
A Mother’s Love - Vol. 3.01


“Hi Mummy,” greeted Bekka, “I did a picture, Daddy is Mum-Stephanie tonight.”

“Yes, darling, I can see,” said Mary as she walked over to the playpen and knelt down to hug our daughter.

“Don’t worry Bekka, Daddy’s not going to be Mum-Stephanie much more tonight.”

A Mother’s Love - Vol. 3.01

by Alys

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Lead Shoes-16

Chapter 16

Poor Will…

I’ve never really seen or help anyone before when they’re all upset, but Will is really upset and I pull him inside the house with me and somehow I manage to use my crutches and the fact he’s sort of still able to stand to get us into the living room and the couch.

We just get down and he starts to shake even harder.

“They woke me up…I…I was asleep and I heard the first crashes of stuff getting thrown. They were both doing it. Dad got paid a couple of days ago and stuff but mom was out…she had took off on another bender…and dad…dad had left too and went looking for her and I…I think he ended up at a place with some VLT’s and that was it.”

Tribe of the Mountains Chapter 13 – No Mercy.

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Tribe of the Mountains Chapter 13 — No Mercy.

Yep, we still have two sexes and yes, the girls with sperm are also known as y girls or simply y here in the tribe.

OK, I admit, it counts. A girl tend to look at a y girl as a partner and vice versa. The ability to have children together counts a lot.
But y girls transformed at a young age are not stronger than our normal girls. And even among the ones who were transformed at more advanced ages cases like that of Erica are unusual.

To the depths to this!!! Look, I am stronger than any other save Erica and I am small and fast, much faster than her. This kind of thing kills any kind of discrimination for a job or separation of tasks by gender.
For what matters guys, we have two sexes, but only one gender.

Now, lets forget this complex shit and drink some more of that new wine that Anora`s people have been brewing.

As registered by Linda Basteter in:
My Mother, the Drunk Philosopher.
Note: Only when drunk.

First copied by the mountains academy scribes, in the year 110 AG.

Ch 06: Standing Tall



By Teek

Chapter 6

Standing Tall

Summary: Stephanie can’t be herself, and her attempts to be Daryl have failed. Desperate times lead to desperate measures. Can a little nine year old survive under all the pressure? Things get complicated as people respond to Elwood’s bullying behavior.

Caution: Stephanie finds herself under attack in this chapter from a school yard bully.

 © 2012 by Teek

Angel Season One, Episode 8 (It's the End of the World as We Know It)

Angel Season One,
Episode 8
(It's the End of the World as we Know It)

by G.M. Shephard

Copyright  © 2012 G.M. Shephard

While Michael/Karen and Megan prepare to spend Christmas together, another Christmas celebration somewhere else is in the planning stages, one that will be less enjoyable for those participating. The big question will finally be answered.

Angel Season One, Episode 7 (Event Horizon)

---Angel Episode 7 "Event Horizon”---
By G.M. Shephard

Michael/Karen cracks under the strain he/she is under and takes Megan up on her offer to wait with her in Houston in hopes Liz and Ashley come home. Megan decides to tender her resignation at NASA and focus attending to her new friend/patient.

Angel Season One, Episode 6 (DC Follies)

---Angel Episode 6 "DC Follies”---
By G.M. Shephard

Megan having retreated from the party early, receives devastating news before she can tell her fiancee about the good news regarding his flight status. Michael/Kaaren passes his time in the city, contemplating how he/she should spend the next twelve years, while waiting to see his friend again. Later he makes a startling discovery.

Angel Season One, Episode 5 (Anguish)

---"Angel" Episode 5 Anguish”---
By G.M. Shephard

"Angel" Season One continues as Michael/Karen checks into a hotel in the Nation's Capital and awaits for his friend to call with good news. The anguish he faces, wondering where is family, is is too much for him to bear. That along with stress of his sudden change of life, and the loneliness he feels, prompts him to seek out a means to forget about life for a while. His first experience in the public nightlife living as Karen, he experiences for the first time many issues women have to face at the hands of men and other women.

Angel Season One, Episode 4 (Solitude)


With the Earth safe, Michael collects his thoughts and examines Kaaren's body up close before his reunion with his wife and daughter. Meanwhile NASA tries to figure out the strange set of anomalies that lead to their salvation, while the government tightens down on the truth. Beginning of the regular season of Angel.

Angel - Season One - Pilot (Parts 1-3)

---"Angel" Season One Pilot---

Mission commander Michael Owen is on the verge death after a failed mission in space to save the planet earth. Saved by what he thinks to be an angel, this friend from another world offers Michael the opportunity to save his planet by endowing him with great power, but at a great personal cost.

My Office Gift - 2- Giving Back the Gift

“We did not come to be modest,” I said, “these kids health has been hit hard; our love needs to be beyond us feeling good. We want to be assured this would benefit both floors and show our caring beyond Tuesday night.” With the knowledge, we will not forget and we will be back, Cheryl seems to be well impressed... Heather spoke, “I don’t think they will allow much of your money to go for others...”
Darla, “Anne has a following in our office, we'll help her do what's right... Holding Tracy in my arms, ready to leave. “You’re an angel and not just an elf, aren’t you?”

My Office Gift
Chapter 2
Giving Back the Gift

by Jessica C

Copyright © 2012,2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.

Facades: A Christmas Story




Daniela A. Wolfe

All his life Jake Melton hid
behind a mask. When he
returned home, upon learning
of his abusive mother's death,
fate intervenes and his life is
changed forever.

Tribe of the Mountains Chapter 10 – Love and War.


Tribe of the Mountains Chapter 10 — Love and War.

What leads someone to treason, rape, murder.
How deep can a man or woman fall into the trappings of self servitude and greed?

Of course these questions are important, essential even to an organized society.
But there are times when you must send it all to the depths and judge a person only by the consequences of his/her actions.
These times are always the darkest ones.

Anora the first.
Philosophical musings.

What a good boy...Chapter 18

What a good boy…chapter 18

Chapter 18

I slowly wake to this so amazing sensation of having wet lips on my Vee and feel this tongue inside of me as the pleasure pressure builds in me and I have this gentle slow orgasm.

I’m inhaling and my eyes flicker open and I’m laying on top of Gwen mostly my head pillowed on her amazingly firm yet soft sexy breasts. Which means…Sophie’s between my legs making me all squishy gooey with her chocolate lips.

One Day at St. Charles

He snuck in the door just before the bell rang. He knew everyone was looking at him, but he just headed for his seat. He was about to sit down when the Voice of Doom came from the front of the room.

"George Watson, come here at once!" Sister Maria's voice wasn't loud, but it carried.

Reluctantly, he walked to the front of the classroom and stood there as she looked him over. Sweater, blouse, skirt, knee socks and Mary Janes. His hair in a high ponytail, and the light makeup on his face. His school pack still hung from one shoulder as he'd not had time to set it down at his desk.

"We can't have this. Report to the principal." With that Sister Maria scribbled a note, folded it and handed it to him.

He could feel everyone's eyes on him as he walked to the door of the classroom and headed for the office.

Fairyland Trail, Part 10

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Coming Out In Public

The custody decree is final and Mom no longer has to worry about interference from McKenzie’s father. Aunt Karen suggests they use the afternoon mall visit as a coming-out experience, and this causes a range of reactions from the small-town community.

Antifreeze...Part 2.


Antifreeze…Part 2

I’m good after a couple of blocks and kind of drifting in and out of my more intimate thoughts all the way to Cecilia’s and I can’t but to think about what might have been if I had stayed. I get to work and head inside to get showered and changed. I’m actually in a good mood while getting into my gear for my dance sets. A couple of the girl’s look at me and smile.

Change of Summer Camps – 6 Patti in the City

Change of Summer Camps — 6 Patti in the City

By Jessica C

Willy went to Camp ArrowHead, but got to be a Rainbow Camper after he got into some mischief... Now at Camp Rainbow, it's time for payback to those who ran out... Willy/Patti had given her word to try and make ehat he agreed work... But he never expected this...

Ch 05: The Freak



By Teek

Chapter 5

The Freak

Summary: Stephanie only has a future if people in her life can accept her for who she is. Friendship is a new concept for Stephanie, and figuring it out will not be easy. Joanne thought she knew everything she needed to know about friendship, but a noper of all things is teaching her a lesson.

 © 2012 by Teek


Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 8
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.

Tribe of the Mountains Chapter 8 – How to be a Man.

Tribe of the Mountains
Chapter 8
How to be a Man

For centuries the Free People were the only ones able to survive in the space between the northern and southern mountain ranges. The poor yellowish grassland was full of weirdly shaped small hills, deformed beasts and poisonous plants. Not that the land was completely devoid of it's blessings though, it had a huge diversity of animals living both above and below ground and a kind twisted ironwood tree so strong that nowadays a few of the wagons made using it remain, as if untouched by time.In this land they not only survived but thrived. They killed the worst of the monsters, learned to shape the hard wood and learned the hard way what to eat and what to avoid.

For a while things seemed to be getting better, the land was less poisonous, the monsters were defeated and feared man. The numbers of the people started to increase. Their neighbors, the soft people of the cities, were considered weak and easy to plunder.

Pride really comes before the fall.

Merinda Anorier
Notes from Classes at the Mountains Academy

Sweet Dreams-45

Sweet Dreams-45

Chapter 45

I wake up with Alex kissing the back of my neck and the side of my neck and I’m spooned close to him and there’s the delicious feel of his body heat against me along with his muscles. I smile and snuggle a bit more.

“I really love this so much Alex. It’s perfect y’know.”

“It’s so worth the price Hunter.”


Tribe of the Mountains Chapter 7 – A Fresh Start

IMG_1064.jpg Chapter 7 — A Fresh Start

Some say that the Tribe is just a group of indistinct clones, that we think the same, do the same, that joining us is to lose what makes you human.

Of course this is not so, or we would not be useful to anyone.
Least of all to ourselves.

Merinda Anorier
Notes from Classes at the Mountains Academy

Fairyland Trail, Part 9

Crisis Time
McKenzie has a double crisis. Harassment at summer cheer camp has left McKenzie injured and on the way to the hospital. There will be no way to avoid a full physical examination by the family doctor, who is also a brother of the Family Court judge who is scheduled to make a final divorce and custody ruling in a few weeks.

Bikini Beach: The Senator

Bikini Beach: The Senator

A distinguished elderly senator has already announced that he's ending his career. He starts having second thoughts, though, when he meets the man his party has chosen to run for his seat. But having given his word, he can't change his mind. Can he? Or is that only a woman's prerogative?


Becoming Robin Book Four: Chapter 9


~* Momentum *~

“Hey, sorry I’m late,” I said as we hugged. “So I’m not going to lie; I’m way out of my element here,” I teased. Allison giggled as she led me over to where Joe and Jane were standing.

“Oh, I don’t expect you to shoot unless you want to take a gun safety class first,” she said, wrapping her arm around my shoulders. “I just wanted you to come down so you wouldn’t worry about me going all gun crazy or anything. Actually, I was hoping to talk to you first, before I talk to Nikki and Jenn. I’m glad Jane’s here too though because I could use her input.”

Bikini Beach and the Nerds - Holiday Queen

Bikini Beach: Nerds — Holiday Queen

All fraternities sponsor a candidate for the annual Holiday Queen ball. But the Nerds are having a problem finding a girl to sponsor. That is, until one of them suggests using the magic of Bikini Beach.

(This tale is largely based on Revenge of the Nerds, and is set in the Bikini Beach universe. The characters were initially defined in my earlier tale "Bikini Beach: The Nerds — Revenge")


Christmas Changes Come in Threes

-------=BigCloset Retro Classic=-------
Christmas Special!

An unhappy loner at Christmas is visited by an Angel and gets to change key moments in his life.

Christmas Changes Come in Threes

by Frank

Copyright © 2007 Wolf-Pup Publishing
All Rights Reserved.



Chapter 16

Brandy gives me this sort of sweet smile but there’s some of the whole bits there I can tell that she misses her son. But she reaches out to me and pulls me out of bed sort of by just leading me by my fingertips and I go with her to the kitchen and she does go to the fridge to get us some juice first and I smile as I reheat the food I made.

But part of me is wondering just how do I ask her about such a thing? I don’t like that she’s hurting and I’m pretty sure that the whole dream I was in was a memory dream that I had tuned in of hers.

So do I just come out with it?

Bikini Beach: Dear Jenny

Bikini Beach — Dear Jenny

Melinda and Jenny have a fling during Melinda's temporary job as a lifeguard. Jenny finds herself falling for Melinda. But Melinda's time is up, and Mitch has to go back to his life. What is Jenny going to do?

This is a new, never-before published Bikini Beach story. Enjoy.

Author's note: This story takes place after "The Sub", but before "Cousin Trouble". It is strongly suggested that you read "Bikini Beach: The Sub" first.

This story and the Bikini Beach characters and universe are copyrighted by the author, all rights reserved.

Bikini Beach: The Regatta

Bikini Beach: The Regatta

Synopsis: A few friends are looking for sponsors for their sailboat in the big annual regatta, but no one wants to help out. One of the guys overhears a conversation about 'diversity' in sponsorships, and he gets an idea.

Another older story that's been tweaked, updated, and posted here. Enjoy



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