Breasts / Breast Implants

Reversals - Ch09

A successful woman is convinced a female lead marriage is the best path forward and as her career is taking off, her unemployed husband is expected to fill traditional female roles like homemaker and nursing mother. In this chapter… Eric makes an important decision that alters his destiny and leaves him changed forever. Be careful what you ask for…

Judge Dredd

Judge Dredd is cop, jury, and executioner in an apocalyptic future filled with crime and disorder. After he is framed for murder, his partner, Judge Anderson, comes to his defense. The two unravel a plot at the highest level to create a clone army to replace street Judges.
(TG is a prominent theme)

Gokachuu - Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Luka sat lounging on the sofa on board Seri's Flanker, wearing a t-shirt and panties. She whined to Seri, who was in the cockpit, "Are we there yet?"

"Half an hour. Quit asking, you have a watch." Seri said cynically. They had slowed from trans-light speed to cruising, nearly in the bounds of the system which Rathit belonged to. Soon, a communication channel from Rathit opened.

"You have entered the Rathit system, state your business." said a man over the radio.

Gokachuu - Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Seri sat in the dining area with Zhuang and Luka, watching Luka devour a bowl of rice. She looked at Zhuang and then said, "So Luka here is essentially your slave until she's paid herself off."

"I prefer to call her my consenting servant." said Zhuang.

"And I don't like either of those names!" Luka was red in the face.

"You're so cute when you're flustered." said Zhuang, giggling.

Gokachuu - Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Seri and Zhuang sat around discussing what to do with the alien. Seri wanted it destroyed, partially out of hatred for the thing, partially because she feared its uses. Zhuang, being a scientist, wanted to study it, and possibly pass it onto other science colleagues. They bickered for several minutes.

"I want it dead. Rape by it was fucking painful, what possible use could it have?" Seri insisted.

Road Phantoms - Chapter 01


  At anytime over a million trucks are professionally driven on the highways and by-ways of America. Carrying everything from acid to yachts. Not all loads are so innocuous. Some are precious and some are out-right lethal. For loads that are deemed dangerous or valuable to be referred to as High-Security, special trucks are used. Trucks that look so normal, one would never guess it from any other. Trucks that run in secret, apart from their company, called Ghost Fleets. Others have no markings at all, and are specially modified. One such company that specializes in High-Security Loads; Phantom Lines....


It Won't Be Over by Christmas

When his mother dreams that the war won't be over by Christmas, and that he and all the other boys from school will be killed in the trenches, John changes his name to Joan and everything else flows from that.

Author's Note: This story contains non-violent rape, under-age sex, and cross dressing.



Audience Rating: 



- a portmanteau of the Japanese words for "rape" and "space" is a space TG fiction that revolves around the bounty hunter Kathed being attacked and raped by a tentacle alien, having disastrous consequences on his body, psyche and relationships. There are elements of space western, anime action, and hentai in the book, which will be released chapter by chapter as a serial.

Gokachuu - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

After some time had passed, Kathed got to his feet. Going over to the corpse of the alien, he slashed and stabbed it several times in frustration. He screamed.

“FUUUCK! JUST MY FUCKING DAY. I GET RAPED BY A FUCKING ALIEN!” he said, knowing nobody could hear him in the vacuum. He sighed, and left the now burned and mutilated corpse alone. It was then that he realized he was naked and his penis was in full view. He grabbed the scraps of his suit and covered his penis with it.

Gokachuu - Chapter 1

Chapter 1

It was a seemingly ordinary day on the spaceport Ithila. An old escort carrier, converted to a thriving space port and trading post – it was an example of the space drifter's ingenuity at its finest. Stripped of its primary propulsion and weapon systems, it orbited KA-12V, a main-sequence star in the distant Altix galaxy. Much like the Wild West of earthly times, it was a place without true law, where everyone took the law into their own hands if needed.

The Queen Of Country Music

Originally posted to Classic BC on February 24, 2004

A tabloid reporter visits a small town in the Ozarks and follows up a strange story.
JayJay, the official town crossdresser, relates the story.
The Queen of
Country Music

By Tyrone Slothrop

The Devil Within

A college age man of questionable integrity makes a deal with a demon spirit, but not all goes to plan.

* * * *

Virginity is a cruel, cruel mistress, and it only gets worse as time goes by. Do you know how embarrassing it is to be twenty-one years old when you’ve never had sex? In a world where a man’s worth is measured by his virility I can think of nothing worse.

It's Just a Twin Thing Part-6

It's Just A Twin Thing
Part Six



Jordan and his sister, Jess, are twins, some think identical because they look so much alike. They used to fool a lot of people when they were younger but the differences became apparent as they got older or did they?

It's Just a Twin Thing Part-5

It's Just A Twin Thing
Part Five



Jordan and his sister, Jess, are twins, some think identical because they look so much alike. They used to fool a lot of people when they were younger but the differences became apparent as they got older or did they?


I knew I had to obey, but he’d been pretty vague, so I changed myself into a girl I didn’t think he would be attracted to: acne-scarred, scraggly-haired, and flat-chested. But he wasn’t satisfied, of course; he gave me detailed specs on his ideal woman, and I changed myself to match.

It's Just a Twin Thing Part-3

It's Just A Twin Thing
Part Three



Jordan and his sister, Jess, are twins, some think identical because they look so much alike. They used to fool a lot of people when they were younger but the differences became apparent as they got older or did they?

The Singer

This story was at the request of one of my blog readers who suggested the general plotline. It is NOT sweet, nor sentimental but at the same time is closer to reality.The person who requested it was pleased and that was the whole point of the exercise.

The Promotion Chapter 02: The meeting.

in this Chapter Derek meets with miss Amanda about a discussing a promotion that Miss Amanda offer him as vice head of the company, little does the contract he signed will make his life as a man Disappear.
Chapter 02: The Meeting.

A New Cheerleader part 4

A New Cheerleader 4- by Spencer1x

"Hi my name is Spencer, or at least it was before this mess. This is the story on how my life changed for the better (or worse depending on your point of view). And how I got to become one of the cheerleaders in my school."

Reversals - Ch08

A successful woman is convinced a female lead marriage is the best path forward and as her career is taking off, her unemployed husband is expected to fill traditional female roles like homemaker and nursing mother. In this chapter... Samantha has a surprise and Julia struggles with a huge decision.

A New Cheerleader part 3

A New Cheerleader 3- by Spencer1x

"Hi my name is Spencer, or at least it was before this mess. This is the story on how my life changed for the better (or worse depending on your point of view). And how I got to become one of the cheerleaders in my school."

A New Cheerleader part 2

A New Cheerleader part 2- by Spencer1x

"Hi my name is Spencer, or at least it was before this mess. This is the story on how my life changed for the better (or worse depending on your point of view). And how I got to become one of the cheerleaders in my school."

A New Cheerleader

A New Cheerleader- by Spencer1x

"Hi my name is Spencer, or at least it was before this mess. This is the story on how my life changed for the better (or worse depending on your point of view). And how I got to become one of the cheerleaders in my school."

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 20 - Moving Day

Mom and Hannah’s wedding was a small affair with just a few friends. The judge was a friend of Mom’s. The honeymoon consisted of going home and going to bed. They put off a real honeymoon for when they had more time to plan.

Reversals - Ch07

It's been a few days since Julia declared her marriage to be a FLM. Eric, struggling in his new role, reaches out to his sister for advise and discovers some startling truths. In this chapter... It's been a few days since Julia declared her marriage to be a FLM. Eric, struggling in his new role, reaches out to his sister for advise and discovers some startling truths.

Whoops 3 - Whoopsie Daisie (Finale)

Mike found himself caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place.

The 'woman' on his lap was comatose from emotional strain. She was total dead weight and Mike was unable to lift her.

His wife was passed out on the floor and he knew if he didn't go to her there would hell to pay.

Mike realized that to someone just walking into the room, it would be a very compromising tableau. It wasn’t and he needed to put things back to a normal appearance.

Okay. Now What?

LIke a Woman Scorned


The women's self-help group was dedicated to making men suffer for their marital sins, and what more fitting humiliation could there be, than to force them to be the kind of woman they most desired. When the narrator wakes up as a Dolly Parton look-alike, he expects the worst, but actually gains more than anyone could possibly have imagined.

This story was originally published on Fictionmania in 2003 under my other nom de plume of Marianne Nettes. It is posted here virtually without modification. It's basically a light hearted story with lots of sex of all types. Please don't read it if that is not to your taste. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy!


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



TG Limerick Day 2016

TG Limerick Day

May 12 was National Limerick Day because it is the birthday of Edward Lear, who is credited with popularizing that poetic form in his Book of Nonsense, published in 1846.

So I decided to compose a few TG limericks for today.

1. There once was a boy from Purdue,
Who thought he was really a Sue.
She put on a skirt, turned into a flirt,
And sings in a café near you.

Discovery, Chapter 15 & Epilogue

Discovery, Chapter 15 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Steve is safe and the murderers are in jail. Certainly this is not the end of the story. There is the matter of the disposition of Ben Martindale’s estate. Also, what are Mannie and Steve going to do with the rest of their lives? You gotta do what you gotta do.

Discovery, Chapter 14 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 14 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

The weather takes a major shift and Mannie decides to catch up at the local beauty parlor. Once home she finds she just missed Steve who was going to meet with his friends in town. A series of phone calls makes her realize Andy Bennett has kidnapped him and probably intends to kill him. It’s not going to be easy, but Mannie is going to do her best to rescue him.


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