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Rhod has some tight moments, will he be able to make people see he is a girl? Will he be able to carry it off? Will his classmates twig there is something amiss? He still has a male passport, what will happen if he makes it to the American Customs?
I want to thank all the people that have helped me edit and critique this story. They are Angel O'Hare, Stacy Miller, Karen Page, Robi McKee, Paula Dillon and especially Maddy Bell for allowing me to join her universe and giving me permission to write in it.
Based on the story Gaby, Book # 4 - Once Upon A Time In America By Maddy Bell
All Characters portrayed in the story are copywrited to Maddy Bell for her Gaby series found at
Scene 2
The Flight:
We arrived at the British Midland 613 flight at gate 6 and it was shortly before 10:00AM. We found we had a little while yet to wait. I need to go to the loo.
I looked at Ally and said, “Ally I need to go to the loo.”
Ally said, “I’ll go with you.”
We told Miss C where we were going. Miss C looked at us and said “You young ladies be careful now, and don’t be to long.”
I smiled and said, “We will.”
Ally and I went to the ladies loo, and found we had to queue for a stall. Why is it there is always a queue for the ladies? When it was finally our turn, we did what we had to do.
I came out, washed my hands, and checked that my lips were still covered with lipstick. Reaching into my backpack and getting the lippy tube, I redid my lips while waiting for Ally to get done.
In the meantime, a young mother next to me changing her newborn daughter’s nappy asked me, “Could you get some paper towels from out of the dispenser, as Nichole has made quite a mess in her nappy. She is squirming so much I’m afraid to let go of her.”
I said, “Sure I’ll help you.”
I got the paper towels and she had me hold the baby while she cleaned her up. I distracted the baby with cooing sounds and the baby stopped squirming allowing the mother to finish her job. The baby was enthralled with me.
This was an interesting experience.
In the meantime, Ally had arrived and was watching me in fascination during all of this. The mother turned to me and said, “Thank you ever so much for helping me. There are times when an extra pair of hands comes in handy. You will make an excellent mother some day young lady.”
“Thank you for saying that.” I said. She smiled at me, as we turned to head back to the gate.
I felt proud of myself. Ally was giggling all the way back to the gate.
“Em a mother, who would’ve believed it?” She said.
I looked at her and giggled, and told her, “Stop teasing me.”
We heard the announcement,
“All passengers for British Midland, flight 613, non stop for Washington DC, please proceed to gate 6.”
When we got back, it was 10:10AM and the plane started their boarding procedure and we had to rush to get our hand luggage and get in line. Drew, Maddy and Jules where a few people in front of us; we still didn’t have a chance to talk. I wish I could cheer up Drew, he really looks miserable. Sigh; well maybe I can talk with him once we’re on the plane.
Mrs. C got in behind us and she asked, “It is a good thing the plane is late, are you two ok?”
We both smiled and said, “Yes Miss.”
Miss C then asked me, “Rhod are you going to be ok with all of this? I mean you being Mfanwy for the cheer competition and all? I feel so bad doing this to you and I want to give you my thanks now before I forget.”
I looked at her and said, “If I was not ok with it, I’d not be wearing what I am. I know I look a bit in-between genders at the moment, but I did that on purpose. However people will take me, I’ll go along with, so as not to make waves. I know I have to look like Rhod at customs in the states, and I hope I’ll not have problems there.” Smiling nervously.
She looked at me and said “Rhod you look good for either sex, I doubt there will be a problem. How do you wish me to address you? As a young man or as a young lady?”
I smiled and said, “Which ever way you’re compelled to call me Miss.”
Ally chimed in with “I think young lady would be best don’t you think? We should also call her Em, Miss. It is better than calling her Mfanwy, which is a mouthful.”
Mrs. C laughed, “OK, Em it is then, this may confuse the ones who don’t know you, into believing you truly are Mfanwy and not Rhod. However I don’t know how your host is going to react to you, so if there is a problem, please let me know immediately.”
“Ok Miss” I said smiling.
We finally got up to the gangway and the Ticket Agent took our tickets and made sure we had our seat assignments and said, “Have a good trip ladies.”
The plane was huge it had 3 seats on either side of the plane by the windows, two aisles, then 6 seats in the center. I walked down the aisle that the stewardess told us to take, and saw Drew and Maddy in their seats. I smiled at both of them and they returned their smile. I found we were two rows past them, 28A and 28B. I had the window seat, Ally had the center seat, and an elderly man was seated in the aisle seat. He was cute in a fatherly sort of way, I’d guess. He got up when he realized we would be seated there. We took the things we wanted out of our bags and stuffed the seat pockets in front of us. We also took off our coats. I went to put the bag and coats in the overhead compartment but I couldn’t reach it, when the gentleman got up and said, “Let me get that for you girls.”
We both said “Thank you.”
We took our seats and got our seat belts on, when the stewardess walked by and said, “Are you girls going to be alright?”
We both said in unison, “Yes Miss.”
It is so nice to be referred to in that way.
I looked around the plane to see where the others were sitting. I saw Jules with Bernie, near the rear of the coach section, some of us were to the front of the section, and I saw Miss C across the way from us by the other windows and I saw Mr. Pilling sitting next to her. She waved at me when she saw me looking and I waved back and smiled.
The gentleman sitting next to us asked, “Where are you two going?”
Ally said, “We’re exchange students and we will be going to the Grottoes in western Virginia.”
Then he said, “Are you girls excited about going?”
We both just beamed at him with a big smile, and he chuckled and said, “I guess you are.”
He was pleased he had someone to chat with it seemed.
About that time the airline stewardess got on the PA system and went through the, I suppose, the usual safety talk any airline gives.
Bong! “Welcome to British Midland Flight 613, non stop to Washington DC. For safety purposes, please make sure all of your hand luggage is either stored under the seat in front of you, or in the overhead compartments. Please turn off all mobile phones, CD players, and computers. Please put your seat tray in their full upright locked position and raise the seats to their full upright locked position. There is no smoking allowed in the bathrooms on this plane, you’re allowed to smoke in designated areas only. Please watch your TV screen in the seats in front of you for the following safety presentation.”
It showed us how to use the safety devices such as the oxygen mask, and raft in case of a water landing. The track lights on the floor, if there is smoke in the cabin. How to use our seat cushions as flotation devices. How to slide down the door chutes if we had to leave the plane while parked on the ground. Then told about the pamphlet in the seat pocket in front of us to find the nearest emergency exit. I certainly hope we don’t have to find out these things first hand.
Then the captain came on the PA and told us,
Bong! “This is Tom Poston, your captain speaking. Welcome to British Midland, flight 613. We will be climbing to an altitude of 38,000 feet and be doing a cruising speed of 600 miles per hour. We will be arriving in Washington DC at 3:00PM local time. The temperature in Washington DC presently, is —4 degrees Celsius, 26 degrees Fahrenheit. If there is anything we can do to make your flight more comfortable, please let us know. Thank you for flying British Midland”
It was —4 degrees Celsius, it is really cold there; I’m glad I was wearing a sweater and had a warm coat with me.
At this point, the engines started up and I was really starting to get excited looking out the window, and Ally was looking over my shoulder. I smiled at her and gave her sort of a hug with our heads. All of a sudden, there was a lurch and our plane started moving in reverse away from the building, my smile couldn’t have gotten bigger.
After the pusher was released from the plane, we started our taxi out to the runway. It is just amazing that something this large can move the way it does. After waiting in what seemed like a long line of planes, we finally got to the end of the runway.
Bong! “Flight attendants please take your seats.”
The plane turned, and before we could stop, the engines revved up, the noise was loud and the plane started slowly down the runway picking up speed. I felt myself pushed into the seat. After what seemed like an age, I felt the front of the plane point skyward and all of a sudden heard a loud shuddering noise from below the plane and a loud clunk, and then silence. I realized the wheels lifted off the ground and then heard them being put away. I look out the window and it was just too much for words as we rose skyward and saw the cars and building shrinking in size, making them look like a giant model of a city with moving vehicles. Ally was looking with me as we lifted into the sky and headed for the soft fluffy clouds that we were heading for. We got through the clouds, the sun was shining bright, and the sky was so blue it was simply amazing. I just found the best moment in my life. This was way too much, to describe with words I just absorbed the sight. This was my first ever plane trip and I love it.
Look out United States here we come!
After a while, the captain came on the PA again and said,
Bong! “This is the Captain speaking. We’re now at a cruising altitude of 38,000 feet, the seatbelt light has been turned off and you’re free to move about the cabin. For your personal safety, when you’re seated, please keep your seatbelt on at all times just incase of turbulence.”
I looked out of the window, and down beneath us was nothing but water, it looked like a giant mirror, when we could see it through the fluffy clouds. The noise of the take-off was greatly deadened and all we could hear was the wind going past the windows.
The stewardess got on the PA system and told us,
Bong! “May I have your attention please? We will soon be passing out headphones so that you can listen to music or the in flight movie that will be shown after the lunch meal. The movie is called ‘9 Months’ with Hugh Grant. Thank you.”
“God, Hugh Grant is such a hunk.” Did I just say that?
The stewardess came around and asked, “Would you girls like some headphones?”
We both smiled and said, “Yes please, Miss”
We got our headphones and we figured out how to plug them in on the armrest, use the selector dial to select what music we would like to listen to, and the volume control. It was interesting the headphones were just hollow tubes of plastic with a support to press them into our ear, they were cushioned at our ears, they seem to work fine. We also found the controls to allow us to recline our seats, and we both settled down and I soon found myself nodding off to sleep.
A little while later I was awakened by Ally shaking me, and I was a bit disoriented when I realized the Stewardess was talking to me, “Can I get you anything to drink Miss?”
I raised my seat and said, “Yes please, may I have a diet Ginger Ale please?”
She poured me a Ginger Ale, while I lowered the seat tray, and she put the drink and the can in front of me and gave me some Speculas biscuits. The biscuits were tasty, and I enjoyed my drink.
The gentleman that was sitting next to us got up and left to go to the loo, evidently.
While he was gone, Ally asked me, “What do you think your host is going to be like?”
“Honestly I don’t know Ally? I hope he isn’t like Dan. Dan really turned nasty when he found out about Mfanwy. I was afraid he was going to attack me. It sure made things stressful in the house. Both mum and Miss Bell really went at him to cool him down.” I said.
Ally asked, “Do you think Dan is going to keep quiet about it, or do you think he is going to start trouble?”
“Honestly Ally, I’ve no idea. I do so hope he will let things be and not make any problems, but I’m a bit worried about him. We still did things together but he was not comfortable around me after the Mfanwy incident. I thought he was cool, but now know he was a real jerk. Especially when he verbally attacked Sabrina, what a bigot he was.”
Ally stated, “I really felt so bad for Sabrina, she is such a great girl.”
“I agree.” I stated. “I’m looking forward to seeing the gang again, I wonder how Debbie, Britney, Sabrina, Darla, and Amy will take me as Mfanwy, you think they’ll accept me this way?” I said.
Ally stated “As far as I’m concerned I see no problem with them, since they all accepted Drew being Gaby. Besides Britney and Sabrina already seen Mfanwy, and they were ok with you.”
“Wasn’t Sabrina’s last name Jones?” I asked.
Ally stated, “I believe so, why do you ask?”
“Well my host’s name is Sandy Jones; do you think there is any relation there?” I asked.
“Hmmm I guess we will find out when we get there. I hope he is cute and nice?” Stated Ally.
“Well if he is cute you stay away from him.” I laughed, “He is mine!” Laughing louder.
“I want to see this. If you really do like him, would you go out with him?” Ally asked.
That made me stop and think. If he was a nice boy, would I be willing to go out with him? Am I a girl for real? Would Ally still like me if I find I’m attracted to boys? Would Ally mind?
“Ally? Would you still like me if I find that I do like going out with boys?” Looking at Ally sheepishly.
Ally looked thoughtful for a few minutes; I can tell she never gave this a thought. She looked at me and said, “Em, I understand you want to be a girl for real, with that boys are part of the experience. I’ll understand if you like boys better than girls. After all I’m a girl and I like boys also.” She was looking at me closely and sighed, “If you like a boy and want to go out with him, I’ll understand. We’re still friends, and I like Mfanwy very much. She is my greatest girlfriend, and I hope, I’m her greatest girlfriend?”
I looked at her and I could feel tears coming into my eyes and I lunged at her and hugged her, and said “You ARE my greatest girlfriend dear Ally. We will be girlfriends forever.” We held each other for a while and we both had tears in our eyes.
The gentleman returned at this point and we both separated and giggled and wiped the tears from our eyes. He looked at us kind of funny but didn’t say anything.
After we composed ourselves, I looked at Ally and asked, “What do you think is bothering Drew and Jules?”
“Oh I suppose that they are upset that their mum just came back and now they are leaving her behind. This whole separation thing is horrible. Jules told me she was really upset with her mum, taking off like that. She wanted to meet this Dieter, so she could kill him for destroying her family. Personally I can’t blame her.” Ally stated.
“I agree Ally; I guess we just have to give Jules and Drew some space to get it out of their system. Still I hate to see them this way.” I stated.
She agreed and then we started looking through the pockets of the seats in front of us.
I pulled out the in flight magazine out of the pocket and started to look through it. Ally started to read a magazine she brought along with her and we both went back to listening to the music.
After a while, the stewardess got on the PA system and told us,
Bong! "May I have your attention please? We’re ready to start the lunch service and will be coming down the aisle shortly. There are three choices to choose from, Roast Beef, Chicken Marcela, and Vegetarian Salad. Thank you.”
Well I know what I’ll be eating.
When the service finally got to our row, the stewardess asked me, “Miss what would you like to have?”
I told her, “Could I have the vegetarian dish, please?”
She said, “Certainly Miss.”
I put my tray table back down and I was handed a nice salad, with vegetables and Italian dressing. Ally had the meat dish, which was roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy with some type of green beans.
A little time later, another stewardess came and asked, “What would you girls like to drink?”
I said, “Could I have diet Ginger Ale, please?”
Ally said. “Could I have milk, please?”
Again, she filled a glass with diet Ginger Ale and put it, and the can, on my tray. Then she poured the milk into a glass and put it, and the milk carton, on Ally’s tray and said, “There you go girls.”
We both said, “Thank You.”
The meal was good, and shortly after we finished the stewardess came around and collected the trays with dishes, and the rest of the garbage.
Shortly after that, the movie was started.
If you have never seen ‘9 Months’, it is a must see. Ally and I howled with laughter at the end of the movie. During the birthing scene, Hugh Grant’s pregnant girlfriend and a neighbor friend both go into labor at the same time.
The scene of Hugh driving his car at break neck speed towards the hospital and whom he hits on the way is hysterical. When they get to the hospital, the regular Doctors aren’t there yet, and Robin Williams is pressed into service to deliver the babies. Robin Williams plays a Russian Doctor who has never delivered a baby, and can barely speak English. The terms he uses for things like epidural he said epidermis, etc. It was funny. The two fathers got into it, when the other father was making a video of the births and stuck his camera under the blanket of Hugh Grant’s girlfriend. Hugh took offense to that and started to fight him, while Robin was trying to assist in both births at the same time stepping over the two fighting fathers. Towards the end, Hugh’s girlfriend gave birth to his son.
Robin Williams, after the births, went and had a lot of Christmas Cheer, (to much cheer). Not feeling any pain. He confronts the two fathers, and they apologized to the doctor for fighting, and the doctor said it was ok, and he told Hugh he was going to do a circumcision on his son. When the doctor went through the door, the two fathers looked at each other and realized the doctor was drunk and they both dove through the door the doctor went through, to stop him.
We both Cried at the end when Hugh was dancing with his newborn baby son, and his new wife was looking on while they were dancing. When the movie ended, we turned to each other and hugged each other. Seriously it is a must see. We both agreed Hugh Grant was a major dish.
We got ourselves composed. I needed to go to the loo and so did Ally so we asked, “Sir could you let us out, we need to go to the loo.”
The gentleman got up to let us out. We walked to the end of the plane were the loo was and you guessed it, we both ended up waiting again to use the toilets.
While we were waiting I noticed Maddy had gotten up and was going over to where Bernie and Jules were. I figured when I got done, if she was still there I’d go over and talk with Drew. In the mean time I saw Miss C sit down next to Drew.
A short while later I finished and saw that Maddy was still talking with Jules and Bernie, and that Miss C was talking with Justine a fifth year girl. I walked over to Drew and sat down next to him. I said, “Hey Drew?” He looked at me and smiled.
He said, “How are things Rhod?”
“Ok. Are you ok Drew? You seem rather down today.” I was looking at him closely.
“Oh I’ll be alright.” He said. “It’s just that I’m leaving my mum behind, and I fear I may never see her again.”
I thought how callous of his mum, to separate and not even want to see her kids again. This was horrible. I don’t know how parents can do that to their own flesh and blood. Wow, I thought she was better than that, maybe I’m wrong. A parent becomes a super star and it goes to their head, and they seem to want to forget their family. I feel so lucky that I have my mum and that she loves me so.
“Hey Cheer up Drew it can’t be all that bad. I’m sure your mum will come around. Who knows she may realize that her family is important after all, and she will come back.” I said.
Drew stated, “She has come back, and now we are leaving her. I just hope she is still there when we come back?”
“Drew? I’m sure she will, you’ll see. If she came back, then she has realized she had made a big mistake.” I stated.
Drew said, “She did realize that, it is just……, I hope she has time and things get better.”
I told Drew, “There is always hope Drew, let’s not give up, and let’s be cheerful she did come back. This isn’t the way to be mate, you need to look forward and have a good time in the US. I’m sure she wants you to have a good time, doesn’t she?”
Drew looked at me and said, “Yes she does, she said to forget about what’s happened and be happy, I don’t know if I can do that Rhod.” I look at Drew and I gave him a hug.
I said “I’m here for you mate, if you need someone to talk to, you know I am always here for you.”
Drew said, “Thanks mate, I needed that.” After a bit he said, “By the way, are you trying to be Em?”
“Yes I am in a way, but I know I have to be Rhod for customs. Drew I want to stay Em forever. I know you’re having a hard time with that, but please don’t make trouble for me.”
“Look Rhod, Em, you know I’d never hurt you, you’re my best mate, even if you are becoming a girl for real. I still like you and if ever you need help, or someone to talk with, I’m here for you mate.” Drew stated.
I smiled at him and said, “Thanks mate, You do know that presently you don’t look like Drew, but you look very much like Maddy and everyone is seeing you as a girl don’t you?”
He just chuckle and said, “Yes I know, I kind of have no enthusiasm to fight it today, so I’ll just go with it. I know I have to be Drew to get through customs. At this point I’m too numb to worry about it, Em, so just call me Gaby and we’re square. I’m sure it’s safer for me to use the women’s loo, rather then the male loo, dressed the way I am. I just hope I don’t have any problems in customs, nor the other kids on our trip.”
“Neither do I Drew, neither do I.” I stated.
About then Maddy returned and I had to give her back her seat. She asked, “How you doing Rhod? Did you enjoy that movie?”
I laughed at the mention of that movie. “Wasn’t that a scream? I really enjoyed that movie. That Hugh Grant is such a dish.”
Mad then asked, “By the way Rhod why are you dressed the way you are, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were dressed as, and look like, Em?”
I smiled and said, “Maddy I’m dressed as Em, as much as I dare, to allow me to get through customs with my present passport. I had made mention to Drew, he looked more like Gaby today, and actually you two look a lot alike today. So should I call Drew, Gaby, and say you are the Peter’s twin sisters?” Grinning at them both.
Maddy smirked and said, “Touché, so do you want me to call you Em then?”
I told Maddy, “What ever you want to call me would be fine Mad, But Ally decided to call me Em, and so did Miss C.”
Maddy said, “I’ve no problem with that Em, you know I’ll help you always, you’re one of my girlfriends after all. Gaby being my best girlfriend and I’m happy she is here,” as she looked over at Drew and smiled at him. Drew smiled back.
I heard the stewardess on the PA system say,
Bong! “May I have your attention please? You each will be receiving a declaration form and an immigration form to be filled out for customs in the United States. You will need to have this filled out before we land. When you get to customs you need to hand these forms to them. If you have any problems with filling them out, please let us know. Thank you.”
I looked at Maddy and Drew and said, “I better return to my seat.” I got up and walked back to my seat. At least Drew seemed to be out of his funk a little. It’s a true shame that his mum seemed to be so nasty about the separation, to think she wouldn’t want to see Drew ever again. Wow, that is so cruel. I sure hope Drew is wrong.
To be continued.
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