

The next morning I awoke with the sun on my face, coming through a chink in the curtains where they had not been closed fully.

Rubbing my eyes, I reached over and looked at my watch; it was ten past eight. I had a good stretch and a yawn, feeling rested and ready to face the new day...


Chapter 4

By Susan Brown


It took thirty minutes to get on the motorway that leads down to Devon and the West Country–plenty of time to think about what I should do. I know I wasn’t thinking straight–the shock of my wife and her betrayal would probably haunt me for the rest of my life...


Chapter 2

By Susan Brown

Football Girl ~ Chapter 12

‘That is you! What the hell is going on here?’

Claire stepped in quickly, dragging Andrew off me.

‘Look, Andrew, don’t throw like, a wobbly. We can explain…’

Football Girl
Chapter 12

By Susan Brown

Football Girl ~ Chapter 11


I started undressing; after taking off my top, I felt a strong urge to scratch my chest, but couldn’t get at my nipples because of the strapping.

Football Girl

By Susan Brown

The Girl in Me -4-

The Girl in Me
by Erin Amelia Fletcher
Please keep in mind most names, and some specific details, have been altered, to limit the amount of Strife within those associated within whom may come in contact with this.

This is the parody story to my poem I am a Girl, please enjoy...

The Girl in Me -3-

The Girl in Me
by Erin Amelia Fletcher
Please keep in mind most names, and some specific details, have been altered, to limit the amount of Strife within those associated within whom may come in contact with this.

This is the parody story to my poem I am a Girl, please enjoy...

Galaxy Star

.Galaxy star

Written by Dauphin
a boy is kidnapped by aliens and exhibited in a space zoo. He finds a secret side to himself
"An unexpected tale of a zoo in space, where a boy finds out who he truly is An unexpected ending." Diana
"Some stories are so fun to write. I wanted to write one that was very original. This is one of my personal favourites, maybe because it was so fun to write" Dauphin

Milissa's and Dandy's Life for the last 3800 years - Part 2 "Milissa Awakens" (revisied)

It was closing time @ Housing Transitions Program. I just walked out the door with my friend Lori and Talking about the puzzle we were working on.

Suddenly a blast happened and I went flying. I Hit the building and I looked up and saw a steel beam land on my leg. I screamed And my twin sister came running. then it just went black. Meanwhile the Starship Enterprise was in orbit watching the action below there was a rumor that a very powerful weapon was being developed. The Enterprise was sent there to investigate the rumor.

Milissa's and Dandy's Life
for the last 3800 years

Part 2 "Milissa Awakens"
by Princess Milissa

Cotton Trail Part 2 - The Ending

I was really starting to hate those dogs. I just wanted to go home. I was scared and even my little friend was showing he was scared. I was really hoping that I would not run into anyone. I have no idea what I would say to them, and this stupid machine isn’t giving up any of its secrets either. Why would anyone make it so hard, to find the rules to this game.

Cotton Trail

Part 2

By Msmith111

Cotton Trail Part 1

“It isn’t fair.” was the last thing I said, running out the back door. How come I always have to do it. I could understand if I was a girl. I was mad. I just wanted to get away from my prying parents eyes. I was going to stew about this for a while and then I would come back and do what they told me to do. Just like I do every time.

Cotton Trail

Part 1

By Msmith111

Momma's Boy

.Momma's Boys

Written by Dauphin
Two Boys going down the wrong path. Their mothers take them in a world of magic, brainwashing, threats and more. The Mothers want their sons to be daughters. One boy accepts, one boy does not accept. Who would you be?
"This story is a classic! It shows two boys journey, one of which fights any change. It has a dominant woman that we hate and yet would love to know." Diana
"This story was fun writing as it used many cliches and is not a sentimental story. It was also a hard story to follow up on, as many wanted the same sort of story. It was hard when people still talked about this one but did not think the new ones were as good. " Dauphin

Unexpected Mommy


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Unexpected Mommy


By Trish5160


Alix is a boy born blessed with boobs known as gynecomastia. His mom already had two boys and in her last ditch effort to have a daughter, Alix was born to her dissatisfaction. Cindy their neighbor (and a Registered Nurse) wants a live-in baby sitter to care for her two kids so she can pursue her career goals. Cindy tries to convince Alix’s mom that they share a common goal, suggesting they work together for their mutual benefit. This is Alix’s journey from lowly pre-teen boy with natural boobs who’s brain possesses a rare and obscure chemical disparity whereby a chain of events will open a flood gate of hormonal adjustments that simply run out of control. Mother Nature will stake her ultimate claim upon him eventually adding one more female to the human species. After all, there’s always plenty of room for one more mommy.

Understand Me

.Understand me

Written by Dauphin
Watch this show about a boy trying to find his identity and those that supports him and those that don't support him
"A direct story about what people think of being transgendered, The good and bad aspects. Let's hope our view do not create victims" Diana
"This was a rant on my behalf, writing down things I heard and read. Should Jaydn not be happy with her identity? " Dauphin

A Prayer Answered : Chapter 1

      Tim had finally come out to his father about wanting to be a girl. Discover what happens next: Does David, Tim’s father, continue to help his son, now his daughter, achieve her ambitions? Are prayers really answered in the way we think they are? Gratiously edited by stanman63.
And Now...

A Prayer Answered
Chapter One
By Sara D.

Football Girl ~ Chapter 5


I walked through. Josie was sitting on the sofa glancing through the girlie magazine I had left there. She looked up and, at the sight of me, dropped the magazine on her lap. She was frowning and her mouth was open...

Football Girl

By Susan Brown

Fem Ring

It started out a normal enough day.

I got up, put on my pt uniform and headed out for the base. It was in the middle of winter, so we had to wear our sweats. Considering it only started getting cold, I didn't have my sweats on hand so I spent fifteen minutes looking for them. I don't normally mind, but it was raining so I would be cold and wet today. After finally finding my whole pt uniform, I went to start my car, but the battery was dead. Arg!!!

Billy Two Shoes ~ A Christmas Story

The little lad was small for his age, ten years and one month, and was unusual in as much as he could read and write–not very well, but better than his father Albert, the woodcutter
Billy Two Shoes ~ A Story at Christmas

By Susan Brown




Written by Dauphin
Sandra and Taylor find a game that will change their lives forever. This game is dangerous as it will doom them or make them happy. If the twins ever needed themselves, it would be now!
"One of Dauphin's stories inspired by a film, these really change the film! I wonder how many readers want the game!" Diana
"Some people hate this story and some love it." Dauphin

A Fabulists Tale

A Fabulists Tale

By Rachel Anne

Edited by Holly Logan


Now where do I start? Well they say that the beginning is always a good place, so here goes. I have always been a storyteller but lately everything has changed. It seems that my tall tales aren't so tall as I always thought, at least they aren't after I tell them, that is.

Confusing? You don't know the half of it, but I'll try to explain as best as I can. I first noticed that things weren't as I had been taught when I wrote a story about the SRU Wizard. You know your standard SRU fare about MtF transformation, except this one was about me. This is how the story went.

One Sissy's Story -- Pt 1

This is not autobiographical, mostly. I wrote this to see if I could write a story with no dialog and have it be good. It's a story, it has no dialog but I leave it to you to tell me if it is good or not.

One Sissy’s Story -- Part 1

Maid Joy

It felt like hearing nails on a chalkboard all the time. There was something fundamentally wrong with the whole world and I didn’t know how to fix it.

. . . And Fifty Cents For Your Soul

     'Mad Dog' Jansen stomped down the polluted beach, kicking driftwood and whatever else got in his way with his size 14 combat boots. He smiled for a moment at the memory of how that pansy quarterback for the Saints had looked after he'd 'accidentally' snapped his throwing arm, the pain in his eyes before he'd passed out. It had been a clean hit but Jansen knew he'd angled himself to inflict the maximum amount of damage.

El Dia De Los Muertos AKA All Souls Day

El Dia De Los Muertos
All Souls Day

 © 2008 Nick B

Just slap me soundly for forgetting that the wonderful Gabi did the proofing and tweaking on this. Thanks Gabi

Wishes Fulfilled, Chapter One Illustrated


Thanks to Erin, I have a way to share PDFs! Hopefully this won't have any browser issues. Anyway, if you want, you are welcome to have a peek. This is probably not the final version. At the very least, it will have a cute little cover and all that. Again, I would love an editor as well as general criticisms/critiques, so if you are so inclined, please drop me a note or share here:)

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A Toxic Adventure

This is a MORFS satire that I originally posted in the MORFS forum. It is based on an earlier forum entry (What would you choose http://morfs.19.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=173 ) I used the opportunity to poke fun at some of my fellow authors and even a significant other.

Call me Princess


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