Gaby Verse Debbie's View

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Gaby Verse - Debbie's View
by Stanman

Synopsis:Is where Debbie gives her view on things.

I am Debbie Walters, sister of Brittney Walters and we are students at Augusta High School in Grottoes Virginia. Brit is a Cheerleader along with our friend Sabrina, she is very graceful and beautiful. Our parents have taught Brit and me to accept others as equals and to stand up for ourselves and our friends. They told us that if we get into trouble for that, then they will not ground us and they approve of us being friends with Sabrina.
Sabrina and her Mother live in a trailer and barely has enough room there so we invite her over to spend the weekend with us a lot. When she arrives, it is like having another sister around and we all have fun. But when the Cultural Exchange Program was announced, we knew that would be the most fun.

In order to qualify, a student had to make top marks in all of their classes, Brit and I were surprised that we were selected. Mom and Dad took us out to celebrate when they found out and decided to fix up the attic as a bedroom for our guests.

It was all thanks to John Peters coming to America. His company over in England sent him over here upon a business trip where he heard about the proposed Cultural Exchange Program talking with his clients. He was able to set up a meeting between both schools.

We will be hosted by the families in Church Warsop and have the fun of meeting new friends and going on field trips. Dan, Darla, Deb, Sabrina were chosen to go and Brit and Sabrina are taking their Cheerleader uniforms with them so that they can introduce Cheerleading to the school. Warsop College does not have Cheerleaders.

When we got the e-mails from England, we couldn't believe that Drew and Maddy weren't twins. Those two look a like and they are cousins, not brother and sister. I wonder what Mom and Dad will think about that? They will find it hard to believe that Drew and Maddy are cousins.
It is going to be fun seeing Erin's face when I tell her about Drew, she is a fan of his Mother Jenny Bond. Erin owns Erin's Cyclery and is the team Captain of Grottoes Express, the local cycling club. They are planning upon entering the Atlanta Winter Classic.

They love to get together for impromptu sprints during the week for practice. It is fun seeing who wins, most of the time it is Diana Biggs. Erin has really helped Diana out since her father died. Her father was the owner of Biggs Fabrication and taught Diana all about the business. Her father supported the local community and Diana is continuing his support.

When he died, Diana had just graduated from high school and was not ready to take over, so Erin stepped in until Diana could take charge. Now Diana has taken her business and has expanded it beyond what her Dad did and a lot of it is thanks to the Program. One of the students, Drew Bond is the son of Jenny Bond, the Women's Worlds Cycling Champion and Drew is the Youth Worlds Cycling Champion.
Diana and Erin both had the idea of giving Drew a bike to ride and a cycling kit for his use while over here. Erin gave him an old bike of hers to use while Diana built him a racing bike. He rode Erin's on the impromptu races he had with Erin's team and rode Diana's during the Atlanta Winter Classic. After Drew went back to England, Diana and Erin would have a picture of Drew riding the bike autographed by Drew and the bike on display.

That bit of advertising has placed their businesses way up there in the minds of customers. Erin's Cyclery has sold more stuff and has new team members and Biggs Fabrication has several new orders for bikes as well. If it was not for John Peters, none of this would have happened. He helped to set up the program between Warsop College and Augusta High School during a business trip to America.
We went over there first, Brit and I stayed with Drew and his sister Juliet. Brit came up with a cool idea about having some fun, we would pretend that Drew was a girl. We know that he is a boy, but he looks so much like a girl. We were able to trick him into being a Cheerleader too.

Brit and Sabrina took their Cheerleader uniforms and helped to form a new Cheerleader team; the Sherwood Foresters. Drew looked real cute as a Cheerleader, he even did the splits!! Brit was able to trick him into wearing skirts a lot too. Drew has a bad habit of getting his clothes dirty and then having to borrow stuff. He sure hates wearing girls clothing, but he looks so cute as a girl.

Brit got me into the act when we saw how much Drew and his cousin look alike.We both saw how much fun that we could have, but finding out that he had dressed as a girl was weird. He actually had the stuff needed to look like a girl and even had a name for his girl self.

There are some guys that like dressing as girls for a bit of fun at Halloween here and a few that want to be girls, but none of them are like Drew at all, His dressing as a girl began when he modeled for his school and ever since then, he has had a few occasions to dress as a girl.
Seeing him and his Dad try to convince us that he is a boy was fun when Drew was having to wear skirt or dress because of an accident that left him in need of a change of clothes. Drew tends to forget to pack spare clothes and since he is so small, he gets to dress as a girl thanks to the fact that he can borrow clothes and stuff from girls.

We saw a bunch of photos where he was wearing girls clothes at conventions and modeling as a girl for his school. As a girl, he is Maddy's twin, even in hairstyle. We never knew that Maddy was tricking Drew into dressing as a girl,but in her case, it was mainly at costume conventions.

Maddy loves to take Drew to them, but she dresses him as a girl or a guy that dresses as a girl, why Drew allows her to do it to him was a mystery to me for a while until I saw how much it is that he loves her. I have seen the cuddle when they thought that no one was looking.

Maddy really supports Drew when he races, she is his Number One Cheerleader. Brit and Sabrina thought that it would be fun to wear their Cheerleader uniforms and cheer Drew when Maddy told us about her cheering him during his races. She looked cute in her tennis outfit and Pom Poms, just like a Cheerleader too. After the race, Maddy was massaging Drew's legs. She cares for him more than as a cousin or a friend, I will be glad when I can find a guy that I care about that much. But will they stay together or just be best friends?
There have been so many budding romances that broke up here in Augusta where the couple have to deal with each other years later because of what they did as kids. I don't want to see that happen to them or to Rhod and Allison. But in their case, it is a bit different.

Rhod wants to become a girl named Mfanwy [Em]. He makes a really convincing girl too, if you did not know that he was a guy wearing a dress, you would think he was a girl. He was Em all during his time in America and was never outed even though there was a chance thanks to Dan.

When we were in England, Rhod had to visit his Dad in Wales. His parents never married and now his Dad had married and now wanted to be with his son, but Sylvie, Rhod's Mother had Rhod dress as a girl. When Rhod returned from his visit, he was still Em, and when Dan found out, he began to say mean things to Em. When Sabrina stood up to him, he verbally attacked her as well. He was put upon probation for his attitude, and was taken off of the program when he accosted Gaby at the Farewell Dance by forcing a kiss upon her.
Over here, Rhod was Em for the entire time and when Dan found out, he almost outed her to the school, but he was stopped thanks to the faculty. They told him that if he said anything to hurt Em, he would be expelled from school and lose any scholarships that he was getting. I used to like Dan, but I can not stand a bigot and that is what he is. Maybe if he learns from his mistake, I can see him in a different light, but he also has to apologize to Sabrina because of his racist remarks towards her.
He is so much like Sandy's dad that it is as if they are father and son. They both are bigots where people like Rhod/Em and Drew/Gaby are concerned. If Dan ever found out that Drew was Gaby, he would go atomic because he is Drew's fan and finding that he had kissed Drew would not please him a bit.

I am sorry that Dan kissed Drew at the party, I never imagined that would happen nor that Drew would slug Dan then run int the bathroom. I wish that we could make it up to Drew, but how can we with out getting into trouble? Brit and I have yet to make amends and Drew was Gaby while In America thanks to us.
When we showed them the pictures from our trip, they thought that Drew was a girl and we did not correct them. Mom and Dad have very strict ideas about boys and if they knew that Brit and I had spent the trip under the same roof as a boy, they would have caused a problem.

Brit and I could have been pulled from the program, even worse, the program could have been canceled. We thought letting them think Drew a girl and getting Drew to be Gaby would be the best thing to do, so we got Maddy to help us out. Maddy made sure that Drew packed mainly Gaby clothes and when they got here, we were able to convince Drew to be Gaby for the trip. But somehow, I knew that things would go bad and I have had a strange dream about it.
In my dream, Drew can't handle being a Gaby and loses his identity. When Mom and Dad find out, Brit and I lose everything, but worst of all, the school is sued and the faculty as well as the school and faculty of Drew's school. I never wanted to hurt Drew, but in my nightmare, he is lost and I do not know if he will return. Drew, instead of being Drew is becoming Gaby and his/her only release from his/her turmoil is in sleep.

That is why I am not all that mad about our punishment from the school and our parents. Erin finally spoke to the faculty and told them about her concerns about Brit's constant hazing of Drew while he was here. When the faculty made their decision, our parents were shocked, but when the entire story came out, they grounded Brit and I and now we are banned from school activities. When or parents told us how they felt, I wanted to cry.

If we had told them the truth, they would have spoken to the Bonds and allowed for Drew to stay here as Drew. For Brit and I to conspire to deceive them was what they grounded us for. Now Brit and I have a lot of stuff to do to earn our parents trust again.
Now, I see that our parents are not as dense as we thought they were. They would have let Drew and Jules stay in the same room and not expect for Drew to be Gaby all the time, but they really got onto Brit about how she treated Gaby. Knowing that Gaby was really Drew, they saw just how mean and manipulative that she was in tricking Gaby into wearing skirts and dresses so many times. They said that by tricking Gaby into skirts and dresses that there was a very real risk of Gaby being discovered.

The possibility that Drew would be discovered never occurred to us, but our parents were right, what would have happened if Drew had been hurt? Could we have prevented his being discovered? Drew was a Cheerleader while he was over here and could have been hurt then.

But much worse was the turmoil that we put him through. Night after night, we heard Drew crying himself to sleep and we still mistreated him. Jules was his anchor into reality, without her support, Drew would never have made it, as it was, because of us, he had a hard time becoming Drew again. Yes, he forgave us for what we did, but then he is that way. Drew will forgive you for being mean to him and will even help you if you need any help. Maybe he sees that Brit's favor counters our prank.
Brit took him to see Erin, she owns a bike shop and she loaned Drew a bike to ride while over here. Thanks to Erin, Drew met several cycling friends and rode in the Atlanta Winter Classic with them. He even got a chance to see his parents and his Mother's cycling team at the race.

All that I do know is that Drew is a much better person than Brit or I am and never deserved being the victim of our pranking. He several times showed reluctance, but went along with the prank. Drew's selflessness and absentmindedness helped us to prank him so often. If Drew was to take care and pack extra clothes when he rides and not get into any wrecks, then he would not be Gaby so often, but then again, that is what makes Drew so much fun to be around.

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