Girls' School / School Girl

Queen Gaby & raising the Resurgam Chapter 1

Queen Gaby & the Resurgam
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 1 Raising the Resurgam


It was only a few days ago Gaby as queen of Northumbria had decided to re-open the Teeside shipyards and start an underwater archaeological unit. Dr Wendy McCain of this unit stood before Queen with a proposal.

“Yes your majesty it is my dream to raise the Resurgam which went down in Barmouth Bay. Unfortunately I could never get the funding & it is protected now by Welsh heritage.”

Queen Gabriels First Christmas

Queen Gabriel’s first Christmas
By Shaphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

It was Christmas Eve

It was Christmas Eve and it was as black as coal outside for some reason the street lights were not on. Queen Gabriel of Northumbria had moved her court from Scarborough to Skipton the ancient capital of the Dales.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 47

Drew and the Half term break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 47Drew prepares for her Coronation.

It was now only a month to her coronation. Gaby went to speak with her father now known Elizabeth since her transformation. “Dad I wondered if you would like a day out in Leeds. I was thinking you might like to go to the Royal Armoury in Leeds. I know you still like your history although your body has changed. I told you previously that you are still dad to me.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 46

Drew and the Half term break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 46 The missing Children

The tour round the wildlife parks and Zoos had taken longer than Gaby had anticipated. It also took her mind off her forth coming coronation. She was having a chat with Beatrice when trouble arrived in the form of. Lyris and Lily who had returned home from school. At school in the main hall they had been praying for a little girl not much younger than them who had been missing for over 100 days.

Ashley, part 2

“Happy birthday dear Priya,” everyone sings, at the prompting of the Indian girl’s middle-aged father. “Happy birthday to you!” Priya blushes as she holds her long black hair out of her face, before blowing out the fifteen candles on her rich chocolate cake.

“Fifteen years old,” Mr. Malik says with palpable pride. “I almost can’t believe that my little girl is really growing up.”

“Dad!” Suriya says, making everyone giggle.

“’Little’, not ‘littlest’!” Mr. Malik says, making both Priya and Suriya blush.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 45

Drew and the half term break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 45 Gaby and the Plains People.

Once again Gaby left the Plains People and dived down to Longleat House. As the riders landed they transformed to their human form. For a while many of them were stunned as it had been so long since they assumed that form. Gaby was still dressed like a teenage girl when the Lord of the Plains approached her.

Alex & Chris Chapter 45

Alex & Chris
By Shaphawlad

Chapter 45. A Dwarf Princess

There appeared to be a procession coming towards Alexis. “Is it true two more Dragons have returned?”

“Two of my lost sisters have been found and now they will take their rightful place alongside me.”

“Mistress Alexis then we must present your sisters with their crowns of Mithral, as is our right”.

“May I start with the Princess of Air?”

Leila looks at the little man, “We are Princess of the Sea Grandpa Neptune told me so.”

Alex & Chris Chapter 44

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 44 More Mermaids

Helen. “While Lance is being operated on would you like to meet some of my other ladies?”

“Can you get them at such short notice?”

“I can get hold of some.”

“The main problem with this surgery is funding.”

“Do you help children as well as adults Helen?”

“I do but each case has to be weighed up individually.”

Alex & Chris Chapter 42

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad
A Gaby fanfiction

Chapter 42 Merling Wood & Team Bond.

“Yes as this place is open to the public. Ariel & Lorelie supervise the water park. Some of the others are in the Hospital & Shopping complex. A few of our senior members are across in Scarborough where we now have a department store up and running called the Poshest of the posh.”

Alex & Chris Chapter 43

Alex & Chris
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 43 Skipton the Battle


Astrid, “Mum remember we have the battle later today.”

“Yes dear I have remembered. Gaby and the others are getting ready for their race later so do not go and pester them. Helen I presume you are still monitoring Gaby?”

“I have no real need she is quite well adjusted. Initially she had a few problems, but those have abated now. Her problems where genetic as they are for all males in this family.”

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 15 - Back to School

Back to school day is here. We decided to fly even though we had just barely escaped disaster. We didn’t figure lightning would take a second shot at us, and neither of us wanted to endure the long drive in the Corvette again. I was happy not to have the specter of surgery hanging over my head. My new parts were still tender, but could hardly wait to take them out into the world.

Alex & Chris Chapter 40

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 40 The day of retribution.

Alexis, “Arran’s Queen you are quite correct, but retribution can wait a little while. Little Robin can you call all the song birds to summands all the birds of prey large and small and tell them I want to see them all tonight.”

The Queen looked at her two eldest daughters, “By the look of both of you I am very soon to be a grandmother.”

“Mum we are no longer Princesses but Queens of the Golden household.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 42c

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 42c Kalley,Halley & Randell

The following day the three of them went to watch the team race in their first American match. Gaby came in first with Maddy & Cat joint second and Jules coming in third place. There was quite a cheer as the team went to collect the winner’s prize.

Alex & Chris Chapter 39

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 39. Arran’s Mate.

“Princess would you mind fetching lord Arran.”

Inga, “No that is something I can do. We make good messengers.”

Shortly Lord Arran returned, “I see Alexis has already elevated you to status of Lysander & Lysandra Protectors of Fay.”

“Astrid was telling us you are an Eagle lord. As we understand a king has to look out for his subjects so we wondered if you would mind helping us with the injured Fay.”

Alex & Chris Chapter 37

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 37. The Sea Witches Daughter

One of the Fay had been listening, “Empress You need small ones like us to get in the house. We can do that task and release our cousins.”

Alexis, “Well we should have a clear run because Poseidon nearly took him out with the overflow.” Sure enough they got into the house and found the missing Mer.

“Please take me with you and our mother will reward you.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 42b

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 42b Return to Australia

Gaby had to go back to Australia once the winds had abated.
Gaby, “We will all go and see the statue now.” As they approached they could see a city all laid out in front of them.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 41

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 41 Crimson returns

The news broadcast stated there had been several simultaneous volcanic eruptions all round the world. Snow smiled, “It looks like more than Crimson survived after all. Keep playing and they will all find their way here as will any others who have not already answered the call?”

“Mum was not telling tall stories then when she said she was a dragon maid.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 40

Chapter 40 Drew’s Northumbria Friends.Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Two red headed girls entered the room & went directly to Gaby. “We have found your friend & his grandfather. He is in the Royal Northumberland hospital in Newcastle & is in rather a bad way. We managed to get all the details from the files & would recommend having him transferred by helicopter to the specialist unit at home.”

An Accidental New Life - Part 8

~ An Accidental New Life ~
By Mykhaila Ejensfell

When my mother died and my father, someone that I had never met in my life, proposed to take me in, I actually believed that I was going to live him. That of course wasn’t going to happen. That man without even meeting me once was sending me to a boarding school. A boarding school that apparently didn’t even know my name or my gender, because in the letter they sent me to tell me I was accepted they kept referring me as Miss Brooke Falconer. That was completely ridiculous, I mean, I was Brook Woods, a tough (yet slightly short) guy!

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 39

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 39 Canadian Timber Wolves.

Ariel-Lindi came across, “Hello will you help look after our babies when we have then.” Abigail came across held out her hand. The bitch sniffed & then rolled over again.

Odin burst out laughing. “Some guard-dog you are when you want petting like a puppy.”

Perfecta, “See if she will take these tit bits off your hand.”

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 13 - Plane crash

It turned out that the person lending the private jet to Dr. Adams was not from Texas. He was a billionaire from Utah. The pilot, co-pilot and flight attendants were family and friends of the owner of the jet. It was obvious from their actions that the man put a high value on poise and character. Any airline would be glad to have these crew members as employees. They all worked for the billionaire but volunteered for this flight. When one of us asked for something, it seemed as though they knew the request was coming and were merely waiting for it to be verbalized.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 37

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanficton

Chapter 37 Olympic Games.

A week before the games, where due to open the President of the Greek Olympic committee called to visit the complex “I have come to see for myself what has been agreed to by Mrs Popadopalis.” He looked over the sites, “Where is Mrs. Popadopalis I expected to see her here?”

Ian, part 1

"Project!" Miss Fullerton- my ballet teacher- shouts in a clipped voice as I balance en pointe, reaching forward with elegant, flowing arms. My face is a picture of perfection- immaculately made up, wide, expressive eyes that make it clear to everyone watching that I am not just a ballerina, I am- or at least aspire to be- a PRIMA ballerina, the ultimate expression of feminine beauty.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 34d

Drew & the Half Term Break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 34d Friend Lyris

Janice, “Lyris is my friend & friends treat each other & my allowance will cover us getting a few ice creams & colas in the day.”

Gaby. “No use arguing with her as she has already decided to treat Lyris.

Little Lily & Little Rose said & if her allowance is not sufficient there are plenty of us who can help out.”

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 12 - Strange Conversations in the Nether Region

I was alone…staring at the clean, white ceiling. I thought about getting on the web, but felt relaxed and content to just lie there and let my eyes close and think about was would be happening in the next few days…the next few weeks. Suddenly, I thought of my dad. He didn’t know that he no longer had a son. I wanted him to know. I wanted him to realize that I would not be stumbling in his footsteps. The bad memories dissipated and I remembered the few times my dad smiled at me or held me. He was not soft like my mom, but hard and strong.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 31

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 31 Return to China.

Sonita came into the room, “Mum remember that man invited us to China. When are we going there?”

Gaby thought for a while, “Maddy do you know when we can possibly fit it in?”

Darcie, “I do if two weeks will do we could go there at half term. We have to be back here for the 31st October.”

Gaby, “Very well providing the Chinese can accommodate us then that is when we will go.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 29

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 29 Australia & Ayres Rock

Rani, “These Signals are what you already have & these are where we need to put transmitters for the best reception. The best reception for Australia would actually be on Ayres Rock. I cannot see how we could hide one there.”

Gaby, “All we need is the transmitter in a crag or crevice. The rock will act as a transmitter. I know this because I tried it closer to home with a black spot I had & it worked.”

Shattered Glass 8

Ruth walked with Rona to Doyle after class, the doctors were going to start removing the tattoos that night, and they'd be able to tell her how soon she'd be tattoo free after they were done the first treatment. She rubbed her arms wondering what she'd look like with unblemished skin.

Her friend opened the door for her and walked to the nurses station. “Hi, my roommate, Ruth is here for an appointment,” Rona said.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 10 - Crossing the Atlantic

I watched the graphic depiction of our flight path on the screen. The plane crept slowly toward the northeast. I assumed the pilot knew the way, but it looked like we were headed for New York. We had been in the air less than a couple of hours, but it seemed longer. The total trip was almost 20 hours. The hormones I was taking provided some extra padding and made prolonged sitting less uncomfortable. I wished I could sleep, but I was never one who could fall asleep just anywhere. I certainly couldn’t sleep in a pressurized cabin miles in the air with dozens of strangers.

Laura, part 13

“Extend,” Miss Fullerton advises. “Really stretch your leg out, see how it feels.” I comply, extending my leg to its fullest as my foot stretches downward, supporting my entire weight on the tips of my toes. Nicole, Harriet, Megan, Priya and Suriya all giggle as they watch me switch to my other foot, eventually standing en pointe on both feet in the brand-new shiny satin shoes.

“These still feel a little loose around my heel,” I say, earning groans from my friends- not to mention the gaggle of parents that are accompanying us- but an understanding nod from our ballet teacher.

Doom Valley Prep School 8

This story is being rewritten.
A new chapter will be published every 2 weeks starting on 19/07/2022.

When I finally reach this chapter again, I'll replace this message.

An Accidental New Life - Part 6

~ An Accidental New Life ~
By Mykhaila Ejensfell

When my mother died and my father, someone that I had never met in my life, proposed to take me in, I actually believed that I was going to live him. That of course wasn’t going to happen. That man without even meeting me once was sending me to a boarding school. A boarding school that apparently didn’t even know my name or my gender, because in the letter they sent me to tell me I was accepted they kept referring me as Miss Brooke Falconer. That was completely ridiculous, I mean, I was Brook Woods, a tough (yet slightly short) guy!

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 7 - Rainy Sunday

Amie and Jamie
Chapter 7 Rainy Sunday

Sunday dawned dark and rainy. It was just the kind of weather I love. Amie had already left, probably for breakfast. I decided to sit in bed and surf the web. I clicked through pages of hyperbole. It’s amazing the tales that people tell when there is no accountability and little censorship. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I feel most people can discern for themselves what is believable.

All It Would Take -10-

willy milly

All It Would Take

Fan Fiction Sequel of the 1986 movie Willy Milly

10 – Visitor From Venus

By Sasha Zarya Nexus

This fan fiction piece is based on the original work, Willy Milly aka Something Special by Willy Milly Associates, Concorde, copyright 1985.. All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a copyright infringement. No income is being derived from this fan fiction piece. The new characters and situations that I have invented herein are my own and I retain all rights to their not for profit presentation.

Shattered Glass 7

This is a work of fanfiction set in the Whateley universe. It doesn't follow canon, and I didn't create it in any way shape or form. I'm only playing in their sandbox.

Teri flew into Dr. Bellows office thirty minutes before class started. “Hey Doc, so as per your request, I met Ruth yesterday for our first tutoring session,” she said.

“Thank you Teri, how did it go?”

“I want a raise! She's a nice girl, but I had nightmares last night. How am I suppose to keep looking so beautiful if I can't get my beauty sleep.”

“We don't pay you,” he said.

Tink: A Strange Fairytale 11


Tink carefully thought about what to tell Mrs. Ryan about doing the fashion show. When she'd gone to class on Monday the old woman had told her that they simply didn't have time anymore. But after being refused by Venus Inc., hah, more like Venus Envy, she thought, had decided she was too strange to work with, she had to really do something special to get people interested in her much better fashion club. She'd show them, she'd SHOW THEM ALL!!!!

All It Would Take -09-

willy milly

All It Would Take

Fan Fiction Sequel of the 1986 movie Willy Milly

9 – We've Got Our Limits

By Sasha Zarya Nexus

This fan fiction piece is based on the original work, Willy Milly aka Something Special by Willy Milly Associates, Concorde, copyright 1985.. All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a copyright infringement. No income is being derived from this fan fiction piece.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 6 - Volleyball!

Amie and Jamie
Chapter 6 – Volleyball!

The sunrise brought our first weekend at our new school. The faculty left it mostly to the students to organize activities. Students who had car were prohibited from using them without specific instructions from the parents when and where they were allowed to travel. Still, such permission was discouraged by the school due to the many things that could go wrong.

Ashley, part 1

I'm not the unluckiest boy in the world- far from it, in fact- but every morning I wake up cursing my life.

My name is Ashley Nathan Moore. I was born on the 12th of May 2003 to two very loving parents, who would subsequently have three more children- three girls. I'm the only boy in the family... And the frustration that causes me is immeasurable.

Not that I don't love my sisters, of course, and they love me. Cassidy- the second of my three sisters- is always telling me how glad she is that I'm her big brother.

I just wish- I ALWAYS wish- that I was her big sister.

Shattered Glass 6

Carrying two take away meals, Rona walked uneasily into the Changeling wing of Poe, and saw that while the physical damage had been repaired, she and Ruth were getting some strange looks, especially the horrible UV band on Ruth. Everyone had to know what had happened. She resisted the urge to turn invisible, she had to face what had happened. Dana came up to them, since she was Absinthe's roommate she had to have heard everything.

“Hey guys, what happened today?” the girl asked, trying not to sound accusing, but not doing a great job of it.


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