Girls' School / School Girl

Suhara of Curses: Chapter 19 - Two Experts

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 18 - New Magic and Duels

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 17 - Haunt

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 16 - Frisky

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 15 - Wishful Kisses

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 14 - Distractions

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 13 - Ships and Bracelets

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 12 - Metal Puppets

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 11 - The Trickster

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 10 - Returning Favor

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 9 - Gifts

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 8 - Of Angels, Demons, and Ghosts

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 7 - Aura

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 6 - Theft

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 5 - First Day Jitters

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 4 - Claimed

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 3 - Water

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 2 - Suhara's Test

Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Suhara of Curses: Chapter 1 - The Demon Root


Jaux Ballad has always wanted to enter the realm of magic, but could not do so by regular means. In his desperation to become a magician he finds himself with more power, and more trouble, than he could ever have imagined.


Secret Agent Boy 0

Secret Agent Boy
Anam Chara

Timothy’s mother has accepted a new job elsewhere at a lucrative salary and with excellent benefits. Of course, he must leave his friends and classmates behind. But that’s not the only drawback to his changing schools.

Christmas Twins ~ 9

This is the story of my twin and me; two siblings so closely bonded that we would do anything for each other. It all started a few months before Christmas…


Embers of Christmas Past, France 1907.

What are the affects of a life freely sacrificed? Especially across Time itself?
Young Mina Atwell perhaps experiences some of its consequences while growing up as a gifted artistic child; raised during a post impressionist revolution ...

Christmas Twins ~ 5

This is the story of my twin and me; two siblings so closely bonded that we would do anything for each other. It all started a few months before Christmas…


White Christmas - A Jaci and Dottie story part 1

Lil Jacilynn was worried. She was twisting her hands back and forth in the passenger seat of Tante Drea's 80's Bmw E something. The car had seen better days. The once white 4 door car had more than a little rust on it's outside. The tailpipe dragged on the ground every once and while. The heater fan blew mostly warm air even if it only had one setting.


By Ellie Dauber
(c) 2002

A father uses the Medallion of Zulo to break up the relationship between his daughter and a boy he doesn’t like. And, as you’d expect, things don’t go exactly as planned.

This is an experimental story that alternates between the action of the story and a stream of consciousness by the narrator character. I'll be curious to see what people have to say about it.

Thai Pie

Young Danny moves to Thailand with his mother after his father's death.
He meets a cute young girl that has a group of guys that is bullying her.
Danny decides to defend her and winds up on a strange journey that forces him to make decisions that will affect him for the rest of his life.

Thai Pie

Thai Pie


Severance Pay (Chapters 73 through 78 of 78)

Patricia and Jessica, having completed what they set out to do, must now try to return home and pick up their lives. Elements and Themes listed apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editorial assistance. I appreciate the perseverance of all those readers who stuck with me to the completion of this story. See my authors page for information about my next story and the possibility of a sequel to "Severance Pay"

Severance Pay (Chapters 67 through 72 of 78)

Patricia is now a totally free agent. She pursues her own agenda with ruthless efficiency. Elements and Themes listed apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editorial assistance. My heartfelt thanks to those who have stuck with this rather lengthy story. The final chapters will be posted either very late Friday night or Saturday morning.

Severance Pay (Chapters 60 through 66 of 78)

Everything has gone off the rails for Patricia and Cardoza has the Controller. Can she escape and, if so, what kind of life will she have? Elements and Themes listed apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and and Robyn Hoode for their editorial assistance.

Severance Pay (Chapters 55 through 60 of 78)

Gretchen and Patty attend the New Years Eve Dance where Patty has a disturbing realization. Cardoza's hit team strikes. Lipscomb begins Phase Two of his plan. Themes and Elements listed apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editorial assistance.

Severance Pay (Chapters 49 through 54 of 78)

The Girls play in the Catholic Holiday Tourney with spectacular but dangerous results. Raymond Hobbes hosts a Christmas Party over Cardozas strenuous objections. Escaban chooses his hit team. Patricia and Gretchen negotiate the terms of the New Years Dance. Themes and Elements listed apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editorial assistance.

Severance Pay (Chapters 37 through 42 of 78)

An undercover agent's worst fear occurs and Patricia must change the rules of the game to survive. Themes and Elements listed apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editorial assistance.

Severance Pay (Chapters 25 through 30 of 78)

Peter/Patricia final gets her face to face meeting with Raymond Hobbes. Themes and Elements apply to entire story, Rating applies to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editing assistance.

Severance Pay (Chapters 19 through 24 of 78)

Peter/Patricia tires of Caitlin McBride's antics and decides to remove her as queen bee. Gretchen's father takes notice of her new best friend. Themes and Elements listed apply to entire story, Rating applies to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editing assistance.

Ashley's first kiss.

The dance was in full swing when Ashley walked into the side entrance. The swish of the petticoat under her skirt was driving her mad. With every movement she knew she was a girl, the petticoat didn't let her think of herself in any other way.

Usually when she walked in to a dance she was all hip swinging ready to dance or host a show. Today she was almost shy in the way she moved. She didn't understand it, it was almost like the simple act of dressing more like a daddy's girl had changed the way she was and that was just not possible.

Severance Pay (Chapters 13 through 18 0f 78)

Jessica puts Patricia to the test, as does Sister Carmela of St. Ann's. Patricia returns the favor and makes initial contact with her target, Gretchen Hobbes. Themes and Elements listed apply to entire story, Rating applies to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly for editing assistance.

Severance Pay (Chapters 1 through 6 of 78)

Disabled and retired undercover cop Peter Harris is recruited for one last job. He's going to infiltrate the household of Raymond Hobbes, notorious drug lord and criminal kingpin, with the support of an unusual group of experts and unapproved technology. Listed Themes and Elements applies to entire story, rating just to this submission. Editorial assistance from Marina Kelly greatly appreciated.


Nathanial's life gets turned the wrong way when his new school goals don't go so well and his girlfriend breaks up with him. Things get worse when he encounters a woman with a 'special' gift that completely changes who he was, and is given something he is not prepared to live with. Now he must break the spell in order for things to go back the way they were, when he was a boy. And the only way to do so is to live and develop a life of a beautiful teenage girl, before time runs out.

Jaci and Dottie: Boy troubles part 7 part 2

Drea hugged the girl into her chest to protect her from the cruel world. She felt her tears fall down her face into the hair of the young girl in her arms. She wanted to make the entire world go away. She still could not believe what had just happened. How could any parent ever do something so...


Drea looked up in annoyance as the buzzer from the kitchen stove started to buzz.

Lil Jaci shook herself and disentangled herself from Drea's arms.

"My cookies!" she exclaimed.


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