
The End

.The End

Written by Dauphin
Read this letter from a boy that really is considering suicide. Can you understand why he wants to?
"Very realistic, as some boys would feel the same. Let us hope they have courage" Diana
"Emotional and Serious, Dauphin wants us to consider the person behind the dress" Andrew

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 9

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

Eleven-year-old Steven Brooks had been punished for violating his parents’ trust and looking at his presents by agreeing to spend his entire Christmas vacation pretending to be a girl. Stephanie just had her first date with a boy on New Year’s Eve, including her first kiss, and spent the night. It’s now a new year and only one day before Steven has to go back to school, and then the deal is over and he’ll get his Nintendo Wii. Or will he?

Oscar Night - Part 7

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

In this installment, we see how novelist/screenwriter David Fine spends his Christmas alone as his girlfriend, fashion model Maritza Delgado has gone home to Venezuela for the holiday. David explores his feminine side a little more, helped in part by the fact that Maritza took all his underpants with her, forcing him to spend two weeks in her panties.

Christina's Party

Fate wore a pony tail and a red dress. We were both attending a large group ballroom dancing lesson along with perhaps two hundred other kids our age, all of whom attended schools in town. Our mid-lesson break had just begun when the lovely girl headed my way.
Christina was a very pretty girl with pretty blue eyes and shoulder length, light brown hair. She wore a red, short-sleeve, cotton dress that hung just below her knees and had a sparse floral pattern on it. She wore suntan nylons, and black, leather flats — and she was headed my way.

How Kelly Met Lisa

Everything began during my sister Dierdre’s slumber party one Friday night. My twin sister, Kirsten, was away for the night at a friend’s house. The only other person in the house was my single mom, and she had to leave on business.

Dierdre’s party was fairly small. There were only three other girls there, Alexis, Karen and Caitlin. I could usually find something else to do, but when there were pretty girls in the house they would command my attention and pique my curiosity. I had never spied on my sister before today, but I couldn’t resist. She and her friends were pretty and I always loved to see what they were wearing and how they did their hair.

The girls all arrived around noon. Because my mom had to be away on business that night, my sister had had to negotiate with her to have the slumber party. My mom asked who would be present at the party and when Dierdre listed the names of the three girls that she’d invited, Mom recognized them as good kids, not the trouble making sort at all. Satisfied that they could be trusted, she allowed the party. She asked Dierdre what they would be doing for dinner and she said that Alexis’ mom was picking them up and taking them to dinner. Mom figured that was good; it meant that we’d have adult supervision at least part of the time. She left money so that Dierdre could pay for herself, her friends and me and warned her not to leave me home alone at night or else. She said that if Dierdre would prefer I go to a friend’s for dinner instead of having dinner with the girls then that would be all right too.

Rhapsody, Chapter 5 - Legato Grave

Chapter 5 — Legato Grave
By Jillian

“So you think…” I couldn’t bring myself to finish saying what I’d intended.

Detective Johnson turned his attention back to the road just as the light changed. As we pulled through the intersection, he muttered, “I knew I shouldn’t have let you go tonight.”

Ignoring his comment I asked, “What about my things? You know, my equipment? And I left my purse on a table in the club.”

Rhapsody, Chapter 4 - Scherzo Energico

Chapter 4 — Scherzo Energico
By Jillian

“Wait!” I said in a surprised tone. “A safe house? You mean like witness protection? What about my work? My apartment? What am I supposed to do with my stuff?”

“Slow down,” he said while holding his hands up to emphasize things. “We don’t know how long it’ll be, but I wouldn’t expect it to take too long. For now, anything you don’t have to have with you should stay here. I’ll have a uniform posted here as a guard, okay?”

“Will there be room for my upright?” I asked.

“I don’t know why not,” he responded before adding, “Which one is that?”

FutureTech World 02

FutureTech World 02: Explorations

by Unknown Subject

Having a magic wishing stone wasn't enough. Karyn and Jon explore an alternate reality where tomorrow's technology exists today.

Start at the beginning: FutureTech World 01.

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 8

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

Steven snuck a peek at his Christmas presents and as punishment was forced to spend his vacation living and dressing as a girl. Stephanie’s handled things ok so far, but with only two days left the scariest part is coming up: she has a date with a boy to his family’s New Year’s Eve party. What will she do if he wants to kiss her? Find out in this extra-large installment. (My way of making it up to the readers I April Fooled)

Steven's Deal

Nintendo Wii dressed in blue
Steven’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

Eleven-year-old Stephanie Brooks snuck a peek at her Christmas presents and as punishment was forced to spend her vacation living and dressing as a boy. Steven’s handled things ok so far, but with only two days left the scariest part is coming up: he has a date with a girl for her New Year’s Eve party.

To Touch a Palm, part 4

It's not as simple as desire, not just a layer, or even two. It's art.

Perhaps it was when I lifted my foot, to untie my shoe, and pants rose
just enough to show the smallest band of smooth and newly-shaven skin,
that we decided on a painting, not a sketch. I saw my secret exposed. I
saw him look. I looked up at his face, tried a small smile.

To Touch a Palm, part 2

You always worry, can they see? Is there something, maybe the way
you've let your hand relax or your wrist bend, despite all the times
you've caught yourself and clenched your fingers, straightened the
curve. Something -- the way you hold a hand to your mouth? Or tilt your
head? Why do you hook your knees together when you sit: ankle on

Rhapsody, Chapter 3 - Molto Agitato

Chapter 3 — Molto Agitato
By Jillian

Detective Johnson was at my house in less than 15 minutes and once there didn’t waste any time in listening to the phone message. “What did he mean, ‘my message’?”

I took a deep breath and said, “He vandalized my car and spray painted ‘You talk, you die’ on the trunk lid. Truth is that threat’s why I didn’t report it in the first place.”

The Greatest Lie -3- Town and Gown

Summer school and risky business as Alex explores life in college and on the streets.
The Greatest Lie
Chapter 3
Town and Gown

WARNING! This story meant solely for adult audiences! It contains scenes of graphic sex and forcible rape described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading, hit the back key or dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! This story is purely fictional. All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental.

Rhapsody, Chapter 2 - Adagio Cantabile

Chapter 2 — Adagio Cantabile
By Jillian

My sleep was peppered with nightmares. Okay, more like several variations of one nightmare in particular. Every time I’d get to sleep I’d see Joey either attacking me, or harming those around me, or in one case outing me to all his redneck buddies as a transsexual.

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 7

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

Eleven-year-old Steven Brooks has spent one full week living as a girl. So far, Stephanie has been enjoying wearing pretty clothes and experiencing life from the other side to its fullest. In this installment, Stephanie sees some of the darker side of being a boy in frills and dresses. Not everyone understands. (There’s also some religion in here, but please don’t think I’m trying to tell you what to believe; I’m just trying to describe what some of the people in Stephanie’s church believe.)

Tragedy of the Spirit Part 16 School Continues and B/F ? Maybe...

Tragedy of the Spirit part 16 School Continues and B/F maybe?....

Copywrite 2008 Praitie_girl_64

Note : There is a scene in here which is a attempted rape and some violence towards me durring a moment at the end of school. Please do not read if this will disturb you. Thanks

Ju-Ju Box: Chapters 1 & 2

Author's note:
Per request, I'll start posting my old Cromexx Central stories here at topshelf.

This is an old six chapter story of mine I had on my old site Cromexx Central (no longer online). This story is followed by a pair of sequels. I'll just post a couple chapters at a time every other day or so, so I don't hog up the whole story board.

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 6

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

Steven peeked at his Christmas presents, so his family decided that his punishment should be to live as a girl until he had to go back to school. Stephanie has a date in four days, but before that she’s going to spend a day with her mom, try to stop a fight, and enjoy some retail therapy.

Tragedy of the Spirit part 14 ..... School is in .


I am sure that everyone must remember there high school days, especially the first one. I know I will and let me tell you it was a nice one. Although I had so many emotions running through my head. Fear, being one of them. I also had alot of anxiety and stress upon which I was not expecting.


Tragedy of the Spirit Part 13 summer and school.....hope perhaps?


The Summer started off for me quiet. I knew what needed to be done for any posibility of a future.

Future..my definition is at that time unknown and unobtainable. I now realize years later. it was very much obtainable.

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 5

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

Eleven-year-old Steven Brooks is being punished over his Christmas vacation by having to dress as a girl. In this installment, Stephanie learns about formal wear, breasts, and boys who wear dresses.

Domestic Partnership

Domestic Partnership by Jennifer Brock

Two lost souls seeking to improve their lives find a common solution, but a series of mistakes, bizarre coincidences, and confused identities leads them in an unexpected direction.

Mark's Mistake

Mark likes to dress grungy. Vanessa CEO of a major department store is Mark's Mom. She wants him to dress in a decent manner. Frustrated she turns her son over to Julie, her Personal Assistant, so she can get some work done. Well...

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 4

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

By foolishly deciding to peek at his Christmas presents, Steven earned the punishment of living as a girl. Stephanie’s been doing a fairly decent job emulating a well-mannered young lady, while still making some unusual choices. She’ll be an older boy’s date to a New Year’s Eve party, and most recently she agreed to serve as a junior bridesmaid in her cousin’s wedding next June. It’s now Christmas, and Stephanie learns a little more about herself.


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