Identity Crisis

Crown or Tiara Chapter 5

The 'Burning of Rhatica' marked a significant turning point in Granvayl's campaign into H'loren lands. The city of Rhatica, previously the trading town called Sassara, was originally part of a H'loren elves' greater territory. Its inhabitants were once servants of the evil woodland elves for over 200 years, until the War of Contested Forest erupted and they saw the light that they thought they would be forever denied.

Crown or Tiara
Chapter 5

By Shinieris

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This story is 73 words long.

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling? 6

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling?
by Anam Chara

Sean and Mórag discuss why he abandoned his promising career as a violinist. The school nurse worries about Morgan’s anxiety, while Sean battles insomnia before his audition with the Daughters of Danaan. And Kelly seems to exert a profound influence on those around her, even from a coma…

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This story is 58 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 21


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


“Yeah. He was in a funk, wasn't he.” William agreed. Vance only nodded. “How are you handling the whole Tracy thing?”

Vance smiled at his dad. “Well, her having cute girlfriends helps.”

William smiled and shook his head. “Figured you’d go with that first.”

“Well, Sage is hot and that Stacey is kinda cute too.”


Thanks once again to Djkauf for the editing

Just another part to Tracy in Sacramento with her Mom and her brother and Father back home.

NOTE: I have raised the rating due to subject nature, but it's not too bad.


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This story is 96 words long.

Soul Sword Ch 6


Audience Rating: 



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Character Age: 


Soul Sword Ch 6
Chapter 6: The Wheels of Fate Begin to Turn!

By Blackout

Editor: Zip


Terry was your typical average teenage boy. But like most stories he was about to startled by some unexplainable power but hey that’s what makes the story interesting. Read on as the life of one typical teenage boy except for his hobby of swordsmanship is turned around as he discovers a world he never thought he would enter in more ways than one.

Please read the Author's Note of this chapter.

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This story is 87 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 20


Audience Rating: 



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TG Elements: 

Character Age: 

Other Keywords: 


“Why?” He asked again, wiping at the tears in his eyes. His pain had become frustration, which was quickly boiling over into anger. “WHY?” He pushed back against her and forced his tears back long enough to scream. To him it was a simple question. But his mother couldn't answer it, she had failed in the past. He pushed against her and sat up on his own. “WHY!!!” He bellowed.

“WHY DID I HAVE TO BE BORN LIKE THIS?!?” He glared at her. “WHY DO I HAVE TO HAVE THIS....THIS THING BETWEEN MY LEGS?!? WHY CAN'T I BE A NORMAL GIRL!?!” The floodgate that held back the tears shattered, causing the young boy to bend slightly and sob uncontrollably.


The rating for this episode is slightly higher, due to the content within. I felt it was time for "the Talk"

Please bear with me, this one wasn't edited by an outside source, mostly because I am an impatient fool.


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This story is 160 words long.

Soul Sword Ch 5


Audience Rating: 



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Character Age: 


Soul Sword Ch 5
Chapter 5: Self Discovery!

By Blackout

Editor: Zip


Terry was your typical average teenage boy. But like most stories he was about to startled by some unexplainable power but hey that’s what makes the story interesting. Read on as the life of one typical teenage boy except for his hobby of swordsmanship is turned around as he discovers a world he never thought he would enter in more ways than one.

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This story is 74 words long.

The Center: A Damper Day (Part 1)


Audience Rating: 



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Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


The Center: A DAMPER Day!
Part 1

By Blackout


Have you ever wondered the origin stories for students in The Center. Most of them went through a pretty weird and amazing adventure all in the matter of a day or so that might be classified as the most exciting and terrifying time of their young lives. This is one of those stories. The life of Charlie Sherwood as he discovers his new self. This is a short tale based on Claire Evergreen best friend of Rachael from The Center: Tester.

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This story is 89 words long.

Soul Sword Ch 4


Audience Rating: 



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TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Soul Sword Ch 4
Chapter 4: Unsheathed and unveiled! A sword reborn!

By Blackout

Editor: Zip


Terry was your typical average teenage boy. But like most stories he was about to startled by some unexplainable power but hey that’s what makes the story interesting. Read on as the life of one typical teenage boy except for his hobby of swordsmanship is turned around as he discovers a world he never thought he would enter in more ways than one.

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This story is 78 words long.

Soul Sword Ch 3


Audience Rating: 



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TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Soul Sword Ch 3
Chapter 3: I am the sword! The Awakening!

By Blackout

Editor: Zip


Terry was your typical average teenage boy. But like most stories he was about to startled by some unexplainable power but hey that’s what makes the story interesting. Read on as the life of one typical teenage boy except for his hobby of swordsmanship is turned around as he discovers a world he never thought he would enter in more ways than one.

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This story is 78 words long.

Accidental Magic - Chapter 27: Feedback Loops

Terri has a destiny, one that is still in the works for her, but already cemented in the past... or is it?


Accidental Magic
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Feedback Loop
By Allystra Krane

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This story is 31 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 19

“Okay. How about this. Girls first, then the eldest kids.”

“So that's Angie and Troy?” Alex asked.

“Alex!” Amber snapped.

“Look at his hair Mom. He has girl hair.” Alex pointed to his cousin. Troy smiled and fluffed his hair, then he leaned back in the loveseat and hammed up how comfortable it was.

“That's enough young man.” Leonard said to his son. “Let's just get through the presents without you being more of a pest then you already are.”


Big thanks to Djkauf for the editing again.

Part two of the family meal and a little time with Tracy


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This story is 100 words long.

Soul Sword Ch 2


Audience Rating: 



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TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Soul Sword
Chapter 2: Freaks of Nature

By Blackout

Editor: Zip


Terry was your typical average teenage boy. But like most stories he was about to startled by some unexplainable power but hey that’s what makes the story interesting. Read on as the life of one typical teenage boy except for his hobby of swordsmanship is turned around as he discovers a world he never thought he would enter in more ways than one.

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This story is 74 words long.

Target Practice Part-10

Target Practice-
Part Ten


With her grandfather gone,Olivia has now inherited Queen Industries. But that's the least of her problems what with dealing with the press, the Board of Directors and trying to find the person who hired the assassin in the first place.

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This story is 46 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 18

Troy smiled at her and gave a slight wave as he took a seat at the table. “Hi.”

Angie came over to him and her eyes seemed to glow with delight. “ know...” She rocked on her feet as she rambled in front of him, trying to find her words. She bit her lip, then just blurted out what was on her mind. “Were those your clothes I found on Thanksgiving, you know? The panties and nightgown?!? It looked like it could fit you!” Troy's cheeks were a bright red and he fought the urge to just run out of the room in fright. Olivia turned and looked at him with both eyebrows raised.

“ANGIE!” Joy glared at her daughter. “What did I tell you about asking questions like that! Now apologize to Troy!”

Angie looked like the typical scolded child. Her head was lowered and she sat in a chair. “Sorry, Troy.”

Tory wanted to say that it was his stuff, but he didn't know how his cousins would take it. “It's okay.” He told his cousin.


Thanks to Djkauf for the editing again. Now for a nice family meal....nothing can go wrong here.


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This story is 198 words long.

Soul Sword Ch 1


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


Soul Sword
Chapter 1: The Prologue

By Blackout

Editor: Zip


Terry was your typical average teenage boy. But like most stories he was about to be startled by some unexplainable power, but hey that’s what makes the story interesting. Read on as the life of one typical teenage boy except for his hobby of swordsmanship is turned around as he discovers a world he never thought he would enter in more ways than one.

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This story is 74 words long.

Crown or Tiara Chapter 4 Omake

It's our first omake!

Crown or Tiara
Chapter 4 Omake

By Shinieris

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This story is 11 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 16


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


“I had a talk with her yesterday morning. She actually opened up to me and I felt you needed to know about it.” Shelly came out and handed a can of soda to her. Persephone opened it up and took a quick sip. “She's had so much fun the past few days, she's dreading having to be Troy for Christmas.”

“When the family is up?” Maggie asked.

“Yeah. She understands that Troy is a necessary evil, but she hates it. She gets to be who she wants now, but when school starts again, she has to hide herself under the guise of Troy and she hates it.”

“I don't know if there's much we can do for her.” Maggie replied. “If we let her go to that school, as Tracy, the abuse she'd suffer...” Maggie let the sentence hang. The others knew the possibilities.

“How did the meeting with that therapist go before you came down?”

Maggie shook her head. “It didn't. She spent most of the time calling her Troy and asking why he had worn a skirt.”

“Maggie? Could I offer a suggestion?” Persephone asked as she leaned back in the couch.


Thanks to Djkauf for the Editing

Last part of Livermore for a while. But not the end of Tracy and her friends

Note: Rating gone up slightly due to a little issue brought in at the end


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This story is 231 words long.

For My Princess: Part 8


Audience Rating: 



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Character Age: 

Other Keywords: 


Book cover image

As Arabella sat in the kitchen eating her first real meal since she arrived she had the feeling that she was being spied on.

"Is someone observing us?" she said in a voice that only Ysabel would hear above the noise of people eating.

"I do not sense it but I shall check discreetly."

Being able to observe things without being noticed was a skill that Lady Ysabel had developed in her years of service and she put it to good use.

"It is the prince's aide, for some reason he keeps looking this way."


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This story is 95 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 15

“Good. I don't think anyone else is awake yet.”

“Wrong.” Sage whispered near them, but loud enough for them to hear. “'Romy's been bugging me for a little bit now.”

The little girl loudly scampered over to her cousin and Tracy, then without asking, she lifted one corner of the sleeping bag and slid in and hugged Tracy. “Pway?” She said, and not in a whisper.

This caused a groan from Brooke. This was followed by a growl aimed at the little girl. “Midget, you woke me up.”

“I not mi'git.” The little girl replied.

Sage and Stacey snickered. Rachel rolled over and looked at them. “Face it, the runt's awake, no more sleeping today.”

“Not a wunt.” She stayed curled up next to Tracy.

“But Rachel, it's not even seven.” Brooke groaned. “The only lucky one here is Casey. She doesn't get to hear the kid.”


A big Thank you to Djkauf for the editing again.

More on the life of Tracy. A nice easy day this time.

NOTE: Rating slightly higher due to nudity in story


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This story is 178 words long.

Target Practice Part-9

Target Practice-
Part Nine


With her grandfather gone,Olivia has now inherited Queen Industries. But that's the least of her problems what with dealing with the press, the Board of Directors and trying to find the person who hired the assassin in the first place.

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This story is 46 words long.

Cat and Mouse

Catwoman Cat and Mouse
By Maid Joy
Eneimes are everywhere. She can't swing a cat without hitting one or more, and that's a good thing since they will have been well and truly hit at that point.

Detective Comics owns the copyright to Catwoman. This is a retroactive contunity, or a Retcon of the same character.

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This story is 55 words long.

Target Practice Part-8

Target Practice-
Part Eight


With her grandfather gone,Olivia has now inherited Queen Industries. But that's the least of her problems what with dealing with the press, the Board of Directors and trying to find the person who hired the assassin in the first place.

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This story is 46 words long.

Slacker Part 1

Part One


Esther is certain she can remake her good for nothing, slacker of a son into a worthwhile and industrious member of society. Artie… well…

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This story is 28 words long.

The Book of Fate


Audience Rating: 



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TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


The Book of Fate

Case Number 1

Jason Martin Reprobate

The book of fate appears in many forms. It can reveal itself as a book, computer game, physical place or some other variation. Some believe it is a product of an organization established to right perceived wrongs.

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This story is 46 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 13


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


“Really? What are they?” Tracy asked as she got to the steps. She paused for a moment, trying to summon the want to go up the stairs for a shower.

Mary Beth came out of the bathroom and went over to Tracy. “Hey, you sleep better?” She asked, her smile was huge and her eyes danced with joy.

“Well enough, I guess.” Tracy replied. She wasn't sure why, but the dream was bugging her. There was that part of her that was waiting for Mary Beth to attack.

“Awesome.” She leaned in and hugged Tracy, who flinched slightly at the touch. Mary Beth didn't say anything, but she had felt the flinch and Sage had seen it. Tracy couldn't see the worried look on both girls face. Mary Beth let go and hooked a thumb towards the living room. “I'll help put away the sleeping bags, if that's okay.”


Big thanks once again to Djkauf for the editing.

One more look into Tracy in Livermore.


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This story is 165 words long.

Target Practice Part-7

Target Practice-
Part Seven


With her grandfather gone,Olivia has now inherited Queen Industries. But that's the least of her problems what with dealing with the press, the Board of Directors and trying to find the person who hired the assassin in the first place.

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This story is 46 words long.

Looking for peace

copy right yada yada may be posted on any free site as long as i get the credit for it. Must be of age in your area to read
This just some thing i did late one night hope you all like it , comments welcome

The tears were coming fast as I placed the nail tip on my finger.
Here I am.How has it come to this?My struggles for most of my life,
being an outsider,being different.
The compulsions and desires to be a woman.Always there under the surface,in the shadows and the realm of dreams.

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This story is 101 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 12


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


“Yeah.” Mary Beth smiled. Then she looked to Tracy. “Is h..she okay?” She remembered the lecture about using the right words in time.

All the girls looked to see Tracy shaking in fear. The young girl knew her secret was going to get out. The school would know by time she got back. Sage leaned over and put a hand on Tracy's. “Hey, you okay.”

“No.” She whimpered.

Sage got up and moved to her side. “Tracy, trust me. They won’t harm you here.” She glared over her shoulder to the two girls. “And they won't talk about meeting you at school, will they?”

Both Mary Beth and her sister looked a little worried at the intensity of Sage's glare. “No.” Mary Beth said.


Thanks to Djkauf for the editing.

Please note, but to the almost graphic nature of this post, I upped the rating. I promise the fun stuff shall return someday.


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This story is 155 words long.

Target Practice Part-6

Target Practice-
Part Six


With her grandfather gone,Olivia has now inherited Queen Industries. But that's the least of her problems what with dealing with the press, the Board of Directors and trying to find the person who hired the assassin in the first place.

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This story is 46 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 11


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


Tracy was silent for a moment, then she sighed. She didn't want to leave it like that. She was almost in the same boat as Sage. Guilt was welling up for the yelling and her actions. “It's okay.” Her voice cracked slightly. “Sage?”

Sage stopped, her hand on the door knob. “Yeah?”

“Sorry I yelled.” Tracy shut off the water and peeled back the curtain just enough to show her face. mean well with it...I just didn't want.....”

Sage shut the door as Tracy let the curtain fall back in place. She could hear her friend start to cry. She walked in and grabbed a towel for her. “You didn't want someone to see you like you are?” She guessed.

“Yeah.” Tracy answered through the tears. “The past few months I've grown to hate that damn thing.”

“I know. That's how I've felt about mine for a while, too.” The crying began to get worse. Sage waited a moment, then she spoke again, her voice soft and full of concern. “Do you trust me? I won't do anything to hurt you.”


Thanks to Djkauf for the editing.

In this episode....Tracy is discovered


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This story is 196 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 10

Tracy thought about her situation for a moment, then looked at her friends. “Sage, can I talk to you and Rachel for a moment.”

“Sure, what's up?” Rachel asked.

“Alone? Please?” Tracy asked as she stood up.”

The other two girls followed her to her chair, then they wheeled her to the hall. “What's up?”

“You really think that they won’t mind about me?” Tracy's voice dropped to a whisper.

“Tracy, they won’t care. You should tell them, just because it'll help you relax.” Sage replied, just as quietly.

“You think so?”

“Yes. And if you want, we'll be right there with you.” Rachel said, smiling at her.

“Okay. Let's do it.” Tracy said, then she let them push her back into the living room.


A big thank you to Djkauf for the Editing.

Nothing too Earth shattering this time, just fun with the girls.


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This story is 147 words long.

Target Practice Part-5

Target Practice-
Part Five


With her grandfather gone,Olivia has now inherited Queen Industries. But that's the least of her problems what with dealing with the press, the Board of Directors and trying to find the person who hired the assassin in the first place.

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This story is 46 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1457


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1457
by Angharad

Copyright © 2011 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1456


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1456
by Angharad

Copyright © 2011 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1455


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1455
by Angharad

Copyright © 2011 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 9

Her heart began to race as she hoped it was her friends and she reached over for the phone and picked it up, still wishing for the use of her right hand. “Hello?” She called into the phone.

“HI TRACY!” A group of voices yelled into the phone, making her pull the earpiece away from her ear. She waited a second and slowly put the ear piece back, waiting to be yelled at again.

“Um....hi.” She said. “Who is this?”

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This story is 81 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 8


Audience Rating: 



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Character Age: 


Tracy was woken from her slumber by the ringing of the phone inches from her head. She grunted as she turned on her side and blindly reached for the infernal device that had ruined her sleep. She didn't hear anyone running for the phone, so she guessed that she was still all alone in the house. She groped for the phone with her left hand, which she wasn't used to using. She almost dropped it before she secured her grip on it. She held it to her ear and tried to say “Hello? Who is this?” But in came out as gibberish.

There was the chuckle of a young girl on the other end of the phone. “Is that English?” She heard Rachel's voice ask.

“Rachel?” She mumbled into the phone.

“And Sage.” A second voice said.

“She's at my place because we wanted to call and see how you were doing.” Rachel answered the yet to be asked question.

“So....." Sage gave a slight pause for dramatic effect and then asked. "how you doing?”

This poor girl may win at some point.
Thanks to Djkauf for the editing.

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This story is 189 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 7


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


Both men looked to Mary Beth and she seemed to shrink down a little. “I was going back towards my class after lunch. I had seen Clark and his cousins try and pick a fight with Troy, then I watched Peter and Troy yell at each other. I don't know about what, but Peter was mad that Troy was pushing himself.” She didn't mention that she heard what name he called Troy. That was just one more question that Mary Beth had for Troy. “I was gonna walk with Troy to the class, but Bobby Anderson tripped him and kept walking.”

“Looks like Mr. Anderson and I need to have a talk about personal space.” Mr. Harper replied.

The door to the nurses office opened up and she looked at the two men, her face losing color fast, then her gaze fell on the secretary. “Call an ambulance, now.”

The secretary grabbed her phone and began dialing. Mr. Harper walked over and lowered his voice. “Is it bad?”

“He's pulled out all the stitches. I've got him holding his legs together and holding gauze at the incision site, but he's still bleeding and I can't do anything for him here.”

“Crap.” Mr. Harper turned and went around the desk. “I'll try his father as well.” He turned his attention to the teacher and Mary Beth. “You should get to class young lady, I'll talk to you later.”

“Okay, sir.” She looked into the nurse’s office and couldn't see the bed Troy was on, due to the dividing curtain. A part of her really wanted to know what was going on with Troy.


This poor kid will learn at some point.......maybe
A special thanks to Djkauf for the editing again


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This story is 291 words long.

Target Practice Part-4

Target Practice-
Part Four


With her grandfather gone,Olivia has now inherited Queen Industries. But that's the least of her problems what with dealing with the press, the Board of Directors and trying to find the person who hired the assassin in the first place.

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This story is 46 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 6


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


He walked out of the office, headed for his class with another note in hand. He wasn't setting any record pace today. Most of the kids dodged around him, some not really noticing him, until he got near the fifth grade classes. Then she could hear the whispers start up.

“That's him....”

“I thought he was dead.....”

“I heard he killed four guys in that fight....”

“I heard his thing was cut off....”

“....yeah, he took on Bruce, Frankie and Kenny after they cut him open.....”

“.....fought ten guys and won....yeah him.....”

“...oh?....Well he got shot, that's why he's walking slow....that's what I heard....”

Tracy did her best not to burst into laughter. He moved on down a hall, headed for his class. A familiar figure fell in step next to him. “Hey Peter.”


And now for that first few days where she comes back to school

And once again, big thanks to DjKauf for the editing


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This story is 160 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 5

“Everything okay, Son?” Conner asked. “I thought I heard crying in your house, haven't seen Tracy next door either.”

William was quiet for a few moments as Vance took his first swing. “No Dad, it's not.”

“What's wrong?” The older man asked.

“We learned something last night and it's tearing Tracy up.” William replied.

“What's that?”

William leaned the ax against the house and led his father away from the house. “Dad, the other day when she was attacked in your back yard it started behind the barn.” He pointed to the large structure that was on his property.

“Yeah, she said that. Then she ran, right?” Conner asked.

“It's more, Dad.” William led his father to the corner of the barn and he stopped, then they both watched Vance cutting wood. William let out a sigh and shook his head. “They attempted to rape her.”


A glimpse into Tracy the next morning, and how William takes care of his anger issues. Plus because it makes me laugh, more of Vance and Sage

A special thanks to DJKauf for the editing


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This story is 181 words long.

Target Practice Part-3

Target Practice-
Part Three


With her grandfather gone,Olivia has now inherited Queen Industries. But that's the least of her problems what with dealing with the press, the Board of Directors and trying to find the person who hired the assassin in the first place.

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This story is 46 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 4


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



This contains an attack and almost rape. Please be warned I have altered the rating to reflect that, sorry if it seems high, just being safe.

But fear not, our Brave Tracy may be fine.........

And I'd like to give a big thank you to Djkauf for the editing. Thank you very much.


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This story is 53 words long.

Target Practice Part-2

Target Practice-
Part Two


With her grandfather gone,Olivia has now inherited Queen Industries. But that's the least of her problems what with dealing with the press, the Board of Directors and trying to find the person who hired the assassin in the first place.

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This story is 46 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 3


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


“We need to get going. Troy will be checking out here shortly.” Maggie said, moving the chair past Mary Beth.

The young girl began walking with them. “Are you going to be in school Monday?”

“Maybe. It depends on how I feel by then.” Tracy replied.

“So what happened?” The girl asked again.

“I'd rather not talk about it. It's kinda personal.” Tracy said.

“So it's true? Bruce cut your...well you know, your thingy off.” She blushed as she said it.

Tracy's cheeks went just as red. “Who said that?” She asked.

“I heard it someplace.” The girl replied as she looked to the floor.

Maggie chuckled. “No, he didn't cut it off. If he had, Troy would be dead.”


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This story is 121 words long.

Target Practice Part-1

Target Practice-
Part One


With her grandfather gone,Olivia has now inherited Queen Industries. But that's the least of her problems what with dealing with the press, the Board of Directors and trying to find the person who hired the assassin in the first place.

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This story is 46 words long.

Target Practice

Target Practice


With her grandfather gone,Olivia has now inherited Queen Industries. But that's the least of her problems what with dealing with the press, the Board of Directors and trying to find the person who hired the assassin in the first place.

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This story is 45 words long.

Green Arrow Stories

Green Arrow Stories


The First Green Arrow story and its sequel.

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This story is 13 words long.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 1

Tracy lay back slowly, a look of confusion all over her face. “Water.” She said in a raspy voice. Conner held up a glass with a straw and he let Tracy take a drink. Then he pulled it away in mid drink. She tired to follow the straw, but he held her back again.

“Sorry, but the nurse said you could drink a little when you woke, but they want to check on you before you have too much.”

His grandchild moaned, but she lay back and looked at the other side of the bed, then back at her grandfather. “Mom isn't here?”

“She's with Modine in the cafeteria. She needed a break. We've been taking turns with you and Modine.” He said, then he sighed. “Tell me Troy, what do you remember?”


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This story is 133 words long.

Through the years: Troy's Story part 20


Audience Rating: 



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TG Elements: 

Character Age: 




The rating has been raised to reflect the violence and I am sorry to anyone this offends.


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This story is 41 words long.


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