
Patti's Princess (2 of 3)

Sam, Cousin Patti and Sister Monika were very close growing up;
often enjoying playing dress up in girl's clothing when they were together.

This would be normal if Sam were short for Samantha, but Samuel was his given name.

Patti had often said that Sam would be Patti’s Princess come her wedding day.

That time has come... today!

Patti's Princess
By Jessica C

Copyright © 2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.

Masks Chapter 14

Masks Chapter 14


“Mom…this…this is really cool.”

“Well there were some things that if you were going to do this Steph that a girl just needs.”

I nod kind of still stunned and right on the edge of happy tears but I’m trying to hold it in because I’m only playing at being me right now and stuff.

I want to tell them…but with stuff that happened already tonight with my brothers…but this, this is actually pretty cool.

Mom hugs me anyways. “Hey…there are clothes too, to get you started.”

“What clothes where!”

*And Now…

Patti's Princess (1 of 3)

Patti’s Princess
By JessicaC
Cousin Patti, my Sister Monika and Sam were very close growing up, often enjoying playing dress up in girls’ clothing when they were together. This would have been normal if Sam was short for Samantha but Samuel was his given name. Patti often said that Sam would be Patti’s Princess come her wedding day. The time has come today…

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 7

Can Dreams Come True?…Part 7

I’m still trying to figure things out.

How he is, how that must feel.

I sort of get it but.

He’s a girl that’s never been a girl but she…he’s not transgendered?

Okay one thing’s pretty clear and that Ryan seems way, way more together than me.

It’s actually kind of nice in that way.

I lean back in the chair I’m in and sort of hug myself and think and I’m still doing that when he comes back and he looks at me.

“Josie? You okay?”

Covered Bridges-10.

Covered Bridges-10.

I like Frank’s old Crown Vic, back when I was a kid we had a coupe of police officers are neighbors and all the cop cars were the big old Crown Victoria’s. It’s as clean inside as out and the there’s this smell of one of those coconut air fresheners lingering there.

He spends a good deal of time in his car too. I see a small double picture frame of Robyn and Frank and his late wife Mary on the dash. The one concession is a newish stereo in the car with the satellite radio in it.

We drive down to the canal and it’s absolutely pleasant. I love these big old cars they have this feeling when you ride in them like you’re just kind of floating and honestly they’re just nicer.

Lashes Chapter 7

The pictures of me in the dress finally appeared. Even I wasn’t ready for what I saw. Mom and I both gasped as the first picture was seen. It was a shot from my waist to my head; I’m looking toward the sky and am slightly backlit, creating a halo around my head. It was the most beautiful picture I had ever seen and it would have been so with any other model. Mom’s eyes had filled with tears.

Lashes Chapter 6

“Because you’re my best friend. I’ve known you forever and I’ve never thought of you as being a boy. Why do you think you’re my best girlfriend? Amanda, you are just being you now. It took something like discovering the game you played with your mom to make you realize you’re a girl. I know you have a reputation for being tough, but being a boy doesn’t make you that way. Standing up to bullies does and a girl can do that too, you just don’t realize it yet. When we’re together you couldn’t be more feminine if you tried. Being feminine isn’t the way you move or talk or any of the things girls do on the outside, it’s what’s here,” Cindy said, pointing at her heart.

Vanilla Sky...Part 8.

Vanilla Sky…Part 8.


And he’s…I have no idea what his family background is but he has this very light skinned black person thing going on and straight black hair and these ice blue eyes that just sort of pop in.

Okay he might just be sexy.


I’m blushing and Shane’s smiling at me but it’s this…

Oh dammit…Oh chocolate…

Absinthe, Opium and Honor... Chapters 43 & 44.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor…Chapters 43 & 44.

Chapter 43


I never, ever really though about myself as a lesbian before. I’m not really sure that I am either but after the long session of girl talk with the rest of the girls in the house about my night with Jamie and there was a lot to talk about like.

How great looking she is…actually most of us agreed on that even if there was a few of the girls that were kind of jealous.

Yeah jealous…I even admitted to it too. I’m a big girl; I’ve never been the skinny girl ever. Not even in like back as far as the first grade. I’ve done the diets and the binges and tried working out.

Okay going to the gym and stuff helped a lot but there is always these girls there that are the gym rats that make you feel like crap and that you’re some fatty invading your space. Hell even Curves back home was like that. It’s not supposed to be but it too was invaded as a women’s only gym they could go there without getting hit on.

Images 52

Images 52

Chapter 52

I’m still humming the song as we pull back into the diner and I head inside and slip through the crowd of customers and all the way to Taylor and he’s flipping some stuff from the grill to plates and I let him put them up to the pick up window.

Then I kiss him before he has a chance to put anything new on the grill and I go over and over again leaning into him pressing close and go until some of our regulars at the counter start to hoot and holler.

I wave at them and I keep kissing him for a few more minutes.

Oh yum it is such a good thing to kiss him.

Jaci and Dottie: Boy troubles part 7 part 2

Drea hugged the girl into her chest to protect her from the cruel world. She felt her tears fall down her face into the hair of the young girl in her arms. She wanted to make the entire world go away. She still could not believe what had just happened. How could any parent ever do something so...


Drea looked up in annoyance as the buzzer from the kitchen stove started to buzz.

Lil Jaci shook herself and disentangled herself from Drea's arms.

"My cookies!" she exclaimed.

Sweet Dreams-53 "It's only a flesh wound!"

Sweet Dreams-53 “It’s only a flesh wound!”

Chapter 53

It’s been a really good day. The sex and the food in the morning and the coffee and watching movies was just so amazing. But so was Alex's idea of laying there together and napping. And taking the day off from classes was nice even though I actually like school here it was still really, really needed, I think I did need just being with Alex like this.

I have had very little times in my life when it was just okay to stop and just do that stop. Let someone care for me in little ways.

Like a nap at eleven in the morning after watching a movie and sitting there in the sunshine with Alex spooning me and feeling that huge warm bulk of his body there and those strong arms gently circling around me.

No sex, no necking as awesome as that is just being held and sleeping.

Never, Never-Land.

Never, Never-Land.

There are times when the world is full of idiots and just a bunch of damned suckiness. Guys treat girls like crap and frankly they do the same. It doesn’t look like it a whole lot of the time but it’s there a whole lot more than I like.

Guys women aren’t whores. No means no and no fucking pictures after sex, no being a douche hole and sharing those to every other asshole on your friends list.

Girls…a guy’s not a status symbol period. Yeah hot’s good, a nice car is too and that’s fine but he’s not you’re ticket to the top of whatever imaginary pecking order you think matters. It doesn’t.

Why don’t people actually tell these assholes over and over on both sides of things that?

Julia (revisited)

My parents named me Julio, and I don't really know when it all began. I remember one time I was a little boy I had a dream that I'd turned into a girl somehow. In the dream I wore a pink dress and black Mary Jane shoes and white stockings, and my hair was long and curly. I remember going to the bathroom and peeing sitting down. When I was a little older, at twelve I think, one time during gym class a friend of mine was sitting next to me.

What a good boy...Chapter 24

What a good boy…Chapter 24

“So what do you exactly need seconds on Gwen?” I ask grinning at her and she laughs and Sophie chuckles.

I grin and not just because I’m all super sexed up and still buzzed on my after glow. Okay it is a factor but the same for my girls since they’re really well laid too.

No it’s just them. I love Gwen’s light, she’s sunny and bright and cheerful and her laugh just reflects it too. Gwen’s one of those girls that isn’t quiet; I really love her for that.

Yeah Love.

Summer Night

The metal of the drink cooler was cold against my back. Reflections of flashing police lights flashed all around me. I laid my head back and closed my eyes for a moment, listening to the rush of police officers out in the parking lot.
I took a drag from my cigarette. I could feel a trickle of blood running down my chest and into my cleavage.
The weight of the .44 magnum Ruger Super Blackhawk was familiar in my hand, but heavier somehow than it had been before. I pulled back the hammer. The click of the cylinders turning seemed loud as thunder.
I risked a glance over the top of the cooler, the glass crunching under my feet as loud as an avalanche.
Only four; I have to hurry.
I took a final drag from my cigarette, then flicked it away, trying to center myself for what I knew was coming.
How did I get here?
That made me smile a little.
How did I get here?


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