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I turned back to Ally and Sandy, “Hey guys, I think I have a real problem and I mean a real serious problem.” They both stopped laughing and looked at me. They could tell I was serious.
“What’s wrong Em?” Sandy asked.
I want to thank all the people that have helped me edit and critique this story. They are Angel O'Hare, Stacy Miller, Karen Page, Robi McKee, Paula Dillon and especially Maddy Bell for allowing me to join her universe and giving me permission to write in it.
Based on the story Gaby, Book # 4 - Once Upon A Time In America By Maddy Bell
All Characters portrayed in the story are copywrited to Maddy Bell for her Gaby series found at
Scene 24
Cross Country Threats:
“Oh … um … hi … a … Dan.”
“Don’t give me that Oh hi Dan shit. I got kicked off the exchange program because of you. You sissy fagot.”
“I didn’t do nothin’ and quit calling me names.”
“What do you mean you did nothin’? If it weren’t for you I would still be on the exchange program and seeing these places you guys are going to. Now I’m stuck in school while you guys go exploring. I see Gaby is here also. What happened, Drew couldn’t make it? So his cousin showed up in his place?”
“Cool it Dan, you got yourself into trouble. You mouthed off about things that you shouldn’t have.”
“What? Like Sissy, Fagot, Fairy, Queen? What’s wrong with those words? They describe you perfectly. Just wait until I tell the guys about you. They all have been fantasizing about having a go with you. This will be a hoot. I want to see what the guys think of you after I tell them who you really are.”
“I wouldn’t if I was you. I heard you stood to lose a lot if you told anyone about me and what happened in England. Besides, I’m a true girl.”
“Yeah, about as true a girl as I am. Don’t try and pull that crap on me.”
“You better be sure of your facts Dan, before you spread rumors that could backfire on you.”
“Yea, right! If I was you I’d worry I’d tell someone who would spread the rumor, not me.”
“I’m staying with Mrs. Jones and she knows about you and the things you did in England. She already told me to let her know if you tried to threaten me.”
I saw Dan blanch. I got him.
“If you tell her about me, I’ll make your life hell.”
“Don’t go threatening me Dan! You brought it on yourself. I did nothing. I dressed the way I really am and you took offence to it, then laid into Sabrina with your crap. I certainly didn’t do that. Then you went and kissed Gaby at the going away dance without her permission and she decked you. Why are you blaming me?”
“Well Fagot, if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have done the things I did. I never would of got into trouble in the first place.”
“So why did you lose it?”
“Um … never you mind you Queer.”
“Dan, if you don’t stop calling me names, I’ll have to report you. Do you want me to do that? I’m not afraid of you. You have a lot more to lose than I do. If you do anything to me you’re going to be so embarrassed. You don’t know anything about me.”
“Oh right, I know nothing about you. You were dressed because you had too, to keep your dad from taking you away from your mother. I heard the story. Something about your dad wanting a boy and figured your mother couldn’t raise a boy, so you dressed like some Fairy, Queer, Sissy Fagot to make him think you’re a girl so he wouldn’t steal you away from your mom. Like yea right! You dressed this way because you like it.”
“Yes I like it, because I’m a girl you idiot. You never shut up long enough to listen to me, or my mum. You only had a little of the story. If you would’ve shut-up you’d have found out I truly was a girl, but I wanted to be a boy. I was so much a tomboy that my mother let me dress as a boy. When I was part of the exchange program, I had to make sure no one would discover my identity, so I had to stay as a boy, because you were assigned to me. I’m sorry I deceived you, but I had to go to my Step Mother as a girl, for she didn’t like me dressing as a boy. She really wanted me to be the sweet girl I was born to be.”
Snorting, “Sweet girl, that’s a laugh. You can’t fool me. You’re a boy, I know it.”
“Are you really sure? If you make a mistake, you’ll really be embarrassed and the punishment would remove you from all of your events, like Track and such. Are you willing to risk that?”
“You’re a boy, you look like a girl and a … well … a believable girl, but I know you’re a boy!”
“You really sure? I mean really, really sure? Look Dan, I’ve nothing against you and I really don’t want to see you hurt anymore than you already have. I feel bad you were knocked off the exchange program, but I didn’t do that. You did that all by yourself.”
“You’re a boy, … uh … I just know it. You can’t fool me!”
“You’re absolutely sure? Why would I dress this way if it were just for my dad and my step mum? Hmmm? They aren’t here. I needed to come through Customs and all. If I wasn’t a girl, then how could I have come into the states huh? They wouldn’t have let me in if I was a girl and had a boy’s passport, or if I was a boy with a girls passport. You can check any of the others from the UK; I went through customs as a girl. My passport box for sex is ‘F’ for Female!” (I certainly hope he doesn’t ask me to prove that.)
“I don’t believe you.”
“Well ask anyone here how I arrived, they’ll tell you I’m a girl.”
“Yes, well they’ll all stick up for you.”
“Sorry Dan, you believe what you want, I’m going to get something to drink. I would think twice about starting anything, you’ll lose; ‘Big Time’!”
“Liar, I’ll prove you’re not a girl.”
“Oh and how are you going to do that?”
“Don’t worry I will!”
“Just remember, I was in the girls locker room and I changed clothes with all the other girls and showered with them. Wouldn’t they have noticed if I wasn’t a girl, especially while I was showering with them?”
“I don’t know how you fooled them, you must have. I’ll find you out, Rhod, just you wait and see.”
“Go ahead and try Dan. By the way, my name is Mfanwy, not Rhod. I’m thirsty and a bit cold, I’m going to get some hot chocolate.” I walked right by him, like there was nothing wrong.
Inside I was shaking like a leaf. He’s determined to find me out. I better make sure, the other girls see me bleed this week to prove to them I’m a real girl, or I am going to be in so much trouble. Dan was still standing there dumbfounded. I could see I planted some doubt in his mind. I hope it was enough to stop him from causing trouble.
I found Ally talking with Sandy. I walked over to the table and got a cup of hot chocolate in case Dan was still watching. I calmly walked over to where Sandy and Ally were and quietly listened to them talking.
Someone came up behind me and tapped me on my shoulder, I about jumped out of my boots.
“Oh, I’m awfully sorry Em, I didn’t mean for you to jump like that, I had no intentions of scaring you.”
I looked down at my cup and about half of it was on the ground. I turned around and there was a sweet looking boy standing there, looking very apologetic.
“Um … sorry … you frightened me.” I said as I tried to recover my poise.
“I’m truly sorry, I didn’t mean too. Can I get you some more hot chocolate?”
“Who are you?”
“Oh sorry my name is Scotty, ah Scotty Bishop. You and I share History class together.”
“Oh hi Scotty, I thought you looked familiar. If you don’t mind, I’d like it if you did get me a refill on the hot chocolate. I’m a bit chilled.”
Scotty put on a big smile on his face and took my cup and briskly walked off to the table with the hot chocolate on it.
Ally saw me watching him and while giggling she whispered to me, “You right old flirt you, you have that poor boy wrapped around your finger, you do.”
“Hush Ally, he may hear you and figure it out.” I urgently responded.
Scotty returned with the cup of hot chocolate and handed it to me. “Here you go Em, I’m sorry I caused you to spill it.”
“Oh don’t worry about it Scotty, I’ll live. What can I do for you?”
“Well, I’m a bit embarrassed by asking you this, but … uh … you see that girl over there,” he stuttered while pointing to Bernie. “Well … ah … I’d forgotten her name and well … I was … um … wondering if … ah you could … like … tell me what her … well … what her name is?” He was blushing now.
“Oh, is that all Scotty? Certainly, no problem; that’s Bernie, she’s a real sweetheart. She’s one of my good girl friends.”
“Yes, I’d gathered that, that’s why I wanted to ask. I feel so embarrassed.”
“Oh don’t be. You want me to introduce you to her?”
“Oh it doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t want to be any bother”
“Oh it’s no bother.” I reassured, seeing that he would never approach her himself. “Let’s go.”
“Perhaps another time.” He tried, but it was too late as I was already heading off towards Bernie, Darla and some girl I haven’t yet met.
Scotty followed like a lost lamb. He was kind of cute, but very shy. I thought he was ideal for someone like Bernie who also seemed to never have a boyfriend.
“Hi gang, Bernie could I have a word with you for a minute?”
“Hi Em.” they all said. Obviously the girl knows me, or of me.
“I’m sorry? Do we know each other?” looking at the girl I didn’t know.
Smiling she said to me, “Oh sorry Em, my name is Mary Ellen. I am staying with my aunt Jess, um Jessica Bell, with Maddy.”
“Oh pleased to meet you Mary Ellen.”
“What do you want Em?” Bernie asked.
“Bernie, could you come with me for a bit?”
“Sure.” We walked over to Scotty.
“I want to introduce you to Scotty Bishop, he’s in my History class. He’s rather cute and he wanted to meet you.” I smiled at her before whispering in her ear, “He is a bit shy, so be gentle.”
Bernie put a smile on her face, “Hi Scotty, how’re you?”
“Scotty was blushing brightly now, “Um not to bad Bernie, how’re you?”
After the awkwardness of the introductions, they started up a conversation and I smiled at them and said, “I’ll talk with you later Bernie. Nice meeting you Scotty, see you around school sometime.”
“See you Em.” Bernie said.
“Thanks Em. See you around school.” Scotty smiled at me.
I walked away and looked over my shoulder and thought, ‘they would make a lovely couple.’
I got back to Ally and Sandy; Ally laughed, “Oh, are we Miss Match Maker now?”
Sandy also laughed, “Wow Em, you really have a talent for fixing things.”
I just blushed.
I looked over to where I had met Dan and didn’t see him there. I looked around to see if I could find him. He was nowhere to be seen. I turned back to Ally and Sandy, “Hey guys, I think I have a real problem and I mean a real serious problem.”
They both stopped laughing and looked at me. They could tell I was serious.
“What’s wrong Em?” Sandy asked.
“Dan is what’s wrong. He found me out a few minutes ago over there by the clearing. He came up to me and addressed me as Rhod and said it was a beautiful evening and I agreed with him. He knew it was me and I confirmed it. He said he was going to out me.”
“He better not Em, for he stands to lose a lot.” Sandy said.
“Well he didn’t seem worried about it. When I told him your mother was the host family, he kind of turned white. He still didn’t back down though, so I planted the seed that I was always a girl and I was masquerading as a boy back home, for I felt I was a tomboy. I also told him I had a female passport for how else could I have got into this country. I kind of fibbed there and I hope he doesn’t call me on it. I also told him I have showered with all of the girls in PE class and if I was a boy, I’m sure they would have figured it out. I hope Ellen can come up with those capsules, I think I’m going to need them. I think he is going to tell one of the girls to spy on me to put a seed of doubt in her to check me out.”
“Well Em, if he goes through with this, I will most definitely let my mom know that he’s harassing you.”
“But what if your mum questions me on it. I’ll need to prove to her I’m a girl for real somehow.”
“That’ll be easy, just use one of the bathrooms over at the main house, tell my mom your period started and leave a used napkin or tampon in the garbage can, that would confirm it.”
“You think?”
“Hun, I know. Once she sees them, there will be no question about it. You already told her earlier in the week you where going to be on this week. What better proof?”
“True. How about school? I mean we don’t have PE until Thursday. I was going to make sure Casey sees me bleeding to confirm it since she is one of the head cheerleaders.”
Ally said, “That’s easy Em, Just take her to the loo with you when you have to change tampons and napkins. Make like you need a tampon and have her get you one and use it. That should confirm it. Maybe more American girls will be there when you ask for one. Don’t be embarrassed to ask, it’s a normal occurrence.”
“You sure that would work Ally?”
“Sure fire Em. Trust me.”
“I guess I better make sure Ellen gets those capsules then.”
“Well, you’ll do ok Hun. That prat will only be digging his own grave if he takes it any further.” Ally stated.
“I agree with Ally, Em. Don’t let him worry you. In a way I can’t wait to see his face when they tell him you are having your period and he realizes you really must be a girl after all.”
“I thought he was so cool before all this happened. He really was a nice guy. I still think he is deep down, I just think it’s his father that taught him all the bigotry and fear of people like … uh … me.” I almost said US.
“Well, are you girls ready to head back? It seems everyone is cleaning up and getting their skis on.” Sandy was pointing to where the people parked their skis. “Oh, there is a race they do from over there back to the diner. It is a lot longer way to go if you feel up to it. If you don’t, we can go back the way we came.”
“Going back the way we came sounds good to me Sandy. I’m not much of an athlete to have that type of stamina for this sort of thing.”
“Neither do I, Sandy.” Ally agreed.
“Well good then, we can head together going in a more sane fashion. I think, going back the way we came is the better way to go anyway.” Sandy stated.
I looked over to where there was a bunch of people lining up, it looked like they were getting ready to race. I saw Drew and Maddy there too, with Britney and Debbie. Are they nuts? I bet Brit goaded them into it. Drew could never back down from a challenge. I hope they’ll be ok? I hope they know what they’re doing and what they’re in for?
“Coming Em?” Ally stated.
“Um … yea let me get my skis.”
I was putting on my skis when I heard a whistle blow. There was pandemonium going on where the lineup of people were. Wow they’re crazy. I saw Gaby and Maddy following them, but they seemed to be losing ground as everyone else was speeding away from them. Gaby and Maddy, I sure hope you guys know what your doing. I noticed Brit and Deb weren’t waiting for them. I shook my head.
“Em, come on where waiting!” Ally yelled.
“Ok!” I put my skis on and got my poles and shushed over to them.
“I hope Maddy and Gaby will be ok?”
“I hope so too Em, I really do.” Ally stated, as she looked towards the receding line of skiers.
I looked around the picnic area and I saw Bernie and Scotty were getting on ok. The two of them were pairing off and going together. They both were talking a mile a minute. I smiled thinking about them. I saw Amy and Darla pairing up, following Bernie.
Sabrina skied over to us and said, “Sandy, would you mind if I paired up with you?”
“No, not at all Sab, I would love the company.”
So Sab and Sandy started out heading back the way we came; Ally and I followed; Bernie and Scott after us; then Darla and Amy.
We kind of carried on a conversation yelling to each other at times. It was kind of fun. Scotty was a hoot, he kept telling jokes and Bernie was really laughing at them. I must admit I found a few funny myself.
In no time at all it seemed, we made it back to the diner. We saw off in the distance the pandemonium of skiers that were heading our way. To me they looked like idiots. Speaking of idiots, I wonder if Dan is in that pack. He really shook me up today. If he follows through with his threat he could get everyone into trouble. I truly am worried about him. I shuddered thinking about it. I took off my skis and handed them to Sandy who put them on the carrack.
Ally was over by Darla’s car giving the skis to Mr. Greenwood who put them on their carrack.
Sandy finished putting her skis on the rack.
“C’mon Em, we’ll get something warm to drink while we wait for everyone to show up.”
Ally followed us in, as did Mr. Greenwood while he looked off into the distance, seeing the pandemonium; chuckling.
“Hey Sandy, how’re y’all doing?” Helen the waitress said.
“Good Helen.” Sandy turned back to us, “What do you girls want?”
“Could I get a hot tea please Sand?”
“Me too please, Sandy.” Ally stated.
“Mr. Greenwood what would you like?” Sandy asked.
“Could I have a coffee please? Black. Thank you Sandy.”
“Helen could we have 2 hot teas and two coffee’s one black, one white.”
“Ok Sandy. Could I ask you if you could get it please. I’m a bit slammed.”
“No problem Helen.” Sandy got all of the drinks for us.
She went over to the other table where the rest of our gang was sitting and did the same thing.
Finally, after everyone got their drinks Sandy came back and sat down. “Thank you again Sandy. That was helpful.” Mr. Greenwood said. “So did everyone have a good time?”
We all answered in the affirmative.
The door opened and more skiers showed up, they were laughing and hollering, saying they won and such.
The diner started to get a steady flow of skiers coming in and the diner really started to get crowded. People were standing around drinking and talking with everyone else, I just watched.
It was kind of neat how these down south folk talked with a twang and mispronunciation of English words. It really sounded like they were talking a different language. It was funny.
Finally Mr. Greenwood got Alley and Darla ready to go home. I gave Ally and Darla a goodbye hug.
It was starting to get dark outside. Sandy did some waitress duties. I looked around the diner and I realized I didn’t see Mad or Gaby. Did they go home already? No there is Brit, Debbie, Jules, the Walters olds and Miss B. I saw the olds and Miss B had worried look on their faces. Brit and Debbie looked subdued and Jules was crying. I had a bad feeling come over me and wondered what’s going on.
“Hey Brit, what’s up? Where is Mad and Gaby?”
Brit looked at me and was really worried. “We don’t know? Everyone is back ‘cept them.”
“What! You’re not serious?”
“Yes we are. Something is wrong, I hope they didn’t get lost.” Brit looked like she was going to cry. “This is all my fault, I didn’t tell them it was a race, I just assumed they would be able to keep up. I didn’t expect them to fall so behind.”
Mr. Walters came over, “Brit, we’ll be having a talk about this young lady! You better hope nothing has happened to them. That was an irresponsible thing you did to goad them into going the long way home; when you knew they are inexperienced skiers. They didn’t know it was a race first off and they don’t even know the area. You are so grounded young lady!” Brit started crying.
“I’m sorry dad, I didn’t mean for them to be this late, I didn’t think …”
“That’s the problem young lady, you didn’t THINK! Let’s get suited up and get your skis on and go back out there and look for them.”
Debbie and Jules both looked frantic, Jules is still crying. I was getting worried also.
“Mr. Walters, do you want us to help?” I said.
“No, Em, I don’t want you getting lost out there. You don’t know the area and I assume you are a novice at skiing. Thank you, but no thank you.” He turned and walked out of the restaurant.
I saw him talking to some police officers. Wow this is getting serious. I saw Jules, Deb and Brit heading out the way the other racing skiers had came from. I’m not all that religious, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt. I prayed for a safe return of Gaby and Maddy.
Miss Bell and Mrs. W were huddled together thinking the worst and I could tell they both were terrified something serious happened.
I saw a lot of people were here yet and they were turning their cars around and turning on their lights to the place where the skiers came from, lighting up the area I guess. I no longer saw were the other girls went, they were out of sight.
Sandy stopped what she was doing; she didn’t realize what was happening. “Em, what’s up?” as she saw the worried looks on Mrs. W and Miss B. “What’s going on?”
“Sandy, Gaby and Mad are not back yet. They think something bad happened.”
“Oh no, this is not good. Let me go out and see if I can help.”
Sandy put her coat on and headed out to where the police were standing.
She talked to them for a minute.
They all looked toward where the racing skiers had came from and they all had smiles on their faces. I could see relief on the faces out there. I turned to Mrs. W and Miss B. “Miss Bell, I think they found them. The people out there have a look of relief and smiling faces.”
“Oh thank God!”
Sandy came in and said, “They found them and they’re alright. They just couldn’t go any faster and they were tired. They should be here shortly. They’re both cold though. Helen, could you get some hot chocolate ready please?”
I saw Gaby and Maddy in the car park and Mr. W was helping them remove their skis. I saw him point the way to get into the restaurant to warm up.
They came in and I rushed over to them and hugged Gaby first and then Maddy crying, “Omigod you had us so worried.”
Mrs. W and Miss B ran over hugged them asking them if they were alright.
Gaby said, “We’re ok, we just couldn’t go as fast as the others. We had no problem following the tracks. If I have to do it over again, I certainly wouldn’t wear a skirt, my knees are totally numb.”
“Well why did you wear a skirt in the first place?” Miss B asked.
“No one told me what we were doing today, so I thought I was wearing something warm and comfortable. I didn’t know we were doing this. Jules didn’t even tell me.”
Mrs. W said, “Well we’ll be having words with Debbie and Britney, there was no excuse for this. I thought this is what you wanted to wear today, I had no idea you didn’t know or I’d never have let you in the car dressed that way. I’m sorry Gaby, I should have guessed.”
Miss B said, “I’m glad you and Maddy are safe. How are you feeling Maddy?”
“I’m fine, a bit cold, but alright. I really need to go to the loo if you’ll excuse me.”
“Certainly Maddy.” agreed Miss B.
Maddy didn’t hear, as she was already gone.
“Here Drew, get your coat off and warm up, here is a hot chocolate for you.”
“Thank you Sandy, I appreciate this.”
“Go over there and have a seat.”
I sat with Gaby. “You going to be alright?”
“Yea, I’ll be fine. Don’t ever go skiing in a skirt, your knees freeze up and go numb. My bottom isn’t feeling all that much either.”
“Well I’m glad you’re alright, Jules was in tears.”
“I know, I talked with her, she really apologized for what she did this morning. She was really worried.”
“Yes she was.”
Maddy came out from the loo looking a bit more comfortable and sat down next to Drew. Sandy brought her a hot chocolate.
“Feeling better Mad?”
“Much. I had to do that for the last hour. I wasn’t as lucky as Gaby to take care of that issue. There are moments when I wish I could go pee like her.” Pointing at Gab. “Just aim and shoot.”
“Shhhhh shush Mad, you want them to find out about me?”
“Sorry Gab, wasn’t thinking.”
“Seems like a lot of people are like that today.”
Mr. W came over. “Are you girls ready to head home?”
Gaby said, “Yes please. Gladly, I’m tired.”
Maddy said, “Sounds like a good idea.”
Miss bell came over, “You ready to go Mad? Mary Ellen is waiting for us out in the car, she warmed up the car for you.”
“Yes please, that sounds great.”
The girls left and that left just me and Sandy, “You ready to go home too Em?”
“Yes, that sounds wonderful.”
“Well let’s hit the road then.”
I put on my snowsuit and boots then followed Sandy to the car.
“That was one exciting day if you asked me Em.”
“Yes it was Sand, I’m bushed. I’m glad I got my homework finished. I’m too tired to do it now. This has been one fantastic weekend.”
“Yes it was.”
We drove home in silence; I think we were both too tired to say anything.
When we got home I helped Sandy take off the carrack and the skies.
Mrs. J met us at the door and asked how everything went? I saw two bags with clothes sitting by the kitchen door and she told me the laundry was all done and I thanked her. She asked if we wanted something to eat and we both said we were stuffed from the buffet, but we would love something warm to drink. Kevin came over and gave us both hugs.
We cleaned up the skis and re-waxing them, as we told her what had happened and how the day went. When we finally finished, we put everything back into the basement.
When we returned from the basement, the phone rang and Mrs. J answered it.
“Hello? … Oh hello Ms Morgan … Sorry, Sylvia. Please call me Mary, I’m Sandy’s mother. …
To be continued:
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I can't wait for the look on
I can't wait for the look on Dan's face when he proven a liar and true trouble maker. Perhaps he should lose his potential scholarships that he is working for in sports. That would certainly help to teach him, but sometimes it takes more to get it through the heads of some people. He and Mr. "J" seem to make a fine pair don't they? J-Lynn
Another great chapter.
I don't think we've seen the last of Dan, stupid people seam to never learn from their mistakes. I think Debbie and Britney are going to be spending some time in a very cold dog house, hee hee.
I'm looking forward to seeing more of this exciting story.
Thanks Penny. Don't worry there is more to come. There are still five weeks left for Dan, Mr. J and others to get into trouble, or out of trouble depending of the point of reference.
One of my favorite stories!
Thanks for bringing your stories here, Joni! They're much too good to be restricted to a single website. Maddy's Drew/Gaby stories are my current #1 favorites, and any stories related to them are way high on my list.
Reading Maddy's stories, I suspect Dan is just before causing several people a lot of trouble. I trust he'll get his in the end, but I'm concerned about the damage he'll cause in the meantime.
Keep up the good work! You've taken Mfanwy and really made her a likable person that I can care about. Sandy's also a great person, I hope somebody smacks her father up the side of the head with a clue, maybe someday he'll get it then.
Love & Hugs!
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Thanks Karen J, it is very appreciated.
There is a long way to go yet while in America. A lot is going to happen. Em will have a lot of issues that threaten her safety and security I'm sure; but I'm sure her friends will help her through.
chapter 26 is almost finished. unfortunately I have gotten very busy of late and finding time to write has gotten short. I will continue so don't fret. Lots more to do while in the states.