Serial Chapter

The Rigby Narratives -15- Resistance is Futile

The Rigby Narratives:

The Ultimate TG Experience
by McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Fifteen -- Resistance is Futile

A low hum, and bright white light flooding through his basement window, woke McKenzie from a deep sleep. Igor's barking didn't help any either. He blinked against the light for a moment, listened to the throbbing hum outside and then rolled over to go back to sleep. At that point he noticed that the mattress was further away than it should have been. He was floating-about six inches off the bed.

A Christmas Diary -7- Ask for Tammy


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A Christmas Diary
Part 7

Do you think of yourself as a girl? How about when you're kissing? If you're my girlfriend how can I be yours? Too many questions, just...

Ask for Tammy


A Christmas Diary -6- Happy? New Year!


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"Hi, cutey!" Now Tammy looks embarrassed...

A Christmas Diary
Part 6: Happy? New Year!

Tom's Christmas Diary

By Little Katie

The Rigby Narratives -10- Fangs for the Memories

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis
Jaye Michael

Chapter Ten -- Fangs for the Memories

The Rigby Narratives -09- The Princess Journals

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis
Jaye Michael

Chapter Nine -- The Princess Journals

"McKenzie Rigby?" The man at the door wore a dark gray suit that screamed money. A red rose resided in the lapel of his suit jacket.

"Yeah?" McKenzie asked scratching at his chest. "That's me. Who are you?"

"I am Count Kristoff von Dachnaney. I represent the government of the Kingdom of Slovarnia. May I come in?" the man asked showing McKenzie his ID and papers.

The Rigby Narratives -08- Vector/Victoria

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis
Jaye Michael

Chapter Eight -- Vector/Victoria

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Thank you." Another bow and the applause finally died. Victoria Lane glided off the stage and to her dressing room, or as she preferred to call it, her closet with built in makeup table.

The Fairy King -8- How Real Can It Get?

Megan considers options and strategies and makes a decision on who she really wants to be. Then, what could be more real than making pancakes for your parents?

Part 8 - How Real Can It Get?

by Wanda Cunningham

The Fairy King -3- If Wishes Were Horses

"If wishes were horses, all beggars would ride
And look down their noses from chargers astride.
If hope granted wings then lovers would fly
Away above clouds to castles in the sky."

Part 3 - If Wishes Were Horses...

by Wanda Cunningham

Meeting of Minds - Act II - Road Trip - 20 - Regrets And Memories

Sue comes to grips with the realizations spawned by the revelations in the last chapter, and Cassandra tries to teach her some new tricks.

Act II

Road Trip

Chapter Twenty

Regrets And Memories

by Dana Short


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Meeting of Minds - Act II - Road Trip - 19 - On The Road To Yellow, By Another Name

After a discussion about famous Immortals, Cassandra tells her story about her time with Methos to Adam, for the official Watcher record. Later, while on the road again, Eadgils finally corners Methos and gets the answers to some of his questions about the eldest's relationship with Sue. Adam tells more than expected, and Sue will learn something about herself which will shake her identity to it's very soul.

Act II
Road Trip

Chapter Nineteen
On The Road To Yellow, By Another Name
by Dana Short


Audience Rating: 




Meeting of Minds - Act II - Road Trip -18- Early Morning History Class

We learn that what has happened to Sue and Eadgils is not quite unique, as the world's oldest Immortal has seen something similar once before, and he tells the sad story.

Jilly Revelations... Part 3

“What you know and you’re still making me go out like this?” He moved towards me looking a bit pissed, okay a lot pissed.
“But you like it.” I said clutching at straws, he went dead white and sat backwards onto the bed.

Jilly: Revelations
Part 3

by JC

Meeting of Minds - Act II - Road Trip -16- Five for the Road

Sue and the gang hit the road. It should be a fun trip - an Immortal pretending to be a Senior Watcher Researcher, an ex-Watcher pretending not to be an Immortal, who has been essentially possessed by the spirit of her Immortal subject, an active Watcher, and the only true Mortal of the bunch, who must not learn the truth about other two, as well as two known Immortals, one a three thousand plus year old witch, ant the other the newest Immortal, who is followed by a homicidal curse. All together in a single vehicle. Let's party!


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