Leigh Anne - Chapter 4

Leigh Anne - Chapter 4 - Shopping
by Barbara Lynn Terry

As they got home, mom told Leigh to go and change, because she wanted to take her out to go shopping. She changed into a powder blue, A-line skirt and a powder blue half slip. The only under garment she changed was her panties. She took off the ones she wore to see Dr. Sam, and got out a nice pair of powder blue panties, to match the dress. The ones she wore to see Dr. Sam, she put in the laundry hamper. Leigh also changed her shoes, too. Instead of the white heels she wore that morning, she put on a pair of black flats, with a one half inch heel. She undid her hair and put it back in to a pony tail. The pony tail she had when she saw Dr. Sam, was a little messed up because of lying down for the ultra sound and the MRI.

She went downstairs, and her mother approved of her outfit.

"Leigh Anne Smythe, I should wear you out. Go back upstairs and get your purse. Never go anywhere without it."

"Yes, mother." Leigh went to get her purse. When she came back down, her purse across her left shoulder, they were ready to head to the mall.

"We can get a little something for lunch, while we are shopping."

Mrs. Smythe drove around the mall parking lot looking for a space near the food court doors. She saw a car backing out, and immediately put her left blinker on. She pulled in to the space, but it was at the end of the parking lane. It was a good thing that Leigh had her flats on.

They got inside by the food court, and went up to the second level. They went in the little shop titled Everything For The Discriminating Woman. Leigh being fourteen, was already wearing misses junior sizes. Leigh's mother went directly to the dresses.

"Leigh, honey, look for a few dresses that you like. But, young lady, I get to have the final aproval."

Leigh giggled. "Yes, mom."

Leigh looked around, she didn't know what she was looking for, until she found it. Like most girls and women, Leigh didn't have a plan to buy a certain brand, or style, or length, or material. She just looked, and would know that she wanted that dress, when she found it.

Leigh took several, one at a time, and held them up to her. She rejected every one of them.

As she looked more at the dresses on the racks, she saw one that seemed to scream, "buy me, I'm the one for you". It was simple beige that came to just above her knees and had a scoop neck with a back zip. It had a hook and eye closure at the top of the zipper. This hook and eye closure prevents the dress from coming unzipped at the wrong time. Nylon zippers are famous for that.

Leigh went in the changing booth and tried the dress on. It fit, but a little loose, but not by much. It is nice, sometimes, to wear something loose fitting, because it makes boys and men guess if girls have a figure or not. If she used a belt tie with it, it would fit perfectly. She went to the accessory part of the store, and looked for a belt tie. She needed one either in beige or black. She found a black one, that had a button closure in the back, making the belt tie look like it was actually tied. Leigh put the belt tie around her, and buttoned it. The dress fit like a glove. She kept the belt tie.

Leigh then went back by the dresses.

"Honey, where were you?"

"I found this beige dress, and it fit kinda loose, so I went to look for a belt tie for it. I found this nice black one."

"Leigh Anne Smythe, where did you learn to accessorize like that?"

Leigh just shrugged. "I don't know, mom. Maybe from...you."

Leigh and mother hugged.

"My little girl isn't so little any more."

"No, she isn't," came a voice from behind them. "I was watching her, because she had the dress on, and when I saw she was looking for and accessory to go with it, I kept watching. If she were my daughter, I would definitely be a proud mother. It is amazing, isn't it, that a girl so young, can shop by herself."

"Yes, and I am very proud of this girl. She is going to be a model, I think."

Leigh blushed a crimson red.

"What is your name, young lady?"

"Leigh Anne."

"Do you know Patty Langston?"

"Yes, we are very good friends. We are even in the same classes, together."

"I'm Mrs. Langston, Patty's mother."

"OMG! It is so nice to meet you."

"I come to all the tennis games, because I drive Patty to them. I can pick you up, too. It wouldn't be a problem. I am really glad that Patty was able to find a girl to play on the team. She said you are very good at tennis."

"I don't know about being very good, but I play a decent game."

"Patty said you had manners, but she didn't tell me you were so modest, too. Patty said, if you were an adult, you could actually be a girls tennis coach for the school."

"Well, maybe. But, I like to play tennis, not only because I love the game, but because it is good exercise, too."

"Your figure is proof of that. So, Mrs. Smythe, may I pick her up and she can ride with Patty and Darlene? I swear, those two girls are joined at the hip. Darlene spends so much time at our house, a person would think she lives there." Mrs. Langston giggled.

"Well, I don't see any reason why she couldn't ride with her friends. Leigh, would you like that?"

"Yes, mom. Thank you, Mrs. Langston."

"You are quite welcome, young lady. Now, how about when we are done here, we go for a bite of lunch."

"Just a bite?" Leigh quipped. All three giggled.

"They have an Applebee's just off of the food court. I was going to go there, and have my lunch. So, why not we all go together? I can get to know you a little better, Leigh Anne."

"It is alright with me. Mom, what do you think?"

"Sounds like a plan to me."

"I found one dress, I need two or three more, and a couple of skirts and blouses, too."

"Leigh, you go and find the dresses and just a couple skirts and blouses, while I talk to Mrs. Langston."

Leigh went to look at more dresses, and saw a really pretty lilac, sleeveless, sheath dress, with matching jacket. The jacket didn't come quite to the waist, and was meant to be worn open, as the buttons on it were more for decoration. The purpose for that was, so everybody could see the dress. This could be worn to school, for hanging out, for official appointments, and even parties.

It wasn't a party dress, per se, but was the kind that could be worn anywhere. Leigh Anne found one in her size, and went to try it on. She was not aware that her mother and Mrs. Langston were watching her very closely. The dress came to about two inches above her knees, and her mother seemed to think that was high enough.

"She has a wonderful eye for fashion, and not just what the girls wear today, but for tasteful things. Like that sheath she just tried on. I'm glad that Patty had mentioned her, after they had a talk with the school principal."

Leigh's mother didn't tell Mrs. Langston of the row Leigh, Patty and Darlene caused, when they said Leigh was substituting for the injured girl, as a girl. Leigh's mother didn't think Mrs. Langston would understand.

"Yes, Leigh, Patty and Darlene came to the house right after school and asked us if Leigh could substitute for one of the girls who was out for the rest of the school year. Of course, we said yes, so, here we are."

"Well, from what Patty tells me, Leigh Anne could go professional after she graduates from high school, or, maybe even during summer break."

"Maybe, Mrs. Langston ..."

"It's Maggie."

"Thank you, Maggie, I'm Geri. But I don't think Leigh would be interested in being a professional tennis player. I will mention it to her, though.

"Well, if Leigh is as good as Patty says she is, then maybe you should kind of talk her into it, without her knowing that is what you are doing. She is only 14 now, so there is a lot of time for her to think about it. All I am saying is, she could turn her talent in to some big money."

"We have never been too keen on a lot of money, Mrs. Langston," Leigh said, as she came around the corner. "I have considered whether or not I should play tennis professionally. Patty, Darlene and I talked about it. But, it is like you said, too, that I am only 14, so I have a lot of time to think about it. Who knows, I might even be a waitress, or maybe even a nurse, maybe I will just go to medical school and become a doctor. I have a lot of time to think about what I want to do when I graduate from high school.

"Mrs. Langston, there is one thing for sure that I am going to do, after I graduate from high school; I'm going to go to college. I can play tennis there, too. Who knows, I may even be 'discovered' by an agent. There are a lot of possibles involved, so I have to think about each of them."

"Didn't I tell you that Patty said you were smart? I am very happy that you have that attitude. It will serve you well in the coming years.

"Mom, I found two more skirts and tops, and I feel I have walked the Boston Marathon, today. I'm hungry."

"Yes, dear, we are going. Do you remember the last time I took you to Applebee's?"

"Yes, that was my ninth birthday. You said you were taking me out for a special dinner. Uhm, mom? We need to talk when we get home."

"Yes, dear, but for right now, let's enjoy our lunch."

All three headed towards Applebee's. They were almost there, when Patty and Darlene met them.

"Hey mom," Patty said, cheerfully.

"Hi Mrs. Langston," Darlene added.

"Where is everybody going? You aren't leaving. Are you?"

"No, Patty, we were just going to go to Applebee's for lunch. Want to come?"

"You bet."

It was no accident that Patty and Darlene met up with Leigh and company. They were actually looking for Leigh, anyway. They all went in to Applebee's, and amazingly, everybody fit in one booth.

"So, Leigh, did you get your tennis clothes, yet?" Patty inquired.

"No, not yet. We are going a little later and get them, or tomorrow evening after school. Our next game isn't until Wednesday, so, I can get them tomorrow. Besides, I kinda can't make up my mind if I want a skirt and top combo, or just a few tennis dresses."

"Well, for me," Patty said, thoughtfully, "I like the dresses. They are one piece and you don't have an extra top to mess with."

"Well, we will see. When I get home tonight, mom..."

"Yes, Leigh, what is it, dear?"

"It can wait until we get home. Let's order, I'm starving."

"Leigh, if you think this shopping trip has made you hungry, wait til you come with your friends. You will feel like you walked a dozen marathons. We can go and get your tennis clothes, after we are done here, if you wish."

"That would be great, mom." Patty and Darlene agreed.

It was decided however, that since the girls were close friends, they should sit in the next booth, and the mothers would sit in the one they were in. It would be the same waitress, so they told her the girls were going to sit in the next booth. The waitress, whose name was Emily, said that would be fine.

Geraldine Smythe ordered for all of them. The sizzling steak dinners at Applebee's are delicious, and piping hot when they are brought to the customer.

After the meals were passed out, Emily asked if both booths were going to be on one check. Geri assured her it was.

As they ate, Geri and Maggie talked about Leigh, and what her prospects were after high school. Not wanting to be rude and eaves drop, the girls talked about the upcoming games, and how much fun they were going to have. They kind of were a little awed, that Leigh was going to be playing on their team.

"Leigh," Patty said, matter of factly, "our next game is a home game against Gaynor High. They are very good, so we have to be just a tad better."

"I will give it all I have. Besides, maybe they won't be able to take my lobs."

"Maybe, Leigh, but we have to be quicker and better. We will be playing doubles first, then whoever wins the doubles, one girl from each team will play singles against another girl from the other team. By the time we are done on Wednesday, we are going to be ..."

"Tired," Leigh added.

"No, I think we will be beyond tired." All three girls giggled.

Of course, you have never seen an over weight tennis player. To chase the ball back and forth, you have to be very agile. You have to be able to know when to chase the ball and when not to. The whole idea is to keep an eye on the ball, to see where it is going to land on your side of the court.

This wasn't just a simple weekend, having fun kind of game. This was for winning against another school for the chance to go to state and the finals. So, Leigh had to get her tennis clothes today, so she had them.

"I heard Gaynor High has this girl who five foot, eight inches. I'm five foot, three inches. That would make her five inches taller than me. If I can get my lobs past her, then we will be okay. I'm going to do my best to keep that girl from playing against whoever from our team plays the singles."

"Leigh," Patty looked at her with a serious expression. "Don't be awed by this girl's height. I have heard that, yes, she is tall, but she is also clumsy. She can't play on the women's courts too well."

"Well, we will see what happens." Leigh turned to look at her mother. "Mom, may I have another soda, please?"

"Yes, dear, you may. Just order it and I will have Emily add it to the bill. Patty and Darlene may order another soda, too." The girls ordered their soda pops, and they sat there making their plans for defeating Gaynor High. It is good school spirit to be able to go to the trophy case and see the trophy. The more wins assured that Leigh and her team were going to go to the state finals. Maybe if they won at state, they would be going to the nationals. That would be something.

Chapter 2 - Leigh shops for tennis clothes.

Everybody was finished with their meal, and Geraldine Smythe left a generous tip at both booths. It was, after all, good manners. Since both booths were in Emily's station, she would get both tips.

As they went back in to the mall proper, they headed for Jim's Sporting Goods, on the second floor. As they walked through the mall, they saw a few Gaynor high girls go in the same store they were on their way to. Patty told Leigh to ignore anything they said, because they were just trying to get a reaction from her. Leigh assured Patty there was no problem.

They went in the store, and went right to the tennis racquets. Leigh only had one racquet at home, and wanted at least two more. Now, anybody who has ever bought sports equipment, especially for tournaments and finals, knows this equipment is not cheap. The cheaper the tennis racquet, the less quality. The saying 'you get what you pay for' is extremely true with tennis equipment. The best racquets are upwards of two hundred dollars, as are tennis dresses, skirts and tops. Tennis shoes with good grip and lightweight are also expensive.

Geraldine Watkins from Gaynor High saw them come in.

"Well, girls, you may as well give it up this year. We are the best team, unbeaten, and we intend to stay that way."

Ignoring her, Patty, Darlene and Leigh looked at the tennis dresses. There were several Leigh liked, and they cost a small fortune. There was one that caught Leigh's eye, but it also caught Geri Watkins eye, too. Leigh took it off of the rack, but Geri tried to pull it away from her.

"Excuse me," Leigh said, looking directly in to Geri's eyes. "I saw the dress first, and I have it in my hands. It is very impolite to think you have every right to take something away from someone. I can also tell by the way you brag about being unbeaten, that you are used to getting what you want. Well, only a spoiled child would have that way of thinking, and I am not your mother. So, either let go of the dress, or you will end up paying for it, if you rip it."

"Well, Patricia, who's your snotty friend?"

"Geri, meet Leigh Anne Smythe, our last minute replacement for Janie. There is something you need to know, too, Gerladine; we are also unbeaten. That is why we have the next game together. I am not going to say that we are better than you, but we will give you a run for your money."

"Yeah, whatever, girly girl. You can have the stupid dress, bitch, and I hope it doesn't fit."

Geri was to regret what she said, because Leigh stepped out of the changing booth, looking like a tennis pro. Geri Smythe said that she could keep the dress. Then she went looking for another dress, but found a skirt and top combo. She also ran in to Geri.

"Listen Geri, I am really good at this game, and when we have our next game, I just want to have fun. I don't need a whole lot of drama before the game. I'm here to get tennis clothes and a couple of racquets. I am not here to argue or boast about what I can or cannot do. If you have a problem with our school, then maybe you don't belong in the tournaments."

"Yeah, well, I can brag as much as I want to." Then Geri yelled through the store. "GAYNOR HIGH IS THE BEST!" All Leigh could do was laugh to herself and shake her head. "What did you just say?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing." Then Leigh let out a giggle and rejoined her mother, Patty and her mother and Darlene.

"What was that about, dear?"

"Oh, that girl was bragging her school is the best, and I just had to laugh. I mean, a girl that is that pathetic; omg, I swear."

"Yes, dear, there are many girls like that in high school sports. It just shows that they had better get it out of their system, or they won't be accepted in to the WTA, let alone the NCAA. You know, Billie Jean King organized the WTA in 1973 so that women would be a force to be reckoned with in professional tennis. She even beat tennis champion Bobby Riggs in three straight sets. From that time on, women were a reckoning force in professional tennis. That is why I said, dear, that you can be anybody you want. All you need is practice, practice, practice."

"Thanks, mom. I have one dress, and one skirt and top. I need at least two more dresses and maybe another skirt and top. I was looking at the Adidas, and this dress cost one hundred and eighty nine dollars."

"Honey, we have enough for you to get two more dresses and even two more skirts and tops. Then we need to get you at least two pairs of good tennis shoes. Tennis skirts and tops are just as much singly, as a tennis dress or racquet."

Leigh tried on a white skirt, a white top with pink piping, and redid her hair in to a higher pony tail. As she looked in the mirror in the changing booth, she saw the intended reflection. She actually looked like she was sixteen. She stepped out of the changing booth to show her mother.

"Excuse me, young lady, did you happen to see my daughter in there? I swear this is the booth she used. Oh well, you know what they say; moms are all scatter brained." Leigh couldn't help but giggle.

"No Miss, I was the only one in there."

"Oh darn, I think I lost my daughter at large somewhere in the store."

All five giggled. Patty's mother just had to make the remark. "You know, Geri, we could just take this girl home and leave Leigh here."

"That is a wonderful idea, Maggie. Dear, you look positively radiant. If you thought you looked older with makeup, think what that outfit and makeup on would do? You will not only look older, you will look ravishing."

As Geri and her friends passed by, she softly spoke a nasty word in Leigh's direction.

"Don't worry about her, Leigh. We will do our fighting on the court."

"Mom, I can't wear makeup on the court anyway. The MHSAA doesn't allow makeup during interscholastic sports events."

"Well, there is nothing saying that you can't wear makeup after the game."

"True. But, mom, I'm only thirteen and I am in no great hurry to grow up...yet."

"Good girl. Well, we had lunch three hours ago. That is how long we have been in this store."

"It does take a while when you are looking for something semi professional."

"Yes, Leigh, but these outfits are actually worn by women's professional tennis players. When the Australian Open comes up in January, you watch what outfits they wear, and how they handle themselves. There aren't any female John McEnroes in women's tennis." Everybody giggled. "So, are we ready to head home?"

"Mom, head home? Didn't we just get here?" Everybody giggled again.

Geri hugged her daughter, because she knew this girl was going to be a very good tennis player. She already had the qualifications to play professionally, but because of her age, she had to wait a few years. But, Geraldine Smythe thought, she can still play high school and college tennis.

Geri paid for the shoes, outfits and racquets, and they all headed towards the car with the bags.

"I only hope your father doesn't think we bought out the store, or broke the bank." There were more giggles. "Maggie? You and the girls are coming with us. Right?"

"Yes, thank you, Geri, it will save us a bus trip."

They put the bags in the trunk of the car, and when everybody was belted in, Geri drove home.

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