
FTL-18... Faster Than Life.

FTL-18... Faster Than Life.


“Yay me, so how bad was the damage from that kick?”

“Whiplash and a concussion, you’d have lived but its better we fixed you up so you could think straight with us leaving and getting back on schedule.”
“Yay, me.”

She grins at me and helps me sit up. “You’ll live it’s just some really heavy bruising, you’ll get used to it.”

“Why would I get used to it?”

“Because you haven’t gone into the main academy Erin, just wait for the combat trials and the survival courses.”

“But I’m in fleet. I’m not a combat MOS.”

“Sure and the training is scaled that way but ships get attacked, they take firs and get boarded and even crash in bad places.”


She laughs and heads out of my room. “See now you have so much to look forward to cadet.”

I’d be tempted to say something snarky but my painkillers don’t have me that looped out of it. And now that I’m sitting up my bladder is telling me I need to pee.

Ow…that bathroom door looks a long way off.

And currently…….

The Journey Is The Destination Epilogue

The Journey is the Destination

By poetheather

So... Ranma mugged me today and she had a bit to say about her life since the end of the story. The final conclusion.

Author's Note: Ranma 1/2 is owned by Takahashi Rumiko and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 8.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 8.


Well here I am at Morgan’s again with my young fella and we’re watching movies as Morgan is cooking up a storm.

Been truthfully ages since me and Sam had something like this other than the odd time that we go over to me mums place.

Oh don’t get me wrong I love my mum to death but she’s my mum and when I go over to her place it’s either me doing stuff for her and all her friends ‘cause she’s got herself a builder t beck an call or she’ll me asking me about me love life or she’ll be trying to set me up.

And I’m real particular now about the women that I like.

Immortality of Emotion - Part 6 of 6

Immortality of Emotion
by Arcie Emm

Part 6 of 6

We live in a world where emotions can lift people from their sorrows as easily as drown them within. They cause you to strive for something better or hold you back, wielding control both unmeasurable and unmistakable. But what if, for some, emotions held a tangible power, if they could use the emotions of the world for their own benefit? What is the chance that someone would abuse that gift?

Bikini Beach: Heroes

Bikini Beach — Heroes

A veteran, who's considered a hero, is tired and feels broken, because his injuries left him crippled and less than a man. When Anya offers him a pass to Bikini Beach, the hero has to decide if he's better as a broken hero, or a whole woman.


Immortality of Emotion - Part 5 of 6

Immortality of Emotion
by Arcie Emm

Part 5 of 6

We live in a world where emotions can lift people from their sorrows as easily as drown them within. They cause you to strive for something better or hold you back, wielding control both unmeasurable and unmistakable. But what if, for some, emotions held a tangible power, if they could use the emotions of the world for their own benefit? What is the chance that someone would abuse that gift?

I didn't know it could be like this

I didn’t know it could be like this. By Symphony Simms

I honestly did not know. I thought I was just an ordinary boy, but in a few short days I became infatuated with two beautiful women and very quickly became infatuated with their clothes.

This totally fictitious fantasy contains scenes of consenting sex and with each chapter the scenes get progressively more depraved, but everyone seems to enjoy themselves.

Debriefings 3

Anam Chara

Along life’s journey we each encounter those events where all that we know, all that we do, and all that we are may change. But even as we approach such events, we don’t always notice their markers until we look behind us and see them for what they are.

One boy is about to learn that he has already passed such an event, and nothing will ever be quite the same…

Sweet Dreams-50...Tears Of My Childhood

Sweet Dreams-50…Tears Of My Childhood

Chapter 50


Again…it’s awhile but that doesn’t matter, I lean my head against his where it’s on my shoulder and just whisper to him.

“Keep you eyes closed and just breathe okay hon…….just feel us…me holding you and you holding me and the smell of the trees, the lawns…feel the sunshine?”

He nods into my shoulder.

“Good…now just sort of picture all of that and she’s in there too…right there Alex…right there in the sunshine only she’s really smiling at you…like she used to and not because she’s bombed or high but she’s just good…she’s watching you and seeing the great guy she’s got and she’s just smiling hon…she’s just good…cause you’re good…it’s all she needs babe…it’s all she needs.”

He’s sobbing again into my shoulder but in there…muffled in there I can hear this faint little.

“I…I can see her.”


Girls Aren't So Yukky After All


By Patricia Marie Allen

Steve is a precocious ten-year-old, usually given to doing just what Steve wants to. He lives with his mother and 12 year old sister, Martha. Martha is quite opinionated. She has stated flat out, on more than one occasion, that she would rather have a sister than a brother.

Immortality of Emotion - Part 4 of 6

Immortality of Emotion
by Arcie Emm

Part 4 of 6

We live in a world where emotions can lift people from their sorrows as easily as drown them within. They cause you to strive for something better or hold you back, wielding control both unmeasurable and unmistakable. But what if, for some, emotions held a tangible power, if they could use the emotions of the world for their own benefit? What is the chance that someone would abuse that gift?

A TV's Dream

A TV’s Dream
By Patricia Marie Allen

My parents were separated when I was four years old. Mom moved to the West Coast with us kids. When I was in the first grade, my father decided to try and reconcile. He showed up one Saturday unannounced. It had been so long since I had seen him that I didn’t recognize him. He moved in and things began to get a little strained.

Immortality of Emotion - Part 3 of 6

Immortality of Emotion
by Arcie Emm

Part 3 of 6

We live in a world where emotions can lift people from their sorrows as easily as drown them within. They cause you to strive for something better or hold you back, wielding control both unmeasurable and unmistakable. But what if, for some, emotions held a tangible power, if they could use the emotions of the world for their own benefit? What is the chance that someone would abuse that gift?


by Trish Shaw

Authors note: I've been playing with this idea on and off for ages and have never felt quite happy with the ending but I'm flummoxed as to what to do with it so any idea's would be more than welcome. It was written more as a way of putting an idea down, so if anyone wants to take the idea of the graduate repayment scheme I have come up with and run with you are more than welcome.

Editor's Note: After some e-mail conversation, Trish was gracious enough to give me an earlier draft, as well as answer some questions about some of the characters. When I asked if it would be posted on Big Closet Top Shelf, the answer was no, but I volunteered to do a bit of editing and 'remix' of the two versions to post if Trish so desired. This story is the result of that, and it differs from the version on FM in a number of areas that, hopefully, clarify a few intentions and feelings of some characters. Trish has reviewed the story, and has given a blessing to post this. Any mistakes in editing are purely mine.


Immortality of Emotion - Part 2 of 6

Immortality of Emotion
by Arcie Emm

Part 2 of 6

We live in a world where emotions can lift people from their sorrows as easily as drown them within. They cause you to strive for something better or hold you back, wielding control both unmeasurable and unmistakable. But what if, for some, emotions held a tangible power, if they could use the emotions of the world for their own benefit? What is the chance that someone would abuse that gift?

Immortality of Emotion - Part 1 of 6

Immortality of Emotion
by Arcie Emm

Part 1 of 6

We live in a world where emotions can lift people from their sorrows as easily as drown them within. They cause you to strive for something better or hold you back, wielding control both unmeasurable and unmistakable. But what if, for some, emotions held a tangible power, if they could use the emotions of the world for their own benefit? What is the chance that someone would abuse that gift?

White Witch Chapter 2

White Witch




White Witch Sigil

The White Witch is the most powerful spell caster on earth, Rachael Aurora and her Apprentice will be pushed to their limits. Satyr, undead, shape shifters, Magic users, and a host of Mythological creatures will befriend her or Attack her which is friend and which is Foe. The fate of all life on the planet hangs on The White Witch finding the Green Mother's Fountain.

Bikini Beach: Pardons and Decisions

Bikini Beach: Pardons and Decisions

The 'girls' from Midnight Swim are still working in the park, and having issues adjusting, when Grandmother makes an unexpected announcement. Their futures are now at stake, and they have some tough decisions to make.


White Witch Chapter 1

White Witch




Witch Sigil

The White Witch is the most powerful spell caster on earth, Rachael Aurora and her Apprentice will be pushed to their limits. Satyr, undead, shape shifters, Magic users, and a host of Mythological creatures will befriend her or Attack her which is friend and which is Foe. The fate of all life on the planet hangs on The White Witch finding the Green Mother's Scepter.

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 2

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 2

I helped Ryan do the dishes and we had coffee together and just sort of relaxed a little. It was starting to sort of get to that whole awkward stage where you sort of have no idea what to say or what to do next and it was making me fidgety.

A Cold Afternoon in Toronto

A Cold Afternoon in Toronto
by Anam Chara

This story is the sequel to “A Cold Morning in Toronto,” inspired by Dorothy Colleen’s Weblogue “Minus 35 degrees Celsius” that she posted January 16th, 2012.

There’s cold, and then there’s cold!

Connor and Caitlin only moved to Toronto with their mother less than two weeks ago. Then today the schools are closed. So what can they do home alone, in the cold, with the power down?

Get A Life!~Chapter 2

As I sat in the lounge car of the Caledonian Sleeper Train with several other people, I looked out of the window, whilst drinking a cup of steaming hot chocolate, nibbling on a Danish pastry and trying not to get crumbs on my blouse…

Get A Life!

By Susan Brown

Twins Part 2


Part Two

Chapter Seven

Ted and I had just turned eleven when our FBI handlers came calling. They had some bad news and we had some life-altering decisions to make. Agent Groves and agent Martinez called and explained they would be coming by to talk to us Wednesday evening.

After dinner there was a knock on our front door.

“That must be the FBI,” Dad said.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 37 & 38.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor… Chapters 37 & 38.

Chapter 37

It was too long after Alex joined us at Sasha’s that I knew she was the person Jeff was seeing instead of Dina. I actually liked Alex the first time I met her we talked.

MAU: All Alone

Morphic Adaptation Unit — All Alone


A forest ranger in a remote cabin finds an MAU. After experimenting a bit, he finds a way to alleviate his loneliness. This story was posted several years ago on another site. This is its debut on Big Closet Top Shelf. It's a light-hearted little romp, but a bit explicit in points. Enjoy.

The MAU story universe and characters contained therein are copyright by ElrodW, all rights reserved. Use of the story universe or characters without the express written permission of the owner is a violation of copyright law.


Bridges 37

Bridges 37

Chapter 37

While I’ve been busying myself with studying and catching up on a whole lot of the stuff that I’ve missed since I’ve been off. I’ve still been missing Cass even though we talk nights on the phone and we do other things it’s me just feeling…we just got together I mean really together and it’s like it’s so not been enough really.

I want my girl with me at nights to cuddle up with and do all the newly-wed couple stuff together.

Evan's Wardrobe 4

“You don’t want me here and I don’t want to be here, so we have that in common,” I said, eventually.
“I would hate it if you left,” he said. “Your dad is great to me and you…” he hesitated. “You are really nice, too.”
I knew how much he idolised my dad and I could see that my dad was fond of him.
In many ways he was the son I couldn’t be.

I knew that.

Evan's Wardrobe
Part 4

by Ollie

Copyright © 2013 Ollie
All Rights Reserved.

Catburglar 5: Fantoccini’s Feline

Fantoccini’s Feline
By Paul Calhoun

A certain someone mentioned that I don't do sweet/sentimental/positive sex scenes. Simple answer to that: it's usually my clients who want the hardcore stuff and I like to go the discreet path in my more upbeat work. However, I figured Kelly and Reg getting together was a really special occasion, so enjoy some sex scenes in which everyone is happy, knows who the partner is and is having a blast.

Kelly gets the Blue Fairy Treatment and we have spoilers/foreshadowing for the Allie series.

Images 48

Images 48

Chapter 48

I’m getting some of the tarts out of the oven and out as fast as I can. I can’t keep the Beer tarts ahead at all with all the working guys in right now. I’m actually getting orders for pick up for suppertime tonight.

There’s a lot of working class guys down here and apparently he concept of the beer tart is something they like and the guys with wives and girlfriends are ordering some of the other stuff on the menu.

I head outside for a breather looking around until I can see some of the street kids that we sometimes have hanging around here. We actually have a few more than we used to ever since we’ve been seen as LGBTQ friendly and Taylor’s given them odd jobs and let the use our laundry room and stuff.

I wave one of the girls over. “Gypsy how goes it?”

The trip home. part 12 (Conclusion)

Promptly at ten thirty on Thursday morning Beth was sitting in the chair in Professor Tandy's office a tea cup nearby. Beth had come prepared this time with a cup of tea of her own.

Evan's Wardrobe 3

He turned and looked at me with a grin on his face.
“Somebody will be wearing tights today!” he sang.
He threw the packet of black tights over to me.
A girl on the front of the packet was modelling the look.

I sank back down and sighed.

Evan's Wardrobe
Part 3

by Ollie

Copyright © 2013 Ollie
All Rights Reserved.

The Death of Angels - 4

I had stepped out for some cool air and was coming back in when I saw Karl and the young woman entering the dimly lit hall and his silhouette all but disappeared. He had a spiritual presence that stunk with the ugly stench of evil. Suddenly I knew Marie’s name and asked her to leave him, “Marie, I encourage you to leave, Karl’s promises are not worth it.”

“Woman, I do not know who you think you are, but this is none of your business and I can crush you if you do not shut your mouth. If she leaves you can take her place.”

The Death of Angels

Chapter 4

by Jessica C

Copyright © 2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.


Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 18
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.

What a good boy...Chapter 21

What a good boy…Chapter 21

Chapter 21

We win the game and it’s really not even close, I mean it’s sort of close we beat them by thirty points but the scores were really, really high on both sides and it was that hard a game that instead of our girls breaking into cheers at the last winning basket…a three pointer long bomb by sexy amazing Sophie that all of them had their arms up in victory but they were sheathed in sweat and they were panting despite the win.

The other girl’s team were even more spent and were bent over panting and some even sat on the floor trying to get their breath.

It was so…I mean all those girls all buff and in great shape and all of them sweaty and shiny and breathing hard.


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