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A Gaby Fan-Fiction
by Stanman
Synopsis:What exactly happened to the students and faculty of Augusta High School, Bigg's Manufacturing and Erin's Cyclery after Drew and his friends went back home to Warsop at the end of the Cultural Exchange Program? This story will attempt to answer those questions. |

Mister Woods saw a message icon on her office computer was active, and logged on.
Mister Woods
You know about Drew being Gaby while over here on the trip, what you may not know is who started it all. It was the Walters' girls. It all started back last year when the student exchange program had the students from here, visit Warsop. Those girls knew that Drew is a boy, but acted as if he was a girl, and his tendency to mess up his clothes when racing and getting hurt made it all too easy.
But, did you know that Maddy helped, too? Together with the Walters girls, they made sure that Drew joined the Sherwood Foresters. Oh, he says that he actually likes the exercises, but I am also sure that he'd rather not be wearing that costume, too. It may be basically a skirted swim costume, but I know of only one other male student who wants to be a girl cheerleader. Rhod/Em is the other one.
That Brit was the reason why I've has gone on the warpath about Brit's choosing to trick Drew into being Gaby while he was here. While she might have helped him by introducing him to Erin and the Grottoes Express, that in no way mitigates her guilt over tormenting Drew, by using his good nature against him.
Although she was the main instigator, her sister is also guilty. The excuse of not telling their parents is shallow at best, self serving at worst. We could have easily found suitable accommodations for Drew if need be. As it was, he was tricked into wearing skirts, and dresses instead of being allowed to wears pants, which Drew preferred to wear, just because of Brit's inability to stop pushing Drew.
I'm seeking to have the Walters girls banned from any clubs, and extracurricular activities, as well as revoking all scholarships too. I hope that Drew's trip will be fondly remembered, and that he has not been adversely affected. It's too bad that you can't be at Jack's Diner this evening at 5:P.M. for the meeting Jack has the spare dining room set up for us so that we can best decide on the best way to punish the Walters girls.
Mister Woods read the letter and quickly sent a reply.
I am sorry to say that I was instrumental in bringing Gaby into reality. Without my help, Drew would never have been Gaby very much at all, and none at all in America . I came up with the idea of having Drew dress as Gaby for a school brochure. He was given a school uniform, and enhancements in the way of breast forms and a gaffe. For a week, Gaby was filmed as she attended classes while Drew was sick at home. Only his friends and family knew the truth as well as Sylvia Morgan, a hair dresser.
The funny thing is that two of Drew's mates have never seen that Drew is Gaby. Paul Burgin, he shares a few of Drew's hobbies and Clive Jones who has a crush on Gaby. Now, before you start laughing, the crush is entirely one-sided. Gaby has NEVER done a thing to encourage Clive, in fact, at a dance; Gaby officially broke up with him, only to have him stay in love with her.
For my part, I now truly regret my part in bringing Gaby to life. If not for my actions, Drew would not have the appliances to become Gaby. But since that is in the past, do what you can to punish those girls.
Geoff Woods
As he was tending to his duties, Robbie, the post man knocked on his door, "Mister Woods, I have some packages for the Sherwood Foresters."
"Are all the packages here?"
Looking at his manifest, "Let's see. Winter and Summer kits, winter and summer practice kits, winter and summer travel kits with two for the coaches."
"Good, follow me to the gymnasium."
"Yes, Tina?"
"How long will you be?"
"Just long enough to drop off the packages, and let our coaches know, why?"
You have a meeting with the Board of Governors for lunch."
"OK I should be through in plenty of time, but page me if I'm not here at a quarter till."
"Will do."
With that, Mrs. Johnston went back to her crossword puzzle book until she was needed.
When Fran logged onto her computer at Warsop College, she found a message from Grottoes,
You know about Drew being Gaby while over here on the trip, what you may not know is who started it all. It was the Walters' girls. It all started back last year when the student exchange program had the students from here, visit Warsop. Those girls knew that Drew is a boy, but acted as if he was a girl, and his tendency to mess up his clothes when racing and getting hurt made it all too easy.
But, did you know that Maddy helped, too? Together with the Walters girls, they made sure that Drew joined the Sherwood Foresters. Oh, he says that he actually likes the exercises, but I am also sure that he'd rather not be wearing that costume, too. It may be basically a skirted swim costume, but I know of only one other male student who wants to be a girl cheerleader. Rhod/Em is the other one.
That Brit was the reason why I've has gone on the warpath about Brit's choosing to trick Drew into being Gaby while he was here. While she might have helped him by introducing him to Erin and the Grottoes Express, that in no way mitigates her guilt over tormenting Drew, by using his good nature against him.
Although she was the main instigator, her sister is also guilty. The excuse of not telling their parents is shallow at best, self serving at worst. We could have easily found suitable accommodations for Drew if need be. As it was, he was tricked into wearing skirts, and dresses instead of being allowed to wears pants, which Drew preferred to wear, just because of Brit's inability to stop pushing Drew.
I'm seeking to have the Walters girls banned from any clubs, and extracurricular activities, as well as revoking all scholarships too. I hope that Drew's trip will be fondly remembered, and that he has not been adversely affected. It's too bad that you can't be at Jack's Diner this evening at 5:P.M. for the meeting Jack has the spare dining room set up for us so that we can best decide on the best way to punish the Walters girls.
Jessica Bell
Fran sat down and e-mailed Jessica
I am most happy to help out. Both of the Walters' girls were instrumental in getting Drew into becoming a cheerleader for their amusement. Yes, Maddy Bell was also involved, but she at least took care to keep him safe from harm. She made sure that to a casual observer that when they saw Drew, they saw Gaby. But the same CAN'T be said for Brittney and Debbie. Their fun in causing Drew to be Gaby did not take into account that Drew is a boy with all that implies.
Luckily, Maddy, Jules, or I was able to make sure that Drew was not seen, only Gaby. Maddy, or one of his friends would have a spare set of clothes for Drew to borrow to become Gaby,
and they never referred to Gaby as Drew. It was Drew's parents that came up with the best solution; when in Gaby mode, treat Drew as Gaby. And the Walters' girls took full advantage of that, too.
While here in Warsop, they purposefully made as if Drew was a girl, for their fun and amusement, only telling Drew at the last minute. THAT makes their crime all the more heinous, as far as I am concerned. They deliberately withheld that information from their parents, which tells me that they made sure that Drew's file listed him as a girl. I am sure that when Jocelyn learns that, that she will be most unhappy with the girls.
If not for poor Drew's very feminine looks, and mannerisms, he would have already have been outed, long ago. But you have never seen Drew, only Gaby. Even when Drew is dresses as Drew, he is mistaken as Gaby by strangers.
Please know that I wish that those two would learn about what humiliation feels like, Drew sure does.
As she logged off, Geoff Woods Hey, Fran. Are you still teaching the Sherwood Foresters?"
"That's the plan, Geoff, why?"
"Because that is an extra curricular activity that you are in charge of. I need to list the teacher in charge with the Board of Stewards."
"OK, but the girls also need more uniforms, too."
"Oh? How many?"
"They need two practice kits, as well as a summer, and a winter kit. They could also do with a travel kit, too."
"Yes, a set of shorts, and a blouse to wear on the bus when at cheer competitions."
"What about one for winter?"
"Thanks for reminding me, Woody. Yes, and a winter travel kit, too."
"Take the girls down to the gym for the last class tomorrow and check out the new kits."
"You already knew about the kits," she laughed.
"Yes, Jessica told me about the need for more kits after the trip. So, I asked her what the girls needed, and she told me."
"Won't the girls be surprised?"
"Oh, and you also have the travel kits," he smirked.
"Why me?"
To show that you're their coach."
"I suppose that it's not needed around here."
"No, only when travelling, Fran. And Frank has one too."
"Why him?"
"He chauffeurs the girls on the bus."
"OK, does he know, yet?"
"No, I am just now letting you know."
"Geoff, do me a favor, please."
"What's the favor?"
"Let me tell Frank."
"Sure, considering the fact that you two are seeing each other."
"Geoff, we are dating, NOT engaged. At least not yet," she sighed.
He smiled at her, "I know, Fran. You two have kept your dating discreet, so that none on the Board are questioning your dating."
"So, we have unofficial official approval?"
"Yes, why?"
"We've kept our dating discreet because we didn't want to lose our jobs. Now, we can be more open about it."
She completed her work and went to teach, hoping that Drew would have justice now.
When Frank Pilling saw the incoming message on his account; he quickly opened it seeing that it was from America .
You know about Drew being Gaby while over there on the trip, what you may not know is who started it all. It was the Walters' girls. It all started back last year when the student exchange program had the students from here, visit Warsop. Those girls knew that Drew is a boy, but acted as if he was a girl, and his tendency to mess up his clothes when racing and getting hurt made it all too easy.
But, did you know that Maddy helped, too? Together with the Walters girls, they made sure that Drew joined the Sherwood Foresters. Oh, he says that he actually likes the exercises, but I am also sure that he'd rather not be wearing that costume, too. It may be basically a skirted swim costume, but I know of only one other male student who wants to be a girl cheerleader. Rhod/Em is the other one.
That Brit was the reason why I've has gone on the warpath about Brit's choosing to trick Drew into being Gaby while he was here. While she might have helped him by introducing him to Erin and the Grottoes Express, that in no way mitigates her guilt over tormenting Drew, by using his good nature against him.
Although she was the main instigator, her sister is also guilty. The excuse of not telling their parents is shallow at best, self serving at worst. We could have easily found suitable accommodations for Drew if need be. As it was, he was tricked into wearing skirts, and dresses instead of being allowed to wears pants, which Drew preferred to wear, just because of Brit's inability to stop pushing Drew.
I'm seeking to have the Walters girls banned from any clubs, and extracurricular activities, as well as revoking all scholarships too. I hope that Drew's trip will be fondly remembered, and that he has not been adversely affected. I wish that you could be at Jack's Diner this evening at 5:P.M. for the meeting, Jack has the spare dining room set up for us so that we can best decide on the best way to punish the Walters girls.
Frank Pillings replied.
I am well aware of what they did to Drew while they were over here, and how often it was that Brit was able to trick Drew into being Gaby. In fact, she made sure that he was Gaby on a trip that they took to go see his Mum in Germany . Drew had to be Gaby during the trip that Brit LUCKILY had spares for Drew. So, I am not at all surprised that those girls pulled that prank on Drew.
And yes, we know about Maddy's instigating many of Gaby's outings, she finally confided to Fran about how much she had been responsible for Gaby's appearance. When Fran spoke to
Maddy's mum, Carol Peters, she said that it could be Maddy's way of having her twin sister back who died as an infant. Maddy does not know about her twin, in fact, she was cremated and her ashes placed in a sealed statuette of a mum and her child. Maddy thinks that the child is her, though.
Maddy is truly sorry for her part in Gaby's appearances, she misses Drew something awful. But now she has a new accomplice in her adventures. When the Bonds moved to Germany , they sold their Church Warsop home to Maggie Joyce and her daughter, Helen. Mister Joyce used to work for British Petroleum, and died at work. His family did receive his insurance and death benefits from the company, but they wanted to move to get away from the pain.
And, wouldn't you know it, Drew saw her while on one of his last training rides, and helped her with her bike. He also invited her to his birthday party where Maddy took an instant dislike to her. Well, when Drew left, she went a bit loony until she befriended Helen. Now, those two are into cheering, biking, and I think that Helen might even get her into the Girl Guides. I do know that if she does, that Maddy has a very good role model for cooking in her mum.
As far as I am concerned, do what you can about those girls. Geoff, Fran, and I are very fond of Drew ad Jenny, his mum, and are happy to know that the girls will soon have to give an account of their actions. They have absolutely no right to torment Drew just to have fun. If they were over here, those two would be in a reform school, or forced to have a tutor because they'd be exempt from any school, unless they went to a private school run by the Church.
Frank Pillings
As he looked up from his computer, Mister Woods came into the empty room. Frank had this period kept free so that any student needing to take a test had a room for it, and he also used this period to grade papers, and ready the lessons for the day.
"Frank, can you free yourself for a few minutes after school?"
"Yes, my last class of the day are those students taking college admission exams. Why?"
"Because Fran and her girls need you in the gym."
"Why me?"
"You're the chauffeur for when the girls cheer."
"OK, but why am I needed?"
"To pick up your travel kit as a part of the team."
"OK, so no cheer kit for me?" he chortled.
"Not unless you want one."
"No thanks, but see if you can get Fran the kits."
"For Halloween?"
"I can order them, but you or Fran will need to pay as that would be a personnel item."
"OK, bill me, Woody."
"You want a male version?"
"What's that?"
"A top and stretchy trousers for winter, top and shorts foe summer."
"Sure. I'll get our sizes to you tomorrow."
Diana Biggs saw the incoming message light on her personal computer was lit when she awoke and logged on.
You know about Drew being Gaby while over there on the trip, what you may not know is who started it all. It was the Walters' girls. It all started back last year when the student exchange program had the students from here, visit Warsop. Those girls knew that Drew is a boy, but acted as if he was a girl, and his tendency to mess up his clothes when racing and getting hurt made it all too easy.
But, did you know that Maddy helped, too? Together with the Walters girls, they made sure that Drew joined the Sherwood Foresters. Oh, he says that he actually likes the exercises, but I am also sure that he'd rather not be wearing that costume, too. It may be basically a skirted swim costume, but I know of only one other male student who wants to be a girl cheerleader. Rhod/Em is the other one.
That Brit was the reason why I've has gone on the warpath about Brit's choosing to trick Drew into being Gaby while he was here. While she might have helped him by introducing him to Erin and the Grottoes Express, that in no way mitigates her guilt over tormenting Drew, by using his good nature against him.
Although she was the main instigator, her sister is also guilty. The excuse of not telling their parents is shallow at best, self serving at worst. We could have easily found suitable accommodations for Drew if need be. As it was, he was tricked into wearing skirts, and dresses instead of being allowed to wears pants, which Drew preferred to wear, just because of Brit's inability to stop pushing Drew.
I'm seeking to have the Walters girls banned from any clubs, and extracurricular activities, as well as revoking all scholarships too. I hope that Drew's trip will be fondly remembered, and that he has not been adversely affected. Please be at Jack's Diner this evening at 5:P.M. for the meeting Jack has the spare dining room set up for us so that we can best decide on the best way to punish the Walters girls.
Diana replied to the E-mail
I knew about Gaby from the start, and wanted to help Drew to relax and forget about Gaby. In fact, I gave Drew that bike that he rode during the Atlanta Race. I admit that I did it in order to make money off of the sales that having Gaby Bond ride one of our bikes would bring in, but it was cleared with his family before I had it built. That bike is now at Erin 's along with the bike that Gaby rode while training over here. Both are displayed along with pictures of the English Rose riding both bikes and autographed posters as well.
But in doing that, I and Erin were up front with Drew, we did not try to pull any sort of prank on him, although as Gaby, we were taught a few lessons that only a dedicated cyclist could teach. That Drew had learned a lot from becoming the champion cyclist that he is, and brought that knowledge to us through Gaby. I could tell that poor child really came alive while riding, so I can only guess at the torments that Britney did to him.
I will be there at the meeting, along with Derek. We want to see them girls pay for what they did. And I can get satisfaction for that prank that they pulled on me, too. Before I graduated, Britney and Debbie found the bike that I rode to school and had the auto shop guys to disassembled it and put it in boxes in my locker. I knew that it was the girls because of their snickering when I opened my locker.
Oh, they TRIED to deny it, but because of the security needed to protect the cars and tools, there is a video of them bringing it inside and handing it over to the teacher, John Weatherly. He thought that it was one of their bikes needing repair. I would have made them put it back together, but I wanted to be able to ride it, so they were given detention, and made to pay me for bike assembly. I took it to Erin who did it for free. Well, I treated her to a dinner at Jack's, and filled up both fuel tanks on her pick up truck.
She got up and nearly ran over Derek, "OOF! Almost bowled me over, Di. What's got you so befuddled?"
'It's "Drew, or should I say, Gaby."
"Oh? What's wrong with our English Rose?"
"Augusta High School is finally getting ready to punish Britney and Debbie for their forcing Drew to be Gaby all during his trip, here."
"And I take it that you're more than a little irked about that, right?"
"Derek, I've known a few of those special girls before I met Drew. Remember Veronica?"
"Oh yeah! She used to be a guy married to Ellen, why?"
"I learned about such special girls when Daddy helped to install the lighting system in Ellen's shop. Daddy and Ellen taught me how to treat Veronica and others like her."
"But Drew is not like her."
"True, but he could have been hurt if he was ever discovered. Em as lucky. When those cads found her fake vagina, they skedaddled and did not do anything but scare the poor girl."
Carol Peters was reading a letter from Drew telling about a race where he met some German boars during a race , after checking her E-Mail for more letter, she saw one from America.
Carol Peters.
You know about Drew being Gaby while over here on the trip, what you may not know is who started it all. It was the Walters' girls. It all started back last year when the student exchange program had the students from here, visit Warsop. Those girls knew that Drew is a boy, but acted as if he was a girl, and his tendency to mess up his clothes when racing and getting hurt made it all too easy.
But, did you know that Maddy helped, too? Together with the Walters girls, they made sure that Drew joined the Sherwood Foresters. Oh, he says that he actually likes the exercises, but I am also sure that he'd rather not be wearing that costume, too. It may be basically a skirted swim costume, but I know of only one other male student who wants to be a girl cheerleader. Rhod/Em is the other one.
That Brit was the reason why I've has gone on the warpath about Brit's choosing to trick Drew into being Gaby while he was here. While she might have helped him by introducing him to Erin and the Grottoes Express, that in no way mitigates her guilt over tormenting Drew, by using his good nature against him.
Although she was the main instigator, her sister is also guilty. The excuse of not telling their parents is shallow at best, self serving at worst. We could have easily found suitable accommodations for Drew if need be. As it was, he was tricked into wearing skirts, and dresses instead of being allowed to wears pants, which Drew preferred to wear, just because of Brit's inability to stop pushing Drew.
I'm seeking to have the Walters girls banned from any clubs, and extracurricular activities, as well as revoking all scholarships too. I hope that Drew's trip will be fondly remembered, and that he has not been adversely affected. I wish that you could be at Jack's Diner this evening at 5:P.M. for the meeting, Jack has the spare dining room set up for us so that we can best decide on the best way to punish the Walters girls.
When Carol read the letter; she got furious and called out to her daughter. "MADDY! GET IN HERE!"
Maddy rushed into her parent’s room where she saw her Mum at the computer, "Mum? Are you mad at me?"
No, dear. But I am mad at those Walters girls!"
"Is it about their messing about with Drew, getting him to be Gaby?"
"Yes, how did you guess?"
"Mum, you know that I got Drew to go with me to those cons as Gaby."
"Yes, I know, I also know that he did it because he loves you."
"And that I intentionally kept a spare set of clothes in case Drew needed them."
"Yes, but I am sure that he'd have preferred trousers or shorts over your skirts and dresses."
"I know, but I LIKE Drew as Gaby."
So, I've noticed," Carol smirked.
Mum, am I wrong for wanting Gaby so much?"
"No, dear, not at all. But you have matured and decided that Drew will choose when Gaby appears."
"I know, Mum, but that only happened after he went to Germany with his family, and after I became friends with Helen," she sighed.
Carol hugged her distraught daughter, "Mads, you are lucky."
"How's that?"
"When Drew left, you were able to get Helen to replace Drew, and for you, she is just what you need."
"A girlfriend?"
"I was actually thinking a sister."
"OK, Mum. Why are you mad at the Walters girls?"
"Because they tricked Drew into being Gaby while in America."
"I know, poor Drew thought that he'd packed his clothes, but he packed Gaby's instead."
"Well, the faculty at Augusta High School is ready to punish them for their mischief."
"I think that it's about time, too. They really hurt Drew doing what they did. But Drew, being Drew, just let it go."
"That's why I want them punished! Drew could have been hurt because of them."
"Mum, its tea time. Want me to fix it up?"
"Maddy, I have tea almost ready, just put the kettle on."
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