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Chapter 6
A Whateley Academy tale
This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity.
If you would like background information on the canon characters, see:
For a copy of the campus map I am using, see:
Authors note 1:
In this chapter I make mention of Aunghadhail and the Five Fold Court. While the exact role of Aunghadhail in the events leading up to the Sundering are known only to the cannon authors, my interpretation, though possibly controversial, does broadly fit published canon material: In particular, the wiki article on Atlantis. As further justification for my interpretation, I would point out that neither the Weres nor Wakan Tanka were exactly pleased when Aunghadhail showed up.
Authors note 2:
Because of strong emotional content, a couple of scenes use the F word. As I hope you will have noticed, I rarely use foul language in my writing. In fact, I only do so when there is no other way to realistically depict the nature of what is happening. In this case, I am only talking about two scenes and four occurrences, but since it is more than usual, I give fair warning.
Construction site
After mincing my way behind Kane hall, I quickly came to the conclusion that, much though I loved it, the gown was just too impractical to wear for anything but the most special occasions. This was doubly confirmed when I arrived at my destination to find a construction site.
Coming in eight prefabricated sections, each of which took up the entirety of a large trailer/tractor rig, the grass had been badly chewed up getting the dormitory sited. The damage had been made even worse by the caterpillar tracked jib crane used to properly position each section. So, what with the campus maintenance crew in the process of using a digger, [US back-hoe,] to dig trenches to connect, water, sewage, electricity and a secure, fibre optic network, my clothing was completely inappropriate, and the site foreman wouldn't let me closer than 50 metres.
The basic layout of the outer shell had been completed that morning, this was two floors, each with two outer sections and two internal sections. Although I had missed seeing it, they had laid the ground floor sections side by side, levelled everything off with screw-jacks, (along with shims to evenly distribute the weight,) and then bolted the sections together with lots and lots sealant. Apparently, the secret was to get the initial ground floor properly levelled. Once this was done, the second floor was a snap to install.
How do I know this?
The foreman, who finding a pretty girl genuinely in interested in his work, enthusiastically explained this to me in great detail.... If he talked about his wife in the same loving tones, she was a very lucky woman.
At the moment, the upper floor rooms had been partitioned, along with a toilet/shower block and recreational area on the ground floor. The plumbing though, was still a work in process. Furniture and other trimmings had been delivered and Blackstar were busy putting the flat-packs together. Sam, who came out of the dorm to meet me, had evidently decided to take pity on me and told me she would take care of signing off on the installation. Though she did point out that I could expect further paper work, (along with a bill,) from the maintenance department for connecting the dorm to the utility services and repairing all the damage to the grounds
Of course, I couldn't leave without saying hello to my bondsmen, who had also broken off from their work to traipse out of the dorm and gather around me. Sensing that something was up with Startech, I asked what was wrong and he replied: “I'm sorry to bother you Mam, but it's my devisor trait. I don't have Diedrick's syndrome, but I do have a compulsion. If I can't get into a workshop or lab, on a fairly regular basis, I start to get stir crazy.”
Thinking it through, I quickly filled in Sam and Blackstar about the Praetorian Guard, and asked Startech: “If I can get you into a workshop, can you put together a secure multi channel combat communications system, for both Blackstar and the Praetorians?”
Pausing slightly for thought, I added: “If we get the time, you might want to work with Spear, (Justice,) on this, I am sure he is probably having similar problems with his devisor trait.”
With Startech agreeing, I turned my most irresistible, tear filled, puppy eyes on Sam, who laughed and replied: “It's maybe a bit sooner than I expected, but I was going to suggest that you start talent scouting for a training team. Are you sure they understand how much work is involved in rushing JROTC?”
When I nodded yes, she went on: “Well, I don't really see a problem, there are currently, four training teams in JROTC, but only the Grunts take it seriously. The rest just go through the motions to satisfy their scholarships. Gunny Bardue is JROTC's official faculty sponsor, so if you get them all to Kane hall after lunch tomorrow, then I will make the introductions and see to the paper work. As far as Startech's little problem goes, there are technician workshops in Kane hall's sub-basement levels. I'll talk to Chief Delarose about it. I'm sure he will agree that having our own combat devisor working down there should be a real bonus.”
Then, she surprised me by asking Starfury: “I have been giving Luna's magical armour some thought. Once we get some reliable test data, could you modify the spell to work on something that looked like... say a flak jacket... or maybe even power armour?”
Starfury, thinking furiously, replied: “I'm aware of the principles of the Law of Similarity, but I have never heard of a spell using human magic that works that way. Well apart from a few myths and legends, and they could easily be recounting tales about sidhe armour.....”
After giving it a bit more thought, he went on: “If Luna works with me to get the basics, I think it might be possible, though I can't really be sure until I see how the spell works and how much power it takes.”
Satisfied, Sam turned back to me and explained: “I know you don't really need the money, but having a legitimate revenue steam for Blackstar Corporation will help build its cover as a private security company. I think Cecilia would definitely be interested in the business opportunity, and campus security's rank and file will probably fall down at your feet in worship if you give us a tax deductible donation of power armour that doesn't have the normal power supply limitations.”
She said this last with a real grin, but I picked up on something else she had slipped in: “Blackstar Corporation?”
Her grin got even bigger as she replied: “Oh, did I forgot to tell you. The lawyers have registered the name Blackstar Corporation as a privately held, limited liability company. While your trust fund is the sole owner, you as the commander of Blackstar squad, have to report to your board of directors which are: Headmistress Carson, Chief Delarose, Gunny Bardue and me.”
Since I was still a minor, being tied up tighter than a goose for christmas was no big surprise, and when I nodded an acknowledgement, she went on: “You should talk to Phase about pricing, but based on the preliminary data that Selene gave us about impact and heat resistance, we might be looking at something that could offer protection from small arms fire, with say an upper limit of an M16 or maybe even an AK47 fired at less than 5 metres. To put it in a Whateley frame of reference, a fireball or a love tap from a brick.”
When I gave her a questioning look, she explained further: “Well, think about it: The strongest warrior swinging a 14lb war hammer with 4ft of handle plus 28 inches for the length of his arm and 4 inches to allow for the hammer head. Do the math and you have a punch thrown by your typical brick.”
With the light of understanding dawning in my eyes, she went on: “Standing in the middle of a large log fire, roughly equates to the energy transfer rate of a good sized fireball.”
That made sense, so when I nodded, she continued: “You can do bullets in the same way. To get a first approximation, you have the mass of the round and the muzzle velocity. Roughly, I believe you will find battle damage inflicted by the strongest warrior swinging a 14lb hammer, with a 16 inch square inch cross sectional area in an arc 6ft 8 in diameter will be comparable to the damage from a spitzer FMJ round fired by an AK47 .”
Seeing me try to work things out in my head, she helped out by saying: “A world class sports man can throw a ball at over a 100mph. The ball is held about 28 inches from his shoulder, so increase the radius by another 4ft or so and you have an impact speed in excess of 200mph for a 14lb hammer wielded by the strongest warrior.”
After pausing to let me catch up, she lost me with: “That translates to a minimum estimate of the impact momentum per cross sectional area for the hammer swung by the strongest warrior of 6 NS/cm squared. So, if a hollow or soft point round, fired from an AK47 at point blank range crumpled instantaneously, it would have an impact momentum per cross sectional area of less than 0.07 NS/cm squared, and that does not take into consideration energy loss due to deformation... For comparison, a steel cored armour piercing round, depending on the exact design of the spitzer tip and how badly it was deformed on contact, would have an effective impact diameter of between 1 and 2 millimetres. This suggests an impact momentum per cross sectional area of somewhere between 40 and 160 NS/cm squared. Luckily for you, the armour piercing round is not too popular since it tends to pass straight through flesh without causing an incapacitating wound. In your case, if your regen really has taken a boost, then it would likely be healed in an hour or less... Currently, aside from HP/SP rounds, the round you would normally be most concerned about from an AK47 is the spitzer FMJ. To maximize muscle and organ damage, it is often unbalanced so that it will tumble when it hits a target; but, because the effect works in our favour, we can ignore it. The round has a soft core with a thin hard jacket, and, because of your armour, there will certainly be some deformation with a consequent loss of momentum. We can therefore interpolate an equivalent impact diameter at maybe 5mm or thereabouts? This would suggest that, for a spitzer FMJ round fired at point blank range, an upper estimate of the equivalent impact momentum per cross sectional area at around 6 or 7 NS/cm square.....”
Seeing my glazed eyes, she got really insulting!
“You don't even need calculus to get quick and dirty estimates like this. Which, by the way, I thought you were supposed to have been studying along with mechanics.... What on earth did they teach you at the Barons school?”
Giving her a dirty look, I decided to change the subject by asking: “What do you mean tax deductible? How would you value it? I mean it would only take a few minutes to work the spell.”
As soon as Sam launched into another lecture, I realised asking a question like that was a mistake: “The kind of full body protection we are talking about usually comes in power armour, of which even the cheapest, lowest quality suits have a retail starting price in excess of $200,000 and, believe me, the price gets much higher very quickly for quality work. With it having no power supply limitations, the manoeuvrability of everyday clothing and, given that there is a very limited supply,.... Like I say, you should talk to Phase, but maybe an initial price of $500,000 a pop doesn’t sound unreasonable?”
Okay, I was still new to the idea of being rich and, as a thirteen year old, I had never really considered real world prices for high tech military gear. So, you will not be surprised that my eyes started to goggle at the way she so calmly rattled off $500,000 for a spell that would take me only a few moments to complete.
Seeing my brain go into cryogenic shut down, Sam added maliciously: “Of course, once word got around and the armour started to gain a reputation, what with having no power supply limitations , the price would probably go up substantially. Maybe 3 or 4 million dollars plus for each unit.”
Pulling myself back together, I frantically tried to think of something to take my mind off what she was saying. Latching onto a thought that had been at the back of my mind, but I hadn't yet managed to bring to the surface, I blurted: “The Praetorian Guard!”
At Sam's blank look, and desperately trying hard not to think of the economics of supply and demand, I continued: “They will need a costume or something and we won't have time to see about it when we are rushing JROTC. Do you think we could we get in to see Cecilia tomorrow afternoon for a fitting?”
“Well, you will need a pass from administration as well as an appointment with Cecilia. It's probably a good idea to talk about magical power armour anyway, so.....”
Blinking momentarily, she calmly stated as if it was perfectly normal: “I've sent Cecilia and Amelia Emails, if it's okay with both of them, and there is no sudden crisis, then I will act as faculty escort.”
We were more or less done at that point. Sam, sent Starlance over to pick up a package she had left for me in the dorm, and he quickly returned with a security issue laptop. Telling me how to log on with a thumbprint and a sixteen character alphanumeric password she had me memorize. She informed me in her best gruff Admiral's voice: “This is for security business only, don't use it for homework. If you do, I assure you I will find out and the privilege will be withdrawn. It will give you a chance for a social life by letting you do most of your security related work, except printing and filing paper copies, without actually coming into the office.”
With tears of gratitude, and very sincere murmurs of thankyou, I hugged her even more fiercely than I had when she pinned her original ensigns bars to my collar.
Now that everything had been taken care of, Starport escorted me till we were hidden behind a corner of Kane hall, and teleported me directly to the driveway in front of Poe.
Oh Crap!
Arriving about 30 seconds ahead of the Praetorians, it was quite satisfying to see them jump as I appeared out of thin air. Unfortunately, Mrs Horton, who evidently had Poe cottage and the surrounding area warded seven way's to Sunday, was less than amused. I think she understood though. That is, she didn't bawl us out when we gigglingly made our way upstairs to show the boys my armour.
Once we were all in our room, Cassie immediately began to play the hostess. A roll she obviously relished. We didn't have any snacks or anything and were badly short of comfortable seating, but she got us spread out around the room on our beds and desk chairs. With everyone looking at me expectantly, it was pretty obvious I was going to have to play the part of a fashion model. So, stripping off the velvet choker, aquamarine belt, necklace and bracelet, I shoved them back in my jewellery box. This surprise, surprise produced a gasp of outrage from Jules, who, though now starting to adjust, was sufficiently close to the edge that he still had these little relapses. Justice and Achmed of course couldn't see the problem, and Tim actually suggested it was really very practical. Possibly for Jules's sake, after giving Tim a 'how could you?' glare, Cassie let the matter drop.
Deciding to make a show of things, and wanting to see how I would look fully decked out. I placed the rest of the sapphire ensemble in the bottom of one of Cecilia's carrier bags along with a towel, make-up, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, hairbrush, the floral scented perfume and, remembering how low cut the skirt waist was, my shaving kit. With my full costume in another carrier bag, and after getting Cassie to undo my buttons, I was ready.
It shouldn’t really have been a surprised, but I was slightly amused to find four of the girls had decided to come back for a second round with the Hydroflux equipment. That is, until I remembered that I had some very personal grooming to take care of.
Like I pointed out earlier public nudity seemed to be fast becoming my natural state, but public exposure on this scale was probably going a little too far too fast. On he other hand, I didn't really have a great deal of options. Making my way over to the sinks, I wriggled out of the gown to appreciative, but discreet glances from the assembled lezzies.
All thing said and done, even with the audience, it was with some relief I hung the stupid gown on a convenient hook. It was gorgeous, I really adored the way it was suggestively naughty, yet remained very modest, but it was just too impractical. I mean, while wearing it, I could barely walk from one end of the room to the other without assistance.
Trying to put off the inevitable, I used the sink mirror to clean my teeth and check my hair and bindi were okay. After redoing my make-up it was crunch time, or rather shaving time. There was no escape, and asking for a little privacy would probably only make matters worse. I think the big mistake I made was making such a production of the initial preparation By the time I got around to stripping off my lingerie, the girls were very curious as to what I was doing. Thankfully, none of them offered to help, but they did offer a very embarrassing critique of my technique along with lewd suggestions about how it must be a very hot date I was getting ready for.
Shaving that particular area really brought home to me that my little Willy Wonka was a fast fading memory. Any regret I might have felt at his absence however, was completely buried in the raging inferno that was my blush, which, along with the ribbing, faded quickly when I slipped into my armour. Sitting on a toilet seat with the lid down, I was able to lace up the costume's sandals, and the ongoing slackjawed stares as I decorated my delicious bod with what would become my combat jewellery was very satisfying. Giving myself a quick spritz of the floral scent, I made another of the quick fashion model twirls I had given Vamp, and asked the girls what they thought?
It took them a few minutes to get their tongues away from the cat, but when they did. Oh boy!
Needless to say, I had to demonstrate my succubus form, and by the time I had done so, it was too late. My esper situational awareness kicked in to show me there were now four distinct points of view developing amongst the students at Whateley vis a vis little old me: Camp #1, the majority, would believe I was some kind of European royalty who badly needed taking down a peg. Camp #2, by far the largest minority, would insist I was only a fruitcake with delusions who, while being harmless and deserving of pity, was best avoided. Camp #3 whose founding members would be most of the girls currently present, but whose membership would grow to include guys, lesbians and even straight girls in other cottages, would be of the opinion I was a Goddess. However, as bad as #3's particular insanity was, which in my opinion was very, very bad. There was a tiny minority view which was potentially far worse: Camp #4 would be of the opinion I was a Demoness, who like Sara Waite, (a GOO child of whose existence my prescience had only just made me aware,) needed to be put down like a rabid dog.
Stunned, I just walked out on them.
Stopping in the hallway, my mind was on a carousel complete with Béla Lugosi organ music: There was a GOO child on campus, people were going to see me as a Goddess, some of my fellow mutants would actually try to kill me... There was a GOO child on campus, people were going to see me as a Goddess, some of my fellow mutants would actually try to kill me... There was a...
Mum of course, like mums are prone to do, gave me a metaphorical kick to pull me out of my funk. Shocking me with: <Listen Fiona, your Aunt being here could be a good thing.>
<My what?>
<It's a long story, complicated by the politics of the Five Fold Court of Atlantis and the fact that Gothmog wasn't born until after the Sundering.>
I thought I was remarkably calm when I replied: <That's okay, we've got plenty of time. I'm not moving until you explain this to me.>
Letting out an almost physically audible sigh, my mum started: <Okay, don't blame me if your brain melts into a puddle. Gothmog was born when a human sorcerer convinced an Egyptian Pharaoh to offer his daughter to a GOO called Shub-Niggurath. This makes Gothmog a half breed human GOO. Before she developed her full aspect, he loved Sara, a half breed human Deep One, who prophecy predicted would bear only one daughter, the Sara currently here at Whately. Technically, this makes your Aunt ½ human ¼ Deep One and ¼ GOO. Because of the nature of the GOO it is this part of her magical heritage which is dominant, as it is with Gothmog. Reality doesn't mean the same thing to a GOO as it does to humans, and it was partly through the use of Gothmog's magic that the succubi were created.>
Trying to work my mind around what mum was suggesting, and making the assumption, later proved correct, that the Deep Ones were part of the pantheon of beings dangerous for humans to mess with, I asked: <So you are saying that Gothmog was born three thousand years ago and travelled back in time to help the Five Fold Court fight the other GOO?>
<No, you're not listening, I said that in the perception of humans Gothmog was born three thousand years ago. It's not possible for a human to perceive the reality in which the GOO exist without being reduced to gibbering insanity; having their brain bursting into flames or any number of other reactions to something the human mind is just not capable of processing. The GOO are the embodiment of impossibility... >
I felt my brain starting to turn into the puddle she mentioned, and to change the subject, asked: <Okay, how does this make Gothmog my Grandfather?>
<Gothmog combined his magic with that of Atlantis to create the succubi, and in the broadest sense of the word, this makes him your Grandfather, and Sara your Aunt.>
The really horrible thing was, I couldn't shake the image starting to form in my mind about the reality in which Gothmog existed, and how it let him take part in the creation of the succubi; yet, at the same time, not need to travel back in time. What was horrible about it wasn't that I felt my head starting to explode, (which it wasn't,) it was more that I could almost see a hyper-dimensional shape where this impossibility made sense. I don't mean a four dimensional shape of three dimensions plus time, but something much more complex involving a possibly infinite numbers of dimensions of which our human perceived four dimensional realm was a very small part.
In an effort to get away from these thoughts, I asked mum to tell me the rest of the story of how the succubi were created.
Starting at the beginning, she told me: <With the original founding of Atlantis, the GOO were driven off or imprisoned. There then followed a long period of peace, which ultimately ended in the civil war which allowed the GOO and their agents to rebuild their forces in secret. The distrust and ill-feeling caused by the Atlantean civil war meant that, when the GOO's agents finally began to move openly, the Five Fold Court were less than united in their response. It was the view of my own Court that many of the major Sidhe Courts did not appreciate the seriousness of the threat and were trying to exploit the alliance against the GOO for their own long term advantage. In essence, the major sidhe Courts saw the war against the GOO as a minor distraction from the continuation of the main event; which, in their view, was the battle for who would finally rule Atlantis.”
Okay this sounded like a surprisingly human story and was a welcome relief from thinking about the reality warping realms in which the GOO existed.
My mum went on: <Because we were militarily weak and without great armies, the Court of the Moon had been operating behind enemy lines when we were approached by Gothmog to broker an alliance between him and the Five Fold Court. We had a lot of information on Gothmog and had previously suggested that he might be open to an alliance. A suggestion, which had not been taken seriously by the more powerful Courts.>
I was enraptured as mum went on to explain about the intrigue and petty power plays that were the backdrop to the war, telling me: <By the time of Gothmog's offer, it was becoming increasingly apparent to the smaller Sidhe Courts who were actually doing the fighting, along with the other Non Sidhe Courts, that we were losing the war. So, when we reported an actual offer of an alliance sealed with a magically bound oath, there was a certain amount of jubilation. Bizarrely, it was the Court of the West, the Court that the Court of the Moon and the other smaller sidhe Courts nominally owed allegiance, who put up the greatest opposition. Insisting, that no matter what oaths he swore, Gothmog couldn't be trusted; and, in any case, the situation was nothing like as bad as those in favour of an alliance were painting, the Court of the West refused point blank to have anything to do with Gothmog and threatened to break the alliance.>
Curious as to why they took this position, I was told: <The Court of Moon had agents inside the upper echelons of the Court of the West, and they were of the view it was part of a long term power play by Aunghadhail, one of the nine Queens of the West. Our agents felt she had no real grasp of the true situation we were facing and, more through blind arrogance than any malicious intent, was using Gothmog's offer to wrest concessions from the other eight Queens and the King. This was later confirmed when the situation on the front lines took a turn for the worse and, to secure Aunghadhail's cooperation, they agreed to put her in a position of authority over the armies of the West.>
Almost begging her to go on, I was entranced as she continued: <Now with Gothmog as an ally, the situation stabilised for a time, but it was obvious to those actually on the front lines that the writing was on the wall. When it was proposed to create the succubi, once again Aunghadhail held out for concessions. She, as supreme commander of the armies of the west, wanted control of the weapon. Having very little choice, the others agreed, and the combined magic of the Five Fold Court, along with Gothmog's magic were used to turn me and three other volunteers from smaller sidhe courts into succubi.>
By this time I was almost panting in anticipation as she reached the climax of her story.
<Because of the oaths we had given, Aunghadhail now had an absolute veto over what we could do in the fight against the GOO's agents. Worried about how the standing of her own 'Court of the Burning Oak' would be affected by four previously weak courts now having powerful military resources; and still believing we were exaggerating the seriousness of the threat, she refused to allow us to take the gloves off and unleash the full power of the succubi. As a result, constrained by our oaths, the succubi were relegated to simple intelligence gathering and assassination, and were specifically ordered not to mount an insurrection behind enemy lines. When the final surprise assault by the agents of the GOO arrived, it was too late and there was nothing we could do. Ironically, to keep us out of Aunghadhail's hair, my three sisters and I had been assigned to remote outposts and, as a consequence, survived the Sundering. Although, sadly, my sisters were driven insane with grief and eventually had to be killed to prevent them from unleashing a second cataclysm on a re-emergent civilisation.>
Wanting to know what happened next, I was reminded: <That is a story for later, for now your friends will be getting worried.>
Just as I was about to dash off, something occurred to me about what mum had said: <Wait a minute, if you have been bound by magical oaths not to unleash the full power of the succubus, am I bound by the same oaths?>
<Nay child, I was released from the oaths that bound me when Aunghadhail unleashed the Sundering. In any case, what remained of the spirit of the Queen passed into the final death six months past. None of that matters though, the power is yours not mine and you have sworn no oaths.>
Not really considering what mum meant by Aunghadhail finally being dead, I dashed into the room only to remember at the last moment I was still in my succubus aspect.
Quadruple Crap!
Everyone was gob-smacked. I had warned them about my true form and its appearance, but being warned is not the same as being prepared.
Seeing me, Achmed started to mutter in Arabic about 'Takbīr', 'Qarînah' and 'Inanna'.
Justice though, was my greatest concern. Falling to his knees, he was practically banging his head off the floor as he announced: “I am yours Ọya-Iyansan . My life, my soul are yours. Lead us in battle Ọya-Iyansan, Warrior Goddess of ancient Ilé-Ifẹ̀, in your name we will spill the life blood of your enemies like water in the sand”
Unbelievably, things got worse when Achmed, evidently resolving his internal debate, got on his knees and echoing Justice, announced: “Yes Holy Inanna, lead us, we will bathe in the blood of your enemies. In the name of my ancestors, Inanna of the Morning and Evening Stars, Warrior Goddess of Uruk, I pledge my life to be your sword”
Tim and Jules were also close to religious hysteria and Cassie was looking at me goggle eyed and asking: “Is that really you Luna?”
I was nearly ready to scream in frustration. Coming so quickly on the heels of my epiphany on how a minority of my fellow students would take the view I was a Goddess, having my new friends react like this to my true form was the last thing I needed. Switching back to my human aspect, I pleaded: “Please get up, it's just me, Fiona. I'm a girl, a mutant just like you. I'm not a Goddess of War, or anything like that, please get up....”
Reaching down, I pulled them to their feet. Although they flinched at my touch, they finally returned to sitting on the bed, and I pointed out: “You both hate religion, you made that perfectly clear during dinner, and now you are ready to fall down and worship the first shape-shifter you see?”
Achmed put it together first, though Justice was a close second as they both queried: “Shape shifter?”
“Doh! What else do you call it when someone changes forms? It's a fairly common mutant trait.”
Seeing a glimmering of understanding, I thought that maybe shifting into a secondary form would help. I had never done it, but during my initial instruction, mum had made clear I could take any form as long it was female. Thinking quickly, I shifted into the form of a little black kitten.
As I crawled out of the jumble of my armour, which had fallen to the floor in a disorganised heap, Cassie and Jules gave a delighted scream of: “Oh how cute.” and immediately picked me up and started to rub my belly.
It was then that I realised that, somehow, my jewellery was with me but not with me. Kind of stupid I know. To put it another way, it wasn't in the heap of my armour, and I wasn't visibly wearing it, but I could still sense the belly ring reliquary. Yelling: <Mum!>, she calmly replied: <After seeing how your make-up and piercings transferred along with you as you shifted between your human and succubus aspects, I thought this might happen.>
<What do you mean? Would you mind explaining in simple words of no more than two syllables?>
<Well, you cast a ward of Keeping and Guarding on the jewellery didn’t you?>
<Yes. So, what's that got to do with the price of milk?>
Being deliberately obtuse my mum replied: <What’s the price of milk got to do with what happened to your jewellery?>
Wanting to bang my head off the wall, I let out a mental <Argh!> which came out as tiny meowing: “Grrr!”
This made Cassie and Jules even more idiotic as they gave another delighted scream of: “Oh, how cute!” and redoubled their attempts to tickle me senseless.
Getting myself under control, I politely told mum: <Never mind, 'the price of milk' is just an expression. Could you please explain what’s happened to my jewellery?>
Laughing, she replied: <Okay seriously. When you cast the ward of Keeping and Guarding, you and the jewellery became attuned. Now, the magic sees not just the piercings, but the entire ensemble as being a part of you. Since the jewellery has no place in the appearance of the kitten, the pattern is still present but not physically manifested, and, like the way you can access a portion of the succubus aspect even when it is not manifested, you will be able to access a portion of the power of your jewellery.>
Thinking this sounded reasonable, I was struck by another thought: <Does this mean when I cast a ward of Keeping and Guarding on my armour, its pattern will become part of the change?>
Echoing Sam at her most insulting, she answered: <I thought that's what I just said?>
Ignoring the sarcasm, I gave an exultant victory leap while shouting: “Yes!”
This of course came out as a feral leap into the air with a kittenish: “Yeolw!”
Ducking to avoid Cassie and Jules, I dashed to my armour hoping everyone would get the message that I needed the boys to leave so I could change back. Cassie understood immediately and bundled them out into the hallway. By the time she got the door completely closed, I was already in my human form, had removed the belt and was slipping back into my costume. About twenty seconds later, I was sitting at my desk redoing the laces on my sandals as a very sheepish and apologetic Achmed and Justice re-entered along with a beaming Jules and dumbfounded Tim.
Once every one was seated, and wanting to clear up something that was bothering me, I asked: “Achmed, what did you mean when you called me Inanna of the Morning and Evening Stars?”
Still a bit unsure as to whether or not I was a deity, he replied carefully: “In the myths and legends of the Tigris and Euphrates valley, Inanna was represented in the night sky by the planet Venus and had two aspects: The Warrior Goddess who brings confusion and destruction to her enemies and her other aspect: The Love Goddess who brings the pleasures of sex and fecundity to her followers. Her priests were homosexual who, along with her priestesses, as part of their religious celebration worked as temple prostitutes.”
He really had to get that last bit in, that didn't he. If the idea that I was not just a Goddess, but a Goddess who pimped her priesthood gained currency on campus, I might just surrender myself to camp #4 for execution.
Trying to change the subject I cast an inquiring gaze at Justice, who offered just as carefully: “In Nigerian folklore, Ọya-Iyansan was the Orisha of a Warrior Goddess, who brought death and destruction to her enemies on the wings of a Tempest. She was guardian of the gates to the underworld and mother of Egungun-oya, the Orisha of Divination.”
With a chill running down my spine, for the umpteenth time I screamed: <Mum!>
<I told you, my sisters were insane. I spent aeons searching for a cure, but, at the dawn of the current age, I was eventually left with no choice and had to kill them. It is still quite painful and I would rather not talk about it.>
Sensing mum's pain, I turned my attention back to my friends, and wanting to change the subject, I quickly told them how I was arranging a trip to the Rodgers Boutique so that the Praetorian Guard would have armour similar to mine. Which, of course, resulted in a short argument about how I couldn't be expected to pay for something as expensive as magical armour.
Reminding them that, for me, the magical part was only a few minutes work. I told them the appointment provided the perfect excuse for me to see Cecilia about setting up a business deal between her and Blackstar Corporation. Then, pointing out they would actually be doing a form of product testing and I should be paying them to use the armour, I hit them with the logic of needing to work through a few prototypes so that Starfury could adapt the spell to human magic.
Once I had put it in those terms, it didn't take long for them to see that they would actually be doing me a big favour by using the armour. (Having a little bit of sense, I wisely kept quiet about the potential resale value.)
With that settled, I brightly suggested: “Okay, who wants to see some magic?”
Needless to say, there were cries of: “ME!”... “ME!” echoing around the room.
I had already decided what I wanted to do, and after a quick consultation with mum, she agreed it was possible. Getting out my blackboard and chalk, I asked Cassie for her P-3AT semi-automatic.
After quickly checking the magazine was empty and there was nothing in the chamber, I placed it to one side and asked Cassie to take a position beside the blackboard. In the process, explaining that I was about to draw a pentagram and, unlike in films, she should never enter a pentagram directly unless she trusted the spell-caster more than she trusted her own mother.
Asking Tim to turn off the electric lights, I got Achmed and Justice to open the curtains and windows to let in the night sky. The stars were out with the moon fully visible in the south facing window, and, after another quick conference with mum, I drew a slightly different version of the pentagram for the ward of Keeping and Guarding and placed the gun in the centre. This time, as I wove the weave, I extended it out of the circle to include Cassie who gave a start as if goosed when I released it.
Getting Tim to turn the lights back on, I handed Cassie the pistol and, with a big smile, asked: “Well?”
Taking the pistol in her hands, she had a puzzled look to her face and examined it closely before answering: “I couldn't see anything happen, but I felt a click as if a lock had been closed. When I handled the P-3AT before, it always felt as if I was handling my daddies gun. Now it feels like it really belongs to me?”
With some measure of relief that it had worked, I replied: “I cast a 'ward of Keeping and Guarding', the gun really does belong to you now. It can't be damaged and it won't jam or misfire. If someone picks it up with bad intentions, they will get a nasty shock or maybe even a burn. If they ignore the warning and try to use it, the gun will turn in their hand and they will end up shooting themselves.”
There was a kind of sceptical look on her face, as if I was pulling a fast one on her, but I had a second part to what I planned to show my team. Getting up and going to my jewellery box, I pulled out one of a pair of mass-produced silver brooches I had bought with a Lapis-Lazuli inlay. As, I was doing this, I tweaked Cassie's vanity by pointing out: “Of course the enchantment won't help you shoot straight. I expect you're going to have to get the boys to show you how to do that.”
The boys, including Jules, broke into howls of laughter as an indignant Cassie was spluttering and choking so badly she was unable to reply.
The brooches I had bought were about 4cm long by 3cm wide and reminded me of the Ranger's brooches in Babylon 5, a Scifi series I had always liked. I had bought them with the intention of trying to create enchanted insignia for Blackstar squad and thought it would be nice to do the same for the Praetorian Guard. Explaining this to them, and that I intended to enchant brooches for everyone, I cleaned off my blackboard, turned off the lights and, asking Cassie to retake her position, recast the ward of Keeping and Guarding.
The next bit, since I had more or less worked it out on my own, was something I was quite proud of. Well, mum helped a bit, but the principle was there. One of the first spells using human magic I had learned was a cloaking spell, and with a slight modification to the pentagram and the weave, I was confident I could cast it as an enchantment.
Cleaning off the blackboard, I reworked the pentagram and inscribed the words 'Invisibilia' and 'Visibilium' to the left and right of the centre. Then, placing the brooch between the words, I wove my modified cloaking spell into the brooch and inverted it.
Easy-peasy. Getting the boys to turn the lights back on I handed the brooch to Cassie and told her that to activate the enchantment, she should touch the centre of the brooch and think 'Invisibilia', and when she was ready to dispel it, touch the brooch again and think 'Visibilium'.
Looking a bit sceptical, she fastened the brooch above her left breast, and nervously touching the brooch, muttered: “Invisibilia”
As the boys gaped open mouthed at the spot where Cassie had vanished, I gave an exultant: “Yes! It worked.”
It wasn't perfect, there was a slight shimmering distortion as Cassie moved around the room. I was a bit miffed at this, but mum insisted what I had done was quite remarkable and many powerful mages would not be able to repeat it. She also pointed out that, if Cassie moved slowly and carefully, the effect wouldn't be noticeable.
Even though we were able to follow her movements, the boys still jumped when a disembodied voice announced from the corner: “I can see your eyes following me, so don't try to pretend I'm invisible. I'm not stupid.”
Achmed and Justice in particular were becoming increasingly freaked out, and I gently suggested: “Em, Cassie, why don’t you touch the brooch and think 'Visibilium', then we'll talk about this.... Please!”
After she had done as I asked, we told her that she really had been invisible and we were only able to follow her because of a distortion as she moved quickly. Explaining that if she moved like a hunting cat no one would know she was there, I suggested she go and test it on Poe's unsuspecting residents.
From the initial panicked screams coming from the sun room next door, it sounded like the 'Haunting of Poe Cottage' was off to a good start, and, with no sign of Cassie returning after the screams had subsided, we filled in the time by idly speculating on what further mischief our ghost would get up to. When Cassie did finally return to recount the havoc she had created in the sun room, havoc which was quickly repeated in the common room downstairs, we were nearly in hysterics. Apparently, the haunting of Poe Cottage had finally been brought to an end when Mrs Horton arrived in the common room and, with a gesture, had directed an invisible Cassie into her office. Being a sport, she had not offered an explanation to the other freshers.
Cassie was ecstatic, and was in full burst fire speech mode as she recounted all this, telling us that Mrs Horton was more amused than anything else and only suggested that a good prank should never be overdone or it loses its effectiveness.
Unfortunately, as per my usual hectic life, I still had a lot to do that night. Putting on my sapphire belt and bracelet, I picked up the blackboard, chalks and the second brooch, clipped on the security radio and once again making apologies, headed off downstairs to tell Mrs Horton I needed to go out to the Grove.
Enchanted Armour
After checking into the security net, I flew directly to the glade I had previously used and cheerily announced my presence with: <Hi forest, I'm back again. I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to use your glade for some more magic?>
There was a kind of chuckling as It replied: <Why, if it isn't the Daughter of the Moon. What a surprise, and what wondrous magics will you work tonight child?>
<Well, I have a brooch I want to enchant with an invisibility spell, I need to enchant my armour and I've got a couple of other little enchantments I'd like to try. Then, if you don't mind, I would like to explore your forest in an animal form. Mum says I should learn to be comfortable moving around and hunting like: cats, wolfs, bears, even snakes, spiders and skunks. She says it too dangerous for mice and rats in the forest though, and I should save that for being in the cities.>
It chuckled again, telling me: <Well, I don't really like people hunting my animals. There is a balance here and hunting without good reason upsets that balance, but since you wont catch anything I don’t suppose it will matter.>
Okay that got my back up. I hadn't really intended to catch anything, just sneak up and see how close I could get, but I was kind of insulted that it didn't think I had the remotest chance in hell of getting anywhere near close enough. Of course since the Grove is telepathic I didn't need to explain this, and being a very polite 'Being', It tactfully suggested: <I do not mean to intrude on your thoughts child, but, while the scent you are wearing is very pleasant, it is a human scent and will give away your presence whether you are in animal form, invisible or both!>
Mum snickered, saying: <Thankyou ancient one. I was going to save that particular lesson for later, but judging from the heat of her blush, I think your gentle instruction will be remembered long after anything a mere mother could teach her.>
Taking pity on me, the Grove offered: <I will cause to have collected some pleasant smelling dried herbs and grasses that the First People once used, scatter them amongst your clothes. When you wish to hunt unseen, wash your body with clean water to remove any human smells and the scent of your clothing will blend with the forest.>
Then, saying goodbye It warned me:<The herbs and grasses will be ready when you next visit, but be wary of the Were People to the South, they are not tolerant of uninvited guests hunting on their lands.>
With that, Its presence withdrew.
Getting naked 'again' and fastening my own brooch onto the armour just above the chainmail, it didn't take long to cast a ward of Keeping and Guarding on both the brooch and the armour. Then, after removing the brooch, I cast the invisibility enchantment. The enchantment to turn the costume into magical armour was, so far, the most complicated spell I had ever cast; but with mum's help it went okay. After reattaching the brooch, I was ready for the last enchantment I had planned. It was something mum had suggested to help with my wardrobe problems, but it was very finicky. . The idea was to attach a couple of dimensional folds to individual sapphires of the belt. These would act like pockets in which I could keep a spare set of clothing and my armour.
It took me three attempts to get the symbols and pentagram correct, and, since the flow, meter and scansion of an enchantment is as important as the weave itself, this meant I had to restart from the beginning each time. It was with genuine relief when I inverted the weave into a single sapphire at the back of the belt without the weave breaking up into a cloud of hobgoblins.
I then had to wipe the board clean and repeat the entire process, weaving a second pocket onto an adjacent sapphire. This time I managed to sketch the symbols and pentagram, followed by the weave, in one single pass. I was so pleased, I decided to make third pocket for my blackboard, along with a fourth for the cleaning cloth and chalks and a fifth for the sand, (which I hadn't used yet.)
There were 16 sapphires on the belt, which meant sixteen potential pockets and if I enchanted the aquamarine belt, I could double this to thirty-two. It was really quite nifty, and I was in an exceptionally good mood as I got dressed. Clipping the radio onto my armour, I had a brainwave.
Reaching behind me, I could feel the subtle differences in each of the pockets, and was easily able to pull out my blackboard and chalks. Then, it took only a few minutes to cast a ward of Keeping and Guarding into the radio. Packing everything away again, I clipped the radio to my armour, plugged in the ear bud and changed into a jet black puma.
Now, it was just a case of waiting.
Silently padding to the edge of the Grove, the night was alive with the scents and sounds of the forest. It was invigorating, almost as exciting as flying. When, stalking along the edge of the Grove, revelling in the feelings and emotions of a predator in its natural environment, I heard over the radio a status update from security, I let out a snarling roar of triumph. Which, unfortunately, was heard by a nearby security patrol.
Hearing a babble of alarmed radio chatter about a beast exiting the forest, I briefly thought about keeping quiet, but since security was moving onto full alert, this wasn't really an option. Changing back into succubus form, I pressed the Tx button and sent: [Break-Break. Luna to C&C. Relax guys, it was me. Over]
There was a second of startled silence before I heard Sam reply: {Hive to Luna. What have you done now Luna. Over]
[Luna to Hive. I was testing an enchantment to see if I could listen in on the security net when in animal form. When it worked, my excitement came out as a roar. Over]
There was a very slight pause as she processed this, (which for Sam was an eternity,) before she replied: [Hive to Luna. We will talk about this tomorrow. For the moment, try to restrain your exuberance. People have been killed by things coming out of the Grove. The place makes security very nervous. Over.]
[Luna to Hive. Wilco Hive. Am now going to make an aerial patrol of campus. Expect to be invisible. Over]
There was a slightly longer pause as she processed that transmission, before she acknowledged: [Hive to Luna, Copy that Luna. Have a nice flight, and please try to stay out of trouble. Out]
Since I seemed to be in the clear, I invoked my cloaking charm and took off for a leisurely flight around Emerson and Twain.
After returning to Poe and checking out of the radio net, I got back to my room to find a very sleepy Cassie waiting up for me. She was still kind of new to the idea of actually having someone that liked her for her own sake, and, in a way, it was quite touching, but it was also really sad that someone could be so badly abused. I kind of suspected that she was the type of girl that needed constant reassurance,and this was the reason why she had waited up. So, I gave her a run down on my most recent misadventure with security, which brought on gales of laughter from the both of us. Laughter which was quickly followed by a loud banging on the door with one of my neighbours screaming: “It's 1 o'clock in the 'fucking' morning and I just spent the last two days on a bus!”
Getting the message, we gave them our apologies, and wisely kept our talking to a whisper as I prepared for bed. Plugging the radio in the charger, I dumped my jewellery on my desk, stripped off my costume and covered up with the bath robe. After cleaning off my make-up, I headed off to shower and clean my teeth. Cassie had finally fallen asleep by the time I returned, so, deciding I couldn’t resist the temptation of the satin weave any longer, I pulled on the satin sleeping bra and briefs, along with the transparent silk negligee.
Believe me, the experience was far too personal to share.
When I finally crawled between the satin sheets Cecilia had made for me, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. This was reinforced when mum, showed me how to enter a dream shard.
The landscape which mum had chosen was a small Mediterranean island at night in midsummer. On a slight rise there was a colonnaded marble building, open to the stars and hung with silks gently stirring in the slight breeze. The rise overlooked a sandy beached cove with a reflected moonbeam tracing its length. It really was like a slice of paradise, and asking mum where it was, she replied it was a memory of her original home.
After a quick lesson on how I could shape the shard to my own whim, she told me that I would be able to bring other people here and, once I learned the full use of the dream, I would discover it to be one of my most powerful resources. Then, since it was my first visit, she encouraged me to go and swim in the moonlit bay, relax and enjoy myself.
Getting up around 4:30 am, I quietly collected my bathrobe and toiletries before heading off to take care of the usual morning business. I didn't think my hair needed washing, so after a quick shower and cleaning my teeth, I used the mirror to comb and brush my hair. This time, probably because I had brushed it before going to bed, it wasn't as badly tangled.
Cassie was obviously exhausted and still asleep. Not wanting to disturb her, I set up the laptop Sam had given me and reviewed yesterday's security reports. Since most of the students had yet to return, it didn't take long. The only two incidents worth mentioning were my run in with Special Agent Bernstein and a report from a couple of maintenance workers called Stan and Morrie. Apparently, according to the report, the 'magical' and 'biological' entities in the sewage network appeared to be cooperating in an attempted break out.
I wasn't quite sure what to make of this, I mean it sounded like they were playing a joke on me, but it was Whateley, and I made a note of it. As a result, my final summary suggested that if they didn’t want the students beating up the recruiters, maybe it would help if we were given a bit warning about their presence. As far as the report about the 'monsters', I suggested maybe I should be fully briefed. Satisfied, I encrypted a copy and sent it off to Sam.
Checking my in-box, there was an encrypted copy of Sam's sign-off report on Blackstar squads temporary dormitory. This had already been CC-ed to Carson, Delarose and my guardian, so it required no further action except for making a paper copies.
Since it was still too early to really move about without waking up Cassie, I was really at a loose end, and asking mum about it, she suggested: <Well, you could cast an enchantment onto one of the sapphires on your bracelet to let you move quietly.>
Dawn was just about to break, and kind of shocked, I asked: <Doesn't it need to be dark to do that?>
<No, the magical power of your succubus and sidhe heritage are at a peak during the night, but you have your human talent; and anyway, even if we can't see them, the stars are always present. Also, remember your titles: You are 'Countess of the Twilight Shadow', and can draw great power from the change between day and night.>
Luckily, Cassie hadn't closed the curtains. So, quickly retrieving my casting equipment from my belt and picking up the bracelet, I unrolled my blackboard. Inscribing the pentagram, symbols as mum directed, I added the activation phrases 'Silentium' and 'Sonitus' and quickly wove an inverted weave into one of the sapphires of the bracelet. Slipping it on, I could feel the weave as I fingered the 10 sapphires of the bracelet. Thinking 'Silentium', it didn't seem to make any difference, but taking mum at her word, I lifted up the edge of my toolbox and dropped it. I heard the bang as it hit the floor, but Cassie didn't budge.
In case you are wondering, I didn't know Latin. Evidently, my mum was a spirit of hidden talents.
Noticing the spare battery for the radio, and since it would have been very embarrassing to change form and lose the radio's battery, I took the opportunity to cast a ward of Keeping and Guarding into it. Then, remembering what the Grove had told me about masking my smell, and feeling quite proud of how all my enchantments had just seemed to fall into place, I asked mum if it was possible to cast an enchantment to do this.
I was horrified when she answered: <Maybe one day when you are more skilled. The problem is that your scent is carried on the wind or left behind when you touch something. As soon as the scent left the area covered by your aura, it would revert to its true form. What you would need to do is create a spell of transmutation and apply it only to your scent as it left your body. If that particular application of transmutation backfired, it could leave you looking like a slug, turn you into a marble statue or worse.>
Shuddering, I replied: <Never mind, the Grove likes me and I'm sure a pot-pourri of scented herbs and grasses will work just fine.>
Having exhausted the possibilities of magical enchantments, I set about getting ready for my morning appointment with the power testing people. Putting away my enchanting tools, I went to my wardrobe and chose the capri jeans, along with the deep blue crop top with a fringe that matched the jeans. The red bra I wore the previous day was still serviceable, but this meant the only clean matching knickers was the red silk thong. Taking the philosophical attitude, I resigned myself to the indignities of women's fashion, and slipped it on.
Let's just say, it was an interesting experience and leave it at that shall we.
Adding the sandals from my armour to my chosen wardrobe, I quickly got dressed, and packed the rest of the armour into its pouch in my belt. Then, picking out a halter top and the short skirt for an emergency wardrobe, I shoved that into another pocket. With all that done, I was free to turn to hair and making-up. I liked the delicate maiden's braids and thinking it would go well with the casual style I was aiming for, I quickly worked them in around my bindi and fastened them in place with the silver hair-clasp. I was now fairly adept with my one and only style of make-up, so that also went on quickly. Choosing the moon-cameo from yesterday and a dark blue velvet choker, after transferring everything from the blue velvet shoulder bag back to the original black leather one, I was practically ready.
Sitting back in my chair, I decided that if I was not going to be sleeping, I rally needed to stock up the room's small fridge with snacks and breakfast materials, this made me think about a coffee machine and kettle. I had never been a great coffee drinker. My birth parents had always insisted I was too young, but now that I was an exemplar that hardly seemed to matter. Apart from that, it seemed to me that sitting back with a cup of nice coffee might be a good way to relax for a few minutes. With that in mind, I resolved to pick up some snacks and coffee supplies when I visited the store to get some more brooches. Thinking of enchantments made me think of what I could enchant for the boys to have a 'sneaking quietly charm'
A childish name I know, but I could think of a better one.
The problem was masculine pride. By selling the brooch as military insignia from a fierce warrior group, the boys would accept it, but if I tried to get them to wear girls jewellery... Well, it didn't take prescience to predict problems. I was mulling this over when I heard Cassie begin to stir.
When she saw me turning towards her, knuckling her eyes, she sleepily announced: “Morning Fiona, your up early, what time is it?”
Replying: “Morning girlfriend, it's about 6:30, but I don't really sleep. I hope I didn't wake you?”
Cassie looked at me with a slightly alarmed expression and started to wiggle her finger in an ear.
Cursing my stupidity, without thinking I thought sharply: <Sonitus> and said: “Sorry, I was testing a new enchantment, I don't really sleep and needed to move about quietly without waking you.”
Waking up completely, Cassie replied excitedly: “Oh! A new enchantment... Oh, you need to show me... Oh you don't sleep. Oh, you poor thing... Oh,...”
It took me a moment to realise I hadn't touched the enchanted sapphire.
While letting Cassie ramble a bit, mum quickly told me:<It happens, it's not even uncommon. Powerful mages can nearly always invoke their enchantments without directly touching the charm or talisman. You are wearing the bracelet and you are used to talking in your mind, this helped you focus the thought directly at the charm. Its good news, it means you can probably use your enchantments when in animal form.>
Not wanting to appear rude, I turned my attention back to Cassie who was still rambling as she got out of bed. Holding up my hands, I told her: “Whoa, slow down girl. I was going to make a 'sneaking quietly charm' for you and the others anyway, and tonight we have to enchant your armour. So you will get to see plenty of magic, probably more than enough to bore you to tears.”
An incredulous Cassie, was shocked out of her staccato speech enough to indignantly ask: “A 'sneaking quietly charm'! What kind of name is that?”
Looking shamefaced, I admitted: “I couldn't think of a better name.”
Cassie, obviously in her element, after a moments thought, snapped her fingers and suggested : “A 'Hush Charm' is so much nicer don't you think? A 'sneaking quietly charm' sounds so sordid! ”
Thinking it over, I broke out into a grin and suggested: “Yeah, I like it a 'hush charm'. Since you're so clever can you think of something we could enchant that the boys would wear?”
Okay, that one had her stumped.
Not wanting to admit defeat, she replied: “Let me think about while I go and get a shower. I saw how much you ate last night and I am sure you are probably starving.”
Starting to grab her toiletries, towel and the like, she suggested I should go and wake up the boys. Telling me: “We agreed after you left last night that we should all meet up for breakfast and the first one up should wake the others.”
What with it being the first day in a new place, most of the other freshers were already up and getting ready; that being said, some were obviously a bit grumpy at not getting a long lie in. Achmed and Justice, were used to getting up with the dawn and were already ready and preparing to come and wake us up. Tim and Jules were more problematic, Tim was already dressed, but Jules had had a relapse and was curled up in bed with covers over his head. Asking Tim to go and wait with Justice and Achmed, I sat down on Jules's bed and gently asked what the problem was?
After a bit of coaxing, and with a few sobs, he admitted: “I don't know if I can do this, I'm scared... I don't know how to be a boy.”
Pointing out that I didn't know how to be a girl produced an incredulous look, so I had to remind him I had only been a girl for a few day's. Then, I asked him: “I know it's not easy for you and I have magic helping me adjust; but once I got used to the idea, I found I liked being a girl. Now tell me the truth. What do you like about your new body?”
Thinking about it carefully, he answered: “Well when we were in the forest I liked being strong, but Tim was really enjoying taking charge and being the man so it just seemed easier to keep on playing at being the weak girl.”
The follow up question was easy: “Okay, what don't you like about your new body?”
Again carefully considering his answer, he replied: “It's just so weird, everything is different: The way I move.... The way I talk.... The way people look at me... The way I relate to people.... It's just too much to take in, I feel lost.... It's like I don't know who I am any more.”
“Okay, then imagine you had a spell working its magic and helping you to adjust, would you like being a boy then?”
Looking up at me, he asked hopefully: “Could you do that for me?”
Smiling, I replied: “I wouldn't even know where to begin, the spell that's working on me took the combined might of half a dozen Elder Gods and a renegade GOO....”
Then holding up a finger to punctuate what I was saying, I went on: “But!... Don't you see?... Your first thought wasn't to ask if I could change you back. It was to ask if I could help you adjust.”
With what was still quite a feminine shrug and a: “Humph!”, he replied: “You tricked me.”
Feeling absolutely no shame, I replied: “Well, yes I did. It's called feminine wiles. The point is though, you have friends to help you, and, once you start getting used to the idea, you have more or less admitted you are going to like being a boy.”
Letting that sink in, before heading for the door, I suggested: “Now come on, everyone is starving and we are all waiting on you.”
Heading back to my room to wait for Cassie and Jules, I picked up my shoulder bag and radio. Fifteen minutes later we were all ready.
Power Testing
When we were reviewing the previous day's events in the dream shard, mum had suggested that I seemed to have an affinity for Starlance's telepathic technique, and it would be a good idea to get into the habit of scanning for strong or hostile emotions. Doing this, and pointing out a few recruiters hiding in far off bushes, I explained to the others about Agent Bernstein while we walked to Crystal hall. Cassie wanted to play at being a ghost again, something the others felt had definite possibilities. Fortunately, since the recruiters were actively moving out our way; and anyway, and I was already in enough trouble, we got to breakfast without incident.
It was still early, and with there being no real queue, we were soon sitting around eating and gabbing about what life would be like at Whateley. Having the time to enjoy the company of friends seemed like the first bit of normality I had had since I entered the web of fate at the end of June, and by the time I headed off to my power testing appointment, I was feeling very relaxed and quite mellow.
My initial appointment was in the Doyle medical complex, and I was surprised to see Sam waiting for me. When I asked her what was going on, she explained: “Well, you are my protégée, and what with what you've been up to since you arrived, I have a lot of questions. Then of course there is the testing of your armour. I am really curious to see how 'that' performs...”
Adding, with a meaningful look at the walls, in a voice not much above a whisper: “Of course there are also added security dimensions. A lot of very powerful people are extremely anxious to meet you.”
At my questioning look, in a louder voice designed to carry, she told me: “By the way, I have arranged an appointment with Project Director Jefferson of the MCO to expatiate the issuing of your MID. He's an old friend of mine from way back, and has other business here with Mrs Potter. When he called to see if I wanted to hook up, I asked him to do your paperwork as a favour.”
Any thoughts of what was going on were dispelled when a nurse arrived to take me to my first appointment, a basic medical. Which, other than telling you that my human aspect was a healthy human 'female' in the age range 13 to 16, I am not repeating any details. I still blush just thinking about it.
Well, one thing that I should mention: My regen rather than being the expected 2, was estimated at a borderline 5-6. This had me mystified, ignoring my prescient knowledge, while the Baron's people weren't the best in the world, they weren't completely inept and they had confirmed I was only a regen 2. Mum had told me that normally succubi, being extremely tough, were highly resistant to battle damage and had enhanced healing. Although they used enchantments and spells to help speed recovery, true regenerative healing required infusions of essence. Because of this, when we got to the underground labs beneath Doyle, the power testing people were curious about the Baron's results, but wanted to test me from scratch.
Just to recap: I had managed to hide the fact I was an Avatar 5 and disguise my high level esper trait enough to be downgraded from PDP 3 to a PDP 2. This resulted in the Barons people rating me:
Exemplar 2:
Manifestor 1
Power Mimic 1
PDP 2:
Wizard 2-3
Regen 2
Whateley had one of the best power testing labs in the world, and I was soon being scanned by a succession of gadgets and devises. The final results were a shock.
The following were unchanged:
Avatar 5
Manifestor 1
Power Mimic 1
My PDP package, which, (indirectly confirmed by the Barons tests,) prescience told me was:
Pre-cog 6 (high)
Telepath 2, (low)
Telekinetic 2 (low)
Was now:
Pre-cog 6
Telepath 6
Telekinetic 3
Making me a PDP 5. The telepathic boost might be explained by bleed-over from my succubus aspect, but telekinesis was no part of a succubus’s powers.
My Wizard trait was now a high Wizard 6, again this might be explained by bleed-over from my succubus aspect, but that didn't explain why my regen and exemplar traits were now:
Exemplar 6
Regen 5-6
The power testing team were going nuts, almost coming to blows as they accused each other of mucking up the tests. The thing that really had them going was, in addition to the above, their test were showing I was also:
Warper 1
Energiser 1
Pyrokinetic 1
Devisor/Gadgeteer 1
As far as the scientists were concerned , the results were not just unprecedented, they were impossible. I think the only thing that finally stopped their disagreement breaking into open warfare was Sam suggesting: “What about Blackstar squad?”
When they gaped at her with blank faced questioning looks, she continued: “Before her arrival. Luna bonded a team of super-villains, could she be channelling their powers because of her power-mimic trait?”
Personally, I preferred the idea of open warfare. After a moment of stunned silence, they broke into a babbled esoteric discussion. A discussion which was even more heated than the previous round of accusations. What was really annoying about this was they seemed to be forgetting about testing my succubus aspect. To my untrained, very unscientific mind, finding out what measurable mutant powers my succubus aspect had would have at least given them a basic starting position on which to base their wild theories. Not want wanting to interrupt the near orgasmic pleasure they were taking in deriding each others theories, I quietly suggested this to Sam, who, rolling her eyes in their direction, agreed.
Giving a piercing whistle Sam, got their attention and suggested: “Why don't we test Luna's succubus aspect and see what powers it possesses?”
Following a babbled chorus of: “Succubus aspect?”, Sam explained: “I thought you understood, she's a shape-shifter with two stable forms, one is a succubus the other is a human girl. Apparently she can also temporarily take any animal form as long as it is female.”
Another babbled chorus, this time of: “Shape-shifter?... Two stable forms?”, followed by a mad scramble and near fist-fight as they dived back to the test results.
After a short heated discussion, they turned back as one; and with a cold, hard stare, the head researcher announced: “Impossible, there is nothing in the results to indicate any kind of shape-shifting ability.”
Looking to me, Sam quietly asked: “Luna, would you like to demonstrate.”
There was a little curtained off alcove; and explaining about my wings and tail, I used it to change into my armour. While its provocative nature nearly made their eyes pop, switching to my succubus form had their eyes, along with another part of their anatomy, literally bulging. Feeling mildly pissed off at the way they had been treating me, I changed into the black panther from the previous evening and angrily stalked around the lab before letting out a threatening snarl. To drive the point home, I changed into a mouse and scampered under a cabinet. Re-emerging as a king cobra, I rose up, flared my hood and hissed at them.
Switching back into my human aspect, I sweetly announced: “I'm sorry, but there is not enough room in here for me to change into a dragon.”
Maybe this was too much, one of the researchers almost snarled: “Dragons are mythical creatures!”
By this time I had had quite an education on the make up of the Five Fold Court, and pointed out: “For your information Dragons are about as mythical as the Sidhe. During the time of Atlantis they formed the Court of the North and sucubbi were created partly with the aid of their magic.”
Another of the researchers diplomatically suggested: “I would really like to see this, why don't we move to the lab next door, it's set up to test flyers and has a firing range for blasters.”
Getting next door, which proved to be as large as an aircraft hanger, mum agreed it would be large enough and I changed into a golden red dragon, about 3 metres high at the shoulder, 12 metres long from tip to tail, with a wingspan of about 10 metres when fully extended. There was a big concrete block at one end which was obviously intended to be a target, and from about 15 or 20 metres, I slagged it with a 10 second belch of intense flame.
Switching back to my human aspect, I couldn't resist taking a bow.
They didn't even have the decency to applaud as, in an effort to be the first to get to the initial test results, they scrambled for the exit.
Sharing a long suffering look with Sam, we quietly wondered how we were going to get them to focus on testing what mutant traits my succubus aspect possessed as we trudged back through to the original lab.
Once we got them refocused, it turned out my succubus aspect had more or less the same detectable mutant traits as my human aspect. There were some minor differences that were interesting from a researchers point of view; but in practical day-to-day terms, made very little difference. For comparison, they ran me through the same devises and gadgets while in panther form. Again the results were broadly comparable, but with enough subtle differences from each of the other two forms, that, if Sam hadn't intervened, they would have had me spending the next month changing into a succession of animal forms so they could graph the slight changes in how my mutant trait manifested.
Since my succubus shape-shifting was undeniable; but also undetectable with current technology, At Sam's urging, I relayed mum's description of the basic power-set of the succubi. This was:
Shape-shifting as long as it was into a female form. I had two stable forms which I could maintain indefinitely, but I could only maintain the others for about a day at the most.
In sidhe terms, succubi were powerful telepaths and mages.
Again in sidhe terms, enhanced strength, stamina and reflexes.
Without a magical assist, along with a high resistance to battle damage, succubi had enhanced, rather than regenerative, healing.
I could enter the dream world, which was almost my natural environment, and use it to gather intelligence. I could also bring others into my dream, where I would be in complete control of what they experienced.
As I previously explained, I could bond male warriors and subvert an enemy army. When, at the researchers urging, I asked mum if I could bond a lesbian? She didn't know, but suspected it might be possible if the flow of essence I tasted from her was strong enough. Of course, this answer nearly caused the researchers to head off in another tangential round of theorising.
Finally, as I also previously explained, my primary defence was a highly controllable aura, with an effect that ranged from provoking mild sexual interest; through a powerful, but temporary, mesmer to death.
Since devising a way to test my real, (as opposed to copied,) power set was likely to take some time, and at least some of my succubus powers were currently undetectable; after I agreed to make myself available for further testing, and with further prompting from Sam, they ultimately agreed to provisionally rate my basic mutant power-set in accordance with the Barons results and my own prescience.
Moving onto the fun part, they let me try to learn about my mimicked powers. Under their expert, but very rushed, guidance, I found that I could teleport objects upto 20 kilograms around the lab. It was really quite a nifty power. It wasn't the full warping ability of Starport, more like the 'orbing' ability of Paige from Charmed, but still nifty.
My copied energising ability was a bit like having my own built-in taser. Again, nothing spectacular, I had to make physical contact with my hand(s), and only held about six discharges without recharging, but it was still useful. Sam told me the energy discharge was much the same as a police issue taser. The pyrotechnic ability I had also inherited from Starstrike was pretty much the same. I had heat vision with a range of about 15 metres strong enough to light a camp fire, basically about what you would expect from a lighter.
Probably because of the copied exemplar packages, we found I could bench press 1.5 tonnes, and, although I had never even tried to use my natural TK ability, under the guidance of the testing staff, I found I could lift about 300kg within a range of about 15 metres. This was surprising, since Starstrike, who could lift several tonnes, only had range of about 5 metres. I didn't appear to have a TK shield, but I could levitate. Flying using TK was more difficult, and after crashing into a wall, I privately decided to stick to wings.
Time was moving on, and the power testing people were anxious to get rid of us so they could get down to some heavy duty scientific theorising. Sam, however was not one easily deterred. She had devised a couple of experiments to test my armour, and fully intended to carry them out before dinner.
The first one was mildly scary, she had set up an oxy-acetylene cutting torch in a vice and I had to gradually move my hand closer to the point of maximum heat. This, she explained, was the bit just in front of the blue cones. Her Hive computer allowed her to calculate distances very accurately by eye-ball, and when I let out a yelp and finally pulled my hand away, she quickly estimated the armour could withstand temperatures of around 1,200 degrees centigrade. To put that in common blacksmithing terms, heat radiating a clear orange colour. If the heat was radiating a colour that was more whitish, around 1,300 degrees, I would be badly burned.
The initial impact tests were more annoying than painfully. She had a hopper fed, compressed air machine gun thingy, firing lead slugs. While she gradually increased the muzzle velocity, I had to stand in the stream until the slugs made skin contact. It stung like hell, but I would gladly have put up with that when, smiling, she reached under the lab bench and pulled out an AK47.
Exclaiming: “You have got to be bloody kidding me!”, I turned to run like hell. Only to hear a loud bang, with an accompanying push to my back.
Turning slowly to face her, even though I didn't actually feel the bullet touch me, I started pacing and gesturing angrily as I screamed: “You 'fucking' shot me!... I don't 'fucking' believe this, you 'fucking' shot me!....”
Waiting till I had calmed down a bit, she held up her hands and told me: “I wouldn't have done it without a hefty safety margin. Your armour checked out at 80 NS per centimetre squared, and it was a spitzer FMJ round. There was very little danger, if I had miscalculated and the bullet had penetrated the shield, your exemplar 6 rating would have stopped it. The final safeguard was your regen which would have healed any wound in seconds. Now you have proof positive your armour works. If I hadn't shot you, you might not have trusted it enough to take full advantage.”
Letting all that sink in, she pointed out: “When you combine the armour with your exemplar rating, you should be safe from armour piercing rounds fired from the likes of an AK47. Having said that, depending on the range, you still need to be carefully about heavy calibre machine-gun, sniper or anti-brick rounds, and pure iron anti-mage rounds were always going to be a problem. Still, there is no doubt your armour is very effective.”
Angrily stomping behind the curtain, I changed back into my street clothes not even slightly mollified by what she had told me.
Rejoining Sam, I will admit to being slightly exultant that the armour had worked better than expected, but I still felt that she deserved more than a little frostiness. In view of this, I politely listened with my coldest most aloof gaze as she told me she was encrypting all the results from power testing and sending them off to the holo-sims. Being a sneaky son-of-a-bitch, Sam then asked me about my enchantments and changing into an animal form. Unable to contain my enthusiasm, by the time we got back above ground, I had more or less forgiven her.
What with long haired science types anxious to get rid of us so they could get down to some serious arguments about what my test results meant, I was early for dinner. The Praetorians were nowhere in sight, but Jadis and Vamp were just ahead of me. Joining them at the Bad Seeds table, I was once again struck by how important social status was here at Whateley. In a way, it wasn't any worse than any other large school, but the difference between eating on the top tier by the waterfall, compared to eating on the ground floor by the checkout, really rubbed my nose in the fact that I and the Praetorians were at the bottom of the heap.
Apart from that, dinner was pleasant as Vamp and Jadis filled me in on the various cliques and groups around campus and how they fitted into the established pecking order. They both proved to be very knowledgeable and privy to inside information.
When I asked about this, Jadis explained: “Whateley has students from very diverse backgrounds, and some of us, like Phase or me, have been taught from almost as soon as we could talk that knowledge equals power. Others, like Vamp, have had to learn this the hard way. When you realise that, like most schools, many of the students are predatory and add in the super-powered bully factor, having a good intelligence network can save you a lot of grief.”
Vamp was nodding in agreement with what Jadis was saying, and I had to admit it made a lot of sense. Thinking about it, if we included Blackstar squad, I and the Praetorians had the manpower and resources to gather good intelligence about what was really happening on campus, and I resolved to propose we appoint an intelligence officer to correlate reports on gossip, rumour and hard fact.
I was mulling this over when Vamp slyly suggested: “With you being in security, you must have access to all the security reports and secret files?”
Jadis, equally slyly, added: “Access to that type of information could make you a major power broker in the school.”
At my shocked look, they both laughed, and Jadis pointed out: “Don't worry, we're not trying to corrupt you. Lt Trout, Sergeant Buxton and rest of platoon 3 are already so corrupt that there are very few real secrets in security. I know for a fact that Phase has bought at least two of platoon 3 along with Buxton and Trout themselves.”
More out of curiosity than anything else, I asked: “What about you, how many have you bought?”
In reply, she touched a finger to the side of her nose and winked, before deliberately letting slip that she knew about the Praetorian Guard and our intention to rush JROTC.
Funnily enough, I think they were telling me the truth. They weren’t trying to corrupt me, they were just reminding me in a friendly fashion that I did have a lot of resources. I wasn't sure what my clearance level was, but I was getting the unabridged daily security reports. There were ethics to consider of course; but on the other hand, I didn't ask to be in security, and Sam and the Chief must have known I would be put in this position when they decided to include me in the loop. Resolving to take the safe course and ask Sam for guidance, I also resolved not to needlessly hold back info from the Praetorian Guard, or, for that matter, from the rest of my friends if it might save them from trouble.
Remembering about how my guardian wanted to chaperone me and some friends on a jewellery shopping trip, I asked if they were interested. Both their eyes lit up in excitement, which doubled in intensity when I suggested getting Starport to teleport us directly to Boston and organising a limo to ferry us about Boston itself. Vamp sniggered when I regretfully pointed out there was no way my bondsmen would let me go without a bodyguard, although Jadis gave me a look of sympathetic understanding.
With the Boston trip all agreed, I looked over the balcony and saw the Praetorians sitting by the checkout. Still feeling hungry, I reminded my friends I had made arrangements to meet the others, and, with a wave and a promise to meet for dinner again, I went back downstairs for seconds and maybe thirds.
My second dinner was a bit rushed, but we quickly agreed that we should keep an ear out for rumour, gossip and hard fact, and that we needed an intelligence officer to correlate our reports. I had been thinking about who the best choice was on the way down the stairs. It obviously needed to be a joint effort with brainstorming sessions, but we still needed a single individual to actually do the grunt correlation work. With Justice and Achmed not having the cultural background to pick up on the subtle nuances, and Cassie being too excitable and erratic, that left Tim or Jules. On balance, from the way Tim had reacted to Jules's identity crisis the previous day, he was developing the typical male attitude of: 'If hitting it with a hammer doesn't work, get a bigger hammer.', so this left Jules as the only really viable choice.
Diplomatically explaining this to them, I asked Jules if he would take the job. Thinking about it carefully, he asked with a little smile: “Is this your way of trying to help me to adjust to being a boy?”
Grinning with triumph at having made the correct choice, I pointed to the questioning looks the others were giving us and replied: “Yes and no. Yes I do think it would help you, but it wasn't the reason I chose you. The fact that you picked up on that little detail when no one else did, shows you are the best choice.”
Thinking about it some more, he told everyone: “Okay I will do it, from now on you pass on all the little things you hear or see to me.”
When the others agreed, I told them I would introduce them to Blackstar squad, who would also act as Jules's 'eyes and ears'.
Now that we had an intelligence officer, it seemed reasonable to appoint a quartermaster and field medic. The field medic was obvious, turning to Cassie I told her: “Since you've already appointed yourself as healer, that makes you our official field medic. I know that normally you wont need it, but, when you're choosing your classes, try to get an advanced first aid course and I will see about getting you a top-notch aid kit.”
Since Cassie saw the sense in what I was proposing and didn't give me grief about spending money, I was free to turn my attention to appointing a quarter master. Again, the choice was obvious. Looking at Justice I asked him: “We need a quarter master to take care of our equipment and make sure not just that we have everything we need; but more importantly, it is there when we need it. I think you would be perfect for the job. If you take it, you will also be working with Startech to create the devise and gadget tech we need. Starfury and I will provide magical enchantments and charms, and if we need to purchase more specialised gear I will see to it.”
After Justice agreed to be our quartermaster, I told Tim and Achmed: “Just because you two are our heavy hitters, it doesn't mean you can sit back and coast on our coat tails. You will both be expected to help the others as needed, and I may have other jobs for you to do as they come up.”
With everyone happy with the team structure, I pointed out I had a couple of bits of paperwork to do over in Kane hall and would meet them there in fifteen minutes. Then, reminding them that after we had completed the paperwork for JROTC, we had an appointment in Dunwhich, I made further apologies about my hectic schedule and left to see about filing my report.
Heading across the quad, I was kind of distracted and not paying attention when my path was blocked by a moderately good looking boy with a Texan cowboy twang who announced: “Whoa their Little Lady, where are you rushing off to? Why don't you let us good old Texas boys show you around?”
Taking in the situation, I could see he had three companions, two boys who were spreading out to cut me off and a girl who was holding back. From the accent and the way he had introduced himself, he could only be Fantastico from the 'Good O'l Boy'z', and, going by Jadis and Vamp's run-down, that meant the girl was Nantuko a mid level mage; the boy to my left was Roadrunner a fairly slow [witted?] speedster and the boy to my right was 'The Man Called Vengeance' a potentially psychotic, bad tempered energiser.
This was the last thing I needed, and trying to be polite, I told Fantastico: “I am really very busy, so if you don't mind?”
Moving to get around him, he moved to cut me off, exclaiming: “Why, that's a good Scotch accent Little Lady. What's your name honey?”
Okay, to get things clear in your mind, being addressed as 'Little Lady' was irritating, but being called 'Scotch', which is something Americans drink, was downright infuriating. In my coldest voice I answered: “I'm busy, and for your information, I'm Scottish or Scots. At the moment, I don't have time to educate a bunch of illiterate southern rednecks on the difference between being Scots and drinking Scotch, but if you ever get past kindergarten, you can try looking it up in a dictionary.”
Probably a trifle overdone, but I was annoyed. When I moved to try to get past Fantastico for the second time, Roadrunner threw a restraining arm around my chest; in the process, taking the opportunity to fondle my left breast. As far as I was concerned, that was the last straw. I brought the steel reinforced heel of my sandal down hard on his right foot to smash a couple of his metatarsus bones, and, with my situational awareness guiding me, ducked past Fantastico to kick the 'Vengeance Dingbat' full force between the legs.
In justification, I would like to point out that, unless it was a matter of life and death, Chief Delarose had made it very clear to me that using telepathy to smack someone in the goolies was a serious breach of Whateley's canon of psychic ethics.
As I ducked passed Fantastico, he had made the mistake of trying to grab hold of my hair. When he grabbed my left earring by mistake(?), its ward of Keeping and Guarding activated leaving him with a badly burned hand. This gave me the time to make a pirouette on the ball of my left foot and, aiming to either break or dislocate the joint, kick him as hard as I could on the side of his right knee. Needless to say, this put Fantastico down too.
With the three temporarily on the ground, I turned to make my escape while using the radio to frantically transmit: [Break-Break. Officer in trouble in the quad. Repeat. Officer in trouble in the quad. Over]
On a side note: An aficionado of radio communications will have realised that I used the reserved word 'Repeat'. This was because, in the radio protocol of Whately security, 'Repeat' means: 'I am in deep doo-doo and am urgently requesting back-up.'
Anyway, as I broke free, the Praetorian Guard came running up, and, because security were on the way, I had to restrain my friends from tearing my attackers limb from limb. This was why, about three minutes later, a full tactical response team found us facing off against the slowly recovering Good O'l Boy'z.
Wisely, Nantuko had decided to keep out of it. Now, with security being there and a crowd of newly arrived freshers, along with their families, gathering in disappointment at missing the action, she demonstrated superb talent as an actress by hysterically screaming: “The little savage launched a completely unprovoked ambush attack on my friends as we innocently made our way across the quad. She ought to be expelled. People like her don't belong at Whateley.”
Once security got the bitch calmed down, Cassie's gentle nature showed when she brightly offered the injured: “I'm a healer and can see your all hurting pretty bad. Would you like me to fix your boo-boos?”
This produced angry, snarling promises of future retribution from the injured Good O'l Boy'z.
I will probably say this again, but some people have absolutely no sense of civilised behaviour. They could have at least said: 'Thanks for the offer, but no thanks.', before launching into their individual diatribes of hate.
With the audience getting bigger by the minute, and the Good O'l Boy'z evidently fit enough to want to fight some more, the security detail marched us off to Kane hall. Well, we marched, the Good O'l Boy'z, hobbled, limped and hopped.
Entering Kane hall, my esper trait was making me aware that, in the long term, this could easily escalate. When I added in what Vamp and Jadis had said about 'The Man Called Vengeance' in particular, but Fantastico and the rest of his clique as well, the situation was looking decidedly dangerous.
To cut a long story short, there was CCTV covering the quad, and the video clearly backed my side of the story, including my being fondled by Roadrunner. Since Nantuko had continued to perjure herself in front of Delarose, she was guilty of being an accessory. As a result, the Good O'l Boy'z had a group appointment with Carson. The Praetorian Guard had taken no part except to shield me from my vengeful attackers until security arrived, and, since Cassie had been clearly heard to offer healing to the injured, it was agreed they had only been acting as concerned bystanders.
As for me, when Chief Delarose saw the CCTV footage and noted how I had used the minimum force necessary to escape and immediately called for backup, I was also in the clear. Though, he did appear a bit freaked at how it had taken me less than four seconds to put down two seniors and a junior who were all powerful energiser exemplars. (Later, I would hear on the grapevine that the clip would be a big hit on the underground 'Mutant Death Matches' that were broadcasts out of Las Vegas.)
Anyway, all of this was really beside the point. While we were still in Chief Delarose's office, I decided to take the initiative in any potential feud with the Good O'l Boy'z. I had read the school handbook cover to cover, and, with my exemplar memory, I could recite the relevant regulations verbatim. Turning to my team, I asked: “Do you trust me?”
When they nodded ascent, I turned back to the Chief and pointed out: “You know, that this is not going to go away, don't you?”
Glancing over at the glowers from the Good O'l Boy'z, I added: “From what I've heard on the grapevine, 'that lot' have a reputation for seeking vengeance...”
Yes, by using the phrase 'that lot', I was subtly and deliberately being as insulting as possible while still keeping it outwardly civil; and yes, I also intentionally didn't emphasise the code name of the dingbat. (I mean anyone who named himself 'The Man Called Vengeance' had to be a 'Class 1, certified lunatic'.)
Hedging, Chief Delarose carefully replied: “What exactly do you have in mind Fiona?”
Whining a little, I asked: “Did Admiral Everhart tell you that we were coming over to rush JROTC so that we could form our own training team?”
When he even more carefully, nodded affirmative. I hit him with my best big puppy eyes, and proposed: “Well you see, I've been reading the school handbook and juniors and seniors are required to form training teams. There is also a provision for challenge matches between opposing teams.”
Seeing him getting ready to scotch the idea at birth, I rushed to get out: “The Praetorian Guard formally offer a Team Challenge to the Good O'l Boy'z currently present. To make it interesting, if we win, we get their table on the first, [US second,] floor balcony of Crystal hall. If they win I will bus their table for the Fall term.”
Cassie excitedly burst in: “So will I.... I mean, if we lose, I will bus their table as well.”
At the sly expressions entering the faces of the Good O'l Boy'z, including, creepily enough, Nantuko, Delarose held up is hand and asked: “Are you sure about this Fiona, you won't be able to take them by surprise a second time?”
When I nodded, he looked over the rest of the Praetorian Guard and seeing equally determined expressions, he sighed before picking up his phone. Telling us: “It's not up to me, it will be up to Gunny Bardue and RSM Burlington-Smythe.”
A very short two minutes later, Gunny Bardue, RSM Burlington-Smythe and Sam bustled in as a group. Burlington-Smythe was gloating and rubbing his hands as he said: “What's this I hear about our little girl getting in fights, forming training teams and issuing challenges.... My, how quickly they grow up these days.”
Sam and Gunny Bardue, on the other hand, had very grim expressions on their faces. The Good O'l Boy'z, taking all this in, suddenly realised this was serious and, while in a brawl they were individually powerful, none of them had any real combat training.
I was really surprised when Gunny Bardue angrily stated: “What's this, a group of juniors and seniors don't think they can take on a group of newly manifested freshers lead by a pre-fresher?”
Faced with that insult, the Good O'l Boy'z quickly agreed to the challenge, and the match was set for the Sunday at the end of fresher's week
As we were ushered out to register for JROTC, the Chief curiously asked me why I hadn't used my telepathy or mesmer in the fight in the quad? My explanation that the previous morning he had made absolutely clear his position on using psychic powers unless it was a matter of life and death, nearly caused his eyebrows to lift clear off the top of his head.
The really weird thing was, except for what I would later find out was Lt Trout, Sergeant Buxton and the rest of platoon B, who redoubled their efforts to stay out of my cross-hairs, my standing with the rump of security actually went up.
To be continued, comments are always welcome.
To cut down on my hate-mail, I would like to point out that Luna's diatribe against “illiterate southern rednecks” was directed at Fantastico and his goons personally, and not in any way, shape or form directed at Texan cowboys.
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Very intricately woven story love to see how deeply luna affects the Whaterly canon
As far as affecting canon is concerned:
As far as affecting canon is concerned: Except in the extremely unlikely case of the canon authors incorporating parts of Luna's story, it should not affect canon at all. Selene's view of the both the civil war and Aunghadhail's role in the event's leading up to the Sundering, was an opinion held by the Court of the Moon, the canon characters may very well hold a differing opinion
I have a very carefully worked out long term plot that sticks closely to canon but avoids stepping too deeply into the canon authors sandpit. For example canon characters, both good and bad will, make guest appearances. But the major slap-downs will be against non-canon baddies.
How exactly I intend to arrange this will become apparent when the next chapter is published.
On a related note, I should point out that the only changes to established canon fact I have made are
#1 Burlington-Smythe's cannon rank is staff-sergeant, which I changed to RSM to more clearly reflect his nationality,
By the way, I have to thank you I know it wasn't your intention but when I was writing this reply, I caught a stupid mistake. So double thanks.
Corrected incorrect spelling of canon
Can't wait for this match to
Can't wait for this match to happen. Have a big hunch that the Good O'l Boy'z are not going to have a good day. Now why do I get the feeling that Team Kimba will discover that there are now two more teams at Whateley that are good guys, and will constantly be challenged as the Kimba's have been since they first arrived.
I can't wait for the Match
I can't wait for the Match, however Is Fiona\Luna an auxiliary security officer or a part time paid security officer?
( I realise that the work/study program is the getaround for Blackstar and Luna to be in security, but seriously Luna hardly needs, financially, the work study program)
Either way surely as it is an established fact by this time, the GOB's have effectively attempted a premeditated attack on an off duty security officer, which is a federal crime in it self.
It's a chicken and egg situation.
Luna is primarily a student who, because of her mutation, has been taken in hand by security. To get around what is almost certainly a very long list of federal laws, the school is using a combination of:
#1 The existence of student security auxiliaries
#2 A work study program, that is more or less compulsory.
If you remember: Compulsory work study formed quite a big part of Tenyo's early story. So, while only Jade needs a job, all of team Kimba have campus work. I can't remember if Phase found a way to avoid this, or actually does have a job somewhere.
This makes Luna both a student auxiliary and a part time paid security officer. In addition, because she is commander of Blackstar squad, she is also being formally deputised as a federal officer, although that will not happen until she finishes rushing JROTC and is issued a federal carry permit. (Being deputised is important for the long term plot.)
As far as it being a premeditated attack?
That is not actually clear. If it was premeditated, Nantuko would not have hung back and avoided taking part in the actual assault. It could just as easily be interpreted as a group of testosterone charged boys seeing a pretty girl, and things getting out of hand. Having said that, Roadrunner's fondling would almost certainly constitute a sexual assault.
There is also the added fact that, at the time, Luna was in civilian clothes and, as far as the Good O'l Boy'z knew, she was just a new fresher with a reputation for loose morals. Unless they had an intelligence network to rival Jadis or Phase, [very unlikely,] they had no way of knowing she was a security officer.
So, while the Good O'l Boy'z are certainly going to be in very deep trouble with Carson, pressing federal charges? I think that is unlikely to be the case at the present time. In the past Carson has exercised a certain amount of discretion in this regard.
Personally, if I was just another reader, I would be thinking that the Good O'l Boy'z should be more worried about what the the Praetorian Guard are going to do to them. Justice and Achmed in particular, come from societies that take assaults on their women folks very seriously.
I want to thank you for your interesting comment. It has brought to the fore an issue I have been putting off dealing with. That being, unless Luna is working undercover, then, in a situation like this, when out of uniform she should probably be required to identify herself as a security officer. In my defence, I point out that she hasn't been there 48 hours yet.
I think I was thrown
I think I was thrown by the sheer amount Luna has dealt with since arriving at the Academy!
And I forgot just how much might be either forgotten or discounted by other students in their recalations, and there is also the small factor that the Good O'l Boyz as was said in another comment ain't the sharpest knives in the draw.
Praetorian Guard vs. Good O'l Boyz, Is it on Pay Per View?
But more seriously I personally think Luna might have suggested the match in order to have the chance to 'take out the trash' but do it within the rules.
I really love Luna
she's turning into a real interesting character.
Excellent addition
- to the Whateley bookshelf.
It is good to see Luna finding her feet more and more. Is she going to hear from uncle Dave again? Surely he had some unusual talents in his crazy head, enough to be an under-radar mutant.
Booking my seat at the arena right now.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Is Uncle Dave a mutant?
Yes, most definitely.
I haven't yet decided whether to formally work it into the story, but it is certainly part of my background plot that Uncle Dave is a very low level pre-cog that has managed to avoid being identified as a mutant.
As far as another meeting with Luna? No comment. (snigger)
Take On the Succubus.
I must say I find your take on the Succubus mythology interesting. There's one other take on the Succubus aspect I really like and that was when Dario Argento directed "Jenifer". Whoever wrote that story has a really convincing idea for how a succubus could exist in a most horrific fashion in real life.
As far as the story goes I do hope it will be weaved into Canon someday. I would like to see how a confrontation between Aunghadhail(vis a vis Nikki) and Selene(vis a vis Luna) ends up working out.
The canon Aunghadhail is dead
The canon Aunghadhail died in chapter 4 of E. E. Nalley's 'Whilst any Speaks'
This was unfortunate because I had a tense stand-off planned for the meeting. It also raises the interesting question of what happens to Nikki. In previously published stories, it is suggested that Nikki, at least temporarily, recovers. However, the last mention of her in 'Whilst any Speaks', Nikki is a basket case heading in to see Dr Bellows and in serious danger of being carted off to the ARC.
Bearing in mind that Maggie Finson has made it clear that, because of internet trolls, she has no wish to continue the Fey character, I have to wonder if Fey is being temporarily retired from the canon.
For this reason, as far as this part of Luna's story arc goes, I wish to avoid any direct meeting between Luna and Fey.
I haven't read as much of that story by E.E. Nalley. While I like Loophole I just wasn't digging it at the time. I guess I'll have to read Chapter 4...sigh.
To the trolls, I wish they would eat a potato, roots et al. Seriously, it's amazing how little insecure assholes in cubicles or at home can convince a good author to stop writing a character anymore.
I thought our trolls weren't close to the SCUM that inhabit TNL but I guess they might be in competition. Ugh.
being a texas "boy" myself. I'm good with the slur ,so to speak, redneck.
Meanwhile I love this story ed
some of MY Southern relatives most assuredly resemble that remark.
No particular comments or questions this time, just a 'well done and I'm enjoying the story a lot' :)
I'm generally more of a hard-science kind of girl, but fantasy can be fun.
So far you are doing a great job on this story. More please.
BTW, don't worry about the "red neck" slur. Real Texans don't like 'em either.
And if you think red necks are bad, WTF are those damn blue necks doing? And why do they get a free pass all the time?
Trolls!!! What trolls?
The many responses, both private and public, I have received on BC have been remarkably civilised. On a couple of other sites, a few have caused me to chuckle, but the ones, [plural,] that cause me to roll on the floor laughing are where the sender believes they could tell Luna's story better than I can.
When they get upset because I don't use their ideas, well.....
Reasonably good story ...
Though this talk of cannon and all is beyond me. As to red necks, my family are red necks, we don't talk and I don't hurt them.
Good chapter..loved Luna's
Good chapter..loved Luna's baitingthe good old boys for the challenge.
Good chapter..loved Luna's
Good chapter..loved Luna's baitingthe good old boys for the challenge.
Good chapter..loved Luna's
Good chapter..loved Luna's baitingthe good old boys for the challenge.
Grrr8 story!! Getting my
Grrr8 story!! Getting my share of giggles n laughs and
looking forward to this upcoming grudge match. : )
love peace and more love
thank you for these characters love them all, though maybe a little more conflict with other students like atlantian leage and admin!!!
Cassie's campus job maybe should be in the Doyle medical building with doctor tenant as her advisor?