the darkness again.

I don’t want to die.

They say that your life flashes before your eyes when stuff like that happens and it’s sort of true. You think, I think before you die about all the stuff that you did and whether or not you’re a decent person. Did I do good with the life that I was given?


My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-5.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-5.

Chapter 5

“I think…I think that I might be a little excited about today.”

It’s the first thing really out of my mouth after the squeakle (yes my word) of surprise when I went to bed as Dale but had been thinking of the conversation between Nikki and me from before.

I really like her when I’m Dale and there were definite Hmmm thoughts when she told me that she was a lesbian. It was like there’s this part of me that was seriously yaying over the fact that she is and I can be a girl whenever I want to be.

My Super Secret Life...Villain-5

My Super Secret Life…Villain 5

Chapter 5

Thankfully I passed out at some point as I was crying myself to sleep and there was the distinct sort of feeling that someone had shot me up with something fizzyly and bubbly and hurt like hell.

Really hurt like hell and right now it doesn’t feel much better.

My guts hurt.

My insides hurt and it’s like someone is grabbing them and squeezing and twisting.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 28.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor…Chapter 28.

Chapter 28

I’m not sure how long Karin held me there into her chest but she didn’t move or push me away and she was even crying too for awhile then I could sort of tell even while I was crying that shift in her as she got a hold of herself and took one of those shaky but big centering breaths and there was this shaky sigh as she adjusted herself to wrap her arms around me in a better way.

My ribs are still really sore and I’ve lots of bruises but it still feels nice. I let out a sigh of my own and lean on Karin.

My Super Secret Life-23.

My Super Secret Life-23.

Chapter 23

Okay going to the mall with Terry and her Mom was a really good time and it helped me get my mind off of things. I even kind of had a few of these really cool moments where I could see Terry’s fledgling girl soul starting to flourish and come out into the foreground of her new self.

It makes me wonder because am I like that remotely?

Covered Bridges-4.

Covered Bridges-4.

Chapter 4

I let John kiss my hand because he’s doing it right and when a guy does it right and not too over the top or sloppy it’s just one of those things that’s kinda nice and kinda timeless.

I smile and take my hand back and set my book away into my bag. “I’d prefer something red John I ordered the duck.”

Sweet Dreams-31 The first cut is the Deepest.

Sweet Dreams-31 The First Cut is the Deepest.

Chapter 31

I think there’s something psychosomatic about losing it when people tell you that you’re not the freaky person you think you are but the socially acceptable version of it.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 5.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 5.

Chapter 5

It takes me awhile to get myself under control under Rudy’s watch he did set me down in a lawn chair and he got me a cup of the pretty decent coffee he had made for breakfast and I sipped at it while getting to watch him work and actually just kind of let this place sink in and sort of displace some of the stuff that’s been built up inside.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-16

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-16

Chapter 16

I muse for awhile in the shower getting good and clean and getting a bit more familiar with myself in that suspiciously long shower way. I’m convinced even more that girls very often getting a little happy in the shower considering how long they take in there.

And it’s an odd thing to know but I’m kind of good with it especially that sort of after glow thing because really even though it’s not morning it definitely gets me in this sort of happy headspace. Especially when I’m thinking about what Kaylee and I could do in a shower.

Jem...Chapter 31

Jem…Chapter 31

Chapter 31

I’m curled up with my back to the corner of the couch watching raven play with tears in my eyes as she’s playing something she wrote for me.


There’s parts where I’m staring right into her eyes and I’m not sobbing but the tears are flowing as hard as they ever have in my life.

I can’t stop myself if I tried mouthing. “I Love You.” to her as she plays.

Raven’s crying too but she keeps playing…we do that, cry, hurt…play…sometimes playing that music is the only thing you can do.

She stops and looks at me.

Sorry but writing stoppage:(

Due to getting biologically assaulted by an 4 year old viral carrier of what must be the Monkey Plague I don't feel like writing. It seems in some circles some parents who shall remain nameless think it's acceptable to bring a knowingly sick child and have then climb and body tackle all over perfect strangers. I'm sorry if I offend but I have the Monkey Plague and am therefore bitchy.

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Jem...Chapter 30 Part 3

Jem…Chapter 30 part 3

*To the readers. There’s a song here that I’m dedicating to everyone here that’s ever lost someone from Cancer. To those that have lived through it or might yet have to face that down themselves. But also this song was written for My Jonelle and especially for her sister. This was too long to put in the tags so…

Love You Jo.



Okay...I don't generally advertise my stories here but...since part 2 is doing so amazingly well and part 3 is done. I Will Be posting it later this evening/night once I get home from my family commitments.

2 new songs and tear prone sweet hearts be warned, you'll need the tissues:)

*Great Big HUGS all:)*

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Jem...Chapter 30 Part 2

Jem…Chapter 30 Part 2


It took me some time to process the fact that Angel had just told me that she wasn’t her sister. She wasn’t her…then that means…Oh…oh…and I just…

I’m not gay, I’m not even bi or I never thought that I was I mean I can sometimes see where girls get that whole a guy is cute thing but never really a same way. Like Brad Pitt, George Clooney kinda givens that’s right there in my processing range.

But I kissed Angel and apparently Angel is Jason.

But Angel looks, and moves and smells and sounds…and her lips are so soft…

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 27.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor…Chapters 27.

Chapter 27

……………………………………..I hate them, I mean it I really hate them and it’s because he’s not a woman, not a girl, not a real female. I think that them saying that these Trans people have the soul of the wrong gender in the wrong body is bullshit.

Gays mostly but a few way out there lesbians.

Honestly it makes me kind of sick



Chapter 10

I definitely get a sense of pleasure from seeing Brandy this way. I am really liking the way that she kisses me over and over sweetly as she has me backed into the kitchen counter. The tears are stopping but her smile is really big.

“I will have to make you tea and soup and sandwiches more often if they make you this happy.”

“Please? I’d honestly love that.”


“Because…this, just you being here and me coming home to a home rather than just my empty house especially after dancing and a long night…it means so much to me Maddy.”


Jem...Chapter 30 Part 1

Jem…Chapter 30 Part 1

Chapter 30

I watch Mike walk away and honestly I’m in a dazed kind of shock. He kissed me and there was this so different a feeling than anything that I could have ever described in my life.

But it was soft yet strong, short yet time seemed to slow down and it was so, so very intense. I could feel his stubble something I’ve never been able to grow. And there was the smell of him or rather the scent of a guy and I’ll admit that strong earthy musk mixed with aftershave and coffee from him drinking it before he kissed me and the lingering scents of the garage.

Seme & Uke.

Seme & Uke.

The year is 2097 and this is an odd little story about two odd people who find themselves and enter that adventure called love.

I never fit in.

I’ve felt like a freak for as long as I can really remember.

Why well lots of reasons but I’m a child of The Human Immunity Immunization Vaccine. Like this drug a long time ago in the past called Thalidomide the HIIV compound got rid of HIV and Aids but there were side effects, birth defects and chromosome mutations.

Like me.

“Come on Steve stop being a wuss, just hit him!”

What a good boy...Chapter 2

What a good boy…Chapter 2.

Chapter 2

“when you were born…”
“they looked at you and said.”
“what a good girl..”
“what a smart girl.”
“what a pretty girl…”

The song still has meaning for me passed the accident actually more that ever really because when you just listen to the lyrics and with what I’m going through it’s just something that fits me.

Others too.

Jem...Chapter 29

Jem…Chapter 29

Chapter 29


Oh… Well…

“No…I mean…honestly I’ve never thought of it as an option.”

“But you said that you would if you could?”

“I know…but I’m not…”

There’s this big knot of hurt starting and twisting up inside of me and I feel the tears slide down my cheeks and it’ just making things…worse? I’m in the kitchen, in a cute dress and totally all girl made over and everything and was comfortable too. But here I am crying and about to say that I don’t want to be a girl, but if I……..but if I’m like this then what the hell am I?

My Super Secret Life-22.

My Super Secret Life-22.

Chapter 22


I dozed a little curled up and comfy in the chair beside Kyle’s bed. I guess that’s a good thing about being this tiny little Asian girl and that’s being able to curl up like this. I have no idea why I’m here and helping Kyle but I honestly can’t help myself.

I never thought that I’d be feeling attracted to him either. To a guy…

Part of me was actually relieved in everything that’s gone on in my life when I found myself really attracted to girls and to have the hots for Sunny.

But having the hots for Kyle is something new.

My Super Secret Life-21.

My Super Secret Life-21.

Chapter 21.


It was a rough night of sleeping really here there’s this hurt and want to curl up from the whole thing with me and Sunny then this whole storm of thing here between me and my folks so I feel kind of like after this hurricane ripped through me and I’m in that time after the storm when you’re not sure if it’s really over.

I can’t sleep even curled up like this.

I’m enhanced…

Images 36

Images 36

Chapter 36


I know I talk so much about him that it’d drive most people out of their trees but…

There’s those kinds of guys that a girl get married to.

And then there’s those guys that are your husbands.

I mean I’m getting this whole direct proof thing of the in sickness and in health, to have and to hold to honor and to cherish and really…he’s not trying.

He’s Taylor just being Taylor.

Jem...Chapter 28

Jem…Chapter 28

Chapter 28

We all kind of sat there for a few seconds or minutes just watching where Mike had been. I mean he just…

Kimmie’s voice was that sort of quiet awed. “That has to be the best thing that anyone has ever said to me in my life.”

Brooklyn’s looking confused and her eyes are shining with near tears and she’s looking at the computer then pulls her knees up wraps her arms around them and rests her head on Kimmie. “I…are…we actually doing something good? I never though I’d ever do anything that’d make a difference.”

Jem...Chapter 27

Jem…Chapter 27


I can’t help the smile on my face when I watch that little fucker’s car on the posted up videos online.

Summer’s giggling her ass off as she replays it and is taking repeated hits off the joints I bought her. “This is so fucking cool! That fucker’s been hanging around my ex’s new singer and dirty little cunt licker…Jem…Jem, Jem Fucking Jem!”

She starts to elbow my car windows and settles down when I give her a backhanded slap.
“Hey fucker!”

“Don’t scuff my interior.”



Chapter 6

I see red…

It’s like the hottest rage I have ever felt run through my body in my life. You get like that in combat or you can, you shouldn’t but it’s one of the things that happens. You go there into that spot where everything is going in slow motion and you can hear your own pulse in your ears louder than you can with the bullets you’re firing.

My Super Secret Life...Villain-4

My Super Secret Life…Villain-4

Chapter 4

I’m sitting with the make-up off of my face and looking at Jeff as he’s looking at the stuff on the sheets in front of him and I’m chewing my lip and staring at him.

Jeff’s my doctor.

Well Jeff’s a doctor that I free supply with stuff that I steal so he has the stuff to actually treat people, poor people out of his small little clinic. Usually the wait out front is nuts but I get special consideration so he doesn’t lose his golden goose as it was…were?

“Well Rook it looks like you’re showing normal blood work.”



I danced, moved and shimmied and full on bounced and gyrated and moved to the beat of the music as I cheered and cheered for our guys out there on the football field and we were winning. Winning is great Y’know especially when you’re a cheerleader. Well being a cheerleader rocks because even if you’re not at the top or part of that inner circle life’s pretty good.

Big Green Delays:(

I write at work as some of you know which usually isn't a problem but this was the "lovely" St. Pat's weekend and I've had not much writing time dealing with the massive amounts of "Stupid with a more stupid chaser." So nothing until I recover from the asshattery.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-15

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-15

Chapter 15

You ever get one of those times in your life when things are just that good that you’re hugging yourself just because it feels that awesome. I honestly don’t think that I’ve ever felt like this. I feel like I want to hug things, someone, or just happy roll on my bed or something I have these warm fuzzy dancing butterflies in my stomach and I know I’m completely girling out right now but I don’t care.


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