
Becoming Karen - 17

Becoming Karen — 17

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2013)

(Suddenly, Karen finds out that having men in her life can be both sweet and complicated. Not everyone understands her, she’s learning. Sequel to “To Be Or Not To Be.”)

The Voice Backstage

Becoming Karen - 16

Becoming Karen — 16

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2013)

(As November begins, Kenneth Hansson is now living as Karen Hansson, moving into her new life as a lovely girl facing both joys and trials. Continuing the sequel to “To Be Or Not To Be.”)

Becoming Karen - 15

Becoming Karen — 15

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2013)
(The situation for Kenny grows worse and he falls into deep despair, but it leads to making a decision. Another chapter in this sequel to “To Be Or Not To Be.”)

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling? 7

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling?
Anam Chara

Morgan’s attending physician orders her to stay overnight for observation at St. Bonaventure’s. Sandra brings Sean wearing Kelly’s cheerleading uniform out of the cold rain into Café Tír na n-Óg to sleep off whatever’s wrong. But what about his morning audition for the Daughters of Danaan? News of Kelly’s accident spreads.

Becoming Karen - 13

Becoming Karen — 13

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

(Kenny — as Karen — becomes the object of frightening obsessive
behaviors while gaining opportunities for an acting career.
Another chapter in this sequel to “To Be Or Not to Be.”)

Becoming Karen - 12

Becoming Karen - 12

By Katherine Day

Copyright 2012

(Kenny meets new friends, but then faces ugly incidents over his growing femininity in this new chapter in the sequel to "To Be Or Not To Be.")

Becoming Karen - 10

Becoming Karen — 10

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

(Kenny finds he’s becoming a college girl in more ways than one, bringing joy and sadness in the bucketsful. A sequel to “To Be Or Not To Be.”)

Becoming Karen - 9

Becoming Karen — 9

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

(In this chapter of the sequel to “To Be Or Not To Be,” Kenny finds exciting new relationships await him as a girl named “Karen.” His confusion grows.)

A Turn of the Cards. Chapter 12. Debaser

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image from the website of Mary Sean Young
via Kung Fu Grippe
A Turn of the Cards
Chapter 12.
by Rebecca Anderson

Honesty may be the best policy, but it’s important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy.
– George Carlin

Becoming Karen - 8

Becoming Karen — 8

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

(Kenny spends his first few days at the University trying hard to show his masculine side, but quickly learns it’s not working. Another chapter in the sequel to “To Be Or Not To Be.”)

A Turn of the Cards. Chapter 8. Tame

alex on blue chair.jpg
A Turn of the Cards
Chapter 8.
by Rebecca Anderson

It isn’t fair: the caterpillar does all the work, and the butterfly gets all the glory.
— George Carlin

Becoming Karen - 7

Becoming Karen — 7

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

(Kenny spends his first few days at the University trying hard to show his masculine side, but quickly learns it’s not working. Another chapter in the sequel to “To Be Or Not To Be.”)

Becoming Karen - 6

Becoming Karen - 6

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

(Kenny finds that following his “heart” may not be as difficult as he thought. Another chapter in this sequel to “To Be Or Not To Be.”)

The Office Christmas Party


The Office Christmas Party

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

(Shelton is the only male in an office of women. All’s going fine until the office holiday party is announced and he is told he’s not able to attend.)

Becoming Karen - 5

Becoming Karen - 5

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

(Kenny finds more joy in being girlish, but worries about the next steps as he must soon declare his need to be a girl. Another chapter in this sequel to “To Be Or Not To Be.)

Becoming Karen - 4

Becoming Karen - 4

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

(Confusion clouds Kenny’s mind as he struggles to learn whether he loves boys or girls, or both, and he finds wise counsel as we continue this sequel to “To Be or Not To Be.”)

Becoming Karen - 3

Becoming Karen - 3

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

(Love comes to Kenny in this chapter, but it comes from an unusual source.
Thus continues this story, which is a sequel to “To Be or Not To Be,” of a boy who finds a new life.)

Becoming Karen - 2

Becoming Karen - 2

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

(In this sequel to ‘To Be or Not to Be,’ Kenny is surprised at how quickly his boy’s life is changing. Suddenly, a girl’s life seems to offer the sweetness and warmth he’s always been seeking. But, will it lead to hardship and sadness?)

What a good boy...Chapter 17

What a good boy…Chapter 17

Chapter 17

The lights are low and the girls are gliding towards me in the most sex way and I have Samantha Fox’s old tune “Touch me.” playing on repeat now. I so want that, so want them to touch me.

We end up standing in front of each other and we start kissing. Me and Gwen then Gwen and Sophie then me and Sophie and it takes only a few seconds of that and I’m reaching out and touching them and they’re touching me and we’re almost shivering at what’s going on.

Okay I know that I am.

Both of their hands are touching me, running over my skin, fingers squeezing over my muscles…I don’t have big muscles but they’re getting…

Gwen smiles. “Oh Tracy, oh shit you’re so cut…so smooth…”

Becoming Karen - Book 2: Becoming Karen

Becoming Karen

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

(Kenny discovers how sweet it is to be a girl, but does he want it to happen? This sequel to ‘To Be or Not to Be’ tells how our heroine discovered her real self through acting. Readers may find it rewarding to read the original short novel, but it is not necessary to follow the story line.)

An Androgynephilic Daydream

Never one to be attracted to women who were all girly-girl, he dreamed of tomboys. Then one day he saw her, Adonis redefined in the form a masculine woman. His mind drifted as his fantasies took on a new direction that challenged his wildest dreams.



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