General Audience (pg)

The Princess and the Plague : 33

The Princess and the Plague
Part 33
By Anistasia Allread
Not Edited! Sorry

Erika felt a pull in her groin as she stepped forward. Smooth dark skin and well muscled shoulders stood waiting for her. She ached to touch that perfect skin, to carress it and feel it's silkiness under her fingers, but gained control of herself and zipped her squad leader's dress.


Let this be a warning...for all of us!

Yesterday, while out doing retail therapy, on my way home, my car died on me. I managed to coast into a somewhat secluded parking lot, tried re-starting the joy. I went inside a nearby business, called a tow truck, and went back out to wait in the car.

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I am so sorry

I am so sorry for the multiple posts. I didn't mean to be so selfish. My sweet mother-in-law died on Saturday, and this has been a way of dealing with the loss as we prepare for the funeral Friday. She was a lovely kind woman; her name was Natalie, and even though I married into her family, it hurts and I miss her so. Thanks for understanding, and I'll try to "pace" myself. God bless! 'drea

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When I awoke the following morning, I knew, before I even drew the curtains, that this was not going to be a day for going for a tramp along the coast path, going to the beach or any of the touristy things that erm, tourists do.

Chapter 24
By Susan Brown

The State does not make mistakes -1- A knock at the door

The State does not make mistakes

1 - A knock at the door

by Penny Lane

This story is set in an anonymous state in the near future, where surveillance techniques and bureaucracy reign. Could this be what your state will look like then?

that was just odd

You know this will problem go down as an idea that might have been. Usually I only remember having dreams when I change my meds. Which is odd because I haven't; Hopefully is not another down ward spiral into depression. Other wise I don't think I ever dream. Anyway Life at this point had just been one disappointment after another. Being a foster child buyt not put into the system bause of being an embarsisment to the family I lost count of how many relatives i'd been bounced to around the usa.

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Voting Box Question

Has anyone else noticed a change in the way the voting box operates. Until recently, if I had not yet logged in, the box would say "Login" (or "Voted" if I had previously done so). Clicking on "Login" never worked because it took me off to an error message page, but I could get to the login place and back to vote quite easily.

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After a quick change into a pale blue smock top and long, dark blue gypsy skirt, I made my way to the Toad and Tart.
It had clouded over slightly, bringing a bit of a relief from the sun’s hot rays, beating down on my head.
Also the breeze off the sea helps to cool things a little.


Chapter 23

By Susan Brown

Private Bookmarks

New Feature! There's now a private flag below almost every kind of post for bookmarking the post so it can easily be found again -- using the |My Bookmarks| menu item in the right hand column for most logged-in users.

This is going to be a replacement for the old Favorites gadget that had problems because you had to go to your account to see the list and other people could see it too.

This will be a private list for each logged-in user.


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Can anyone recommend a divorce attorney in Seattle?

I've been served with papers and need someone to advise me. Trans-friendly of course, sharp and thorough but preferably not out for blood. I'd know just who to go to if I lived in Penmarris Cove, but though I feel like it at times, I'm not a character in a Susan Brown tale.


Erin M. (justme)

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I originally bought an IPAQ several years ago to read stories on and that proved to be too impractical; too small. Now, I am seeing a thing called a "Kindle" and I wonder if anyone else here has tried one. It seems as if the "pages" are as large as a paperback novels'.

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Story Covers

I have been using poser for ages now, and I LOVE playing with fonts and graphics. If anyone is interested in a customized cover for a story they are writing, please send me a PM. If I think I can make something pretty and fun, I'll give it a shot:) Below is an example of one that I made for a story a I wrote some time ago.....ignore the typos:O

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