Serial Chapter

My Super Secret Life-27.

My Super Secret Life-27.

Chapter 27

I’d been awake awhile and still pretty achy and sore after mom had left. I was in one of those snazzy private hospital styled rooms and stuff. I’m watching TV trying to sort of zone in on the whole being a guy thing.

“This is harder than I thought.”

Her Mother's Daughter - Chapter 1

Her Mother's Daughter
by Barbara Lynn Terry


The following story is completely fictional, and is not intended to portray any real persons, living or dead; nor does this story portray any real university, sorority, fraternity, or educational structure. Should there be any person or persons who have had similar experiences that appear in this story, or there is any sorority or fraternity with these names, it is strictly coincidental.

Chapter I

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-19

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-19

Chapter 19


I’d sort of settled here for now in town and got myself a job at the local A&W place and I’m not that bad at the whole service industry stuff. Me and My people have been here awhile and we’ve gotten the proper I.D.’s through various means and stuff but all it just means is I won’t flag things when they go to run my social.

Hunger Pangs Part 2 of 9

Hunger Pangs - Part 2 of 9

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Archie was an orphan who never suspected that there was anything out of the ordinary about himself. After bedding a beautiful stranger, he soon finds a strange hunger has awaken within him and learns he is anything but ordinary.



Chapter 12

I lean into Brandy and she’s leaning into me and this is where my brain really understands that I’m a transgendered woman. It’s this.

It’s where we have this soft way of melting into each other’s care where I don’t have to pretend to be strong when I’m just not equipment to be. It’s lying in a way and I’ve never been good at lying. Yes I didn’t know and that sort of makes it okay but it was a lie of omission to me at least which is why I didn’t know.

Hunger Pangs Part 1 of 9

Hunger Pangs - Part 1 of 9

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Archie was an orphan who never suspected that there was anything out of the ordinary about himself. After bedding a beautiful stranger, he soon finds a strange hunger has awaken within him and learns he is anything but ordinary.

the cross-world sword part 4



The final cat leaped towards them. John shot its foreleg off, so when it landed, it slid towards them. Just as it came to a halt, John blew its head off.

The way seemed clear now, so the group walked up to the house and into the gate.......
The gate was still open, which caused John some concern, so he was on his guard.

Jem...Chapter 37

Jem…Chapter 37

Chapter 37

It’s pretty cool having the extra help with taking down the gear and I go over the tips in the tip box we’re doing pretty good. I call the girls over and the tree servers over and the barista guy. I count out the tips evenly. It’s a good haul and the barista guy looks at me.

“Wow um, thanks Jem. But why are you tipping us?”

“Because you’re all part of the whole show and the experience here and you work your asses off and it’s not fair if we just come in and get a lot of tips for the half shift we’re here.”

“Cool I mean we all can use the money.”

FTL-13...Faster Than Life.

FTL…13 Faster Than Life.

Chapter 13

There was part of me that wanted to stay in bed.
Maybe, just maybe get as far as the chaise out there on the sand.

But Patrick had started to massage me with coconut oil all over and was straddling me giving me this wonderful massage and it had gotten better…

Very surprising but better when he slipped back and he sank into me from behind and dammit he made love and he kept massaging me.

Worse yet?

Pink? Why Pink? - Part 08

'Too bad it is so black, if it had some pink and some gold details it would look cute.'

'Did I just think that?'


Pink? Why Pink?
Part 8
 ©2012 - Andrea Ribeiro


Change of Summer Camps - 4 Being Patti

Change of Summer Camps - 4

By Jessica C

I had on lipstick but had I learned how girls greet one another without smearing it on the other. I jumped up from my chair and ran to my mother entering the room. I jumped into her arms as a much younger girl might do…

“…Showing you panties to your friends is not becoming for your age.” …After I regained my composure, I introduce my mom, Karen Landis …

Wild Magic 42

I’m very afraid. I get the feeling that while I scored a rather easy win over Thomas, the true enemy has stepped up their game. Assuming that Thomas was just the agent of the enemy, rather than the enemy itself, I have several questions.

Are we still dealing with an agent, or could we be facing the true enemy this time? How much power does the enemy have? What are we going to face this time? And then, there’s the worst question. If they’ve gone from possession to murder, where will they strike next? How can I protect those I love? What have I stepped in?

Kit and Kin 3

Kit and Kin


Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravenscrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of. Just another day in Ravenscrest.

Covered Bridges-6.

Covered Bridges-6.

Chapter 6

It doesn’t take long before John and I are in a cab and heading to my hotel. He really is a good kisser and once we’re in the cab and sitting down it’s very much about the cuddling and him kissing me and his hands moving over my body.

I know…

I know I talk about a lot of sex but it’s just something that really is part of me. I was a hooker, escort, porn actress…stripper for a long time and you form certain likes and habits.

Jessica's Journey - Part 13


Jessica’s Journey

 Sequel to Andrews Dilemma

 By, Cain129

Part 13


Synopsis:   After reading her essay, Jessica felt emotionally exhausted, reading it had been helpful to a small extent but had also opened old wounds. It forced her to re-evaluate her life and the direction that it was headed. All of her life, she had put everyone’s happiness before her own and it had almost cost her her life. She no longer had that luxury. She needed to find a way to stand on her own two feet. She just didn’t want to be afraid anymore, but in doing so, she might have lost the man that she loved.


My Super Secret Life...Potentials-6 The Start.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials-6 The Start.

Chapter 1

*Samantha Chase….

Things are actually busy and picking up with the whole Halo thing. I wake up feeling the headache form as my waking mind pulls signals in. You know how you focus as you wake up well I’m a psi-meta combo, a telemechanic. So like my eyes focusing in on my bedroom my powers are tuning into every signal around me.

God this sucks.

I really need to get my room shielded.

Understanding Rachel, Part 5

Understanding Rachel, Part 5

Rachel looked at her phone in shock as though it was responsible for what just happened. Her best friend Tayna had screamed at her, and then hung up on her.

Rachel began to feel the wetness of tears run down her cheeks, as she replayed the conversation over in her mind, and began to chastise herself for her behavior.

The First Queen in the Village 13!

The following posting should not be taken seriously! It just reflects my inability to create visual images in electronic form! This is, in fact, a morning's work, creating a map of the Village - now named "MUCH HUMPING IN THE MARSH". The formatting is totally messed and none of the detail is readable. But I thought you all might have a laugh!! What I am to do - without a CD friend with computer art skills, I have no idea!! I'm gonna get back to writing!!!! Love you all! Ginger xx

The First Queen in the Village 13

by WannabeGinger

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-8.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet 8.

Chapter 8

Flying is just so intense really and it’s getting more and more special to me. I head out over the city and instead of flying just over the city and the Super-Bridge I head out to Sanctuary out over the water.

I’d have enjoyed it a whole lot more but I pull up but slow down. There’s barges everywhere with protestors about the whole Sanctuary thing. Even from the height I’m at I can hear them chanting hate slogans and waving their signs. Everything from them saying God hates freaks, mutants must die, Satan’s creatures….and more.

Through the years: Two against the world part 11

Sunday had passed without much excitement. The phone was ignored for most of the day, unless William was the one to answer it. Tracy had finished up her cleaning of the house the day before and was at the kitchen table with her mother, going over all the jewelery in her mother's jewelery box. Each piece she pulled out came with the story of how she got it.

“This necklace...I remember this one.” Maggie smiled as she held up a very thin gold chain. “This was the first piece of jewelery that your father gave to me. I think it was at our sixth month anniversary.”

“Really?” Tracy asked as she looked at it.

“Yeah. He was so nervous.” Maggie chuckled. “And this....” She sighed as her hands pulled out a bracelet made with silver chains. “This was one of the pieces he got me on our wedding day.”


Editing by Djkauf

More of Tracy and the pictures from hell!!!


Jessica's Journey - Part 12


Jessica’s Journey

 Sequel to Andrews Dilemma

 By, Cain129

Part 12

Special Thanks to Wren Phoenix for the editing.


Synopsis:   Jessica had been stressed out for the last couple of days, mostly over a project that she needed to do for school called, “Who am I?” In the end, Megan and her teacher talked her into reading her essay aloud. It had been a hard thing for her to do and left her feeling emotionally drained. Surprisingly, it made her feel better, even though she’d kept her previous life as Andrew out of the report and wrote it from Jessica’s point of view.


the cross-world sword part 3


John awoke at first light, as the fingers of light started to spread across the sky. All the others were asleep, apart from one warrior on watch. He was quite pleased to be awake, as he had been plagued by bad dreams all night. He shook his head, as the last memories filtered away, much to his relief.

Jem...Chapter 36

Jem…Chapter 36

Chapter 36

I make a motion for Mike to lower the lights and cue a soft spotlight on the stage and I smile out to the crowd and start to croon out a little vocalise warming up the pipes and Raven’s on the keyboard and I croon out a last warm up note to get the crowd warmed up instead of me.

“One and Only.” By Adele’s a great way to warm the crowd up for some evening café music. I take a deep breath and belt it out…

You've been on my mind
I grow fonder every day
loose myself in time
Just thinking of your face
God only knows
Why it's taking me so long

Sweet Dreams-36 The first cut is the Deepest.

Sweet Dreams …36 The first cut is the Deepest.

Chapter 36


I wake feeling that wonderful spacey feeling that I get from having afterglow and really great sex. The lights are still on and I’m cuddled up…I’m cuddled up naked with my best friend Cindy who I just had sex with.

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 39

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 39
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Chapter 1 - Naomi stops for lunch.

"Well, you better tell me everything."

"Yeah? What if I don't?"

"Listen Rach, I'm the official historian of Rachel Eileen Watkins, and so help me, girl, I will spread you all over Pine Meadows...uhm...Home For Adolescent Girls." Both girls giggled.

Marilyn, of course, just had to ask.

"Do you girls often joke like this?"

"Yes, mom. We find it takes our mind off of things that bother us."

"Well, at least you aren't throwing tantrums and swearing."

My Super Secret Life...Villain-8

My Super Secret Life…Villain 8

Chapter 8


I almost rattled stuff in the diner.

So why in the world of don’t give a fuck am I so pissed?

I’ve been on the streets a long time. And in a city like Ark City there are over five to six hundred thousand kids on the streets. Some get out, some don’t stay and are just visiting, so go gang or become hookers and junkies, the list goes on and on…but you just think about the population and the amount of predators that come here for the camouflage…

Yeah run the numbers.

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-7.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet 7.

Chapter 7

Sentinel had given me free tickets and while you’d think they’d be prime tickets or something they weren’t. They were good seats I’ll say that much but he had a lot of them in a pop out compartment in his waist.

Not a bad idea and not being in the rich seats seems somehow more hero…ic. Oh damn I like these people…

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 29.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor…Chapters 29.

Chapter 29.

I got out of the hospital with Ian coming to get me in his car with Sasha. Rick and Tommy would’ve come but Tommy’s truck would have been a bit much for me and my ribs. As it was there was pretty much everyone there at Ian’s for my welcome home party.

Jem...Chapter 35

Jem…Chapter 35

Chapter 35

I’m still emotional as I lay there and try to let things matriculate with everything that happened. I slip my shoes off and actually just roll a little more on the bed and take one of my pillows and I hug it hard.

Yes I’m letting myself be Angel…so I hug my pillow and put my face into it and lay there replaying aside from the two goons…one of the best moments of my life. It’s so good some parts have me in tears.

My Super Secret Life-26.

My Super Secret Life-26.

Chapter 26


I wake up and the first things that register in the deep sensation of having had sex. Then the realisation of all this stuff, tension and stress and something else that had been knotted up inside of me was gone and that I felt good, really good in fact better than I had ever remembered feeling in my life.

Sweet Dreams-35 The first cut is the Deepest.

Sweet Dreams-35 The first cut is the Deepest.

Chapter 35

It doesn’t take that long before there’s moans coming from the bedroom at Jen’s. The look on Alex’s face is.

Then shock or surprise…
Then Oh…..

There’s this loud cry of girly pleasure and I start rounding everyone up. “Okay…okay come on let’s give the lovebirds privacy to coo.”

I have to push some of the guys out. I’m oddly amused at the boners all around. Todd looks like he might pop a nut right away. I laugh at them and they get to moving but it’s still funny.

Kit and Kin 2

Kit and Kin


Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravenscrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of. Just another day in Ravenscrest.

Like Mother Like Sister 01

Like Mother Like Sister is a continuation of the original, "Like Mother Like Son". In the original story, Darren Peterman is a popular, athletic, heterosexual, 16 year old boy who has grown up having a "thang" for his mother. Its a stand alone story, but why not read "Like Mother Like Son" first.

Understanding Rachel, Part 3

Understanding Rachel, Part 3

Rachel bounced home, feeling giddy. She slipped out of her unisex pants and shirt, and put on a pink robe , reveling in how it felt against her growing breasts.

“I have to call Tayna with the good news.” She thought, and so picked up the phone.

"Hello?" she heard

"Hey girlfriend." Squealed Rachel.
"Oh hey Rachel and its Martin. I am a boy can't you tell?"

"Oh my god!" Rachel giggled.

Dropping to her normal voice Tonya replied" What's so funny?"

“That voice. Is that supposed to be a butch voice?”

“Well, pilgrim, sure.”

the cross-world sword part 2


Meanwhile, in a village in another universe, a group of warriors rested after a long day of hunting. Unbeknown to them, a group of robotic panthers (six in all), were closing in on where they now relaxed. They were sent and controlled by an evil scientist, with the intention of using the creatures to seize land from the tribe.

As the panthers crept closer, a portal opened just above ground level. Through it, John could see the panthers and the village.

Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 14

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 14

As the woman who was once my father was saying all this, I could not help but feel skeptical of her insights and motivations. I felt like she was saying these things but did not mean what she said.

“If your children's well being was so important to you, why did you make my journey into womanhood one way? What would have happended if I did not like it and wanted to go back to being a man?”


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