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“Em, you’ll be a great mother, you took great care of Kevin. I couldn’t have done a better job. That was the first time he went to bed without an argument.” Mary said. “How did you do it?”
“Trade secret.” I giggled, “We mothers need to have some secrets.”
I want to thank all the people that have helped me edit and critique this story. They are Angel O'Hare, Stacy Miller, Karen Page, Robi McKee, Paula Dillon and especially Maddy Bell for allowing me to join her universe and giving me permission to write in it.
Based on the story Gaby, Book # 4 - Once Upon A Time In America By Maddy Bell
All Characters portrayed in the story are copywrited to Maddy Bell for her Gaby series found at
Scene 25
The Phone Call:
“Yes she has been behaving, matter of fact she has been wonderful. Sandy just adores her as do I. She makes things happen. … No, no, no, nothing like that.” Giggling. “… Yes she has turned our house topsy turvey in a very good way. My youngest son Kevin simply adores her. He’s happy she’s a gaming person; the two do very well together. We made Em an honorary Aunt. …” Giggling, “Yes she is. … I haven’t seen Sandy so happy. It’s so nice to see her smiling again. … Oh they think of each other as sisters. … Yes indeed. I assumed you would want to talk with her. … Oh I see, you just wanted to talk with me. …” Giggling, “I’m just pulling Em’s chain, she’s champing at the bit to talk with you. I’ll take her to a private phone so she can talk without being overheard. Sandy can you take her to the spare bedroom please? Thank you dear. … No Really Sylvia, she really is no trouble at all. I’m having the time of my life with her here. It’s great to have another daughter in the house. … Yes I know, she’s a big help. Oh here she is, I’ll hang up now. … Thank you, it’s my pleasure, bye Sylvia.” Mary hung up.
“Hey, hi mum, it’s great to hear your voice.”
“So how is my little … GIRL doing?”
“Great but, I miss you mum.”
“I really miss you too Rhod. Have things been going well over there?”
“Well, pretty well. Personally it couldn’t be better; but for Sandy and her parents, it’s pretty rocky.”
“What do you mean, sweetheart?”
“Well you know Sandy is like me; her parents aren’t too happy with it. Especially her dad. Her dad is really horrible to her. Her mother has issues, but I think she’s going to be coming around. I see good changes coming with her.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that. So, are you helping Sandy cope?”
“Yes, she’s coming in to her own. Her little brother Kevin, who is a 5-year-old, was being forced to call Sandy by her male name and use ‘he’ and ‘him’ and treat her like she’s still his brother. If he didn’t, his father would yell at him. I got Kevin to call Sandy his sister, she and her; I told him that his father was wrong in making him do what he did. Kevin agreed and has been treating Sandy like the girl she is. Sandy and him are best of friends now. I’m slowly making Mary realize what she is doing is wrong. I think she’s starting to see it and has been helping Sandy; she’s starting to protect her from her father. She was always terrified to stand up for herself against her husband. She treated him like he was always right, which was wrong. When I pointed this out she stood up for herself and the kids, and put her husband into place. Right now Mr. J is not a happy camper in the home, he is a control freak and Mary finally had enough of that.”
“Oh my it sounds like things are not going too well there. Remember, if you’re having any problems to see Miss Cowlishaw.”
“Yes mum, I know. I have Miss Bell that will help me at a moments notice.”
“Yes, I like her very much. Is Dan giving you any grief?”
“Well, … I met him for the first time this afternoon, he is starting to threaten me. He wants to tell everyone who and what I am. He’s upset that he got kicked off the exchange team. He’s blaming me for all of his problems. I told him I’m not the cause of it, it was himself and his mouth that got him in hot water.”
“Well, if he tries to start anything, you tell Miss Bell or Miss Cowlishaw right away, or you could be in deep trouble if people start listening to him.”
“Well I told him I’m a girl and always have been and Rhod was the masquerade because I was always a tomboy. I planted some other stories, like I came as a girl and have a girl’s passport, or how else could I’ve come into the country? I told him if I had a boy’s passport they never would’ve let me in. He is starting to wonder if I’m a girl after all.”
“Well you be careful, all he has to do is pull your pants down and he has his proof.”
“Uh huh, no he won’t.”
“What do you mean no he won’t?”
“Well, I met a person here that knows Mrs. Jones, they were roommates together in the Uni.”
“So what does she have to do with this?”
“Well, she figured me right out. She guessed I was a boy right away.”
“Yes she did.”
“She didn’t tell Mary did she?”
“Thankfully, no she didn’t.”
“Well, her former husband is like Sandy and me also. Matter of fact, she’s a post-op now. Her name is Valerie and she absolutely gorgeous. She’s a world-class clothing model. They’re no longer married, but they live together and they still love each other dearly. They plan on doing a lesbian union some time soon, they feel they’re life partners.”
“Wow, a lot is going on in this little town, isn’t there?”
“Yes it seems so. Well, she saw that I do ‘girl’ very well, except for the obvious features that make me a male.”
“Well, she GAVE me a very expensive and very realistic breast prosthetics; and a very real looking and functional, female, vagina gaff. She glued them to me and put some makeup on them; so I look absolutely female in everyway now. The breasts have veins and freckles on them, with a realistic nipple. The vagina gaff has a functioning urethra and a true looking vagina, that would allow me to have sex as a girl and can bleed like one also, like a girl on her period, with the blood capsules they sell. I’m told that it looks absolutely life like. The other girls in PE class that I took a shower with, never twigged I wasn’t born a girl.”
“RHOD, you showered with other girls? How could you?”
“Mum, I’m a girl for Pete’s sake. You want me to use the men’s room when I do PE?? I would be so dead if I did. Besides, the other girls naked don’t excite me. I’m just jealous of their bodies, wishing mine looked like theirs for real.”
“Well you just be careful Rhod, you could be in really big trouble if you’re ever found out. All those girls would be upset at you big time for trespassing in their space.”
“I know mum. So far I’m treated as one of them, they never guessed I wasn’t a girl.”
“Well just the same, the English girls know about you and some of the other foreign exchange students do also. They could be upset at you.”
“MUM, they have no problem with me being this way. Matter of fact they like me even more now. Most of the time they totally forgot I wasn’t a girl.”
“I’m glad to hear they are helping you, Rhod.”
“Yes, so am I. If they had issues with it, I would’ve been in so much trouble by now. I also could’ve gotten all the teachers in trouble. Matter of fact, that could still happen, that’s why I’m nervous about what Dan is going to do.”
“Well what do you think he’s going to try and pull then?”
“I think he’s going to get one of the girls in my PE class to spy on me, to see if I really am a girl. Ally is going to have her period this week and I’ve got Ellen getting me the blood capsules, she said she would have them by tomorrow. So Ally and I will be on our periods at the same time. I’m going to make sure I bleed during this period and the other girls see me bleeding. Boys don’t bleed because they don’t have periods. I’m hoping this will convince everyone I truly am a genetic girl.”
“Well Rhod, that would certainly make it look convincing. I hope it works, for your sake.”
“Mum can I ask you a favor?”
“Sure sweetheart, what?”
“Could you stop calling me Rhod and please call me Em or Mfanwy? If you ever call here and forget, that could be very embarrassing.”
“Oh, sorry dear, I guess your right. Besides it sounds like I’ve truly lost my little boy.”
“No mum you haven’t, he’s still here as well as Mfanwy, they are both here and will be here forever. They’re both the same person.”
“I guess you’re right dear. How did you become so smart?”
“I love you mum. I’m glad you’re not like Mrs. J. She wasn’t supporting her child what-so-ever, she resented it.”
“I can understand her side R … uh … Em. It’s hard to lose a child you have had for all of his life. You are a new person that I have to get to know. I won’t lie dear, I’ll miss him very much, but I know you have to do what will make you happy. What makes you happy will make me happy.”
“Thank you for letting me do this mum, I never realized how special you are till I came here and saw how Mrs. J was. Sandy wasn’t getting any support from her mother. She was very lonely. Now she has me and she has opened up so much. She’s very beautiful mum, I hope you can meet her some time. She now has Ellen and Valerie to confide in, for help.”
“Well I can’t wait until you get back here. I want to hug the stuffing’s out of you, my darling daughter.”
I started to cry.
“I wish I could hug you right now, mum.”
“So do I.”
There was silence for a few minutes and I heard her sniffling, as was I.
“Oh, one other thing that’s happening mum. I’m taking ballet.”
“You’re kidding, who is paying for all of this?”
“Ellen teaches ballet and I saw Rachael, one of her students, move very gracefully and I said ‘I wish I could move as graceful as her.’ Ellen heard me and told me, ‘If you want, I can teach you to be graceful, just as Rachael.’ I was a bit taken aback by her statement and asked her how that was possible? She said, ‘I teach ballet and Rachael is my star student and she can teach you.’ So I ended up taking ballet and Ellen treats me like her daughter. She and Valerie are very well off and she regrets never having had children with Valerie; when she was her husband. She wants some children and they are planning on doing it sometime in the future. She wants to be artificially inseminated. But in the mean time, Sandy and I are her children. She bought me many dance outfits, plus my girl bits.”
“Em, you can’t let people pay for everything.”
“Mum they won’t take my money. Honest, I tried.”
“Well ok. Make sure you really thank them in some way.”
“Sandy and I had a sleepover this weekend and all the gang was invited. Everyone showed up except for Gaby, Jules, Britney and Debbie. We had a fab time. Then we went cross-country skiing today; that was a blast. The only problems were Dan Martin threatening me; and Gaby and Maddy coming in very late, they took the long way around and Brit and Debbie didn’t stay with them. Mr. Walters was very angry at Britney. Everyone was really worried when all the skiers returned except for Gab and Maddy. They even called the State Bobbies to help. They finally showed up unharmed, but they were very tired and cold. They just couldn’t keep up with all the others.”
“That was very irresponsible of Debbie and Britney to not stay with them.”
“That’s what Mr. Walters said, I think Britney is so grounded. Gaby was skiing in a skirt, even.”
“Why was she wearing a skirt to ski?”
“No one told her she would be skiing today, so she just dressed comfortably.”
“Wow do you realize you’ve been calling Drew, Gaby and her and she? Are you forgetting who Drew is and what he is? He’s a boy! Why is he dressing like a girl?”
“Mum, you know we have cheer competition later on in this trip and Gaby needs to be here to do it. Mr. Pilling and Miss Cowlishaw thought it best he stay as a girl for the whole trip; especially since the Walters olds already thought Drew was a girl anyway, from the pictures Brit and Deb took. He looked like a girl when we left, if you recall.”
“Yes he did. I didn’t say anything at the time and I probably should have, but they were so late and they seemed so down. Did you ever find out why they were down?”
“Well we think it had to do with his mum. She was going around with some other guy and wanted a divorce from their dad. She just got back into town, when they had to leave for this trip. They hadn’t seen her for some time.”
“Wow, I never heard or knew. I haven’t seen Jenny in ages, ever since she got that job riding with that team in Germany. Maybe I should go over there and see how things are going.”
“Well they seem to be in better spirits lately, but I’ve heard nothing about what’s going on. We don’t see much of each other, while we’re here.”
“Oh sorry to hear that. Do you see Ally at all?”
“Ally, Darla and I are together for school classes all day long. Sandy is in seventh form here, so I couldn’t take her classes, so they paired me up with Darla.”
“So, how are classes then?”
“Much the same as back home. The only classes that kind of were a surprise was Health and PE.”
“What’s such a surprise about those classes?”
“MUM, they are girls classes only. Health for women really shocked me. We were talking about periods and things. I had to answer what it was like to have a period, how MY body responds during a period and how often a period happens. I was talked to, about not keeping a diary, showing when my PERIODS are due. What can happen if you’re not prepared for them. The stories they told. They almost made me throw up my lunch.”
Mum was laughing loudly, she was enjoying this part of our conversation.
“Sorry darling, I just couldn’t resist.” Still giggling, “Now you know what we go through every 28 days. So are you going to keep a diary so you know when you’ll be on? This is just too much. My son has to worry about having his period.” Still giggling. “I hope you have your feminine hygiene products; like sanitary towels and your tampons. It would be messy if you’re caught with out them, when you get on.
“Mum, could I have a little pity here?”
“What and miss this? No dear, you want to be a girl, well you need to know what a girl has to deal with. How else are you going to be able to pass as a true girl? Go around and never have a period, or later in life Menopause? You would give yourself away if you couldn’t talk about it intelligently. You better pay real close attention dear. Even though you’ll not really experience them, you need to be able to talk about them and not blush or feel embarrassed. Know what happens, or should happen when you go on, so you can mimic it. Welcome to girlhood dear, wait until you get older and then it’s womanhood. Maybe you’ll be a mum someday and have to deal with a baby. You need to know how to handle them and what to do when certain things happen.”
“Mum are you forgetting? I can’t get pregnant, I’m a boy genetically.”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t be a mum. You can always adopt a baby and you and your husband can raise a normal family with no one being the wiser; that you weren’t born a woman.”
Oh wow, my mum is already marrying me off! I’m not even a total woman yet.
“Well I guess? You’re moving awfully fast aren’t you?”
“What do you mean, Hun?”
“I mean, you’re already marrying me off and having kids.”
“Don’t you want to have kids?”
“Well yes, but I want to finish school first. I don’t want to get pregnant just yet and have to leave school.”
I started to laugh. She realized what I’d just said and she started to giggle.
“Oh you, I’ll get you one day for that Em.” she laughed to herself.
“Well Em, you be careful in women’s PE and behave yourself, like the lady you sound like your turning into. I hope I recognize you when you get back. Don’t become too feminine, you need to get through customs with your current passport. They may give you problems if you no longer look like the person in the picture taken last year.”
“Yes I know. I don’t think I’ll change all that much.”
“Well I’m not so sure, you already have your own breasts and your own female bottom. It sounds like it would be hard to prove that you’re still male.”
“Yes, you do have a point. I’ll be careful.”
“Well I must get to bed, it’s very late here and I’ve an eight-thirty appointment in the morning. You take care sweetheart and if Dan becomes troublesome, you make sure you immediately go to either Miss Cowlishaw or Miss Bell pronto, I’m sure they’ll know what to do. You probably should’ve told them about it today. It wouldn’t hurt to call one of them and let them know what happened, so they can be ready for him.”
“Ok mum, I’ll call them tonight and let them know.”
“Well, you have a good week dear. Be good. I love you very much. I can’t wait for your return. I want to see how beautiful my daughter has become.”
“Thank you mum, you’re the greatest. I can’t wait neither, but I know I’ll miss Sandy when I get back, she’s the greatest older sister I ever had.”
Sylvia Chuckled, “She’s your only oldest sister you ever had. Goodnight dear, sleep well. I’ll look forward to the next time we talk.”
“Goodnight mum. Luv you!”
I hung up the phone and I started to tear-up. I missed my mum already, she’s the absolute greatest. I found a napkin and dried my eyes and checked myself in the mirror. I don’t look too bad. I left the bedroom and found Sandy talking with her mum.
“Did you have a good chat with your mom dear?” Mrs. J said.
“Yes I did, very much, thank you.”
“So did you fill her in on everything.” Sandy wiggled her eyebrows at me, which her mum couldn’t see.
“Yes I did. She was very fascinated with it all. She told me she can’t wait to see me again and I agreed with her, I can’t wait to see her.”
“Yes, I can understand that, I think?” Sandy looked over to her own mum.
“Yes Sandy, I would miss you very much also.” Sandy got a funny looking grin on her face and I saw a tear trickle down her cheek.
Why is it, we girls cry all the time?
“Come here dear, give me a hug.”
“Oh mom, I love you so much.” Sandy went to her mom and hugged her hard and I saw Mrs. J was starting to tear-up.
I smiled at them as I watched the scene. Yes, it looks like Mrs. J is starting to turn around, I think she’s starting to truly realize she never had a son called Adam, but a daughter called Sandy all along.
Kevin came out of his room and asked, “Em can we play a game?”
I looked over at Sandy and Mary.
“Go ahead Em, if you feel up to it. You don’t have to if you’re too tired.” Mary said.
“Um … ok Kevin just a few games alright? I’m very tired tonight, but I’ll do some time with my favorite boyfriend.”
“BOYFRIEND! I’m not your boyfriend. You’re too old for me. You’re old enough to be my mom!”
“What! You little dickens; that was a horrid thing to say.”
“WHAT! Are you saying I’m really old or something Em?” Mrs. J stated.
“What? Uh … oh no … I meant … uh … well, … I mean I didn’t mean you. … I mean …Kevin called me old, … I’m not that old.”
Mrs. J started laughing as did Sandy. I knew I’d been had.
“Just for that Kevin, I shouldn’t play a game with you.”
“No Em, Your not old. You can be my GIRLFRIEND! Really.”
Mrs. J and Sandy laughed even harder and I started to giggle.
“I’m going to get you my little one!” I started chasing after him and he ran away from me giggling. I chased him into his room and I tackled him on his bed and tickled him.
“Stop, Stop, I have to go potty, please stop.” he laughed crazily.
“Ok Kevin, hurry up so we can get started.”
Kevin ran out of the room, while I looked around at all the stuff he has. He doesn’t know how lucky he is. He really has a lot of toys; this is simply too much. I hope Mary will finally buy things for her daughter. Sandy really needs some help with buying clothes. She’s trying to save up for her surgery and she ends up spending it all on clothes and food of all things.
Kevin finally returned and we started playing some games.
“Ready Em?” Sandy poked her head into the room.
“Sure Sandy; what time is it?”
“It’s almost coming up on nine o’clock.”
“Wow, that late already? Kevin you need to get ready for bed, my little boyfriend.”
“Awe do we have to stop now?”
“Yes we do. No arguments, or I won’t play any games with you, tomorrow or any other day.”
“Ok Em, you win.”
I saw him quickly turn off the PS2 and he tore across the room to his jammies drawer and got his jammies out. I saw his jammies were Spiderman jammies.
“Oh wow, you’re going to turn into Spiderman. Are you going to fight the evil villains and protect me?”
“You bet Em. I’m SPIDERMAN!” He ran to the loo and I could hear him hurry up and brush his teeth and put on his Jammies. When he came out, he looked like Spiderman.
“I’m here for you Auntie Em.” he ran and jumped into my arms.
“OOF you almost knocked me over Spiderman, you’re stronger than you realize.”
He gave me a big kiss on the lips and hugged me so tight I couldn’t breathe. I was starting to look pretty red. Finally he let me go so I could breathe. “I love you Auntie Em.”
“I love you too Spiderman, I wonder who your true identity is. Who is this Amazing Spiderman?”
“Of course you are. I knew it all the time.” I giggled.
“No you didn’t.” he giggled back.
I whispered in his ear, that he should give Sandy a big hug.
“He said ok!” he wiggled down out of my hands and he ran over and jumped into Sandy’s arms.
“Oof you’re strong Spiderman, you almost knocked me over. You sure you’re Kevin? You don’t look anything like him.”
“Yes, I’m Kevin!”
“Well prove it then.”
He hugged Sandy and gave her a big kiss on the lips and then snuggled her neck. “I love my big sister.”
I saw Sandy sort of jump in surprise at that comment. “I love you very much too, Kevin.”
He raised his head and said, “I’m not Kevin, I’m SPIDERMAN!”
Sandy laughed and said, “Of course you are. Go say goodnight to mom, Spiderman.”
He wiggled out of Sandy’s arms and ran for the living room, where he found his mum.
“My, my, look at you, you’re all ready for bed and I didn’t need to help you. How come?”
“Because I’m Spiderman! I had to save Em from the horrible villains.”
I laughed when I heard this.
“You want Em to tuck you in to bed then?”
“Could she?”
“Well why don’t you ask Auntie Em?”
“Auntie Em would you tuck me into bed?”
“Certainly dear heart, come here and let’s go back to your room.”
He ran over to me and took my hand, while we both walked back to his bedroom. I picked him up, gave him one more hug and I laid him down. I pulled his blankets over him and tucked it all around him.
I said, “Here you are, you’re as snug, as a bug, in the rug. Sleep tight and have pleasant dreams.”
“Hmmm. Goodnight Em”
“Goodnight Kevin, see you tomorrow.”
I turned out his light and closed his door.
“Em, you’ll be a great mother, you took great care of Kevin. I couldn’t have done a better job. That was the first time he went to bed without an argument.” Mary said. “How did you do it?”
“Trade secret.” I giggled, “We mothers need to have some secrets.”
“Some young man is going to be very lucky when he hooks you.”
“Who says a young man will hook me. I’ll hook the young man I like.” I laughed.
Sandy was giggling also. “You ready to go Em?”
“Yes, give me a moment though, I need to go to the loo.”
“Ok, no problem.”
I went into the loo and it dawned on me. I’ve got a trick up my sleeve.
“Mary! Could I ask you a question?”
“What’s up Em?”
“Um … Do you by chance have a sanitary towel?”
“All my towels are sanitary Em, I wash them regularly.”
I giggled. “No that’s not what I’m talking about. I mean what you put in your knickers for your time of the month.”
“Oh sanitary napkin. What happened? Did you forget yours? No I left my handbag in the kitchen and I feel like I’m ready to get on my monthly.”
“Oh you poor dear. Hold on a sec, I’ll get you one.”
Mary knocked on the door, “Is it safe to come in dear?”
“Sure Mary, come on in.”
“Here you go, put this in your panties.”
“Thank you Mary, I left mine in the handbag and I started to feel minor cramps and I felt a bit bloated. I better be safe, than sorry.”
“I know what you mean. Sorry you’re going on, that’s no fun.”
I opened the protective wrap around the towel. I took a quick glance at it and saw how it worked. I stripped off the protective paper from the adhesive. I inserted the pad into the gusset of the knickers. Took some toilet paper and wiped my bottom. Got up and pulled my knickers up and my jeans. I know Mary saw my privates, so that should confirm to her I’m all girl.
I washed my hands, checked my makeup, then realized I didn’t have my handbag, I sighed.
“What was that huge sigh for, Em?”
“Oh I was going to fix my makeup but realized I didn’t have my bag with me.”
“Oh don’t you know it, that is so irksome. I do that too, more times than I care to remember. It’s not like you’re going out to meet a guy and going on a date with him, so it won’t be wasted makeup. You two had quite the day. Let’s head back out to the kitchen, I’m sure Sandy is waiting for you.”
“There’s the new mother!” Sandy said grinning.
“Oh hush.” Mary said, “Sandy don’t be so cruel. Em is just starting her monthly, so be nice to her.”
“What huh? Sandy, she’s starting her period, her cramps are starting and she’ll start to feel moody, so treat her gently.”
“MOM! I know what it means to be on, you don’t have to tell me about it.”
“You do?” she said in a surprised tone “Oh, I mean I know you do, I just wanted to remind you is all.”
Sandy just looked at her.
I started to chuckle, but tried hard to hold it in.
I turned my back to Mary and got the snowsuits off of the hooks and I was silently giggling inside. I handed Sandy her suit and I took my snowsuit and got in to it. Then I put on my boots. I was still trying very hard not to laugh. The look on Sandy’s face was priceless.
We were finally ready to go back to the flat. I gave Mary a hug, “Goodnight Mary. Thanks for everything.”
“No problem dear. We’ll see you in the morning.”
Sandy hugged her mum, “Goodnight mom.”
“Goodnight Sandy, sleep well.”
When we arrived in the flat, I couldn’t hold it any longer. I started laughing and laughing.
Sandy looked at me like I was a loony. “What are you laughing at, Em?”
“The look on your face when your mother was trying to explain to you what a period was and you said you knew what it’s like and she said you ‘DO’? I thought I would lose it right there. Especially when she back pedals and said of course you do. That was to much.”
Sandy started to giggle, “You’re right, that was funny. By the way, what was all that about anyway? What do you mean, ‘you’re going to be on’, or ‘starting’?”
“I had an idea when I went to the loo. I called for your mum and asked her if she had a sanitary towel and she told me all her towels were sanitized, she washed them every week. I about lost it there. I then explained that I needed it to stick in my knickers and she finally caught on. She brought me one and she stood right there as I put it in. She also watched me wipe myself off. She now knows I have a woman’s bottom and with me asking for a towel, she now knows I must be starting my period.”
“Good move Em, when you do spot, she will know you must be having a true period. Thus you must be a genetic woman. Good thinking.”
“Well I figured it’s as good a time to start now so I laid the seed, in case Dan tries something. If he tries something, I already admitted I was starting before he said anything to anyone, so he can’t say I was making it all up because of what he was going to do.”
“So how did the phone conversation go between you and your mother.”
“It was great. I miss her.”
“Did you tell her about your bits?”
“Yes, she’s amazed. She was a bit miffed I showered with the other girls though. She didn’t think that was right. So I said, ‘What? You want me to change and shower in the men’s locker room?’ That shut her up.”
“I bet. I’m sure if she could see you now she would be amazed.”
“Yes, wouldn’t she?”
“Oh, she also told me I need to talk with Miss Bell and Miss Cowlishaw about what happened with Dan today. They need to be made aware of what he threatened he was going to do. You think it is too late to call them now? She said I should have told them right away while I was there, but with Gaby and Mad being so late and everyone worried about them; I forgot.”
“I think it is a good idea to tell them what happened, but they may already be in bed. Why don’t we call them first thing in the morning?”
“Want something to drink?”
“No, I’m really tired. I think I’m going to get ready for bed. How about you?”
“I guess I’m the same. Ok then, this was a fantastic weekend Em. Wow what a trip. Everyone will know I’m all girl now. I can’t wait for tomorrow, I can finally be me." Sandy stated.
“I know how you feel exactly.”
I gave Sandy a hug, “Goodnight Sandy, sleep well.”
“Goodnight sis. See you in the morning.”
We walked to our rooms and we both got ready for bed.
I pulled out my journal and started to write:
Day 8 Sunday:
I didn’t enter a journal entry yesterday. So I will enter it today.
I went to Ballet practice Saturday morning. It was awesome. Rachael really worked me hard and tried to get me to quit, but she couldn’t do it. She was amazed with me.
After ballet practice, Mrs. J took me to an indoor mall in Waynesboro. We went shopping for the whole day. I met Roger there from my homeroom, he was there with Matt and Sam. Roger asked me out for a date. I may take him up on it. He was cute.
Mrs. J ended up buying me a dress, it is a very beautiful dress.
We had our sleepover last night, wow was that a fab time. We hope to do that again soon.
Today we went on a cross-country skiing picnic, what a simply fab time.
I put my journal away. Set the alarm clock. Turned off the light. Laid down and I was gone.
To be continued:
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Another great chapter, Joni! Em's using her noggin! This ought to shut Dan up, but I hope he gets the stuffing knocked out of him at the same time. He deserves to be throughly embarrassed!
Love & Hugs!
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
RTTA ch 25
Thanks Karen, I appreciate the comments.
I'll have to agree with Karen J, this is a great chapter. Em's mom sounds like she's come around as does Mary. I'm still worried about Dan, stupid people are like bad pennies - they show up when you least expect them.
Haven't heard from Mr. J since breakfast, I wonder when that bomb will explode, giggle giggle Oh well, time will tell, time will tell.