Identity Crisis

Welcome to the Puppet Show 1- X-Gene (starter)


I don’t have a lot of time before the contents of this bottle causes me to fall onto the floor. I may have to ask you to call me an Uber. Anyway, here I am, a few days before Christmas and I’m sitting in the middle of a bar with a complete stranger sitting in front of me.

I’m Rhiannon, by the way, so we’re kind of not strangers anymore, yeah?

Pretend Princess - Chapter 7


I left quietly and made my way through the garden and back to the side door. I contemplated whether I should confront him or not.

Should I have gone back in and pretended not to have seen anything? How could we proceed with the plan if he was seeing Charles behind my back?

Constant in All Other Things 2 - Interlude (1/3)

Constant in All Other Things 2
Interlude II (1/3)
Fakeminsk ([email protected])

“Friendship is constant in all other things
Save in the office and affairs of love:
Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues;
Let every eye negotiate for itself
And trust no agent.”
Much Ado About Nothing

Run, Red, Run: Chapter 4

Run Red_0.png


Chapter 4: Blush

Red was just going to visit her sick grandmother; she wasn't expecting the big bad wolf.


“Do I have to? This is nice,” the Vampire whispered into my ear teasingly.

Pretend Princess - Chapter 6


The crowds parted as Nick and I made our way through. The guests - which all belonged to Lenoria's highest echelon - bowed their heads in respect and admiration.

I knew that symbol of respect was probably aimed at Nick and not me but that did little to dampen the impact of the moment.

I was so nervous I ended up clinging tighter to his arm. I dared not look up at him because I feared that would only amplify all I was feeling.

Pretend Princess - Chapter 5


"Ginny, how does it go again?" Emily pretended to ask the other girl "Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas?"

What was her problem? This reminded me of middle school. Looking the way I did back then, I was an easy target. A boy that looked like a girl? The jokes basically wrote themselves.

Middle school taught me to have a thick skin. So whatever Emily here thought she was going to achieve by insulting me, I had bad news for her.

A Christmas Wish

As I walked home from school, I rubbed my ribs. David Barnes had kicked me there just outside the school gates.
He often waited for me before school and took my dinner money from me when he knew that no one could see him do the dirty deed.

A Christmas Wish

By Susan Brown

Pretend Princess - Chapter 4


"What does an appeal for judicial reform mean to the monarchy?" King Richard asked.

Yes, that was how he began a conversation with his son. No 'hello', no 'how are you?'.

Didn't he even wonder where Nick had been all this time? He didn't seem to care. A lousy hug seemed enough for him and apparently Nick as well because he too got right into answering the question.

Pretend Princess - Chapter 3


"Your name is Amelia" I repeated to myself as Nick and I descended the airplane steps. I clutched the small purse that held my phone plus a few other 'essentials' with a grip tight enough to turn my fingers blue.

"Your name is Amelia" I repeated again.

Pretend Princess - Chapter 2


Absolutely nothing could have prepared me for Isidora's Hunger Games Capitol looking outfit. Her designer either really loved frills or really didn't like her.

There was also so much pink it was almost blinding and for some reason known only to her, she'd decided to pair it all with some shade of blue lipstick. She looked more like an art project than a person.

And this person was supposedly the stylist?

Pretend Princess - Chapter 1


"Who the hell is Prince Nicholas?" I screamed frantically at my friend to gain his attention.

I knew better than to disturb him while he played his video games but this was an emergency.

When his face turned white as a sheet of paper, I know that name meant something to him. He paused his game and turned to me in horror.

"Where'd you hear that?" he asked in a panic.

The First Mother - The Final Chapter


They led me out the suite and through the halls. I couldn't see anything and I couldn't move my hands either. The helplessness finally allowed me to think.

'Oh fuck, they know'

How did they find out? My mind scoured for all possible ways they could have found out what I did. They didn't have any reason to suspect me right?

The First Mother - Chapter 14


I felt incredibly self conscious as he held my hand and guided me through the crowd. I didn't need to look back at the group to know that they must have been watching us closely.

I glanced over at all the different faces that now filled the beach. This spot used to be so empty. Now there were so many people having the time of their lives, some were even already passed out.

I Wish Book 5: Chapter 28

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 5
Chapter 28

“Dammit, I need to go on the offensive here. I can’t let him keep controlling the flow of battle,” I thought to myself bitterly.

The First Mother - Chapter 13


Stepping out of the Pathfinder was a mind-blowing experience. There were thousands of people walking around with tents dotting the entire beach. It reminded me of those old music festivals that held before the world went to shit.

One of the Voyagers had landed dangerously close to us but I could see four other Voyagers at various locations in the distance just peeking above the forest.

Run, Red, Run: Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Red and Gold

Red was just going to visit her sick grandmother; she wasn't expecting the big bad wolf.


“Freak sewing accident?” I asked the blonde hiding with me in a mix of confusion and astonishment.

The First Mother - Chapter 12


John insisted on telling Will and the rest of the crew which abruptly halted any plans I'd had of going out the next day.

"Could this have anything to do with her abilities?" Robert asked as we discussed the situation the next morning in the medbay.

"It's the most likely culprit." John agreed "Either way, I want to get it removed quickly before it spreads to more problematic sections of the brain".

The First Mother - Chapter 11


My head was ringing as overlapping shouts of confusion and disbelief filled the bridge.

I looked at Will for the first time. He was saying something. His mouth was moving. He looked angry... at me. I glanced over to the others, all in various states of disarray.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. I had to get the ringing to stop so I could think.

The First Mother - Chapter 10


Three years later.

I sat in a lawn chair watching Adya play with a young Fylis cub that was already twice her size. That was the name we'd given to Kira's species. The same one my attacker had belonged to.

We had run into 2 more variants, which was what we called the aggressive fauna that weren't under my control, but they hadn't been part of a dangerous species to begin with so it hadn't been a problem.

Royal Frills 4

Royal Frills
Chapter 4 - Christmas in the Palace

Prince Taylor goes home for Christmas. He hopes he can wear his own clothes and use his old toys. Christmas break gives him a lot of time to think of his situation

The First Mother - Chapter 9


Things didn't improve between Will and I until 8 months into my pregnancy. Over those months, we sort of just devolved into coworkers again.

He'd still kept me off work duties but suddenly it didn't feel like it was for my protection anymore.

The Thirteenth Witch: 5 Seduction of Magic

When a mountain downpour forces Lydia and Thomas Thompson into a cavern's shadowy embrace, Lydia's touch upon ancient runic inscriptions awakens her latent power and identity. As they emerge to find the enigmatic town of Sælicbrook—a nexus of realms and magic—Lydia is transformed into her destiny as its guardian. But as the cosmic entity Nyarlathotep stirs, intent on unraveling the threads of reality, will Lydia's newfound power be enough to stand against an eldritch horror bent on devouring all? The battle for existence looms, and only the guardians of Sælicbrook can safeguard the world from the impending darkness. Will they triumph, or will everything they know be consumed by the infinite appetite of the Crawling Chaos?

The First Mother - Chapter 8


I moaned as he pulled me closer. I still don't know what came over me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his settled around my waist. I didn't want to stop.

If Robert or any of the others were in the bridge, they would have been getting a steamy show but I didn't care. For those few mind-blowing minutes, it was like something inside me had snapped.

The First Mother - Chapter 7


'How do I get back?' I wondered. I looked left and right, dense forest on either side. I'd been so focused on following the source of the noise that I'd entirely forgotten to mark my path or even remember where I was going.

I'd decided on a direction as best as I could remember and waded through the trees. When the forest seemed to be getting denser I walked a different direction.

The First Mother - Chapter 6


"Wait there's really intelligent life down there" I asked still in shock over what I'd just heard.

"It would seem so" Will affirmed.

"But he hasn't seen any yet? Just their homes?" I followed up.

He nodded.

"Could they be extinct?" I asked.

"Possibly. Or they could have simply migrated somewhere else on the planet. We can't possibly know now?" Will answered.

The First Mother - Chapter 5


"No! No!" I screamed while backing away "Absolutely not"

"You don't even know it's going to be you" John said. He seemed giddy about it.

"But I do. It's going to be me"

"Yeah you're probably right" He laughed.

"I'm not doing it" I made it clear "I don't agree to it"

Will who seemed to be pondering the whole time finally spoke "Is that even possible?" he asked.

Royal Frills 3

Royal Frills
Chapter 3 - Natural Sissy

Prince Taylor is now getting used to the new school and all its strange ways. He is worried that the school is changing him, and he is becoming something he would have hated a few months ago

The First Mother - Chapter 4


Mars station was an orbital facility that served numerous functions for both planets.

While it acted like a space port, it's main purpose was scientific research. Mars station was tasked with studying the planet's atmosphere and surface to aid in our terraformation pursuits.

Also, like so many other missions before us, we were using it as a launch pad to the farther reaches of the solar system.

Royal Frills 2

Royal Frills
Chapter 2 - This is your future

Prince Taylor has started at the Victorian Virtue Institute.
This school specializes in an old method of raising boys called petticoat discipline. They help improve a boy's behaviour by expressing their feminine side. In other words, they treat boys like sissies.
How will Prince Taylor deal with this, and since as a royal member he is in the public eye, how will the public react?

The First Mother - Chapter 3


The five of us were seated in a lounge area at headquarters. Will who'd ridden there with us at 6am that morning was now nowhere to be found.

We'd left with nothing but our smartphones since they had assured us that everything would be provided.

I stared outside the window at the grounds below. It was still early in the morning but many people were already hard at work.

The First Mother - Chapter 2


"I'm sorry, what?" Heather asked and I could immediately tell that we we're all in the same perplexed boat.

"Are you serious?" I asked not sure how to feel about all of it.

I'd had working guesses about what they might have wanted from me when Caitlyn walked through my cell door. Safe to say this didn't make the list.

"Why us?" I asked in desperate need of some answers. "What are were going to be doing exactly?"

The First Mother - Chapter 1



She told me to relax and tell her exactly what had happened as she finished hooking me up to the black box that I'm sure I'd seen in movies.

But of course I couldn't relax. Earlier that night, I had killed someone.

I took a deep breath before continuing,

"I.. I was right outside the house" My eyes darted around the room. There was one other man inside the room and if I trusted my memory, two more outside.

Royal Frills 1

Royal Frills
Chapter 1 - Spoiled Brat

Prince Taylor is just a boy that gets in a lot of trouble. Some say that he is spoiled and some say he has a problem with temper tantrums. His parents are very worried... so worried that they are sending their son to the Victorian Virtue Institute.
This school specializes in an old method of raising boys called petticoat discipline. They help improve a boy's behaviour by expressing their feminine side. In other words, they treat boys like sissies.
How will Prince Taylor deal with this, and since as a royal member he is in the public eye, how will the public react?

The Body Snatcher - The Final Chapter

But what could I really do? If I told mum, their relationship would almost surely end. Great for them probably, bad for Laura and Lucas.

If I told dad that I knew and tell him to stop? Maybe he agrees and stops but her relationship with her family almost certainly gets strained beyond repair. He needed to keep seeing her as his little girl and this would ruin that.

"Something on your mind pumpkin?" He asked me.

Run, Red, Run: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Aftermath

Red was just going to visit her sick grandmother; she wasn't expecting the big bad wolf.


“I… I’m going to end up in prison or a padded room,” I muttered to myself as I sniffled and wiped away tears with my uninjured arm.

The Body Snatcher - Chapter 7

"dinner with your family?? like me you and your parents"

I read the text that had just arrived from Murphy. I was still riding the high of what had just happened. I had made a plan and executed it to perfection.

And as much as I hated to admit it, that was very much unlike me. See I never really made plans. I didn't think things through. I certainly never had backup plans for my backup plans like I'd just done.

"And Lucas. Are you busy? I can just tell my dad that you're busy" I texted back careful not to deviate too much from how she typed in previous messages.

The Body Snatcher - Chapter 6

As I thought more about it, I actually started to seriously consider it.

On one hand, if I wanted to stop the bullying once and for all, this was a sure fire way. As a former football star, I knew really well that no one dared mess with our girls.

Also this girl was a bit of a wallflower desperately in need of friends. This would give her more than she knew what to do with.

The Body Snatcher - Chapter 5

See the thing to know about me, the one and only Eddie Russo is that I don't back down from a fight. I've never cared about picking fights I can win. 5 versus 1? Bring it. No one makes Eddie their bitch. Certainly not some hormone fueled teenager.

"Relax Murphy, I come in peace" Noah said as he approached our table. Turning to me, he added "You got me in a lot of shit yesterday"

"You only have yourself to blame" I replied snarkly.

"You're real mouthy knowing you boyfriend is going to protect you" he laughed at his statement which infuriated me.

The Body Snatcher - Chapter 4

Why did I know that? Don't panic. I had to figure this out. I had never been the same person twice and certainly not two days in a row.

My mind darted to her locker code. 14,22,7. I didn't just remember it from yesterday, I remembered it from the start of the school year.

My mind darted from one memory to another before being pulled to focus on the heavy footsteps rapidly approaching my door. A moment later, the door opened with her father peaking through. He looked worried for a moment but his expression slowly dissipated into a neutral one.

The Body Snatcher - Chapter 3

"I don't want to talk about it" I sped up trying to get away from Murphy but he wasn't letting up.

He stepped in front of me, "Laura, what was that? What video was he talking about."

I don't know. That's what I wanted to scream but how could I explain to him why I didn't know what I clearly should know. I had never told anyone about me before, not like they would believe me anyway.

"I'm feeling overwhelmed right now" I said to him trying desperately to find a way out of the situation. "I'll tell you later okay? I promise"


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