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I could see Sandy beaming, as her brother spoke about her. I could see Mr. J turning puce trying to hold his tongue. He was absolutely livid but he couldn’t say anything about it. I was there and he didn’t know, I knew everything about Sandy. I am hoping Kevin never spills the beans about me knowing. Kevin was using all the correct pronouns when he talked about Sandy.
I want to thank all the people that have helped me edit and critique this story. They are Angel O'Hare, Stacy Miller, Karen Page, Robi McKee, Paula Dillon and especially Maddy Bell for allowing me to join her universe and giving me permission to write in it.
Based on the story Gaby, Book # 4 - Once Upon A Time In America By Maddy Bell
All Characters portrayed in the story are copywrited to Maddy Bell for her Gaby series found at
Scene 8
I woke up early again. Looking at the alarm clock, I saw it was four thirty in the morning. Turning on the light, I realised where I was this time, no more running into the wall. I really have to ask Sandy if we can go shopping to get a night-light, and I would love to get some decent tea.
I went to the loo, did the necessaries, and then took a shower. When I got done, I wrapped a towel around my hair and another wrapped around my breasts. Yes my breasts, I actually had some growth there. I went to the mirror and looked at myself, and saw that I was really starting to develop. I smiled and took my HRT’s. I spread lotion over my body, powdered myself and brushed my teeth.
Looking in my wardrobe I wondered what to wear today? Hmmm Sandy said to wear trousers, and a jumper. I found light blue jeans, white blouse, and a pale blue jumper. I also took my white trainers. I put my clothes on the bed, and then went to the dresser to get my light blue satin knickers, and bra, plus anklet socks. My chest was really sensitive today, as I gently rubbed my nipples, oh where they sensitive. I put on my satin light blue bra and immediately felt better as my breasts were protected. I finished dressing, and went over to the vanity to do my makeup. I dried my hair and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. Sprayed some perfume into a cloud in the air and walked through it.
I cleaned up the loo, and my bedroom.
I went to the kitchen to get some morning tea. I made some tea, again using the Lipton tea bags. Aurgh, I need to get some better tea, how can Americans stand this stuff. I found some cereal, it looked like Rice Krispies, hmmm we have this brand at home, so I got a bowl, poured myself a serving. I found a banana and cut one up on top of my cereal, put a little sugar on it then poured milk over it. After eating my breakfast I cleaned up my dishes.
I looked at the clock and saw it was almost six. I heard Sandy’s alarm go off. I guess I better go and make some coffee for her. I heard her shower running, and figured I had some time yet, so I would brew the coffee for her instead of using the instant.
I went to the living room and turned on the TV. I realised she had cable, for she had tons of channels. I was exploring the TV channels when Sandy emerged from her room. “Morning Sandy.”
“Morning Em. Hmm I smell coffee.” As she came over and gave me hug.
I smiled at her and returned the hug. I like this custom. “Sandy I made you some
Coffee. I didn’t know what you would like for breakfast, so you will need to get that yourself.”
“Thanks Em. You needn’t have done that, really. I am supposed to be your host, sis.”
I smiled at her, and said, “I enjoy doing it for you oh sister of mine, so indulge me. Besides I couldn’t sleep any longer, my body is still on my home time.”
Sandy went and got her breakfast and I joined her in the kitchen. We sat and chatted for a while.
“Em, I work most of the time after school at Jacks Diner, and if you were not coming home right away, you would need to make arrangements with someone to take you home. Miss bell would be obliging to do so, so ask her when you know that you will be late. If you could inform me, I will not wait for you so I can get a head start towards home, so I can get ready. Is that ok with you?”
“Sure Sandy, I see no problem with that. When could we go and do some shopping, like food shopping and some small items? I would like to pick up some salad things, some other … uh … tea, and a night-light for my room so I don't run into anymore walls in the middle of the night.” as I chuckled.
Sandy giggled, “Yes can’t have you waking me up by running into them can we. Let me know what you will need in the way of supplies for school. I don’t know what classes you will be taking, so I haven’t a clue if you will have everything you will need. So tell me as soon as you can, then we'll make a plan to get it all. I only work about two to four hours a day depending on how busy we are, since the stores close at nine, that should leave us some shopping time, and we can go to Wal-Mart, which closes at eleven, if we really have to. I am usually home by seven, so that will leave us two hours to shop and four hours if we go to the Wal-Mart store. If we need to get something special, I can make arrangements with Jack, and see if I can work my schedule around so we can go right after school. He knows I'm hosting you, and realizes I have other responsibilities regarding you. Will that be ok with you?”
“Certainly Sandy, that is more than ok.”
After we cleaned up the breakfast dishes, we both got ready to leave. “Sandy, were do we have to go today anyway?”
“Well sis, the bus will stop at its usual place which is on the corner of our road, I could drive you to school, but I want you to know where it is incase you may have to use the bus to get to school for some reason. Besides only your friends will be on the bus today anyway. I couldn’t figure out why they just couldn’t pick you up out front. I think it’s to get the others acclimated to take the bus to school, so they know where it will be.”
“If I had to take the bus, what time would I have to be at the bus stop?”
“The bus shows up around seven thirty most days, so you need to be there by then.” Sandy started grinning at me like she knew something I didn’t.
“Oh nothing, you'll find out something later this morning that will make this walk a redundancy.”
She just giggled. We walked to the stop, and arrived with about 5 minutes to spare. It was a beautiful morning. The skies were absolutely clear, the sun was warm, peaking over the mountains in the east, and it looked like it was going to be a warm day, well as warm a day as you can expect for winter, even in Warsop. I figure it will be about ten to fifteen degrees Celsius, it did not feel all that cold. We chatted for a bit and saw the yellow torture vehicle coming down the road. I turned and gave Sandy a hug and said, “See you later sis.”
“Have a good day Em, I will see you later tonight.”
I got on the bus and George said, “Morning Miss watch your step please.”
I smiled and said, “Morning Mr. George, how are you this fine morning?”
He chuckled at me using the Mr. in front of his first name, “I am fine Miss.” As he let me get to my seat, then closed the door and we got on our way.
I sat next to Ally who was excited. She gave me a hug and said, “How are you doing? You look good Rhod.”
Looking around I saw the four in the older group near the back of the bus. “Em, please Ally, remember what Miss C and Mr. P said didn’t you?”
Giggling, “Oh sorry Em, that is right. Well how is Em getting along then?”
I smiled and said; “I think I am really going to like it here. Sandy, my host, is really nice. Matter of fact, better than I could have hoped for.”
Ally just looked at me and was about to ask me what I meant about that, when we stopped again and I saw Drew and Jules get on the bus. I heard George say, “Morning Girls”
Jules saying, “Hi.” With Drew just nodding looking none to happy.
George then said, “One more stop and then we will head for the school”
I turned to Drew who sat in the seat next to us, and asked, “How you doing Drew?”
“Um … ok I guess. Britney has got her parents convinced I am a girl, so now I have to be a girl twenty-four/seven.” As he let out a not to happy sigh.
“Well cheer up Drew, Mr. P and Miss C wanted us to stay in this mode for our own safety after all, this should make it easier.”
“I suppose. But I really wanted to be me Rhod, not Gaby. I feel I am losing myself, losing who I am. I hate it. The bus driver even identified me as a girl, and I don’t even have any makeup on, just these feminine jeans and this green jumper. Heck, I don’t even have the Gaby’s bits on, Maddy still has them, and they still see me as a girl. I am tired of fighting it.”
“Sorry mate. I guess I really don’t understand your concern. I want to be recognized this way. Matter of fact I am a bit jealous of you. You’re such a natural.” Holding up my hands to ward off retribution. “All I am saying Drew, is go with the flow, and make the best of it. You need to be Gaby later anyway.”
“I was thinking of dropping out of Cheerleading Rhod. I just want to be Drew, male child of the Bond’s.”
“Drew you can’t do that, I need you. Please?”
Drew looked over at me like I had grown two heads.
“Drew look at it this way, you need to stay as Gaby at the Walters, and Mr. P and Miss C already introduced you as Gaby to the four older kids in our group.” Pointing to older kids at the back of the bus. “What do you think is going to happen if they find out?”
Before He could answer, we made another stop and Justine climbed aboard. Again we heard George say “Morning Miss, watch your step”
As Justine found her seat, George closed the door and then said, “Next stop Augusta High School.”
I could tell Drew was none to happy.
Everyone was talking on the bus; it was quite noisy with everyone explaining his or her hosts to everyone else. I saw Drew starting to forget his troubles, as he started to get into the swing of things, and started talking with the other girls. We were all excited by the time we got to the school.
We arrived at Augusta High School and the bus moved along until we stopped next to several parked yellow busses. I saw Miss C standing outside of our bus. George said “Ok kids, we are here. Careful getting off the bus and I will see you later this morning.”
We all got off of the bus. Mrs. C said, “Is everyone alright?”
We all chorused, “Fine Miss Cowlishaw!”
We saw Miss Bell approaching our bus and Maddy was with her. Maddy went over to Drew and Jules and gave Drew a hug. I was standing with Ally and Bernie, when Bernie said, “How are you doing Rhod?”
Looking around, I saw the older kids off to the one side, and they were to busy talking, to have noticed what Bernie had said. “Please call me Em, Bernie. Rhod is not here.”
She caught on and said, “Oops sorry Em, I will try to remember that.”
Miss Bell finally called to us and got our attention and she led us into the high school and gave us a tour of the school. Hmm this place looks a bit like our high school. There seems to be areas that have tons of lockers in large corridors. Not like in our school where the lockers are in our form room. I guess ideally this is a better way of doing it. I wonder if they have a cloakroom? Nope, they don't have a cloakroom, as we found out. We are to have a locker issued to us where we can put our cloaks, clothes, and books. Mr. Fredericks met us at the lockers and assigned us each a locker.
We were led into a classroom and we all grabbed a seat. Looking around I surmised this might be Miss Bell’s classroom judging by the pictures of England hanging on the walls. Some fliers on the wall were from places we had gone to last summer with the American group.
Principal Roberts and a stern looking woman joined us shortly. To my surprise, that woman was Mary Jones. I broke out into a big grin and waved at her. She saw me and smiled back at me. I saw Ally and Bernie look at me like I was daft. Before I could say anything, Principal Roberts spoke, I would like to introduce Mrs. Mary Jones; the schools head counselor.”
I'm not sure what that meant but my jaw dropped when I realised she was one of the administrative staff here at the school. No wonder she wouldn't say anything about it yesterday. She looked at me and giggled and winked at me. I just blushed and smiled. She may look stern to the others, but I know better.
She had put her stern look back on as she gave a little talk, Mary said, “Welcome to America and Augusta High School. I hope you all will have a good time. If there are any problems while you’re here, please come to me. I will be in the main office by the front entrance of the school.”
While she was talking I looked over at the Principal. The Principal looked a bit like our Headmaster Woody. He too looked like a wag. After a short while they both left us to the care of Miss Bell, Mr. Fredericks, Miss Cowlishaw and Mr. Pillings who were drinking coffee in the back of the room.
Miss Bell came forward, she said, “Everyone will be shadowing your hosts while you’re in school.” Then she turned to me and said, “Mfanwy, you will shadow Darla, with Ally, since your host Sandy is a senior. You will be in school for three days each week. The other two days we will visit various places around the state and other interesting things. The weekends will be free with your hosts. School starts at Eight O’clock and you’re expected to be in your homeroom by then. The last class will end at Three O’clock. If there are any extra curricula activities they will take place after Three O’clock and you will have to arrange your own transportation home. Are there any questions?”
I looked over at Ally and we both smiled at each other.
No one asked anything, and she said, “Ok then, lets gather your coats, and we will get on the bus, and we will teach you Grottoes 101. Since the cafeteria is closed today, we will have a picnic style lunch at one of our stops.”
We left the school and piled back into Georges yellow torture device. We left the school just before twelve.
I guess Grottoes 101, as Miss Bell calls it, is our first lesson about the area.
Miss Bell told all of us, “Grottoes itself is midway between Newtown and Waynesboro. It’s about 25 miles to either of them, and lies on the border between Augusta and Rockingham counties. The school takes students from both ‘counties’; there is only a sparse rural community outside of Grottoes. To the east and north lies the Shenandoah National Park. To the west, is a rolling river valley beyond which are more hills and the state of West Virginia.”
Being nice out, George drove us up into the mountains of Shenandoah National Park stopping at a little pull-in going by the name of Madison Lookout. I am not sure the bus could make it any further up the road.
Miss Bell said, “Off in the distance is a river. The river is called Madison Run. We will have lunch here, George will set up a box of goodies for us.”
We looked all around and it was quite beautiful up here. This was to be our lunch stop, George fetched a box up from the back of the bus and soon we were all tucking into a picnic lunch, chicken, corn, hot tomato soup, brownies and fruit. A surprisingly balanced meal! I stayed away from the chicken and ate some extra fruit.
After we all finished, the gang got together. We had a bit of time yet. This was the first time we really had to get together and just talk, since we set off on this trip.
“So how are yours?” Ally asked of Drew.
“Ok I guess,” I heard him say.
“They think he’s a girl,” Mad put in.
“Why?” Bernie voiced the obvious question.
“Apparently Brit and Deb never told their olds he was a boy.”
“Mad!” Drew stated.
“Well it’s true,” Maddy said.
I heard Drew let out a deep sigh. I could tell Drew was not thrilled in the least.
“Poor Drew, so they think you’re Gaby?” Bernie stated.
“Sort of, they know my name is Drew but they are thinking ‘Barrymore’, they think Gaby is some sort of nickname.” Drew stated.
“Haven’t they noticed your lack of, um, bits?” I asked.
“Well they are hardly gonna say anything are they Rhod?” Mad pointed out.
“I suppose not.” I stated.
“What about you lot?” Mad asked.
“Ok I suppose.” Bernie was non-committal.
“I’ve got my own room.” Ally mentioned.
“How about you Mr. Morgan?” Mad pursued Rhod.
“Yeah what’s this Sandy like?” Bernie joined in.
All eyes turned to me.
“I bet he’s a right hunk,” Ally stated.
“Er not exactly,” I finally managed.
“So?” Drew asked.
“Well I guess you’ll find out soon enough.” I sighed. “Sandy’s eighteen,”
“We knew that,” Mad interrupted.
“Let him talk Mad,” Ally admonished.
“She lives on her own and has a car, I have my own room with an en-suite.” I stated.
“Hang on, you said she,” the ever sharp Bernie pointed out.
“So she’s a girl,” Drew joined in. “go on then Rhod.”
“Well she’s quite pretty, fairly tall and slim. She has a great personality and I really like her. She likes me too for she is already calling me her baby sister. Look you’ll meet her tomorrow, you can do the Spanish Inquisition bit then, okay?” I stated rather briskly. “By the way, Mrs. Jones, the counsellor, is Sandy’s mom. She thinks I am a genetic girl. Please do not say anything to the contrary. One other thing, since we are going to be here a while, and I will be living as a girl full time, please do not call me Rhod, or …” looking over to Maddy “Mr. Morgan please. If someone else accidentally heard it, that could be very embarrassing. Call me Mfanwy, Em or Miss Morgan, I do not care, but if you slip up, you could get not only me, but a lot of others into trouble, especially Miss Bell.”
I heard “Ok, we will do that Em.” from almost everyone. Drew didn’t say anything, he looked ill.
“You ok Drew?” I said.
He looked at me and sighed, “I guess … Em. I am just not comfortable being like this, and now you’re telling me you want to live like a girl and become one … well I just don’t know how to take it, is all.”
“Please Drew, I am still your mate … eh? I mean we can still do things together. We can still help each other.”
“Well it’s just … well … it’s just … I guess ... I will survive.”
I went over and gave him a hug, and he returned it. We looked like two girls just supporting each other.
“Oh that is why Mrs. Jones, and you, smiled at each other.” Ally stated with Bernie nodding her head to take the subject away from Drew.
I smiled, “Yes she did not tell me yesterday, nor did Sandy. Sandy kept giving me smiles anytime we talked about school yesterday as well as this morning. Now I know why.”
“Come on you lot, time to go” Mr. P called over.
We finished the Grottoes 101, I guess it’s basic level courses, and found ourselves back at AHS. Miss Bell had included just about anything of interest, though to be honest that didn’t really mean that there was all that much here. There was the municipal pool (closed for the winter, as it’s open air), the Augusta County Showground (empty for now), the nature park at the south end of town and a very ‘Back to the Future’ style town square, that just about wrapped it up. She did point out the local teen hangouts, the Micky D’s and ‘Jenny’s drive through’, games arcade, and were Sandy works, Jack’s Diner. Similar to home I would say.
George dropped us off in the same order he had picked us up in. I told Ally I would see her tomorrow morning by the lockers as she got off the bus. Then Bernie was next, I told her I would see her tomorrow also. When my stop arrived I told Drew and Jules I would see them tomorrow, as I was leaving the bus.
I walked over to Sandy’s carriage house enjoying the beauty of the day and the area. I really felt alive. The phone rang shortly after I entered the house. I ran to answer it, “Sandy Jones residence.”
It was Mrs. Jones. “Em we will be eating around five PM. You'll be eating over here during your stay here, since Sandy is usually working during this time. Why don’t you freshen up and get comfortable, then come over and I'll introduce you to Kevin.”
“Ok, Mary. I'll freshen up, catch my breath, and will be right over.”
“Ok Em, Bye!”
“Bye,” as I hung up.
I went to my room and went to the loo. I came out and looked at myself and figured I looked ok yet, so I just touched up my makeup, spayed a bit of perfume into the air again and walked through it. I put on my coat and grabbed my handbag and went to the big house. I let myself in. After hanging up my coat I could hear some screaming coming from the front room, and then realised Kevin was kicking up a fuss. I walked into the dining room and walked over to him and he immediately got quiet, and with big eyes he started running away from me towards his mother. Grabbing his mother around her legs and hiding from me, Mary said, “Hi Em, this little shy one is my 5 year-old son Kevin. Kevin, this is Mfanwy, she is from England and will be staying with us for six weeks. Why don’t you welcome her?”
“I don’t want to. I want her to go away.”
Mary laughed, “Sorry Kevin but she is here to stay.”
“I Don’t Want Her Here!!!!”
“Don’t be so silly dear, get out from behind my legs.”
I smiled at him, “Oh I am so hurt Kevin. I want to be your friend.”
“NOOOOO!!! GOOO AWAY!!!” as he buried his head into his mom’s legs.
I just giggled, “You silly boy you.”
“Normally he is not that shy Em. Just wait, I'm sure he will warm up to you soon. Then you won’t be able to get rid of him.” As she chuckled.
Mary pulled him off of her legs and picked him up while he buried his head into her shoulder. “Do you want something to drink Em?”
“Ok, sounds good to me.”
“What would you like?”
“Could I have some hot tea, please?”
“Sure, join me in the kitchen so we can talk and I will get you a cup.”
I followed her to the kitchen and sat down on one of the counter stools, while Mary single handedly got the water ready to boil. “Sure I can’t give you a hand Mary?”
“Could you get my teapot out of that cupboard please, it’s the blue one with the hand painted dragon on it.”
I opened the cupboard she pointed to and I saw the pot and took it down. The pot looked beautiful, “This is a beautiful teapot Mary.”
“Why thank you Em. I got that pot while traveling in Japan in 1975. I am not much for drinking tea, but I love to collect the beautiful tea pots.”
“Do you have any loose teas?”
“Oh sorry Em, I do not. The only thing I have is what is in teabags. I don’t suppose you much care for that type of tea, do you?”
“Ummm … well it'll do.” Not wanting to insult my host.
She smiled at me, “You’re not fooling anyone Em, I know you Brits have a flare for tea. I just never really acquired a taste for it actually. I never had a chance to taste different teas.”
“Maybe I could change that? If I get a chance to do some shopping I may find some good teas you'd enjoy?”
“That sounds like a wonderful plan Em. I expect there are going to be some other things you’re going to need soon, especially for your classes at school. If you find something you’re going to need, please tell me about it ok?”
“Yes Mary I will.”
“It’s going to be so nice to have a daughter around the house for a change.”
“What do you mean Mary? For a change? I mean you have Sandy, she is your daughter?”
“Oh … umm … I am sorry that came out wrong. I … ah mean … a … Sandy is living by herself in the carriage house and I … ah … kind of … ah, umm … miss her.”
Hmm that is strange for her to slip up. Is she not comfortable with Sandy being a girl? Hmmm I need to help Sandy. “I know it’s none of my business Mary, but is there something going on between Sandy and you guys? I mean Mr. J almost treats her like he hates her for some reason. He never compliments her and is always putting her down. Even you seem not to be totally comfortable with your daughter for some reason. Is there something I should know?”
“I … oh ah ... no Em, this is personal family business, and I don't want to burden you with it. So please drop that subject, ok? It wouldn't be good to say anything, especially to John. He may get upset.”
“Why should he? He has got a wonderful daughter. If my Dad had a girl like Sandy he would be over the moon about it.” Or would he. I mean he is less than thrilled with me. Me not being a boy, or so he thinks. If he knew I was a boy, he really would be upset, for that is what he wanted.
“So you say Em. Just don’t mention it in front of John, please.”
“Why is Mr. J so upset with her, I mean she is just so wonderful?”
I could see her eyes starting to get wet. The water came to a boil at that time and I turned away from her to finish making the tea. I put a couple of bags into the teapot and poured the water in. I let the tea steep for a bit. I could hear a sniffle behind me. I wanted to turn and look, but I didn’t want to embarrass her any further. I know what it is she meant. She still sees Sandy as her son, and she wants him back. Mary has not gotten used to the idea, but she is not as ruthless as Mr. J. I can tell she loves Sandy, but still loves Adam more.
I turned around and I saw she was wiping her eyes. Kevin seemed to have dosed off in her arms. She said, “Let me put him down and I will be right back.”
“Ok Mary.”
When she returned she seemed to have composed herself. “Are you ok Mary?”
“Yes Em, I just had an emotional moment is all. You know how those are.”
“Um … ah … yes, I understand.” NOT!
“Well if I can find a sitter, would you love to go shopping for a bit?”
“That would be fine Mary. What about tea though?”
She smiled at me and said, “Don’t worry, we will have time to finish our tea.”
I giggled and said, “No, tea time in my country means having something to eat for the evening meal.”
“Oh I see; we call that dinner. Don’t worry about dinner, we will figure something out, even if we have to bring it home.”
I just smiled back at her and said, “Ok, I’m game.”
Mrs. J went and made a quick phone call and came back and said, “I got one of the girls from school coming over to sit for us. She should be here in about ten minutes. In the mean time, let’s enjoy our tea. Would you like some cookies, a piece of chocolate cake, or a piece of apple pie?”
“Wow, if I keep eating like this here in the states, I’m going to be in BIG trouble, literally.” I giggled, “I guess a piece of apple pie would be nice.”
She got up and cut a piece of pie for me, and put on some sort of whip cream, I think it’s called Cool Whip.
The pie was delicious, and went well with my tea. I was just finishing the pie, when someone was at the front door. Mrs. J went to get the door. She came back with a girl in tow. “Mfanwy, this is Janice, Janice this is Mfanwy from Warsop England. She is our foreign exchange student staying with us for the next six weeks.”
“Pleasure to meet you.” I said.
“Pleasure to meet you Mfanwy.”
“Please call me Em.”
“Sure Em.”
“Janice, Em and I are going to go out to do some shopping. Kevin just went down, so he shouldn’t be a problem. You know where everything is right?”
“Yes Mrs. Jones. There shouldn’t be a problem. You ladies have fun shopping.”
With that Mrs. J and I got our coats and handbags, then headed out to her car.
“What do we need to get Em?”
“Well I would love to get some different teas, for one. I could use a night-light for the loo. I am not really sure what I am going to need for school yet though. I would like to get some veggies to eat at the house and some fruit. Being a vegetarian limits what I can eat.”
“So are you a vegetarian by choice or is there a different reason?”
“The doctors found out I am allergic to meats. My body can not process meat and it makes me ill.”
“Oh sorry to hear that Em. Can you eat soy meats?”
“Yes I can, so a soy burger would be fine. That is why I go for vegetable lasagna, and vegetable pizza a lot, or salads.”
“Can you eat eggs?”
“Yes I can.”
“How about fish?”
“Yes I can eat fish, but it’s not one of my favorite choices.”
“Well I just want to know what kind of cuisine we can eat when we do dinner, is all.”
We ended up going to a Food Lion grocery store and I purchased what I wanted, I got some diet coke to drink, and some crisps, I noticed here in the US they were called Potato Chips. They didn’t look like our chips.
Mrs. J bought several items such as pre-made, vegetable lasagna, lots of veggies, potatoes, and lots of fruit. She also bought some fish products, such as fish sticks and imitation crabmeat. She found some soy burgers and bought a couple of packs of them. It looks like I will be all right as far as food goes, for a while, anyway. We ended up filling two trolleys with food. I was starting to feel bad, for most of it was for my benefit. She bought the usual groceries for her family too. After paying for them, we returned home. Mrs. J would not allow me to pay for anything, telling me, “Hold on to your money for gifts and souvenirs, Em.”
“Thank you Mrs. Jones.” I graciously complied.
We took the groceries out of the back of the car and entered the house.
Janice said, “Home already? That was quick, you were only gone for a hour and half.”
“Well Janice, we only went to the grocery store to get some supplies. We will probably want you again sometime, when we want to do some power shopping.” Looking over at Em and smiling.
Em just stood there wondering what that meant.
Mrs. J paid Janice for two hours, and said, “Thank you for coming over on such short notice and watching Kevin, Janice. That was truly very helpful. Was Kevin any bother?”
“You’re welcome Mrs. Jones. No, Kevin slept right through everything, he was no bother at all.”
“Well thanks again, and I'll see you at school tomorrow then.” As Janice got her coat out of the closet and pulled it on.
“Take care Mrs. Jones, see you tomorrow then.” As she grabbed her handbag and went out the door to her car.
“Well Em, what do you want for dinner, now that we have some supplies?”
“Well after eating so much these past two days, and lunch today, would you be upset with me if I just wanted some vegetarian pizza?”
“Not at all dear, I understand. Let me pop the pizza into the oven then, I will pop a regular pepperoni and sausage pizza for John, Kevin, Sandy and me.”
As she was doing that, I heard Kevin screaming and running towards us into the kitchen. He ran right over to me and wrapped his arms around my legs and called me ‘momma.’ When he looked up and saw I wasn’t his momma, he jumped back in surprise and screamed in shock. Kevin saw his momma over by the stove and ran to her, acting all shy again. We both laughed. Kevin was embarrassed.
“Why don’t you say hi to Em, Kevin?”
“I don’t want to.” Peeking out from behind his mother’s legs.
“Aww, come on Kevin you’re hurting my feelings. I am a nice girl, I will not hurt you, honest.” As I stooped down and held out my hands towards him. “Please?”
As Kevin slowly screwed up his courage, he started walking towards me. I put out my hand and said, “Hi Kevin I'm Em.” He took my hand and shook it furiously in an up and down motion.
“Hi, I’m Kevin.” He said in a very shy tone only a five-year old could make, still not sure about me.
“I'll be here a while, can we be friends?”
“I think so.”
“Then you can call me Em, is that ok with you?”
“Ok Em. Want to see my room?”
I looked at Mrs. J and she giggled and said, “Why don’t you go, it will be a while before we are ready to eat anyway.”
“Ok Kevin, show me your room.”
He took me by my hand and dragged me out of the kitchen at a high rate of speed. We got to his room and I saw he had a TV in it, and a Sony Playstation 2. Wow he is only five years old and he has all this. I looked around his room and it looked like a toyshop. He had some mighty fine toys there, very expensive toys. Wow this boy has just about everything a child would ever want. I wish I had such toys when I was young. I see he had Lego sitting in the corner, big metal trucks that you could sit on and still role around on. The trucks were a crane, a shovel, a tractor, a dump truck, and a fire truck; they had Tonka on the side of them. Wow these toys must have cost a fortune. He had a large double bed, a large walk in closet stuffed with more toys and clothes. An electric car race set sat in the one corner of the room on a table. Is this child spoiled or what? I wonder why he has all these type of toys. I will have to ask Sandy sometime, why her brother seems to have almost every toy ever made, at least it seemed that way.
“Em, want to play a game with me?”
“I don't know how much time we got to play a game Kevin, but I guess we can try one, as long as you quit when we get called to dinner, ok? Else I will never play a game with you again.”
“Ok Em, I promise.”
With that he turned around started the TV and popped a game in the computer. I saw it was called 4X4 Revolution. I saw the game jacket lying on the desk and picked it up and read the description. I saw it was a truck racing game. Hmmm I could handle this. Kevin started to show me how to play it. It was easy.
He started racing and I watched for a bit. I could blow this kid away I thought. He finally allowed me to play with him and he gave me a controller. He figured me being a girl; I wouldn’t know how to play so he thought he could easily beat me. He took off and so did I. I knew some things the controller would allow me to do, which would wow Kevin. I did some of the trick moves and he was just amazed as I beat him easily. At first he was upset with me, then he got fascinated, and asked how I did those things so I showed him the trick moves. He picked it up like a sponge picks up water. We were really getting into it, and I allowed him to win a few times. This made him happy. We were so engrossed in the game; I almost didn’t hear Mrs. J yell. “Dinner is ready.”
I told Kevin, “Time to quit Kevin.” He started to gripe. “Hey what did I say before we got started?”
“Yes ma'am, you told me I had to quit with out an argument, or you would not play with me anymore.”
He stopped the game and came and gave me a hug, “Em you’re the best gaming girl I ever played. You’re better than my brother.”
I was a bit taken a back by that remark. “Who is your brother Kevin?”
“Well Sandy of course.”
“That isn’t your brother Kevin, that is your sister.”
“Well that is what dad told me he was.”
“Your dad is wrong Kevin, Trust me on this ok? Your sister is Sandy, and she IS a girl. Please don’t ever call her your brother ever again. You don't want to hurt Sandy’s feelings do you?”
“No ma’am, I don’t. I like my Bro … err, sister.”
“Please Kevin your dad is very, very, wrong trying to tell you that Sandy is your brother, or that he thinks Sandy is his son. He is very wrong. Sandy is your sister, and she is a true girl, and a lady. Don’t let your dad tell you otherwise, please?” Looking at him with concern, being told his dad didn't tell him the truth. “Do you love your sister Sandy very much Kevin?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Does your sister look like a boy?”
“No ma’am.”
“Than can she be a brother?”
“No ma’am.”
“Then why do you call her that?”
“Because my dad makes me.”
“Do you think your dad is right?”
“No ma’am, I was always wondering why I had to call my sister, my brother.”
“Do you want to hurt your sister?”
“No ma’am.”
“Do you want to make your sister extremely happy?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Then please make her happy and always call her your sister, or older sister, and use she and her when you talk about her. She is your true sister, she is a true girl and she loves you very much, but you will hurt her very badly if you tell people she is your brother or called her, he or him. Please Kevin do you promise me you will always tell people that Sandy is your sister? You can even call her sis, that would make her feel good.”
“I will try Em.”
I put my arms around him and gave him a big hug and kissed him on the cheek, then said, “You will be a very big boy if you do this, and Sandy will be so proud of you, she will love you to pieces if you do this for her. Please don't let your dad force you to call her a boy for she is not. Please don't tell your dad I told you to do this. Tell him you know Sandy is a girl, ok?”
We went to the loo to wash our hands, and then to the dining room. Mr. J was already sitting at the table reading his newspaper. Sandy had arrived and was sitting at the table too. Mrs. J was bringing the pizzas, and putting them in the center of the table.
Kevin was excited and ran to Sandy and he said, “Hey sis guess what? Em is a great player, she beat me at my PS2 game, the 4X4 truck game, and she showed me some new moves to do using the joysticks.”
I blushed a bit. Mrs. J called us to order, and Kevin got in to his booster chair. Then she said a little prayer of thanks for the food. Then everyone dug in. Kevin wanted to try the Veggie pizza, since he found out it was for me. I let him have a piece.
About this time Sandy caught on to what Kevin had called her. She stopped eating and started to silently cry, looking at her brother and smiling. Her brother saw her looking at him and seeing her crying he went, “Hey sis what’s wrong?”
“Oh nothing Kevin,” as she quickly dried her eyes.
Mr. J finally caught on to what Kevin had said, and he said, “What did you call your bro ... ah … um …” looking over at me then at Mrs. J and she was giving him a very evil look. If looks could kill, that look would have annihilated a city. “Ah … never mind Kevin.”
It took everything I had, to not crack up laughing; it was so funny to watch.
Kevin continued and said, “Em you’re way better at that game than my sister, she is easy to beat. I win almost all of the time when I play against her.”
I could see Sandy beaming, as her brother spoke about her. I could see Mr. J turning puce trying to hold his tongue. He was absolutely livid but he couldn’t say anything about it. I was there and he didn’t know, I knew everything about Sandy. I am hoping Kevin never spills the beans about me knowing. Kevin was using all the correct pronouns when he talked about Sandy.
I swear Mr. J is going to have a stoke one of these days, trying to keep himself from blowing up in front of me. What an over-bearing, bigoted individual he is. I really need to wake him up, for he is hurting others in a big way, even teaching his son how to be a bigot at such an early age. What a shame. He could be a really nice man if he can just let go of his prejudices. I am glad he doesn’t know about me, for he would have a heart attack right here. Well I promise I am going to help Sandy, and get her dad to understand the damage he is doing, not only to Sandy, but to everyone around him.
Sandy and I helped Mrs. J clean up the dishes. When we were in the kitchen, and her mom went back to the dining room, Sandy came over to me and gave me a big hug. I returned it and asked, “What did I do to deserve the hug?”
“Em I know you did something with my little brother today. That was the first time he ever referred to me as his sister, or called me by the right pronouns. Dad refused to allow him to do that, to call me his sister or use her and she when referring to me. He was told I was his brother, and to use the he and him when referring to me.”
“Sandy that is horrible. I would have confronted him about that.”
“Em I did, he just refused to listen to me. He was trying his best to embarrass me every chance he had. He did tell Kevin not to say it when we were in public so as not to embarrass him. I so wanted to throttle him.”
“Sandy that is a form of child abuse dear, aren’t there laws in place to protect you, even from your parents if needs be?”
“Yes there are, Em. But in order for me to do that I would have to out myself, and I like being taken for a genetic female, for everyone has left me alone, and not harassed me. I can live with it here at home, I just go back to my house if it gets to bad, and can live in peace while there.”
Mrs. J walked in about that time, and talked with Sandy. “How are you doing Hun?”
“Ok mom, Em and I were just talking about things.”
“Well I know you two girls want to go back to your apartment, but can I have a private word with you Sandy?”
“Sure mom.”
“I will go check on Kevin, Mary.”
“Thank you Em.”
I left them to it, and walked through the dining room into the living room. Mr. J was there, and saw me. “All done in the kitchen, Em?”
I smiled at him and said, “Yes I am Mr. Jones. Sir could I ask you a question?”
“Certainly Em, what is your question?”
“Umm … Ah …” not sure how to ask this, or if I even should, “Why do you stutter when you talk about Sandy?”
I could tell his mood changed, I saw him start to color up. “I am sorry Em, I don’t want you feeling uncomfortable. I … ah … just slipped up. Umm … it means nothing.”
“Are you upset with Sandy for some reason?”
“What! Ah … no! No of course not. Why would you ask such a question?”
“Well when you talk with Sandy, you always seem to be upset about something, you seem to talk down to her.”
“Oh, you’re just imagining it, Em.”
I could see him trying to force a smile. He was starting to sweat.
“You really have a wonderful daughter Mr. Jones. I am so glad we got to stay together. She is just like a sister to me.”
I saw he was building up towards another stroke, he was getting quite red, his forced smile wavering.
“I am glad to hear that Mfanwy. Yes … ah … yes. I hope h … she is behaving and treating you well?”
“Yes she has taken very good care of me for the time I have been with her. I mean she is working all the time, and I was gone for most of the day, so we really have not seen that much of each other. But when we are together it’s great. I am really growing to love her as my own true sister.”
“Ah … well that is … ah umm … good.”
Mrs. J walked in to the room at that time, with a smile on her face. “Em, Sandy is waiting for you to go back to the house. She is waiting for you in the kitchen.”
“Oh, ok Mary. Goodnight Mr. Jones, goodnight Mary as I gave her a hug.” I looked around and saw Kevin sitting in front of the TV. “Kevin, do I get a hug from you before I go back to the house?”
Kevin shouted in glee and came running towards me and jumped into my arms. “Goodnight Em, can you come over tomorrow so we can play some more?”
“Oh I'm sure of that Kevin. Would you be upset if I did?”
He whooped in glee and hugged me tightly. “NO! I can’t wait.”
I whispered quietly in his ear, “You were a very good boy, and your sister wanted me to tell you that she loves you very much. I think you should go to the kitchen to give her a big goodnight hug also.”
Kevin just hugged me tighter. “I will,” as he loosened up his grip and I let him down.
He ran to the kitchen and I heard him say, “Goodnight sis.”
Sandy let out a loud oof, as he ran and jumped into her arms. I heard Sandy say, “Goodnight brother of mine.”
I walked in and saw Sandy holding her brother tightly to her, and tears streaming down her face. I smiled at her; she gave me a smile back. After a bit she put Kevin back on the ground and said, “I'll see you tomorrow, ok?”
Kevin smiled and nodded his head, then ran out of the room. Sandy wiping the tears from her face, gave me a wry smile, and saying, “Thank you Em. I have always wanted Kevin to do that.”
“What did I do Sandy?”
She just looked at me, and smiled, then said, “Come on, we can talk more once we get back home.”
I put my coat on and grabbed my handbag and we left for home.
Once we had settled down in the living room with our hot chocolate drinks, Sandy said, “Em you’re a God send. Kevin never did that before, giving me a goodnight hug and even calling me sis. My mom has gotten better too. I think things will change around here. I am looking forward to it. This is all because of you, Mfanwy. You’re a true woman and an angel. You gave me a gift that I can never repay. I am so happy you’re here.”
She turned and gave me a big hug and I heard her sniffling. “Sandy, I did nothing. Please understand I just don't like how your dad is treating you. I swear I'm going to change him, or I'm going to show that prat what a true idiot he is. What he was doing to your brother is absolutely horrible. He is perpetuating bigotry. I don't believe in that. I'll help Kevin when I can. I want him to know what his father is doing, so he knows the difference between what is right and wrong.” Sandy released her hug of me.
“Em, I think you have planted a seed that will grow. I believe you will do what you say. I hope you know what you’re doing. I hate to see this all backfire and get you in the process.”
I smiled at her, “I'll try my best my dear sister,” as Sandy pulled me into another hug.
“By the way, what did your mom want to talk to you about?”
Sandy smiled, “She just wanted to apologize for my dad’s rudeness. She said she was going to have words with him after we left. She was appalled at his behavior at the dinner table. She truly was embarrassed and is getting to a point she is going to fight back against him. She feels she has been pushed enough.”
Well this is a nice turn of events. This should help Sandy. “Well it’s about time actually.”
“Oh there was another thing. Why does Kevin’s room look like a toy factory? It must have every toy in it that was ever made for a child of his age, even older.”
“Well the best that I can figure out, my parents blamed themselves for what happened to me. They feel they did something wrong. They figured I didn’t get enough toys to play with or enough games. They feel that if they didn’t give Kevin what he asked for, he would end up like me I guess. So they went on a spending binge and bought him all those things. I guess it’s their idea of insurance, that the illness I have does not infect him.”
“Illness? What are you talking about Sandy? You’re not ill. You were born this way. There is nothing you or your parents did that caused this. Are they daft?”
“That is what I was trying to tell them Em, but they will just not listen, or they just don’t understand. The doctor even told them, this was something that they had no control over, and it had nothing to do with anything they did or did not do. They just don’t want to believe it.”
“Well if they keep buying all that stuff for Kevin, and give him everything he asks for, he will become one spoiled child, possibly even a spoiled brat, or bully.”
“Yes Em, I agree with you. I tried to talk some sense into them, but do you think they'd listen?”
I hugged her. We settled down then we watched some TV. After about an hour or two, we then decided to call it an evening since we both had school tomorrow.
I got ready for bed.
I sat down, and pulled out my journal.
Day 2, Monday
We went to school today to learn about Augusta High School. We were assigned lockers and shown where all of the classes would be held. I found I would be shadowing Darla, and Ally tomorrow through school.
After the school orientation, we took a bus trip and were given a Grottoes lesson 101. It’s a term used by Miss Bell to indicate that it’s the very first lessons. We drove around town, and the town looked similar to Warsop. The center of town looked quaint, sort of like the town that was in that American movie ‘Back to the Future’, as Drew pointed this out. I laughed when I saw what he meant.
We then headed up towards the Shenandoah National Forest. The country was beautiful. We stopped at scenic overlook where we ate afternoon tea.
When we arrived back home Mrs. Jones took me to a store where I purchased some better teas, and a diffuser so I could get some decent tea to drink. We got quite a bit of food for me since I am a vegetarian. I felt bad she had to buy all that food for just me. She paid for everything, and I must do something to thank her for that.
Tomorrow is our first day at school. It will be interesting, and I am quite nervous about it.
To be continued.
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enjoying reading (listening)
Hi Joni;
Serial stories like this one are getting few and far between.I hope that you will continue writing this style of stories and do not leave a story hanging.
ps. i use a text to speach program so i can get even more enjoyment without eye strain.