
A Gaby Fan-Fiction
by Stanman

Synopsis:What exactly happened to the students and faculty of Augusta High School, Bigg's Manufacturing and Erin's Cyclery after Drew and his friends went back home to Warsop at the end of the Cultural Exchange Program? This story will attempt to answer those questions.


Back at Jack's Diner, everything was ready. Jack had brought out the ancient oak podium used whenever there were any award dinners, graduation parties, or roasts, but this was the first time that it was used to pass judgment.

As he connected up the mike to the speakers, he got a pleasant surprise, "I see that you've gotten everything ready, Boss."

"Daisy Mae? Is that you?"

"Yep, it's me," she giggled.

He hugged her, "But what about your brother?"

"Don't worry about him, my cousin Ariel moved in and she's gonna take care of him, now. She's a certified nurse."

"But doesn't she need to work?"

"No, Ariel retired on her fiftieth birthday. she has a thirty year pension and retirement account as well as Social Security."

"Good, we need you tonight. Even with the twins helping, we'll be swamped," announced Sandy as she hugged Daisy Mae.

Then, the chime announced a customer entering, it was Aidan, Diana Biggs, and Jessica Bell. Behind them were the Walters and Erin.

J.J. went to them, "Please follow me to the private section."

"Nice to see you, J.J. When did you get back?"

"Just recently, Aidan. Why? Want to go riding?"

"Why not? Erin and Diana are heading up the Grottoes Express. Did you read about the race?"

"I did. That Gaby made a difference for the Team."

"She did, J.J. that's why was call her our English Rose, Right, Di?"

"Right Erin."

"I'm sure that the exploits of Drew are well meant. But I want to get to the matter at hand, namely my daughter's culpability in his being Gaby."

"DADDY!" they chorused.


"And we are pulling both of you from any school activities and cancelling your scholarship accounts. You two will be getting jobs to fund your going to college," informed Jocelyn.

"Yes Ma'am," chorused the girls, meekly.

The Principal cleared his throat, "Jocelyn, Donald, THAT is your decision. The school now must decide their punishment."

"Would saying we're sorry and won't do it again, help?"

"No, Brit, it most certainly will not! You two have a history of abusing others. It's time for it to stop, Past time," Jennifer Ball declared.

"But we we're not the only ones in on it!"

"Be that as it may, Debbie. Without you're instigation, nothing would have happened," announced Fran.

"Shouldn't we let the girls get to the prosecution chairs?" asked Erin.

Seargent At Arms Frank Pillings stepped up, "This way, you two."

As he silently led the girls to the two chairs to podium's left, the faculty took their seats behind tables laden with carafes of coffee and tea with cream, sweetner, milk and water and cups on a tray.

Behind the podium, Principal ****banged the gavel, "Faculty of Augusta High School, weare met tonight to pas judgement upon two of our students who have been instrumental in the abuse of a visiting student. Are there any pleas for leniency?"

Aidan raised his hand.

"Aidan, as the student representative, what does the student body say?"

He stood up, "Your Honor, I was privelaged to ride with Gaby. Until after the race, I never saw Gaby as Drew. Nor did any student."

"And the judgement?"

"The Walters' girls should be punished for abusing Drew, but NOT for causing him harm by being outed as that never happened. But mental cruelty did happen."

"Very well. And what of the faculty's decision?"

Fran raised her hand.

"Fran as the representative of the faculty, what does the faculty say?"

"Your honor, Gaby was a shining example of her culture. She not only competed in the cheer competition, but she also competed and won the Atlanta Winter Classic. But as for Drew, we feel that he was denied any time thanks to the accused. We want to see them punished for their actions."

"Diana, Erin. even tough we do not normally ask for alumni these proceedings, because of your association with Gaby, Please tell the Court of your interaction with Gaby."

"Your honor, Brit brought Gaby to my bike shop so that she could ride while over here. But neither were ready for my revalation about knowing that Gaby was Drew."

"Why did you not tell Brit's parents or the staff?"

"Because Gaby asked me not too. But if things had gotten too much for Gaby, I would have. Riding seemed to have been the outlet that Drew needed."

"Very well, And what about you, Diana?"

"I knew all about Gaby. But I saw a great budsiness oppurtunity in her. So I built a bike for her and Maddy Peters. Gaby rode on Erin's for practice, mine for thee. And now both Erin and I have pictures of Gaby on the bike while she has the bike and her skins on display."

"So, according to your testimony, Gaby as simply a way to make money."

"No, your Honor."


"My father taught me to value human life over profit. There have been many times that Dad and I lost a customer because of refusing to endanger anybody to make their project quicker. Gaby was our English Ros. We all love her."

"Then why did you not allow Drew to become Drew during his rides?"

"We would have, your Honor, if he'd wished it."

Mister Walters, please approach the bench."

Donald Walters stepped up, "Yes, Your Honor?"

"Did you are your wife know about this deception?"

"No, your Honor. Not until after the Trip when this trial was set up."

"What are your reactions?"

"As the Court can see, BOTH girls are dresed as Drew was when he was a cheerleader."

"Why is that?"

"To teach them a bit about what their choices and how the choices can and do hurt others. They shall wear them to school, tomorrow, with your permission."

"Very well, Brit and Deb, step forth."

The two girls, now dressed in copies of the Sherwood Forresters uniforms and hosiry came up.

"You two must be very cold in those uniforms. Quite unlike the winter uniforms of Augusta's team I bet."

Neither girl looks up at him, but cry silently as their disgrace is heaped upon them as pictures are taken.

"Yes, I can see how a young man would enjoy seeing either of you in such a uniform. So easy to get the wrong idea about the wearer."

"But your Honor, I was never a cheerleader!"

"True, but you are as guilty as your sister of blackmailing Drew into beng Gaby and wearing THAT uniform for the competition."

"But your Honor, without Gaby, her team would not have made it."

"That is NO EXCUSE for what you two did! You two NEVER considered Drew's mental, nor physical health. What if Drew NEVER reverts back? What if Drew gets outed? You only saw another stupid prank to play. Even now, you try to ignore your guilt."

"What is the verdict, your Honor?"

"Mister Walters, your daughters are banned from any clubs and extra cirricular activities as well as exempt from any scholarships. And any further incidents will be met with expulsion."

"Thank you, your Honor."

"Your Honor, are my daughters to wear them to school?"

"No, Mrs. Walters. But they are to wear the Warsop College Girl's Winter Uniform. From what I understand, it is a bit drafty."

"Your Honor, the girl's can wear the slacks instead of the skirt," offered Debbie.

"No, you will be wearing the skirts, just as you had 'Gaby' wear. You seemed to enjoy seeing 'Gaby' wearing skirts and getting a chill. Time for you two to get to know how it feels."

"But what about paying for the new uniforms, your Honor?"

"Brittney, the funds will be coming from your after school job, if any will hire you, that is."

Jack raised his hand, "May I speak, your Honor?"

"Yes, please do, Jack."

"Erin, Diane, and I have been discussing Brittney's and Debbie's situation. And we hae come up with a solution."

"And what is your solution?"

"Weekdays, they shall work for me as waitresses, and Saturday, for Erin or Diane, helping with Grottoes Express."

"Very well. Any uniforms for Saturdays?"

"They will be wearing a Team Grottoes uniform under sweats."

"Erin, Diane, Jack. Will the girls be safe under your care?"

"As owner and operator of my diner, I promise that they will e safe," announced Jack.

"The girls will be safe, caring for the bikes, "announced Erin.

"I have a perfect safety record, your Honor, and as long as they follow the safety rules, wil stay safe," promised Diane.

"Very well, Brtit and Deb, stand up for the verdict."

The girls stood up, trembling.

"You are to the Warsop College Girl's Uniform to school for the foreseeable future, and work as waitresses at Jack's Diner, wekdays, at Erin's Cyclery or Biggs Fabrications on Saturday and wear uniforms appropriate for the job."

"Thank you, your Honor," they chorused.

"Case dissmissed."

* * *

With the ending of Court, the participants quickly set abot and ordered their dinners as Sandy ordered the girls to help her carry the podium to the back, "Believe me, I know how you feel, wearing those costume. I was embarrased when I saw how I looked when I wore the Xena costume, last Halloween."

"But Sandy, you were a knock out! And you won first prize, too," complained Brit.

"Yeah! And wearing those fishnet hose made it really stand out," added Deb.

"Thanks! But that was the first time that I ever wore anything so sexy. Before that, I would go as a clown, or something goofy because I felt that I was ugly," she sighed.

"You, ugly! Sandy, MOST of the girls think that you have a figure to die for! And that you are the prettiest one in school."

"Deb, how can I trust what either of you say after you two were punished?"

They hugged her, "Sandy, We wouldn't try anything to hurt you, again. We only prank you once," promised Brit.

"Oh? what about Drew?" smirked Sandy.

"OK, we went overboard, there," sighed Deb.

"But it was so much fun," added Brit.

"OK. You know, if you girl wear blue hose, or tights with that school uniform, all that you'll need to do is wear an apron," opined Sandy as she held out her hands to show off her uniform.

"Yeah, but the skirt is a bit shorter than yours."

"Then do what I do, and keep a skirt, here, you two."

"Sure, but why do you wear a skrt and black hose?"

"Jack's idea of adding class to the diner, Deb. You have to admit that the white blouse and black skirt does ake me look as if I'm a ecretary, or attorney," Sandy smiled.

"Yeah, just as long as you don't get aything on it," giggled Brit.

"Well, the room is ready, now. Go back into the employee's lounge. Your parents brought you two a change of clothes."

The girls hugged Sandy, "Thanks," they chorused.

They went into the lounge and took off the skirted leotard, but kept the thick tights on, due to the cold weather and donned the thermal underwear, jeans and sweater, grateful to have worn a sports bra.

As they pulled up their woolen socks and tied their shoes, their parents knocked on the door, "Girls, are you ready?"

"Yes, Mother," they chorused, as Brit opened the door.

She huged them, "Ihate that we've had to do this, but you two needed to learn a lesson," she sighed.

"Mom, being a cheerleader, it wasn't that bad, except for the fact that it was Gaby that I saw in the mirror."

"Me too. Then I knew a bit of what we'd put poor Drew through, making him be Gaby."

"Deb, you know that Donald and I aren't the prudes that you told the Bonds that we are, right?

"Yes," she admitted.

"And that tricking Drew into being Gaby was intentional. You just couldn't resist keeping up the joke. Right Brit?"

"Yes, Mom," she admitted.

"What do you think that Donald and I would've done IF we'd known?"

"Probably have Drew sleep on the sofa in Dad's study."

"Well, that, or let him sleep with his sister as Gaby. But what we are really dissapointed about is your not thinking about his safety. Do you know why the cheerleaders aren't allowed to wear the uniforms in public, except for sponsores events?"

"No, why Mom?"

"Because a few years ago, a cheerleader was attacked after getting her picture taken with Santa. Luckily, she had help, or she might have been hurt, Brit."

"I didn't know," said an overwhelmed Brit.

"Come on, girls. Time for you to to get to be," said Donald as he looked into the open door.

* * *

"Brit, Deb, a word with you before you go to bed."

"Yes, Daddy?' asked Brit.

"Did either of you have any designs on Drew?"

"What do you mean?"

"Deb, I am worried that either, or both of you might have done more han dress Drew up as Gaby," sighed Donald.



Donald smiled, "Even tough you two yelled at me, your responne tells me that you two are telling the truth. As your parents, we must make sure that you stay safe."

"But Daddy, what if we did get pregnant?"

Joeclyn hugged her daughters, "Then the new mother would be sharing her rom with her child while the basement was being refited for her and her child."

"But Daddy wants it refitted as a family room," objected Deb.

"True, but family comes first in this home," promised Joeclyn.

"Are you two ready for bed?"

Both girls stood up, wearing a sleep shirt with a knee length hem and sweats with their tights.

"Yes, Daddy, and we've decided to wear our tights to bed, too."

"Why, Brit?"

"Because, this way, we are doing what Gaby did at times. She would wear hose under her jeans to kep warm," announced Deb.

"Oh, and you two wat to identify more with Gaby, now."

The gitls hugged him, "Yes, Daddy," they chorused.

Donald and Joeclyn left the girls after they'd sent them on to their rooms, but stayed up, talking about recent events.

"Don, I'm woried about our girls," she confessed as she shimmied into her night gown.

"Because of Drew," he stated matter of factly.

"Yes, even now, I still see him as a girl. He looks so much like Maddy, that that I can't help but wonder if our daughtrs are lesbians," she sighed.

"Well, if they are, wil you still love them?"

"Of course! But I'd still find it hard to see them kissing a girl!"

"Joeclyn, didn't you have a fling with that Jessop girl, in college?"

"Don, you know that just me exploring who I was, and Sandra married Paul, remember?"

"Yes, so why are you worrying about our daughters?"

"Because, they have no brothers."

"But they have Dan Martin and Aidan who were just like brothers."

"So, you're saying to let them be themselves and accet who they are."

"Yes, I'd say that's what Drew would say, if he was here."

"Well, YOU'RE here! And I need you."

"I'm here for you."

Turning out the lights, they met as only loving couples meet and found pleasure in each others embrace as their daughters sent an e-mail, telling about their new status.

* * *

In Warsop, Maddy Peters had just booted up her computer for her homework when she saw that she had a message from the Colonies.


No doubt you've heard about Deb and me being ut on trial, well, now it's over. We've both lost any scholarships, and the right to attend any school sponsored events, and clubs. But we deserve it.

Now, we are working for Jack, Erin and Diana in order to save up money for collge, working for him weekdays, Erin and Diane on Satudays, and we are to wear a copy of the girl's school uniform for Warsop College, too.

We want to apologise to Drew for what we've done, but are afraid that his parents would be mad at us, but we understand about how they feel. But at least Drew has forgiven us.


* * *

Maddy sighed, remembering just how much her mum had ranted after hearing about their pranking and how close that she'd come to being lumped in with the Walters' girls. While it was true that Maddy loved it when Drew was Gaby, she also knew how dangerous it was.

That was why she'd made sure that Gaby had friends whenever she was about, but what was uncanny was Drew's ability to become Gaby simply by wearing a skirt, uch to his chagrin. He couldn't it if he made such a cute girl.


Thank you for telling me what happened, but you two still have Drew's and my 'rents mad. Mum was ready to ground me because of my tendancy to get Drew to become Gaby. But I will let everybody know what happened.



To Be Continued...

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