Breasts / Breast Implants

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 5

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 5
By Barbie Lee
Edited by Catherine Linda MIchel

Our heroes continue to try to enlist allies in case of a war with the Earth Alliance. They run into slavers, pirates and worse, oh my! A return to UF-2 leads to clues to an old acquaintance and a new ally. Family joins the resistance, against family wishes, but welcome. More action in this chapter than you can shake a stick at.

FROM LAST CHAPTER: "In my heart I knew that millions of lives were going to be lost. Humans had a very nasty record of making and breaking treaties as it suited them. There had to be a way out of this mess. The Earth Alliance had to understand that they could not ignore this treaty."

And NOW...

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 11.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 11.



It’s my first time for that kind of kiss from someone that means it as a kiss.
So it’s a good thing when the feelings in your heart are stronger than the feelings in your body right?
We break the kiss and I’m catching my breath and Rudy looks at Sam. “Let’s go get cookin and we can let Morgan finally get to use her tanning chair and get some rest and Sun.”
“I kin grill?”
“Yeah, let’s.”
They leave and Rudy smiles at me and he walks out of the water backwards and his grin gets all teasing and devilish as he’d definitely sporting some serious arousal going on down there and I blush because he’s doing that and it’s pretty obvious if someone looks.
I sink down in the water some more to hide the goofy grin that’s there too because yeah, he’s showing off and stuff but he’s with me and he’s kind of showing off for me.
And that feels just.
Yeah I’m so happy hugging myself right now.

*And Now…

Horizons of the Heart - 25

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright© 2013-2014 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


Jaden and her friends revisit the town of their first adventure, Carrick Field, and then continue the chase across the Olman countryside. Upon arriving in Tarad, the border town where Oleander grew up, they hatch a cunning plan to make a suspect man talk.

Flashback: Before braving the Outside world, Alisan spent her youth training her voice to become one of the best singers in Ral Sona.

Chapter 25: Bridge of Memories, part 2

When it hurts too much to pretend
And the words burn inside your head
When the tears are slowly melting down
And your heart's stuck on a merry-go-round
I will be waiting

Joey's Joy -- Part 2 (Author's Note Edited)

Joey learns some unexpected life-lessons and finds out some unexpected things about himself along the way. In this part, Joey realizes that he has lost control of his life for the foreseeable future.

St. Paul’s

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I must caution readers that this particular chapter in the story may be offensive to some. It includes scenes that many would consider abusive in nature. To be honest, they are, but there is a reason for this that will come out later in the stories within this universe.

If you do not think that you want to read this particular chapter, then here is a sanitized synopsis so that you can skip to the next one and still follow the story line: Joey is forced by the group he calls the Joy-Squad to be pierced and tattooed. He is obviously confused and hurt, both physically and mentally. This is NOT the theme of the rest of the book.

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 2

UF2 Book 2 Chapter 2
By Barbie Lee
Edited by Catherine Linda Michel.

War is on the horizon and it's up to Brandy, Sherry, Toni, Meliss, the rest of the Pash, their allies and anyone else they can find to help prevent war, or win if all else fails. Can they do it? Can they convince enough races that war will be devastating to everyone? Only time, the author and I know for sure. you all will have to read to find out.

This chapter does contain some very violent scenes, hence the warning in the "Tags." It's necessary for the rest of the story.

FROM BEFORE: "As soon as I started to bring the sword up it shifted to this dimension. Now it was most certainly visible to everyone. As I brought it up I sliced through the middle of my neck with it. It was too late for them to react to stop me. Attuned to my molecular makeup, the sword would never hurt me but it collapsed molecular matter on everything else it touched. The sword never really passed through my body. The blade shifted back to another dimension where my body was. To those who were looking at me it seemed as if I had passed the blade through myself. The slave collar disappeared when the sword touched it.

“WHAT THU...” Len was staring at what he couldn’t believe. His slave was armed and no longer wearing a slave collar!"


Hilary's Test

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Hilary, an out-of-work tailor, said he'd do anything for a job. Little did he realise how quickly that view would be tested.
Hilary's Test
by Charlotte Dickles


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 2

FROM CHAPTER 1: "I had wandered down to the galley after reading the reports coming in from medical and control. All our efforts were turning up negative. Our search teams had yet to find the cause. Medical had yet to find a cure. I felt tired, physically and mentally. My mind was shut down from fatigue when David and Toni walked in. I was totally exhausted, as none of us had much sleep the past ten days."

“Want to see your infection carrier?”

“YOU FOUND IT!” I turned around so fast I almost fell out of my chair. "Them.” David held his hand over my table and hundreds of little black balls that looked more like BB’s bounced and scattered everywhere."

So, our brave crew has found the source of their "problem." What is it? Where did it come from? Why them? Settle in and begin to find out all those answers and more.

Skirting the issue 8 evolving

Excuse me?

Oh common you left me in peace for months why now?

I don't care how hungry you are that's not my problem!

Hey leave that table alone I just no no ARGGGGG!!!

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 1

Edited by Catherine Linda Michel

This is a long one, folks. There are two books to this story and the total comes to just under 75,500 words, counting both books. Both books are complete and chapters will be posted three times a week through the end of Book 2.

So settle in and strap in for a space drama/love story/mystery that will transport you to a distant future and other dimensions. If you're not a big "info dump" fan, you can skip the first few paragraphs and go right to the story beginning, referring to the foreword as you find the info there relevant. There IS a lot of info there and you will probably be able to answer some of your "tech" questions by doing so.

Warrior Princess Chapter Three



This is the final chapter of this story. Will our heroine win through? Will she finally accept her place in this strange new world? Who and what are those damned Homm? The ride gets bumpier from here and our heroine faces many things she never dreamed of in her old life.

When we left off, Our heroine was facing some nasty possibilities.

"Was it doubt that stopped me? Or was I being smart by not breaking my bonds and escaping? I decided to wait when no dark voids were around had knocked me out without me sensing it coming. I didn’t want a repeat performance. Going against an unknown was an act of desperation. I wasn’t desperate. Yet."

And now:

White Rabbit -4-

When we last left our hero(ine) Dana had just been introduced to his new self. Now Dana begins to learn what is in store for him/her for the rest of his/her life. This is the final chapter. Barbie and I wish to thank all of you for reading, commenting and clicking the little "kudo" button. Your interest, suggestions and thoughts meant a lot to Barbie and me.

For Friends and Family Part 3

For Friends and Family Part 3 – Nichola is Reborn

I have restarted this story, the reasons I suspended it was that I was posting three separate stories at once and I was getting confused so I decided to concentrate on a single story. If you have not read parts 1 to 3 I would advise you to do so then you will see how Andy had agreed to be changed into Nichola

White Rabbit -2-

FROM THE EDITOR: Chapter Two. Our Trooper is being held(?) by the alien in a cabin that has gotten snowed in. He's WAY out of his element and is about to learn more than he ever dreamed, or feared, he would. Again, please remember to comment or kudo... preferably both, and thank you for reading. Barbie and I hope you are enjoying the tale.

White Rabbit -1-

Well... here's a golden oldie from the talented imagination of Barbie Lee. There isn't much, if any, of the "guy becomes girl" in this first part, but it's a fun beginning. The "good" stuff comes a bit later in another chapter or so. All tags refer to the whole story as opposed to each chapter separately. The story is complete and will be posted one chapter at a time roughly two or three days apart

You Chose the Wrong Store – Part 13

You Chose the Wrong Store – Part 13

Ronnie caught shoplifting from a women's clothing store; becomes Janelle for the summer as punishment... A life transforming time that Janelle now embraces as being the person inside... Janelle is now helping Bobby to come in touch with Stephanie the girl he's always wanted to be.

You Chose the Wrong Store - Part 11

You Chose the Wrong Store - Part 11

It’s ironic, I was stealing things so I could go as Ronnie and now the opportunity was being given to me when I didn’t deserve it… “You should send a girl’s outfit with me for Bobby, as well as a girl’s bathing suit.” … Mom is not happy that I had done that without her permission. The result is I’m not going out Friday or Saturday night… ...I have enough clothes here that you could dress and be a girl for part of a day. Around eleven o’clock tomorrow there shouldn’t be anyone at the girls’ shower.

Escape! Chapter 6


My name is John Harolds.

I was a junior at the Sacred Soul Academy, a prestigious academy that churned out hundreds of alumni who would one day become the pillars of society. Something happened that year. My classmates and I became involved with something big that could threaten the very social order of the world we lived in and we ended up being hunted by the police, the military and everyone we had ever trusted. This is the story of the greatest escape of our lives.

What if you were told that the life you had led was all a big fat lie?

We finally arrived at Los Angeles City after three whole days of sleeping on our hoverbikes. What we found there, was beyond what we expected.

Chapter 6

By Shinieris

Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 10 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This is the final chapter in the complete story, which has been published in ten parts.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 09 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This story is complete and will be published in ten chapters at approximately daily intervals.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 08 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This story is complete and will be published in ten chapters at approximately daily intervals.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Jack and Jill by Trudy – 22 – Almost There

Jack and Jill by Trudy
– 22 – Almost There

It began as something fun for Halloween and work... A misunderstanding caused Melvin to get caught in something bigger... No one expected Jill or Melanie to take on lives of their own.

Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 06 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This story is complete and will be published in ten chapters at approximately daily intervals.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 05 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This story is complete and will be published in ten chapters at approximately daily intervals.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 04 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This story is complete and will be published in ten chapters at approximately daily intervals.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 03 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This story is complete and will be published in ten chapters at approximately daily intervals.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 02 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This story is complete and will be published in ten chapters at approximately daily intervals.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.

Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt
by Charlotte Dickles


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 01 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This story is complete and will be published in ten chapters at approximately daily intervals.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.

Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt
by Charlotte Dickles


Audience Rating: 


TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Horizons of the Heart - 24

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright© 2013-2014 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


Travelling from the golden city of Tier to the town of Carrick Field in western Alband would take nearly five days on horseback, but using their connections with the Whitewater Cartel, Jaden and her friends secure passage on a riverboat to get them there more quickly.

Flashback: Jaden and Oleander hadn't imagined what it would be like to go on a real adventure, but only weeks after their first meeting in Tarad the opportunity sat down at their table during a particularly busy night at the Count of Cups tavern in Carrick Field.

Chapter 24: Bridge of Memories, part 1

When the past is an anchor,
It's just holding you back.
When you can't walk away,
Something makes you stay

Escape! Chapter 4


My name is John Harolds.

I was a junior at the Sacred Soul Academy, a prestigious academy that churned out hundreds of alumni who would one day become the pillars of society. Something happened that year. My classmates and I became involved with something big that could threaten the very social order of the world we lived in and we ended up being hunted by the police, the military and everyone we had ever trusted. This is the story of the greatest escape of our lives.

What if you were told that the life you had led was all a big fat lie?

A wedding! I still can't believe it. A wedding, of all things! Wait, it's actually 3 weddings. I hope there's not a funeral.

Chapter 4

By Shinieris

Snakes and Ladders-32

Snakes & Ladders -32

Chapter 32


I ache in a good and bad way as I see him quickly vanish off in the distance and part of me is wondering…just wondering that whole what if thing.
Or just if when it might come to Ryann and Shaya and Myself.
I wrap myself in my cloak against the cool air of the night and head back inside to meet up with the commander and to go with him to speak to The King.
I’ll be heading with Bhlaze back to The Holy City and to Lilac House.

*And Now…

The Tale of Tristin Diez second revision chpter one

The Tale of Tristin Diez

By Lucille Jeanette Smith

Edited by Catherine Linda Michel

In the course of life, some are chosen. Chosen to suffer more than others, to endure much more because they are strong enough to take that suffering and turn it into something amazing, like social change and progress. One such person is Tristan Diez, a young man just coming into his own as a man. Everything he's done and has endured in his relatively short life has given him the strength and wisdom to do what has to be done, no matter how wrong it might seem to others or what indignities he might have to suffer. This is his story, but it's more than just a story. It's an example that we all might learn from, and maybe make things better by following his example.


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