
Five for Fifty (Chp.6) - The Final Chapter

“I’m sorry Cici … but in the real world you can’t be the little girl you want to be. Yes … you can put your hair up in pig tails and carry Kiwi around and colour till your heart’s content, but we both know that you’ll never wake up and truly be the little girl in body that you are in soul. Just as in the real world … I can never be your Mom … David can never be your Dad and the girls can’t be your sisters. It’s impossible.”

Five for Fifty
Chapter Six: B is for Butterfly Nets
The Final Chapter

by Maggie the Kitten

Football Girl ~ Chapter 28

‘Well, Melanie, it was quite a shock to see the headline this morning…’

It seemed a bit bizarre that I was sitting on the famous Good Morning settee, just ninety minutes after sitting in my nightie reading the trash The Globe had printed about me...


Football Girl
Chapter 28

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2009 Susan Brown


Still feeling rather bloated after my á¼ber pasty at the pub and slightly tingly after a goodbye kiss from Abby which would have put us in prison in several countries and been applauded in a few others, I made my way to the police station–a.k.a. Trevor’s house...


Chapter 61

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2009 Susan Brown

TransBike-Merry Christmas Wish


TransBike-Merry Christmas Wish

By Stanman63
Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing
Synopsis:When a Trans-Woman who has spent her life helping others with their problems finally meets the Dapper Gentleman and the TransBike, she finds her special wish is granted and she is healed of her ailments, thanks to the love of her many friends.

Five for Fifty (Chp.5)

Cierra closed her eyes and drew in a breath. When she released it … the life in her body seemed to leave her. When she opened her eyes the sparkle had faded and the blue was almost grey. Her voice was barely more than a whisper.

“I … I’m sorry. I … I just wanted to try … to try extra hard ‘cause … ‘cause now I understand … and … and well … I just think I could get there you know. I think if I tried with … with all that I am … that I could make something happen."

Five for Fifty
Chapter Five: Lifting the Little Toe

by Maggie the Kitten

Five for Fifty (Chp.4)

Cierra nodded solemnly and swallowed, “But … I think I could be pretty good at sports … for a girl that is … and … and I know it wouldn’t be as much fun for you … like it would be if I was your son … but … I’ll try really hard and I won’t cry and … if I’m tall I bet I’ll be good at basketball if my knees aint busted again … or I’ll play baseball … or maybe even football … and that would be cheaper for you then if I was a boy ‘cause you won’t got to buy me a cup … just pads.”

David’s face turned crimson as he dropped it against his chest and whined. “Five women in the house … I’m always buying pads.”

Five for Fifty
Chapter 4: The Clock Strikes Midnight

by Maggie the Kitten


I stared at the bonnet of my beautiful, shiny car and could not believe what I saw. I had thought my troubles were over and the tricks played by Nigel were a thing of the past. But no, it seemed I still had problems.


Chapter 58

By Susan Brown

Christmas Reunion


Christmas Reunion
By Stanman63
Thanks To JennaFL For ProofingAnd Nora-Adrienne For Editing!
Synopsis:Sasha Frances Morgan has found happiness at last. She has finally transitioned into Sasha Francis Morgan, and has had the surgery to make her complete.

But she has been estranged from her family due to her Papa Joe: patriarch of the family. He declared Sasha as an abomination when he learned of her choice, casting her out of the family.

Now, after years of being ostracized, her family finally calls her and shares news that ends her exile.

Five for Fifty (Chp.3)

“It wasn’t my fault. I wasn’t being punished for being bad. I … I was just stuck … stuck inside … but not no more. Maybe it was God’s fault … and maybe it wasn’t but it don’t matter no more. Now I’m outside and I’m whole … and I’m a real girl and not a lost one. I’m not sad and I don’t live on TG Misfit Island anymore!”

Five for Fifty
Chapter 3: Living the Dream

by Maggie the Kitten

Five for Fifty (Chp.2)

“The only thing special for me about this birthday is the fact I’m spending it with the two of you. I don’t feel like celebrating fifty years of life that was mostly a lie and barely more than existence, but if I can use this day to wheedle permission out of you to try and reach for the stars … then I’ll use it. Look … I’ve got all the ingredients for the recipe. I need an ounce of faith … I’ve got an ocean. I need an ounce of magic … being home with the two of you on my birthday gives me that and then some … so … all I need now is your permission to try.”

Five for Fifty
Chapter 2: Making the Pitch

by Maggie the Kitten

Football Girl ~ Chapter 25

As we approached the shopping centre, I noticed that it was rather busy. We had two cars, one with Daddy, Claire and I in and the other, a 4X4 Range Rover, with blacked out windows with the two security people, Danni and Charlotte in. The Range Rover was in front...
Football Girl
Chapter 25

By Susan Brown

Five for Fifty (Chp.1)

“No matter what happens … no matter whether or not you grant my wish … I just want to say how much I appreciate your friendship. You’ve been kind and patient and compassionate, helpful and honest and … most of all … been there when I’ve needed you. Thank you.”

Five for Fifty
Chapter 1: Homecoming

by Maggie the Kitten

It Wasn't in the Cards

“Look, children, let us focus on what ta do now. Until I sleep, dis change can be undone, but only by you, Charlie. I give ta you de power over de fate o' your friends.”

From within her bosom, Mama Lavise pulled out a locket and opened it before Charlie. In it were two tiny worry dolls, one brown and in trousers and a t-shirt, the other pink and in a dress.

“Switch de dolls' clothin' ta make things as dey were. You have 'til I get home an' lay me head down. Good day, children.”

Please enjoy my submission for the November Story Challenge 2009 - The Gift, It Wasn't in the Cards.

- EKitty

Football Girl ~ Chapter 24

Two weeks later, I awoke in the morning and before I even opened my eyes, I was smiling. You see, today was the day that I was to go back and start training with the club and it was the day of my birthday, I was now officially sixteen...
Football Girl
Chapter 24

By Susan Brown

Football Girl ~ Chapter 23

With my family and friends, I was ushered through a plain door and into some sort of lounge. It was, I suppose the equivalent of the BBC’s green room used for hospitality, where people could relax prior to broadcasts...
Football Girl
Chapter 23

By Susan Brown

The Kitten Tail

The Kitten Tail
by Maggie O'Malley aka Maggie the Kitten
When a Meter Maid meets the Magic of Bob's Cafe, interesting things happen!
A Kitten Tale written 6 years ago but never previously posted on BCTS

The Girl in Me -17-


"Mr. Harold" I stated addressing him slightly demandedly.

Mr. Harold turned around, and said "Yes! What do you want?!" with anger in his voice.

"Who the hell, do you think you are!" I said sternly.

Mr. Harold's eyes grew and replied in anger "Excuse me?"

The Girl in Me
Chapters 49-51
by Erin Amelia Fletcher


Candice looked at the sheet of paper and turned a sort of puce colour. While she was looking, I wondered if justifiable homicide would be the correct plea if I sloshed her around the head with my handbag and broke it...


Chapter 44

By Susan Brown


After congratulating each other on receiving the news that Dawn and her family would be coming to live at the Cove, we grabbed the protesting children from the beach and went to took them to see the cottage where they were soon going to be living. Protests died on their lips as they were as curious as anyone regarding their new home...


Chapter 42

By Susan Brown


It was lovely to be able to forget my problems for a while and dive head first into trying to help others. After a brief stop for drinks, we were off to try to find the ideal home for Dawn and Adrian, not forgetting the headache inducing children...


Chapter 41

By Susan Brown

The Story With No Name

The Story With No Name
By: Nuke LaLoosh

Matt was the star basketball player for Russell Wilson High. All his life he had been the best at the sport. From rec ball through high school he had dominated everyone. Even now as his senior year approached, he was being recruited by the best schools in the country to play for them. He stood an imposing six foot five inches tall, two hundred and twenty pounds of solid muscle that drove the girls wild. There was only one problem; I wanted to be a girl.

Football Girl ~ Chapter 19

It seemed like forever that I was lying there. The pain I was feeling was more excruciating than any I had ever felt before. My knees were up into my stomach–in a foetal position, I suppose. I could hear people talking but I couldn’t take in what was being said...
Football Girl
Chapter 19

By Susan Brown


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