Cotton Trail Part 2 - The Ending

I was really starting to hate those dogs. I just wanted to go home. I was scared and even my little friend was showing he was scared. I was really hoping that I would not run into anyone. I have no idea what I would say to them, and this stupid machine isn’t giving up any of its secrets either. Why would anyone make it so hard, to find the rules to this game.

Cotton Trail

Part 2

By Msmith111

I was really starting to hate those dogs. I just wanted to go home. I was scared and even my little friend was showing he was scared. I was really hoping that I would not run into anyone. I have no idea what I would say to them, and this stupid machine isn’t giving up any of its secrets either. Why would anyone make it so hard, to find the rules to this game.

With great trepidation, I started down the narrow winding path, that was enclosed on both sides, with a wall of green brush. I thought I would creep down a little and see what was over the little hill. If anyone was there I would just run back to the lockers and hide. I was proud of myself and beginning to think, that maybe, I could do this. Of course if I had a choice I would have been running and screaming all the way home to.

Looking back, and then ahead. To make sure that I wasn’t to faraway from the lockers. I crept slowly over the hill. What a disappointment, more of the same. This isn’t going to be good. If I continued, I could never make it back to the lockers safely. I had to think.

How come this stupid thing doesn’t do anything. I played with the buttons on it some more hoping that something would spit out of it. I would take anything, just about. I mean, it cant get much worse than it is already. I sort of giggled a little bit. All I have to hide behind is this stupid machine and a piece of paper. What a site that would be. Me trying to hide my privates, behind a phone. With my luck it would ring at that time too. I made my way up to the next hill slowly checking to see if anyone was coming. Oh please, please don’t let anyone be there, as I chanted to myself.

Bzzzzzzz “Goose”

Now why would this thing say goose. I typed back into it “What do you mean, Goose?”

Bzzzzzzz “Goose”

I stood, puzzled, what on earth does it mean by “Goose”? “Eeeeppp” I squealed in shock. I turned around to see that one of the dogs was next to me. “Don’t do that.” I demanded “Keep that cold nose away from me.” as the dog reached out to nudge me again with his big black nose. “Stop that, that thing is cold” I giggled. The other one started to walk toward me as well. “Oh no, you stay away from me.” Both dogs continued to nudge me down the path, while I tried to dodge their cold noses. “Stop you two, I don’t think that’s funny anymore.” I demanded without any luck. “I’m going, just don’t push.” I had to admit to myself that they were friendly dogs. I needed a name for them. Just cant keep calling them dog. I started thinking of different names for them as I walked down the path. I know, I turned around to them, looking in to their eyes. “I will call you, Twiddle dee and Twiddle dum. That should teach you” I giggled to myself.

I did start to feel comfortable with them standing next to me. I mean, who would try anything with them. Look how big they are, and if that doesn’t get you, the slobbering should. Any way I could hide behind them, and no one could see down that ways. They must me good dogs anyways. Their not chasing all of the rabbits around.

Then it happened, both dogs stepped forward, ahead of me. I could see the muscles bulging on both dogs. Was it possible for them to look any bigger? That really scared me. I remembered what I was told. They would protect me, if someone was trying to hurt me. I started thinking who would want to hurt me? I haven’t done anything. Why are they doing this? What is out there? I began to shake, as we walked out into the opening. The dogs started growling. I couldn’t take it anymore, I started crying. “Please, don’t hurt me.” I mumbled, over again.

I heard a woman’s voice coming my way “There you are. Finally. You wouldn’t know how long I have been looking for you.” She looked exhausted, and the nervous type to. She grabbed my hand and started pulling me away from the dogs.

“Wait, lady. I don’t know who you are.” As she pulled me away from the dogs. I could of sworn, I heard them laughing. I did my best to keep up with her. This lady was on a mission.

“Come on Little missy. Were behind a little…..hum… your not a girl? As she turned to see my little friend dancing in the wind. “Sorry about the rush, someone gave me some bad information.” I think that is the first time I could feel my butt blush. At least it slowed her down a little. She was a lady in the upper twenties. Younger than Mom, maybe. I think they call it brunette, it was brown hair anyways, blue eyes, nice smile.

“Do you know how to get out of here? I don’t want to play anymore. I just want to go home.” I have been here for over an hour and still haven’t seen anyone my age or someone to play with. My eyes were starting to tear.

“I’m sorry, Honey I didn’t mean to scare you. How about we get to the rose garden, first. Then I will spend the time to answer all of your questions. You know this could be fun.”

“What are we gonna do in the rose garden?” I was thinking thorns. I remembered having a run in with those from last summer. Fell off my skate board and landed in a big rose bush. I had little cuts all over me. It was like a thousand paper cuts at once. “I don’t want to go in there.”

“Please, Its not very far. I promise, nothing bad will happen.” The lady looked concerned.

“But, it has thorns.” pleading.

I heard a little giggle from her. “We will go through the gate.” as she looked at me again. “I will make sure you don’t get stuck.” as she tried to hold back another giggle.

“Nobody else is gonna see me naked, are they?

“Nope, we should be there, all by ourselves. Promise, when we get there, we will get some clothes on you. Ok?” smiling down at me.

I could tell she was trying not to laugh at me. She started picking up the pace again. I tried to look back to see if Twiddle dee and Twiddle dum was still following me. There was a little comfort, knowing that they were still following me.

“See there, Honey. There is the sign to the rose garden.  ¼ of a mile. You o.k. now?

“Huh -huh”

“Come on, darling. Lets hurry? Nobody will be able to see us in there either. You can run all you want in there. It will be absolutely beautiful. I will even show you something cool in there tonight. Please.”

She looked so happy about wanting to take me in there. What was I gonna do anyways. Walk around naked all day, hiding behind the dogs. At least I would have some clothes to wear. “You promise I can get something to wear in there?

“Oh, yes honey. Come on, hurry.”

“Not so fast please, I don’t have any shoes on.”

“Would you like me to carry you?

This is where you need to place that awkward silent moment. How do you tell someone, that is trying to help you. That is, just a little to friendly. Your not to thrilled about being exposed as you are, but to be in her arms to. I may be young, but I think the little cheering squad was going to make a point on that idea.

“Ahh…No I can walk” turning to a nice shade of red.

Bzzzzz “Why does she need to go to the rose garden?”

That question puzzled me. That is where my clue, told me to go. I remembered what it said. I had to look for the fairies and the pixies dancing. I don’t know what to look for. I hope it isn’t that hard to find. I had that feeling, inside me that something was wrong, I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

I could tell by the scent in the air we were getting close. I loved the smell of roses.

Wait a minute. Why does she have to go to the rose garden? I never showed her my clue. The dogs, didn’t like her at first and then I heard them whine. “Wait, stop. Stop!” I demanded. “How come you know about the rose garden? I never showed you my clue” I began to struggle to get my hand loose from her grip.

I could feel her grip get tighter. “Honey, just a little farther, the gate is right there. Please. I promise I will explain everything to you.” her face began to look frustrated.

“No, I’m not going in there until you tell me what is going on?” Trying to hold my ground.

She stopped and turned around to me, her face didn’t look so frustrated. “Ok, I’m sorry. This does look a bit strange to you doesn’t it, and someone is having a go at you. Can I at least get you to go inside and get some clothes on you? I wont hurt you. Look, if I was going to hurt you, those dog would of did something. Right?”


“I will even tell you, what I know of the game. Honest someone is just playing with you.”

“How do I know your not lying to me?”

“What would it take for you to believe me? I promise no one is going to hurt you in there. I’m just trying to help you, that is it.”

I looked at her face and she did look like she cared.

Bzzzzz “Sorry about the last statement. Your wish is just beyond, in the rose garden”

I looked at the statement. Confused. Now its telling me to go in. I’m really not liking this.

“I sorry, I just don’t want to play. I just want to go home.” Tears started filling my eyes.

“Honey, I’m sorry. I think some of this is my fault. I haven’t even told you my name. My name is Jessica and you should be Kevin.”

“How do you know my name?”

“Can we go in the rose garden and get some clothes on you. It doesn’t look good for me, towing a naked kid around. Some one will call the cops on me.”

“You sure no one is going to hurt me?”

“I promise.”

I think she was telling me the truth, at least she was smiling when she talked to me. I let her lead me into the rose garden.

We walked through the Arbor. What a garden. It was beautiful. I don’t think I have ever seen anything like it. I loved the peach colored roses. It seemed like the roses went to the sky. The grass was thick and cool to the toes. In the far corner was a statue of Fairies and Pixies dancing. There was two benches. There looked to be two bed rolls on them. That was odd.

“See darling, There is the package, right next to the statue. You O.K. now? Let’s get you dressed and I will try to explain everything to you. You don’t have to be scared anymore.”

I brought the big box back to the benches. I was excited to see what was inside. I looked at Jessica’s reassuring face, and felt at ease. I wiggled my toes in the grass, “Can we open it”

“Well sure how else are you going to get dressed.”

I opened up the box. I felt like I was nine again at Christmas time. Boxes always held surprises. This was not going to let me down either. On top was an envelope. Written on top “Clue” in fancy handwriting. A big bag of marshmallows, some chocolate. I’m not sure what the next thing was but I thing it was, a little burner, maybe. Drinks, they were still cold. A flash light. Two long prongs, and some matches.

I turned around and Jessica was holding another box. “I think you found the treat box, for tonight. Here is your clothes.”

Jessica could tell I was confused. She tried to hold back from laughing at me. She was watching me close to see my reaction when I opened up the box. It was a white sundress, a pair of white laced panties with a little bow on the front. A pair of white sandals.

“These are girls clothes. I’m not wearing these.”

“What else you going to wear? Come on let me help you put it on. I think you will look cute in them anyways.”

Jessica gave me time to study the clothes in front of me. I did like the feel of the dress, it felt so light. The panties were so smooth to the touch. I tried to hide my feeling from Jessica.

“At least put the panties on, Please. That way I don’t have a naked kid running around. When Barbra shows up, we can have dinner then, Ok?

“Who’s Barbra?”

“Let’s get you dressed, first, before I tell you everything. Will you try the dress out.” as she held it up to flutter in the wind.

I had goose bumps all over me, as I slid the panties up my legs. “Ok, but it just because there isn’t anything else to wear. Promise you wont tell anyone.”

“Hum yeah, sure kiddo. Raise your arms straight up over your head.”

I could fell the dress tickle me all the way down. It was so light on me, I could feel the hem of the dress dancing around my legs. I looked up to see the expression on Jessica.
“No laughing at me either. I am only doing this, because there is nothing else to wear.”

“I understand, and I wont laugh at you. Let me get this other stuff put away again.”

I waited for Jessica to turn around so she couldn’t see me. I twirled around to see the dress flutter. Checking every so often to make sure Jessica didn’t see me. “Don’t forget the marshmallows also, trying to delay sometime so that I can looking at myself. Wish I had a mirror. Then I had the feeling of pain came over me. “You said a Barbara was coming? She’s going to laugh at me. She gonna see a boy dressed in a dress and laugh.” Tears began to feel my eyes.

“Hold on little one, give me a chance here, will you. First thing, she isn’t going to laugh at you. Let me put this ribbon in your hair, brush it out a little. I think you look just fine. Well a least the dress doesn’t make you look to girly - girl.“

I could feel the warmth of her smile. I think she cared. I didn’t want her to think that I was having fun, or anything. But it was exciting. Everything that has taken place. “You think I look ok, in it? I mean, me being a boy and everything. This is just until I can get my clothes back. What is all this other stuff anyways? I was doing everything to change the subject from me to anything else.

“This, my new little girl friend, is for us to sleep out here. In the rose garden”

“I’m not that small.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. You will make a fine young lady someday.” as she tried to hold back on the giggling.

“I’m not a sissy.”

“Hey, I never called you that, cant we just be friends. Have some fun here tonight. Girls can have fun, too.”

I think, I was feeling al little jittery, about all that has taken place yet today. Everything seemed to happen so fast. I still don’t understand the rules of this game and why she is being so nice to me. How come she knew to come here, I never showed her my clue.

“Come her my new found friend and I will explain this to you.” Jessica smiling at me and patting a spot for me to sit down at. “You ok? I don’t want you wiggin out on me.”

“Huh-huh” I was trying my best not to look to worried, or scared.

“I’m not sure how to begin on all of this. There is a group of us, who are out here tonight. We all came out here to have a Scavenger Hunt and sleep under the stars. We do this, a couple of times a years, during the summer. I mean can you think of a nicer place to sleep out, than here.” Jessica was smiling ear to ear.

“But what about this stupid thing, and Twiddle dee and Twiddle dum?

Jessica had a dumbfounded look on her face. “That’s Barbra’s phone, and I don’t know who Twiddle dee and Twiddle dum are.”

“Those big dogs out there.”

“Those are Barbra’s dogs.” Jessica starting to giggle over what I named the dogs. “I’m sorry, Honey. Barbra was just having some fun. She didn’t think you would actually take off your clothes. When she finally told me what was happening and I figured out who you were. I Called your mom and told her you were here and what had happened.” Jessica was waiting for me to understand everything that took place with me this afternoon. She could almost see the gears ticking.

“Ahh wait for me to explain the rest. When she found out that you were in the middle of our scavenger hunt. She ran down here and brought us all of this stuff for you.”

“She brought me a dress?”

“You like it, don’t you. I am going to be so embarrassed if you say no.”

“Well…….hum…… yeah I like it. You don’t hate me, do you? You think I’m weird.” my eyes started to tear. “I think I just want to go home.”

“Your fast with the emotions. I didn’t say you were weird, and I don’t hate you. Your mother thought this would be a lot of fun, and you might change your mind about the spending time with your sister at summer camp. Its not all that bad for you to be around her.”

“But, you said there was something cool in here.”

Jessica started smiling. “Little lady, when the sun goes down, your going to see something, that is going to knock those little sandals off you feet.”

Bzzzzz “Is it safe to come in”

I showed the screen to Jessica and typed in “Only if you brought pizza.”

Why Jessica went to help Barbra with the gate. I took my chance and twirled in my new dress. I turned around in time to see the most beautiful thing, in the whole world. The statue of the Fairies and the pixies dancing, started sparkling, and slowly the whole garden started lighting up. Lightning bugs everywhere. I dropped everything. Yes it did knock the sandals off my feet, as I ran through the cool grass that early summers eve.

I wish I might, I wish to have this wish tonight.

I cant tell you what the wish was. Then it wont come true. But the wish still shines tonight.

I hope you enjoyed my story, little ones.

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