
Drabble Theatre: I Hate Tuesdays

It just had to happen today, didn't it? My luck always goes south on Tuesdays.

I can't believe I forgot to do laundry yesterday. I really needed my suit for this interview, but that ketchup stain ain't coming out of those pants any time soon.

Maybe they won't notice this is my girlfriend's suit. The color is neutral, cut's alright...

"They're ready to see you, Miss Andrews."

Shit! Miss?

Pigtails Are for Girls -- Part 7

Pigtails Are For Girls — Part 07
Chapters 15-16
By Katherine Day
Jarod succeeds in school, hiding his natural desire to be a girl, but finds joy only when being Jane.
As he enters puberty he encounters challenges with other girls, while his mother ponders his future.

The Decision - Part 1

The road of life is filled with ups and downs. These can be hills and valleys spanning a wondrous vista. But let us not forget that even on our most favorite roads there may be potholes and hairpin curves.

The Decision - Part 1

Pigtails Are for Girls -- Part 5

Pigtails Are For Girls — Part 05
Chapters 11-12
By Katherine Day
Jarod loves wearing his longish hair in pigtails as he grows more and more convinced he should have been born a girl. He finds an unusual friend in Wanda, an athletic 12-year-old girl who lives next door and accepts him for who he is. His mother, who truly loves her only child, is concerned for his safety if he continues to adopt feminine ways. And, his girlish behavior has an impact on others, too. Thus, the conflict continues as Jarod prepares to enter middle school.

Pigtails Are for Girls -- Part 4

Pigtails Are For Girls — Part 04
Chapters 9-10
By Katherine Day
After an exciting shopping expedition, Jarod tries to become more of a boy,
but his girlish nature dominates even as he befriends the athletic girl who lives next door.



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A Gaby Fan-Fiction
by Stanman

Synopsis:With the Bond's moved to Germany, just what do the gang get up to back in Warsop? This story gives a shot at answering that very question!

Pigtails Are for Girls -- Part 1

Pigtails Are For Girls — Part 01
Chapters 1-3
By Katherine Day
Jarod finds it so natural to be a girl, to enjoy dolls, to sew and read.
How will this gentle boy survive as he enters the big new world of middle school?

Drabble Saga 7: Need to No

Ruby and Beth took Davey into the back. "So the mens can't see," the big woman explained.

They had him undress down to his underpants and squeezed him into a corset Ruby had brought with her, tightening the strings until he couldn't even gasp. Finally, she backed it off enough that he could breathe -- a little.


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