Girls' School / School Girl

Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 11

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it.

In this chapter....Kyley completes her journey to Whateley and helps her soon to be roommate out.

NOTE that this chapter Kyley talks over the subject of attempted suicide.
So if that subject bothers you? You might want to stop on this one?

He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive?
A human high school and being a teenager? Will she remember what was? And grow in power?


Just do it my parents said.
I can't I won't.
What if, what about.
My dad my cut my me off.
That's all we hear, what if, what about.
You have nothing to fear.
Your allowed to wear what you want to wear.
Be who you are there is no shame in that.
People will laugh my friends won't like me anymore I told my parents.
The ones that laugh or call you names where never real friends to begin with and that would be a shame.
But the ones who embrace you are angels from heaven.

Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 10--- road trip

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it.

In this chapter....Kyley and Becky journey to Whateley via NY city! AKA Road Trip!

He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive?
A human high school and being a teenager? Will she remember what was? And grow in power?

most of my current stories can be found on Fictionmania

Or if you want to input more?

Ian, part 4

"A whole week off!" Maisie squeaks in my ear as the bell rings to signify the end of the school day- and indeed, the end of this half of the term.

At least, it would be the end of the school day for me, were it not for the fact that when I arrive home, I immediately head up to my bedroom and exchange the itchy, clingy black tights and knee-length skirt I've worn all day for an even itchier, even clingier pair of pink tights and a black tank leotard, just as I've done every Tuesday and every Friday since the New Year began.

Charlotte's Tale part 21

Charlotte’s Tale–part 21

by Angharad


I slumped into the house and my mother came out of the kitchen as I did so. “What’s the matter, darling?” she asked but I didn’t want to talk, I was too upset. I ignored her and went up to my room and shut the door.

Ashley, part 5

“Urgh,” I moan as I wake up from a dreamless sleep, only to grimace as I feel the front of my pyjamas to discover that whilst I may not have had a ‘normal’ dream, I certainly had another type of ‘dream’ during the night. I sigh as I wash my face, before pulling on my school uniform and slinking down the stairs, where my parents are waiting with a wide smile on their face, as are all three of my sisters… And my new baby brother.

“Morning, Ashley!” Dad chuckles in an artificially deep voice, light-heartedly mocking the fact that my own voice has recently deepened a lot.

Shadowsblade first Week

Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without!

In this part Rohanna goes through most of her first days at Whateley and finds some challenges...both in herself and out in the school at large

Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 8

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it.

In this chapter....Kyley and Becky journey to the Sturgis bike rally. And Kyely gets to see the outside world she now lives in for the first time!

He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive?
A human high school and being a teenager? Will she remember what was? And grow in power?

most of my current stories can be found on Fictionmania

Or if you want to input more?

Welcome to Timber Grove: Chapter 8&9

A Timber Grove Story.jpg "Welcome to Timber Grove"
Timber Grove: Story #1
by TGTrinity

Chapter 8: "The Red Space"; Chapter 9: "Thanks for Visiting Timber Grove"

Welcome to Timber Grove, a lovely coastal town where changes happen everyday. Meet Samantha Brown, an FBI agent who has a life changing experience with her secretary before going missing. Follow Agent Timothy August as he searches for Agent Brown, and begins to find that things in Timber Grove are never what they seem.

Author's Note: This story is a re-imagining of "Timber Grove: Season One" which was posted online in 2013. Chapter nine completes this story, but there is more to come. Over the next few weeks I will be adding the "Timber Grove" series onto BigCloset TopShelf, and I look forward to hearing what the community here thinks.

Welcome to Timber Grove: Chapter 7

A Timber Grove Story.jpg "Welcome to Timber Grove"
Timber Grove: Story #1
by TGTrinity

Chapter 7: "Trinity Rising"

Welcome to Timber Grove, a lovely coastal town where changes happen everyday. Meet Samantha Brown, an FBI agent who has a life changing experience with her secretary before going missing. Follow Agent Timothy August as he searches for Agent Brown, and begins to find that things in Timber Grove are never what they seem.

Author's Note: This story is a re-imagining of "Timber Grove: Season One" which was posted online in 2013. There are over twenty other stories in the "Timber Grove" series, but since this is the debut of the series on BigCloset TopShelf I will be posting the other stories in order after completing all nine chapters of this story.

Ian, part 3

Never in my life have I felt more comfortable.

I'm dressed as shabbily as I have ever been. Old, tatty jeans and a loose, long-sleeved t-shirt. I'm wearing no make-up whatsoever, and my short blonde hair is messy and unstyled. I have a paint brush in one hand and a stencil in the other, and for the first time in a very long time, I can truly forget that I was ever a girl.

"Kayleigh-Ann!" Miss Fullerton- my ballet teacher- yells, snapping me out of my fantasy. "When you're done with that wall, can you come and see me in the storage room?"

Twin Set

Twin Set

© 2016 by Nom de Plume

“Set point!”

My twin sister stuck out her tongue as she crept in front of the baseline. We had played against each other countless times, and it always seemed to come down to this, a long deuce or a tiebreaker at the end of a tense, competitive match. Although I was a boy and she was a girl, we were evenly matched, and I sometimes felt that the only edge I had over her was that she had to wear a tennis dress or skirt at the uber-conservative club that our parents belonged to.

Catfish Part 3

catfish, noun: a person who sets up a false personal profile on a social networking site for fraudulent or deceptive purposes

So apparently things could get more awkward between Mark and Jason.

Shadowsblade first day

Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without!

In this part Rohanna gets out of ARC and has her first day at Whateley....can a 40,000 year old Drow go to high school or can the high school cope with a near crazy Drow that old?

Catfish Part 2

catfish, noun: a person who sets up a false personal profile on a social networking site for fraudulent or deceptive purposes

Jason's prank doesn't go as planned, and he finds himself dragged deeper into things than expected.

Ashley, part 4

“You don’t lie to me,” Suri sings in her rhythmic, accented voice.

“You don’t lie to me,” Priya sings, trying her best not to giggle.

“You don’t lie to me,” Laura sings, casting an excited glance in my direction.

“You don’t lie to me,” I sing in as authentic a girl’s voice as my wavering vocal chords can manage.

“No more lies!” The four of us all yell simultaneously, earning cheers from Harriet and Megan on the sofa.

Catfish Part 1

catfish, noun: a person who sets up a false personal profile on a social networking site for fraudulent or deceptive purposes

Jason's prank on his roommate goes terribly wrong... or terribly right.

An Accidental New Life - Part 9

~ An Accidental New Life ~
By Mykhaila Ejensfell

When my mother died and my father, someone that I had never met in my life, proposed to take me in, I actually believed that I was going to live him. That of course wasn’t going to happen. That man without even meeting me once was sending me to a boarding school. A boarding school that apparently didn’t even know my name or my gender, because in the letter they sent me to tell me I was accepted they kept referring me as Miss Brooke Falconer. That was completely ridiculous, I mean, I was Brook Woods, a tough (yet slightly short) guy!

Welcome to Timber Grove: Chapter 5

A Timber Grove Story.jpg "Welcome to Timber Grove"
Timber Grove: Story #1
by TGTrinity

Chapter 5: "Pete's Growing Up"

Welcome to Timber Grove, a lovely coastal town where changes happen everyday. Meet Samantha Brown, and FBI agent who has a life changing experience with her secretary before going missing. Follow Agent Timothy August as he searches for Agent Brown, and begins to find that things in Timber Grove are never what they seem.

Author's Note: This story is a re-imagining of "Timber Grove: Season One" which was posted online in 2013. There are over twenty other stories in the "Timber Grove" series, but since this is the debut of the series on BigCloset TopShelf I will be posting the stories in order. This is the final chapter that will be posted so close together with the first four, as I have only begun to work on Chapter 6. If there is enough of a demand, I'll put my time into finishing this story ahead of my other projects.

The Crush - The Crunch

PKB_003b.jpgThe Crush – The Crunch
By Kelly Blake

If you’re going to have a crush, it might as well be a big one. I mean half the girls I knew crushed on Leo DiCaprio and the other half on Johnny Depp; although I’ve heard hygiene is an issue with Johnny. Maybe he should be married with fourteen kids or a school teacher who pays a wee bit of attention to a lonely student and drives a sports car.

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 27

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 27. Coronation in St. Petersburg

In-groups they all departed in Black Russian cars. Eventually all had gone but Lucy, Wilma, Alexis & Willie. Grandpa Willie as you are my top man you had better hold my hand and Grandma Wilma & Cousin Alexis can walk behind us. Will Fiona and the other little ones be waiting for us as I do not want to go ahead if they are not?"

Alex & Chris Chapter 64

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 64 The Young Mace

The cameraman who was filming the entire event was a minor Mace but he recognised Helcate when he saw her. He panned in on Alexis and her companions. He thinks and says to himself, I must inform my brothers the Queen she walks the earth once again.

Cleo said, “Astrid he knows who we are?”

“Yes I know. Tinkerbell has gone to watch what he does.”

“Look he is approaching.”

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 26

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 26. The Arrival of Alexis

The soldiers all laid their instruments or arm down and started to pray. The only ones left standing were Renate and the small group with her. A man came down and approached Renate.

Marie, “You should bow when approaching a queen. Men bow likes this and ladies Curtsy like this to a queen & like this to a princess. I am only a princess because my mum is a princess."

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 40

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 40. Willies new Home.

Margarita looked around at her new home. She could look across to where Lucy was now living. The younger children only had to go through a gate and past the Catholic church of St Stephen and walk about 100 metres and they where at school. The older girls on the other hand had to travel half a mile to the bus station and there get the school bus that took them directly to their school.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 18 - Breakfast of Champions

We flew first class from San Antonio to Hobby Airport where my mom picked us up for the half-hour trip home. We took Amie to home and helped her get her bags in. As we left Amie’s house, my mom said, “Jamie, I have a surprise for you.”

“Mom, there is nothing I need … really.”

“It’s not actually something for you. I will tell you this much … I’ve been dating someone.”

“Really? Cool! What’s he like? What does he do? Does he …”

“Slow down! You’ll meet this person when we get home.”

“So what’s he like?”

“Well … totally different from your dad.”

Alex & Chris Chapter 62

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 62 A new Mermaid.

Rose came in to the room, “Mistress we have a problem down at the pool. I went to investigate after Ariel called me. Apparently the official from the council went into the wet area although it was closed off. I presume he was nosing around. For some reason he decided to strip off and had gone for a swim in the pool.”

Ian, part 2

“I’m heading out now,” I say, grimacing in advance at the inevitable response.

“Kayleigh-Ann,” mum says in an obviously fake pained voice, “come here…” I roll my eyes, before heading into the living room and facing my mother, whose face is scrunched up in a look of pure disapproval.

“What is it?” I ask. “I don’t want to keep Ollie waiting…” I don’t want to keep Ian waiting, either, I think to myself.

“WHY are you going out with him?” Mum asks, barely restraining herself from spitting. “He’s a nerd…”

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 23

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 23. Car & Train races

Willie, "Well Duke Brandenburg I think us boys should stick together so I will drive the other train and lets see if we can beat the ladies."

Max carried a very tired Lucy to the stateroom while Louise pushed her sister Lucinda. "You know Lucy is correct about the family. You and Max are ideally placed to both log all those affected and give them a full medical at the same time."

Alex & Chris Chapter 61

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 61 The council official.

On arriving back at home again in Middleham they found it had all changed at Hidden Corner. Terri appeared, “After you left more of your people started to arrive and the builders have been kept busy. Several had to be taken to the hospital, but all is running smoothly now. When you left this column of fire appeared and it seemed to attract all magic beings. It has been burning all the time you were away and appears to have got brighter now you are home.”

Alex & Chris Chapter 60

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 60 New high priestess in China.

Alexis and the others went through the tunnel to China and while there visited the temple the Chinese had created. Alexis noticed the vast crowds and also the media vans. She noticed one was from England and walked up to it.

Queen Gaby & raising the Resurgam Chapter 2

Queen Gaby & the Resurgam
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 2 The School Trip to the Land of Angels.

Wendy. “Your majesty it seems you already know about my cousins and their children?”

Alex & Chris Chapter 56

Alex & Chris
A Gabyverse fanfiction
By Shaphawlad

Chapter 56 Home again.

“I will send father along as he has to present my sister and Grandma Endora is senior female so she will present you cousin Iolanthe.”

Jenny, “No her blood sisters should.”

Endora, “Actually I agree while I am the most senior I am not the mother or sisters & they should do the job. Others more suitable outrank me.”

Alex & Chris Chapter 55

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 55 Carols dream

Alexis called Jenny and Carol. “That dream you had did it come back Carol?”

Jenny, “Actually It was me who seemed to get the continuation of it. We walked and eventually found a walled town it only had a few inhabitants. They gave us shelter and food. They got excited when they saw the lion cub, and especially when it suckled form either Carol, or myself. Eventually a priest arrived and asked to speak with us.”

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 9

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter 9. Lucy knows her furs.

Olga, “While we are all here can your measuring service check us all out as we appear to have lost some weight recently?"

A woman appeared with a tape measure and started with Olga & then Wilma. She put all their measurements in a computer and then did the same with the other ladies.

Lucy watched and then said, "Are you going to do that for me and Ariel?"

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 54

Drew and the Half term break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 54 Gaby a visit to Whatley School

Gaby looked at Draco Draconaris and Tiny. “I have a task for you and your daughters. I require you to go to America Lord Paramount.”

Draco smiled, “I know full well where you want me to go if you called me Lord Paramount. I presume you want me to pay Mrs Carson a visit at Whatley?”

Alex & Chris Chapter 52

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 52 New temple for Alexis.

In China the chairman flanked by his top officials went on the television. “Most of you will already have seen the terrible misfortune that has over taken southern states of America. From the broadcast you all saw it will be obvious to all of you the Golden Queen has returned. She told me where she had once had a home and I sent an expedition to find if it was true. I have now declared it a national shrine and installed a holy man there.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 52

Drew and the Half term break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 52 Gaby at Sephton Palace

Gaby awoke the following morning & realised she was back at Sephton Palace on the Isle of Man. All around her were the sleeping bodies of Pixies & Tinie's. Quietly as she could she tiptoed to the bathroom to relieve herself. It was only after she had relieved herself that she noticed Paddy sleeping in the bath. Gaby went across and shook him.

“Paddy where is Inga when I need to get dressed?”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 50

Drew and the Half Term Break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 50 Off to Isle of Man

Drew awoke with a start. He looked round and then realised he was back in his old bedroom back in Warsop and he was Drew again. Still half asleep he tumbled down the stairs and went and sat down in the kitchen. Only after a breakfast of Orange juice and waffles covered in honey did Drew fully awake.

Gaby the begining

Drew The beginning
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

At School

The Headmaster “Drew I have been given consideration to your school problems. Before I tell you then can Drew & Maddy both go with the School nurse to the first aid room.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 48

Drew and the Half Term Break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 48 Davina

Davina was asked to go and see Gaby. She was rather nervous as to why Gaby would want to see her. Rather timidly she knocked on the door and entered the room.

Alex & Chris Chapter 48

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 48 Planning a funeral for the Bond-Peters.

Alexis and the others left Chow Lynn in charge in China & returned to her home in England. A short while later Alexis summoned both Gaby & Maddy's parents.

“Sorry to disturb your routine but I have been thinking about you all. I need you all to think how you wish to die.”

“Pardon Alexis!”

“You will not die of course, but we need to get you all out of the limelight.”


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