Panties / Girdles

Ashley Phoenix Riley - 1 - Arising From the Ashes

“It may sound crazy, but it is the one thing I think I could handle... A group home won’t be an option because you know it’s only time before I get away... My Dad gave up on me, and I wouldn’t go back there... I didn’t do so well against three guys, so prison would be living a nightmare.”
“I do know what a transgendered person is and I’m not one. But Miss Riley is open and honest, so I know what I would have to live with... I expect that she will turn me down, but that is up to her. I see living as a girl as my only real option.”

The trip home. Part 5

Beth's father just stared out the windshield. His hands tightened on the steering wheel but other than that there was no sign of his emotions. He said nothing for a few minutes. The only sound was the heater fan and the quiet hum of the engine. Beth just looked between her dad and the floor of the truck as she sat in her seat, hands in her lap. The truck drove along silently with neither of them saying anything for what seemed like hours to Beth.

"Daddy. Please. I have to know."

The trip home. Part 4

Beth woke to feeling warm and comfy in her bed. She stretched her arms above her head as she rolled over onto her back still under the covers. The spagetti straps of her purple nightie had bit into the one shoulder while she slept and she felt the strap loosen as she turned letting back in oxygen to that one spot. She had a smile on her face as she felt more than saw it was light outside and knew she was home.

The trip home. Part 3

Beth was staring out the side window of her parents Ford Focus as they drove up to the house she grew up in. In the driveway with a puddle under it sat her grandfathers old Dodge pickup. The one tire was raised so it looked as if her father was trying to fix something even in this cold weather. Beth did not really care about the old truck all she wanted to do was go to sleep in her soft bed and wish the day had never happened. She could see it all in her mind exactly what she wanted to do.

What a good boy...Chapter 16

What a good boy…Chapter 16

Chapter 16

I’m shaking still a little as I head out of the girls bathroom down to the game and I’m dressed in a pair of those tight high riding shorts that the team is wearing and one of their jersey’s and some sneakers and I head out to the playing field and watch the girls play and I’m yelling and cheering for them running along the side lines sometimes getting my mind off the whole WTF moment.

I mean Frank sexually assaulted me but when I fought back and took control it was like he just became someone else and that person wasn’t like anyone I’ve ever heard of before.

Belle of the ball 23

The sun was shining from an odd angle as I woke up. I was warm but felt cramped. I struggled with a thicker comforter and arms before I was able to see that I was in my parents bed. Sam was on one side of me with daddy on the other side of her. Mother was on my other side. I do not remember how I got here nor how I got into my lavender silk pajamas. I did know that my bladder was calling for immediate attention. I padded out of bed being careful not to disturb any of my family.

How I became Dawn 2

Well as you can see this is not just one event but also several. I will go back though the years as I go along this way you get the whole picture of the who I am. If you are wondering as to what year, this is let me tell you. The events in this tale for the most part are centered in 1985. You see at the time we were living in base housing, which in the nature of things has built in friendships. When people leave the service of their country they have to find new homes. As with all things this is not as easy as it sounds.

How I became Dawn

Well we all have those times in our lives that just cause us to go WTF. This is just one of them. Let me try to explain what I am talking about here. You see I am 13 years old and just starting seventh grade. As you can guess that makes me a fall baby. My birthday is the 6th of November I will let you figure out the year. Now it does not help that I am small for my age. I should probably introduce myself to you. My folks named me Terrence Daniel Palmer when I was born. As if that was not bad enough the doctor told them, I was a boy. Well I can say that Doc lied.

Belle of the ball 3

"I can't believe I'm doing this!"

How many 15 year old boys accompany their moms shopping for new bras for him to wear since he is gonna be wearing them for a bit again. Mom is getting a bit too enthusiastic about it though. She is now picking out lacy bra and panty sets.


"Oh just look at this one Belle it will look so cute on you don't you think."


"Oh and this one would look just great under a nice dress and make you feel just sexy.

Vanilla Sky...Part 2.

Vanilla Sky…Part two.

I’m breathing a bit rapidly and shallowly as I’m looking at the store. I’m almost frozen in I don’t know fear… from going inside.


“Dad…? What do I do dad?”

Adriana's Addictions

Indulgence Revisited

Indulgence Revisited — BOOK 1

by Zoe, a friend of WannabeGinger's life-long partner and Bride

This story is a synthessis of an earlier work - one which, in many chapters, gained a great audience - more than many of my serials - So, in an effort to publish to a wider audience, composition has been made and a further book (2) will follow. For those who resent authors recycling their work - forgive me!

Guilty as charged!

Guilty as charged!

Fiction by Johnny Cumlately

Part 1. My sentence.

Despite my pleas of innocence, I was found guilty of rape. It had always been regarded as a very serious crime and this was still true in the third decade of the 21st century. The mandatory sentence, however, had recently changed dramatically as more efforts were made to ensure that criminals did not re-offend. This is my version of what happened.

What's in a name?

What's in a name?

Fiction by Johnny Cumlately.

Ann, Barbara, Christine, Delia, … … … Xanthe, Yvonne, Zoe. I've been a closet cross dresser for many years and never bothered to adopt a femme name. But now I'm intending to come out and can't go out with boobs and a dress and still call myself Johnny. You would think choosing a name would be easy but I've been through the alphabet twice already and can't find one which I feel fits my new self.

Betty Smith’s Transgender School

Betty Smith’s Transgender School

The court system has classified me as “Class 31”. Which means my mother has full control over me. I have been in courts many times -- I guess this is like throwing me in jail. The State will pay all costs to have me re-educated, they say. Not sure what that means.

My mother and I just left my doctor where the doctor gave me four shots. I was feeling very relaxed when my Mom told me of my new life because of the Court ruling me “Class 31”.

The New Girl in My Life (REVISED)

The New Girl in My Life (Revised)
By Jessica C

My name is Jeff but for years now and then I get these compulsions to see myself as a girl. It has become a growing ongoing tension between me and my parents that was supposed to be a thing of the past. It was two weeks before school let out for Christmas break, and I had an urge to be sick at school. I worked myself up to be sick so I could get sent home from school. I had weeks ago found some clothes a friend was throwing out and I had taken them, without anyone knowing but not yet had a chance to try them on.

You Had Me At 'Girly Lamp'

What happens when the lamp you buy isn't the one you intend to buy?

A story inspired by a sketch with the annotation "girly lamp."

A friend of mine wrote this, he normally doesn't write TG stories, but upon reading this I knew it needed to be shared. It is definitely written tongue in cheek and don't let any of the tags turn you away from this story.

The First Queen in the Village 20

The First Queen in the Village 20

by WannabeGinger

Hours to go…. The lovers have to prepare their home for the party-goers and themselves for being the reception Committee. So much to do, and so little time!

Chapter 20 — We are ready!!!!

The First Queen in the Village 19

The First Queen in the Village 19

by WannabeGinger

The answer to “will they, won’t they?” is emphatically “They will!” The days pass by and the preparations… and the excitement… grow and grow!

Chapter 19 — Are we ready???!

Schoolgirl Mixup

"Where do you think you’re going dressed like that young lady?" My grandmother asked me. I was poised outside of her house door dressed like most boys my age for school at the Smithsonian Private School. White short-sleeve dress shirt, school tie, blue pants that matched the darker blue blazer, dark socks in black dress shoes. I was caught poised with one foot in the air. I didn't have my new pink schoolbag either with the Hello Kitty on it.

Jem...Chapter 44

Jem…Chapter 44

Chapter 44

I like this as sort of tired as I am I really like this. Rayne’s kissing me and I’m kissing her and she’s on top straddling me. I mean it’s damn sexy as anything but it’s sort of not guy and girl sexual. She’s straddling my waist and her bottom is sort of resting on the top part of my pubic bone and she’s almost got that seal that girl get like that…the way she just sort of dovetailed to me.

Her hands are running over me and touching me…I like that, I like the intimacy of being touched and I go with it.

Eastside Stories - Rebecca

"Ah Becky Smith. How lovely you look always so prettily dressed while in class"

I have a bit of a crush on Becky Smith. While her sisters are cute they are either too young or too old to be in my class. Becky is in my regular classes in Southside Middle School. In just one week I will be able to gaze upon her beauty once again.

The First Queen in the Village 14

The First Queen in the Village 14

by WannabeGinger

Astrid has had a wonderful afternoon with Heidi. Christopher, likewise, with Bev. Armed with ‘information’, both aim for home at the end of the day and Christine prepares to explain her plan in detail to Andy.

There are some explicit details contained early on in this chapter, so, though it’s mild, there’s a need for CAUTION.

Chapter 14 — The plot is hatched!

Boyfriend Helps In College Assignment

Boyfriend Helps In College Assignment

By Terry Hansay
Story line — A boyfriend helps his girlfriend in a college project. She needs to get human reaction to a shock factor in life for her thesis. The boyfriend (already a closet crossdresser) helps by wearing a bra in public under a shapely feminine top and ends up loving it and wanting to wear all “the” clothes forever.

Chapter One



Fiction by Johnny Cumlately

I've always been a risk taker and this has sometimes got me into trouble and for many years I have been an active transvestite. I am also something of a loner and in view of what has happened, perhaps that was just as well.


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