Leigh Anne - Chapter 2
by Barbara Lynn Terry
Author's Note: Stories that are written from the imagination are called fiction. Stories based on an actual person and chain of events is called a biography. This story, I suppose, I could have titled, "The Replacement", but I chose Leigh Anne. How many of you have played tennis at the neighborhood tennis courts. I know I have. Leigh Anne has played tennis with her friends every weekend at Burnham Park. Where is this story going? Through the young life of a male tennis player substituting for a girl on the school's girls tennis team. Just follow Leigh Anne as she has the time of her young life and discovers things about herself she never knew existed. Thank you for reading and for your comments. Barbara.
Part I - Daddy doesn't get his way.
"You do what you think is best. I will have nothing to do with this perversion, except sign the letter of consent. Leigh, it was your mother's idea to spell your first name the way it is. When I went to the courthouse to try and get it changed, I was told I needed a doctor's statement on the doctor's letterhead. You start wearing dresses, or any girl's clothing in this house, I will disown you. I should just kick you out."
"No you don't, mister!" Mom yelled at daddy. "You want someone out of this house, you can leave."
"Don't tempt me."
"Then I will say it again. If you want someone out of this house, there's the door. Don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out."
"You're all crazy; you're all insane. It's not right for a boy to be traipsing around like a girl."
"The only 'boy' here, dear, is you. The rest of us are girls."
Daddy went over to the phone and dialed a number. When whoever he dialed, answered, daddy started to talk.
"Hello, may I have the police at 23226 Palisades Drive? My wife is letting my thirteen year old son, dress and act like a girl." He listened for a couple of minutes, then daddy started getting loud.
"What the hell do you mean, it's not against the law? Of course it is. It's downright perverse, and perversion is against the law." He was shouting into the phone. I could just picture the poor officer holding the receiver away from his or her ear. "I don't have to calm down, this is my son, and he is not going to be traipsing around town in a dress." He listened again. "What do you mean, you will arrest me? I haven't done anything." He listened, again. "Disorderly conduct! The only disorderly conduct here is my wife supporting my son to dress and act like a girl."
I heard the voice get loud on the other end, and daddy just listened. After a few minutes, daddy hung up the phone, and went to his room and slammed the door.
"I guess he didn't like what the police told him."
"I guess not, mom, but he has to learn. This world is for everybody, not just him."
"You are so right, dear." She kissed me on my forehead, and then said let's go shopping.
Part II - Shopping.
When we got to the mall, we didn't talk about daddy or his yelling at the police. We just had fun shopping. The first shop we went to was one that sold coats, jackets, sweaters, hoodies, and jumpsuits for hunting. This store was for everybody, and it was quite busy when we went in. We went to the ladies section, and looked at all the coats. There was this snow white one, with faux fur trim around the parka, and it even came with a matching pair of gloves.
I took the one in my size off of the rack and tried it on. It fit perfectly. Mom said I could have it, and she paid the lady, then we left. The next store sold dresses and skirts of every size, color, style, fabric and length. We looked through the racks and there were a lot of nice clothes.
I took one dress that was wine colored in the changing booth and tried it on. It fit like I was born in it. I stepped out for mom to see.
"Honey, you look very pretty in that dress. It is just adorable. I love the color and style. You know what we should do? You should change in to this one, just before we go home and let your father see what a beautiful girl you are. You know, dear, when you said you were going to play tennis on the school girls team, I had my doubts. But seeing you now, I know I have a daughter. You are very beautiful, dear."
"Thank you, mom," I said, feeling the heat in my face rise.
We looked around at more dresses, and I saw a white one that was just perfect for church. Apparently, whoever thought this up was thinking about the white dress Natalie Wood wore in West Side Story to the dance. Oh, yes, I have seen that movie, and I could never understand how they compared it to Romeo and Juliet. There was a red sash around the waist that closed in the back. It was actually sewn in. I tried it on, and mom said if I wanted this one, it was for church and special things like parties and public events. I didn't know what she meant by "public" events, but I guess I will learn.
We looked at more dresses. Oh! Before I forget, I have to tell you that I could spend all day in here, and have so much fun. The next dress was a powder blue and had sewn on flowers around the front of the neckline, in different colors. It was very beautiful. This was a keeper too. It fit perfectly. All three dresses came to just above my knees, and had scoop necklines.
Mother saw the look on my face, when I stepped out for her to see.
"Honey, I think you can wear that one today. You look so angelic."
"Thank you, mother."
After we had gotten these three dresses, we looked at skirts. There was a white skirt that had a red waistband that seemed to be a set with my white dress. I got that one, and told mom I needed to find a top for the skirt right away.
We looked at all the blouses, shirts, pullovers and selected a blouse that had red trim on the edge of the sleeves. This was a perfect match for the skirt. I wonder what mom would think about me having a red bra? No? Oh well, it was just a thought. We went back and looked at the skirts, again.
The racks were full of choices guys could only dream about. I took a chocolate skirt off of the rack and went to try it on. It was an A-line that swirled when I moved. I needed a chocloate colored blouse or shirt to go with it, so we went back to the tops section.
I didn't find an exact match, but did find one just a shade lighter. This would be a perfect match too. I now had two skirts I could wear and two tops. Going back to the skirts, we found one that was hot pink, but mother said no, not for a few more years, at least. The next one I found was pale blue, and I needed a top for that one. So, we went back to the tops. I giggled out loud.
"What's so funny,dear?"
"This running back and forth getting tops for the skirts. But when I find a skirt, I want to match it with a top right away."
"That is a good way to do it, though. This way you match your outfits the way you want. You have very good fashion sense, too."
"Thank you, mother."
The next skirt was one to actually die for. It had a satin inner lining, with around the hem, and it too was an A-line. This was a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed shopping. Next, mom wanted to get me some slacks and jeans.
Girls jeans are a lighter denim with a stretch material. They bend every way we do. So, mom paid for the dresses, tops and skirts, and we left to go and find the pants.
We had only been to two stores, andit took us over four hours, so we stopped for a small bite at the food court. We got our food and sat down. I just looked around at the cute guys who were looking at me. I guess mom was right. I look like a girl even as I am dessed. I asked mother if I could go and change in to my powder blue dress after we were done here at the food court.
"Yes, dear, I think we should all make a quick stop before we do any more shopping. Did you have fun, so far Leigh?"
"Yes, mother, I have. Patty, what did you think about the clothes I tried on?"
"I'm jealous, girlfriend. I wish I had clothes like those."
Patty, of course, had really nice clothes. But I guess if you see them everyday, they lose their whatever you call it, and just become plain old clothes.
"Leigh, I think your dad is going to not only hit the roof, but I think he is actually going to shoot up to the moon. His temper is bad. Are you sure, Mrs. Smythe, that you and Leigh are safe around him?"
"Well, Darlene, I am going to have to keep a close eye on him. He is a sound sleeper, so when his alaram goes off in the morning, I'm going to get up too. Like with Leigh's dad, he was in the Marine Corps, and he wants Leigh to join the Marines too. Leigh has told me a few times that she wants to study law. The Marines would be perfect for her, if she enlisted, because she could take her ROTC in college, and join the JAG Corps after she graduates. But I am not going to force her. If she did this, she would graduate as a lieutenant jg and after a certain period of time could resign her commission.
"The only good paying employer in this country right now, is the federal government. But Leigh has a lot of time to make up her mind. Well, ladies, are we ready? Let's make a quick pit stop and Leigh can change in the ladies lounge."
We put our trash in the bin, and headed for the nearest ladies room. Once inside, I went right to a stall and did my business. Then mom handed me a slip I didn't see her buy, and the dress. I put them on, and zipped the dress as far as I could. I stepped out of the stall, and Darlene helped zip it up and fasten the clasp at the top. I looked myself in the mirror from all sides, and what I saw, I liked.
"Oh honey, you look so much like an angel," mom said, with tears starting to form. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Another lady who was in there too, told meI was lucky to be so beautiful at such a young age. I said thank you, and we left for the lingerie shop.
Guys you will never know what we see when we look at al those colors, fabrics, styles and lengths. Like in the Doris Day song where she sings, "I drool over dresses made of lace. ..." Well we do. We drool over anything made of lace or has lace on it. While pink shows that a girl is proud to be a girl, lace has that same effect. Oh, how do I know about Doris Day? Mom has a lot of her records and movies. When we watch them, daddy always has business everywhere else but at home. I think mom drives him crazy with her songs too. The funniest Doris Day song I ever heard mom play was "I Said My Pajamas and Put On My Pray'rs". That song is so funny. A part of the song goes like this; "I climbed up the door, and opened the stairs, said my pajamas and put on my prayers, turned off the bed and crawled in to the light, and all because you kissed me, good night." I laugh so hard when I hear this song. So now we were at the lingerie shop, and all the colors and aromas were intoxicating. Yes guys, even for girls and women, feminine scents can be intoxicating. We started looking around. A lady that was older than mom came over.
"Hello, I'm Stacy. May I help you?"
"Yes, Stacy. We're looking for lingerie to go with my daughter's new clothes."
She took the clothes out of the bags and showed them to Stacy.
"I have just what you need. Follow me, please."
She took us over to a part of the store that seemed deserted. We were told this is where all the good lingerie was, and only special customers get to come back this far. Mom asked her what she meant by "special" customers, and she said those that had lingerie needs better than what was in the public area. Stacy asked mom if she could have a private talk with her. They went a ways away where Darlene, Patty and I couldn't hear what they were saying. I saw mom get a shocked look on her face.
"Come, girls, apparently this woman has the wrong impression. Stacy, who is your supervisor?"
"We don't give out that information."
"Oh no! We will just see about that."
We went over to the cash register and mom asked the woman behind the counter if we could talk to the manager. She said just a minute and disappeared in the back. A young woman came out and asked us what we wanted. Mom told this lady about Stacy telling mom that she takes care of many she/boys, so there is no need to be embarassed. Mom assured the manager that I was all girl, and that this insult needs to be dealth with. The manager agreed.
"Stacy, what has gotten into you,lately? These are not the first customers you have purposely insulted. Apologize to this woman and her daughter right now."
"If she is a real girl, then let's go in the back and she can show us."
"Stacy! What is the matter with you?"
"Listen you little upstart. You're only the manager here because you have a business degree. I have worked here for fifteen years. I know a she/boy when I see one."
"Stacy, get your coat and purse and sign out. You're fired. If you want to complain to Mary when she is here on Friday, you go right ahead. I will have already filed my report to her before then."
"What is your name, young lady?" Mom asked the manager.
"Denise Richardson, ma'am. I'm the store manager."
"Well, thank you Denise."
"You're very welcome, ma'am. As a sort of consolation for your trouble, you can pick out anything in the store for free. Of course, it will be one item only, but it is something for your trouble."
Stacy came out of the back in a huff, and oh boy, if looks could kill. She looked worse than a bull with all those swords in its side. After she left the store, we continued shopping. Denise is going to love us. Too bad Stacy won't get this commission.
Mom let me get four bra and panty sets that were on hangers, several pair of panties, a few more bras, camis, three more full and half slips. We took everything to the counter and mom paid the young lady and we left to take our bags to the car. Never leave your bags in plain sight. Always put them in the trunk, especially if you are going back in the mall.
The next store we went to had what is called costume jewelry, you know everything is cheap. But some of the plastic earrings are really good and they have hypoallergenic posts. There were some necklaces too, that were hypoallergenic and only cost like thirty dollars. After I picked a few pairs of hoops, butterflies, barettes and hair clips, we decided our shopping for today was done. Besides, if you spend everything in one day, you can't come back the next weekend until you have more money. On the way out to the car, we stopped at the food court and got sodas to go and mom got something from Starbucks.
We put our bags in the trunk with the rest, and we got in the car and buckled in. It took us a little while to get out of this parking lane, because someone ahead of us was looking for "just the right parking spot". When we got on to the street, mom drove us home. All the while in the back we girls were talking endlessly about what I had gotten, and about that witch, Stacy. Before we knew it, we were home.
When they got in the house, and took everything to Leigh's room, her mother heard her father mumbling under his breath. Leigh's mom went to see what was going on.
"Dear, is there something wrong?"
"I should say there is. Here," he said, handing his wife a neatly folded paper. "This is Leigh's permission to play on the school's girls tennis team."
"But, dear, why are you packing?"
"Because, I can't stay here if Leigh is going to be dressing and acting as a girl. It goes against everything I was brought up to believe."
"Dear, you are carrying this a bit too far. These aren't the same days as when you and I grew up. These are different times, and societal thinking towards gays, lesbians, cross dressers, bisexuals, transsexuals and intersexed persons, is changing. You have to understand, dear, that even when we were teens, the whole thing about being who we are, was actually to be an individual.
"Leigh doesn't have the body mass you have, and she never will. Leigh loves to play tennis and I even played a few games with her myself. If being a girl makes her happy, then that is what she will be. Our job is to make sure she doesn't do anything wrong, like rob people, beat people up, steal, injure or kill, or go joy riding in someone else's car. Our job is make sure that she is brought up with a set of values that will make her a decent adult.
"We cannot go around and dictate who Leigh can be, because she is her own person. I can't think her thoughts for her and neither can you.To tell her she is doing wrong by being herself, lowers her self esteem and makes her think that she should never have been born. There are many children like Leigh who commit suicide because nobody accepts them for who they are. I read it in some of the literature on Leigh's computer.
"Dear, you have to look at it from Leighs point of view. This is who she is, and nothing we say or do will stop that."
"I have heard this all before. Is there anything new in what you just said?"
"Yes, all of what I said is new, as far as this discussion goes."
Leigh walked in to her parents room right at that time, wearing one of her new outfits.
"Daddy, do you like my new outfit?"
He grabbed both of his suitcases, and stormed out of the room and out of the house, mumbling about faggots and perversion and that this isn't the end of this.
"Don't worry, dear. Your father just needs time to come to his senses."
"But mom, what if he doesn't? Does that mean it's my fault that he left?"
"No, dear, it is not your fault. Let me ask you something. Did you have fun shopping today?"
"Yes, mother, I did. I didn't know shopping could so much fun."
"See. If a total stranger asked you if you want to be a girl, physically, what would you say?"
"Yes, right now if at all possible."
"So you see, dear, it is not your fault that your narrow minded, bigoted father left the house. He doesn't know what he is going to miss out on. Anyway, tomorow you see my doctor. Are you goiong to wear that?"
"Yes, mom, I am."
"Good choice." She hugged me and said she had to get dinner started, then caught herself. "What am I thinking? You know, Leigh, since it is only us girls now, we can actually put up the tv trays and have dinner in the living room while we watch tv. How does that sound?"
"Sound good, mom." Her mother gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.
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Nobody has said the "F" word.
No, not THAT "F" word, this one: FRAUD. Dad might have gotten better results from the police if he had said, ""Hello, may I have the police at 23226 Palisades Drive? My wife is letting my thirteen year old son, dress and act like a girl so that he can play on the girls' tennis team at school.". The school could be in big trouble if they register him with the girls' tennis association as a girl before she is legally declared one. The truth needs to be told to the association and let them decide if Leigh Anne can play.
"Mom assured the manager that I was all girl," ... Unless I missed the chapter where Leigh had her SRS and is legally declared a female, this is an outright lie, and Stacy, who read "him" and was just trying to be helpful, gets fired! (Even the girls said Leigh needed gaffes, - which are very much for "she/boys" and which, I imagine, Stacy was going to show them. )
From the story, it's obvious that Leigh IS TS, but until she is legally a female, it is fraud to say she is to the girls' tennis association.
BE a lady!
Leigh Anne
I will call the association, because as I understand it, if she has a medical certificate from both a medical doctor and a therapist that it is in her best interests to allow her to play, the association will allow her to play on the girls team but not share the same locker room. So Leigh Anne would have to be dressed in her tennis outfit before the game and then shower at home. My research is still ongoing at this time though, and what I report the character I will name as a representative for the MHSAA will say what the association has told me. These facts I will write as if I was writing an essay on the association.
As for Stacy being fired, I think culminated in this incident with Leigh Anne's mother. Anyway, you are correct, but Leigh Anne won't see her mother's doctor until the next day. A medical examination is required for all students participating in school sports. The psych eval can come later, but not much later. There is a therapist in the works, but right now the main thing is to have the letter of consent on the principal's desk Monday morning.
Some people tell me I write some of my stories from the middle, but I wanted everybody to know how Leigh Anne got to be a replacement for the injured student. Everything will come together.
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
All in all...
...this appears to be a fantasy, and has no more need to comply with ordinary rules than Superman is required to comply with the laws of gravity.
I understand that whales, in reality, rarely hold murderous grudges for any length of time, and that a wooden ship that's been broken into pieces by a rampaging whale will probably leave a few things floating behind besides one empty coffin. In fact, most dead whales do not descend into Hell whilst dragging men along with them, wooden leg or no, and almost invariably rise to the surface when the gases of decay start to bloat their tissues, yet the wildly improbable Moby Dick has survived fairly well over the years with hardly any realism at all.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Interesting story
It is off to a good start. Looking forward to seeing more of it.
Leigh Anne - Chapter 2
Like where you are going with story.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
What if her sex chromosomes are XX and she has something that only looks like a penis? Why does she have to wipe after she pees? Where does her urethra exit? Considering her body, she might have PAIS and XY chromos, but she also may have CAH, XX chromos and be what used to be called a female psuedohermaphrodite. With XX genes does she have to have any surgery before becoming legally female?
What if the M on her birth certificate is unequivically wrong, ie. there is overwhelming physical evidence that she is female? Does she have to have her sex designation legally changed before she can do anything as a girl?
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
What if indeed Renee.
As an author yourself you know for a fact that a story can take off in its own direction and we as authors just guide it a little. So what happens next is as much a mystery to me as it is to you.
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
Big surprise coming?
Dad is having a hard time with his separation from the Corp. Within any military service, there are clear defined do's and don'ts, what's allowed and what isn't allowed. There is a clearly defined structure which must be adhered to or there are consequences. Dad my have left the Corp, but he still carries it with him. And he expect everyone to abide by them as well.
Civilian life has a structure but it's more fluid, more flexible, better suited to accommodated many different situations. Those so used to complete structure often find it hard to adjust to one which is more flexible. Such as what dad is experiencing.
Dad calling the police was foolish, since there isn't a law which forces people to dress in any certain way. Dad, by walking out, showed the type of love he has for Leigh. He showed his love is reserved for those who do what he believes they should be doing. His love is NOT unconditional. Had his love been unconditional, his attitude would have been like that of his wife's. He may not have understood, or even felt it was right, but he would have stood behind Leigh.
When mom talked to Stacy, Stacy should have kept her personal opinions to herself. Mom and the girls were her customers, wanting help with what they thought was a unique situation. Stacy should have simply told mom that she could help them without any problem. And not commented on her perception of Leigh. It isn't that the customer is always right, because they're not. But they are a customer and are in the store to make purchases. The life blood of the business.
Others have feelings too.