
A Gaby Fan-Fiction
by Stanman

Synopsis:What exactly happened to the students and faculty of Augusta High School, Bigg's Manufacturing and Erin's Cyclery after Drew and his friends went back home to Warsop at the end of the Cultural Exchange Program? This story will attempt to answer those questions.

Jack sat down and sent an E-Mail to Miss Colinshaw.

Fran: I find it hard to believe that that pretty girl, Gaby is really Drew Bond. But after checking the facts out on the internet, I must admit that they are the same person. All the time that the Warsop Exchange Group was here, all that I saw was Gaby, a very sweet English Rose.

Learning about Drew's coercion into being Gaby by the Walters' girls has my blood, 'just a boiling' over their irresponsibility. By not allowing him any time to really be himself, they may very well cause him permanent psychological damage.

This is not the first time that those two have caused mischief to others, but this is by far the worst. When my best waitress, Sandy first applied for a job here, I was reluctant. Here was a student wanting to be a waitress, after school and weekends. She had transportation to and from school, but no reliable way to get here.

Well, she proved to be very reliable, and clever to boot. She started riding her bike just to prove her sincerity to me. After that, I sold her my trusty V.W. Beetle that was gathering dust. Her dad, John took it to the Augusta High School Auto Shop, where they gave it a very thorough tune up. by the time that the students were through with it, Sandy had a very reliable car.

After that, I had to hire that girl, or have my customers decide to boycott me in retaliation, she had made friends with my entire customer base. But what really set her apart as my top waitress, was when she easily dealt with the Walters' girls stiffing her for a bill for a cheerleader dinner party.

When Sandy found out, she went straight to their mother, Mary Jones and gave her the bill. Mary made the entire cheerleader team serve as waitresses at my diner until they were able to work off the bill for the entire team and their guests. Poor Brittney never thought that Sandy was going to Augusta, nor did she believe that Mary is Sandy's mother.

Oh, I know about Sandy's secret,but she doesn't know that I know. Jessica Bell, her counselor talked to me when I saw her transcript. Jessica was worried that I'd hurt Sandy, and with good reason too. Girls like Sandy are mistreated by those that do not understand about Special Girls like Sandy, but I do.

There is a couple living here in Grottoes whose husband transitioned into a beautiful woman. They are now divorced, but still love each other. The Special Woman is now a model, and her ex-wife owns a dance shop. Ellen Burke helped her husband, Bob to transition into Valerie. Bob was one of my friends from school, and when he went to the Halloween party the first time, he told me his secret.

We were going to Augusta Middle School, then, we were both eight. I was floored when he told me that he liked being a girl, I thought that he was a great football player, myself. But, that night, I saw Bobbi, not Bob, and I knew then that as Bobbi, my friend would be a very pretty girl. When I told her that she was a pretty girl, she smiled and cried.

From then on, I made sure that my friend was protected from harm as best I could. He would become Bobbi on the weekends when he could. Other than that, he stayed as Bob, except for Halloween, and in the plays.

His high school sweetheart was Ellen Reynolds. She was on the Grottoes Dance Team and Homecoming Queen, too. She looked very cute in her sailor style dance uniform, and Bob handsome in his football uniform. We thought that they would marry and have kids, we were half right.

Ellen is doing a thesis on special girls like Sandy, and Em for her psychology class. She let them both have appliances to help them look like girls. I am glad that she did, because now they don't need to worry about being found out.

As for the Walters' girls, they have kept the fact that Drew is a boy from them, all this time. When they learn about this little deception, I am sure that they will ground the girls for life!


He got up to lock up, and check to see if his son was home, yet. Jack Junior, [J.J.] had just returned from his internship in California, where he earned his doctorate in physics. He would be teaching science at Augusta High School, starting in the new year. Until then, J.J. would be helping his dad in the diner.

He was sitting in the kitchen, wearing a red pocket t-shirt with matching sweats, pouring a cup of steaming brown liquid into a cup, "Hey, Dad. Want some cocoa?"

Jack at with a grin by his only son, "Sure, J.J. Got any marshmallows?"

"You betcha, Pops," he grinned as he plopped a few of the fluffy white puffs of sugar into two cups. ['Dad loves telling me about Pop's Diner, where he learned his trade.']

"Pops? Since when am I 'Pops' to you?" Jack smirked.

"Ever since I read those comics that you gave me to read when I went to college. I just think that it sounds better than 'Dad.'"

Jack accepted the cup from his son, and sat down, "OK, Sport. I can accept that. Reminds me of the diner that I went to when I was growing up," he mused. ['At least he's not going on about wanting to open his own diner.']

"Oh? Was that before or after the Flood?" J.J. deadpanned.

"Very funny, Einstein," Jack chortled.

"Thanks. Please, tell me about that diner."

"It was Pop's Diner, run by Mike 'Pop's' Royer. He was a World War 2 Army cook who set up this diner when he finished his stint in the Army. When he retired, I bought it from him and renamed it," he sighed. ['To bad that he didn't go after his G.I. benefits in time.']

"But why rename it? Surely, he had many customers."

"I couldn't, not with the debt that he'd run up."

"Oh, I see. When you took over, by renaming the diner, there was no way that creditors could do a thing to make you pay."

"Exactly! That also gave him a chance to repay his loan, too. By closing the diner, then opening up under new management, the bank couldn't come after me, especially since I used another."

"But why did he owe so much?"

"Medical bills, his wife, Mary Jo caught polio, and since she was not a veteran, was not eligible for V.A. benefits."

"Dad, I know a few lawyers who can help him get the benefits."

"Unfortunately, he died a few years ago."

"Does he have any children?"

"Yes, he does. Fran Colinshaw, why?"

"Because she can get reimbursed for any outstanding debts that she is paying off because of her dad."

"OK, I'll let her know, J.J. But there's something else that I need to talk about, too."

"What about, Dad?"

"Well, you heard about the Student Exchange Program with Warsop College over in Great Britain?"

"Yeah, so?"

"You also know about the Walters' girls."

"Yeah, a pair of pranksters that keep getting into trouble."

"They were a part of the Program."

"What did they do? Get Dan in trouble?"

"No, but his trouble is related, though," he sighed.

"In what way?"

"Dan went atomic because the boy that he was paired with dresses as a girl."

"And Dan's attitude reflects hid Dad's, right?"

"Pretty much, well, anyway. that boy was over here as a girl."

"What? Which girl?"


"Oh. No wonder she was placed with Sandy."

"Yes, I am glad that you don't hate her, son."

"Dad, How can I ever hate her? Especially when I want to date her. But With her dad being such a bigot, I dare not try anything."

"Then I have good news for you, my boy," he grinned.

"Oh? Did Mister Jones get called to go overseas?"

"No, as far as I know, John Jones is not in the military."

"Too bad, a tour over there might do him some good."

"Junior! That's down right mean! John Jones deserves better than that from you."

"Gee. Sorry, Dad! I never knew that you felt so strongly about defending him."

Jack looked his son in the eye, and smiled, "You don't know what happened, do you?" ['Even I find it hard to believe. I hope that Sandy finally has the Daddy that she needs.']

"No, I don't. What happened?"

"John actually started being nice to Sandy."

J.J. gawped like a fish, then smiled, "When, Dad" ['Has he finally accepted Sandy as his daughter?']


He shook his head in wonder, "Man, oh mam. I never thought that he'd change," he guffawed.

Jack refilled their empty cups, "Son, John has been afraid for Sandy. And with very good reason. You know how people feel about special girls like Em, and Sandy, all thanks to that college associated with that religious TV program." ['To think, I used to watch that show, NOW, I watch, and listen to other programs that don't preach against Sandy.']

"I know what you're talking about Dad. I seriously doubt if they would support a trans-gendered member at all."

"J.J. I have stopped sending donations to them for that reason, after finding out about Sandy, and do you want to know what their response was?" ['Glad to see that my son has no hang ups about Sandy. He's more mature than a lot of adults.']

"What, Dad?"

"They said that I was listening to a lie and to return to the Truth."

"What did you say in return?"

"That when I had to start hating a friend for being different, then the Church needs to change, NOT God."

He spluttered in his cup as he laughed, "Good for you, Dad! I've believed that ever since I met Sandy."

"I am glad to hear that, Son. But when are you going to start dating Sandy?" ['They'll make a cute couple, and can always adopt.']

J.J. laughed as he held up his hands in surrender, "OK, OK, Dad. You've made your point. I'll ask her next time that I see her, OK?"

"Good, but there's still the reason that I'm mad." ['Will he agree with me? Or will he think that I am being overprotective? After all, I have no daughters, and tend to treat the girls that frequent the diner as my adopted daughters.']

"Uh, oh. When you get mad, it's time to call the news. Because you seldom get mad."

"I'm that predictable? Oh well, I guess that means that you know when I get mad, to listen."

"Yeah, Dad. Now why are you mad?"

"The Walters' girls and their prank against Drew Bond."

"Drew? But Gaby came over. Or am I mistaken?"

"Thus, the prank."

"Let me guess, Brit and her sister while over in Warsop, got Drew to wear skirts, and dresses. And said that they thought that he was a girl, even though they know different." ['Those two have a knack for getting into trouble, simply by going too far with their pranks.']


"And they neglected to tell their parents, because they wanted to keep up the prank at poor Drew's expense. Even though they know that their parents would make arrangements for Drew, if they knew." ['I know that they might be a bit jaded because of the girl's pranks, but they are good people. When they learn what their girls did, NOTING will keep them from grounded them for life.']

"Now you know why I am mad at them."

"OK, Dad. You go to whatever meeting that you need to. I'll keep the diner open for you."

Jack smiled, "Thanks, Son. That'll help me out."

"I mean, after all, it'll give me a chance to work with Sandy," smirked J.J.

"OK, Romeo, just don't get silly."

"I won't Dad. I'll take it easy with her."

Then the two men placed their dirty crocks in the dishwasher, and went to bed.


Then Jack went to bed. When he woke up the next morning, he saw that he had a message waiting. So, he tended to his morning ablutions, and went to the kitchen where his son, J.J. was preparing breakfast of flap jacks and sausage, Jack's favorite.

"Well, Son. If you keep on spoiling me with this breakfast, I just may retire," he smirked as he poured them both a cup of coffee.

"Sure Dad, Like you'd ever retire. You enjoy cooking way too much." ['He'll love the new recipes that I brought back from California.']

J.J. placed the platter of flapjacks and plate of sausage on the table while Jack poured them both another cup of coffee.

"True, true. But that doesn't mean that you can't spoil your old dad every now and then," Jack chuckled.

J.J. sat down to his meal, "I know, Dad. After last night, I figured that you deserved a bit of spoiling." ['He only let Mom spoil him, before. Now, looks as if he's letting me.']

Jack sat down to his, "OK, Sport. I just wish that you enjoyed cooking as much as I do."

"Oh, I do, Dad."

Jack cut into his flapjacks, and took a bite, "Then why did you become a Physicist?" ['Perfect! He learned a few tricks in California.']

"Dad, I've always had a love of science, and my degree will let me work at the nuclear reactor, one day."

"Just like your mother. She loved science too. Too bad that she never developed a talent for cooking," he sighed. ['And J.J. looks just like her in the face.']

"Dad, I miss Mom too. The only reason that I went away, was that we both needed space after she died of lung cancer." ['Seeing her dead nearly made me runaway.']

Jack hugged his son, "Sorry about that, Sport. But when Ellen died, a large part of my life did too."

"I could have stayed. There are local schools that teach Nuclear Physics."

"And have us both be miserable? No, Son. You'd been wanting to go to California because you wanted to travel. No, we both needed time to heal. When Sandy showed up, looking like a younger version of your mother, I knew that I was ready."

"How was that?"

"I did not start crying when I saw her."

"Dad, when I saw her last year, I knew then that I wanted to get to know her better."

"Even knowing her secret?"

"Yes, Dad. Do you approve?"


Then they sat down to finish breakfast and went to Jack's study, where he logged onto the internet. It was then, that they saw the reply to Jack's letter


Jack: I know about Sandy, Em, and Drew. As a teacher, and Guidance Counselor, it is my job to know about the students. Don't worry, I will not let Sandy know that you know about her secret, but I am sure that she guesses that you do, though. She is a pretty smart young lady, She has to be in order to keep up her grades and work for you too.

I was with the students when they visited Warsop, last year, and the Walters' girls played the same kind of trick on Drew while they were over here. Those vixens tricked poor Drew into wearing dresses, or skirts while they were here, thanks to his predilection for having accidents. If he would have taken his own clothes, he'd not have been Gaby near as much.

Drew later found out that they knew that he was a boy, all along. If only Drew had really gotten mad at them, those girls might have told the truth to their parents. I know that they would have made arrangements for Drew. The Walters' girls excuse has absolutely no merit, and they know it too!

The only reason for them to lie as they did is because they wanted to continue to torment poor drew, especially Brittney! She would never loan Drew any pants, or jeans, only dresses, and skirts, short ones at that! Even though Brit did introduce Drew to Erin, and through her, Diana Biggs, and the other local cyclists, it does not make up for all of the shit that she put him through.

What was not made public was the fact that Drew's mother, Jenny Bond was to go through surgery to remove cancer. She had been diagnosed while she was riding, and returned home, a beaten woman. It was only after she saw her family that she decided to fight the cancer. She made her children come here because she was afraid that the cancer would win. Luckily, she pulled through.

The Walters knew about this, yet Brit went ahead and kept on tormenting poor Drew, one time, nearly causing him, and his cousin, Maddy Peters, harm. As you know, there was a ski trip organized, but what you don't know about is Drew's competitive nature. Brit challenged him to take the longer route back to your diner, knowing that he'd accept.

He and Maddy followed the trail, and because they are unaccustomed to skiing, soon fell behind. Even though they made it back safely, they could have frozen to death. As it was, the girls got a thorough chewing out by their parents for their stupidity, If the girls would only think about the consequences of their actions, they wouldn't be getting into near as much trouble.



"I see that those girls have a lot of people mad at them," observed J.J.

"More than a few, Mark Pilling and Fran, both will do what they can from their end."

"What can they do?"

"Talk to Mister Woods, the School's Headmaster, and the students, and parents involved."

"Dad, at the most, it'll be moral support."

"Maybe, but at least they'll know that we don't approve of such things. "

"You're thinking about how the locals in Warsop will see us, here. Right?"

"Well, I'd like to think that a few of them liked my cooking."

"Is that all? I thought that your main concern was Drew?"

"Who do you think was my best customer among them?" Jack laughed.

"OK, Dad. You opening up?"

"I need to go stock up at the warehouse, and Farmer's Market."

"Then, let me go stock up. I've got the keys to the U-Haul that I drove from California."

"OK, Son. You get the supplies, while I open up. No doubt, Billie will be there for the morning crowd."

The men closed and locked the doors and went their separate ways. J.J headed for the warehouse district where the railroad diverged into the warehouses, and manufacturing plants along the riverfront where barges floated along with their varied cargoes and ferries brought cars across the river. It was at the River Side Market that he brought the U-Haul to a stop.

"Well, Jackie, what are you doing back here? I thot that you were stuck over in Californy," chuckled a grizzled old man looking like Jed Clampett from the Beverly Hillbillies.

"JayCee, puhleeze stop with that hillbilly routine. You may look like him, but you ain't Jed," J.J. snorted.

"Maybe to you, 'Jethro', but the customers eat it up. And whatever keeps them coming is worth the effort."

"Then since I am your nephew, do I get a discount?" laughed J.J.

He hugged J.J. to him, "You bet, my boy. I've missed you something fierce, J.J. You may be as big as that giant hillbilly, But you're way smarter than he is. Have you found your Miss Jane, yet," he grinned. ['Like his dad, Jack, Junior has had a hard time getting over his mother's death.']

"No, not Miss Jane, more like cousin Ellie May."

"You mean that your about to date a cousin?"

"No, Silly. I mean that she looks like Ellie May."

"She must be a knock out, then."

"Oh, she is! And just as sweet as Ellie May, too," J.J. sighed.

"Well, it looks as if you, at east like her. Do you know if she likes you back?"

He sighed, "She doesn't even know that I exist."

"Then come in, and rest while I get your order. You have a list?"

He handed over a notebook, "Here's Dad's listing of what he needs. If you would, please call the Meat Market and have that order ready for me. I have a bin, ready for that order."

"Sure thing, cuz."

J.J. went inside, and laid down to think about Sandy, and how to win her Heart. while his cousin gathered his order. After two hours, the order was filled. Then, he trucked over to the Meat Market a block over and loaded up there. When he got out, he was met by a large, black, bald mad wearing a white coverall, and apron who waited until J.J. got out, "The back is unlocked."

"Hey, J.J. Are you back with your Dad?"

"Yep, Rockie. Glad to be back, too. MAN! I've missed Grottoes."

Rockie grabbed J.J. by the arm and pumped his arm. "You are missed at the Volunteer Fire House, Sticks."

"Yeah, I guess that the guys miss my grilling of those chicken legs," J.J. chuckled.

Rockie led him to the office, "That, and you are one heck of a driver. You still certified?"

"Yeah, in California, I had to get a license to drive an ambulance that is also my C.P.R. Certificate. Guess that I'll need to talk to Captain Reynolds about my Grottoes license. By the way, who's loading the truck?"

"Got some temps doing it. And as for your permit, Captain Reynolds won't accept anything from out of state."

"Why temps? And I thought that Andy would accept my California license. I guess that he changed his mind," he sighed.

"Had to. Thanks to Diana Biggs, our guys are now in college, learning about mechanical engineering. And thanks to the Government Incentive Program, we are hiring those that were made homeless by that hurricane that hit New Orleans."

"Then can we expect some Cajun cooking at the Firehouse?"

"Yep! There's a fella that makes some bodacious chili. Almost as good as yours."

"We'll see about that, Do you know where the Captain is?"

"Yes, I do. Why?"

"After I deliver this to Dad, I need to see him about rejoining the team."

"Oh, I'd say that you're pretty well guaranteed to be accepted. All that you got to do is get your uniform."

"But, Captain Reynolds disqualified my California permit. At least, that's what you said."

"Yes, I did."

"Than, does he accept me or not?"

"I don't know, he isn't Captain, anymore." he smirked.

"Why didn't you say so?"

"You never asked."

J.J. slapped his hand on his forehead, and slowly wiped down, then sighed, "You did it on purpose, Rockie. Good joke."

"Thanks, Sticks. been wanting to do it ever since I saw you pull up."

"OK, But whose the Captain then?"

"I am, since Reynolds retired."

J.J. smiled, "You've earned it too, Rockie. Whose your Lieutenant?"

"You are, if you accept."

"Why me? And do I qualify?"

"Oh, you qualify with your California experience. And I want you as my Lieutenant, because I know that I can trust you."

"What about the the volunteers?"

"None of the others have the time with them being married."

J.J. saw the truck's doors being closed, "Well, I'm loaded. Does Dad pay by check, money, or card, now?"

"Don't worry, we settle the bill at the end of the month, just sign off on the ticket." Rockie said as he handed him a sheet of paper.

J.J. signed the ticket, " OK Rockie, I'll be by the Fire House this week."

J.J. got into the U-Haul, and headed back to the diner, taking the truck route to avoid the residential district, because it was time for students to be heading for school. On the way, he saw that Erin was about to lead the club on a training run. He stopped when she waved to him, "Welcome home J.J. When did you get back?"

"This week. I saw that Atlanta Race. Where did you get that Gaby from?"

"Gaby came from England, she was one of the exchange students."

"Don't you mean Drew, Erin?"

"Your father told you, didn't he?"

"Yes, when and where will the Parents Teachers Organization meet to discuss the issue over the Walters' girls deception? We are organizing everybody, now. Can we meet in the diner?"

J.J. started the engine, "Just call, I am sure that Dad will accept, but we need to check the schedule."


To Be Continued...

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