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Reluctantly Em finally goes on her unwanted date. Is it all she thought it would be? Will she survive it?
Pardon for the delay in getting this chapter posted, but somehow Real Life reared it's head and has had me too busy to do any writing for a while. Hopefully once the fall season is upon us, I can get back to writing again. I have not ended this series, so please stay tuned.
I want to thank all the people that have helped me edit and critique this story. I especially want to thank Maddy Bell for allowing me to join her universe and giving me permission to write in it.
Based on the story Gaby, Book # 4 - Once Upon A Time In America By Maddy Bell
All Characters portrayed in the story are copywrited to Maddy Bell for her Gaby series found at
The Date:
Saturday: (cont)
“Oh come child, I know girls like you only want one thing. A good time for nothing and then once you’ve got what you want, you drop him like last weeks garbage.”
“What!!!! EXCUSE ME! This date was your son’s idea, not mine. I am not going after your son Mrs. Stoller. I am not even interested in your son actually. I am only doing this because he asked me to go. I really didn’t want too, but he insisted. If you feel I am a threat or something, then you can drive me home right now. I would be glad to go home right now, I am very tired, and have been under a lot of stress lately.” I stood up, preparing to leave.
Roger showed up with a tray full of food and asked, “Em, what’s wrong? Why are you so upset? Where are you going? MOM! What did you do?”
“Oh nothing dear, I was just getting to know your little girl friend. It was just a bit of girl talk is all.”
“Em? You ok?”
“Em’s fine Roger. I guess I was a … um … a bit harsh on her I think. Sorry Em, it is just my mother instinct kicking in. Please forgive me.”
Roger looked at me puzzled, as was I. What just happened? First she chews me out for trying to take so called advantage of her son, or something, and now she’s sweet as pie. Is she a Jeckle and Hyde or something worse?
“Em, I have your food. Come, sit down and let us eat.”
I realized that I was stuck, since Mary already left, I had no convenient way of getting back home, other than this family. Oh God, is this an omen or something?!?
I reluctantly sat down, and Roger handed me my dinner. I could tell Roger was upset with his mum. His mother was acting as if nothing had happened.
In regards to making peace, I gathered, Roger’s mum said, “So whereabouts are you from Em?”
“I live in Warsop. It’s a small village, but it is big enough that we have a few large shopping centers; sort of like this.” I was fighting the urge to just get up and leave; I was still very much pissed at her.
Roger just looked upset with his mother. His mother never apologized beyond that simple half-hearted ‘sorry’; I’m so glad I don’t live here in the States with parents like this around!
We finished eating and headed off to the theatre. When we got there, I noticed there were about six movies to choose from. Roger had never asked me which movie I would like to see, so he just said, “Oh good, they have ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone’ playing. I never got a chance to see it. Could I have three tickets …”
His mom stopped him and said. “Tell you what Roger, I have a few things to shop for this evening; why don’t you two go and have a good time. Here is twenty dollars and I will see you in about … oh my … it looks like it will take three hours. Ok, meet you back here in three hours. We are cutting it very close for our party tonight. Can I trust you to be on your best behavior?” she first looked at Roger, than she glared at me.
My jaw just fell. I now realized what she had done. She is leaving me to her son without supervision, and I have no one to fall back upon. I don’t know if I am more upset about her leaving me alone with her son, or that I will BE ALONE with her son!
“Ah … Mrs. ah… Stoller? Aren’t you like going to come in with us? You know, to … ah chaperone us or something?”
“Mfawny, was it? You’re a big girl. I’m sure I can trust you. After that little scene back there, I’m not worried about you.”
Worried about me? I’m worried about her son! I look over at Roger, and he has a smile on his face that would light up the whole mall. Oh God, please help me.
“Ok mom, I promise to be REAL good with Em. You don’t have to worry about me.” Roger gleamed, Smiling like a cat that had just caught the canary.
I took another look at him and a chill ran up and down my spine.
He turned back to the Ticket person, “Make that two tickets for ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone’.”
“Very good sir, two student tickets for ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone’,” Roger paid for the tickets, as the ticket agent smiled at Roger.
The guy that gave Roger the tickets, looked like he was saying, ‘Way to go guy!
Looks like you scored a big one!’ as he leered at me with a toothy smile.
I suddenly felt like we were going out for dinner, and I was that dinner! My dream this morning was starting to come back to me, like a premonition and I was getting very nervous.
“Ok you two, have a good time. I will be back in about three hours, if not sooner.”
“Ok Mom. I’ll take care of Em.”
‘I bet you will,’ I thought. I did not like where this was heading at all. I was getting extremely nervous.
“Take care you two.” With that she walked off and left us alone.
“Great news eh, Em? Now we can be alone. Let’s go in and get some popcorn and pop. Do you mind if we share?”
“What? Oh … ah … no, I guess not.” Well one conciliation, at least it should be a good movie; I had been wanting to see this one and heard it was pretty good.
Roger started to put his arm around me and I about jumped. “Em, you alright? You look rather pale. You seem a bit jumpy too. You’re shaking, you sure you are ok?”
“Um, yeah. I guess I’m just a bit chilly. Let me put my coat on.”
“Well don’t worry, I’ll keep you plenty warm once we get inside.”
‘I bet you’ll try, but you won’t succeed, if I can help it.’ I thought.
Wearing my coat seemed to be an extra suit of armor to protect me from Roger. At least I felt a bit safer. Roger put his arm around me again and guided me into the theatre. We got the popcorn and a drink. Wow! They sure charge a lot for a small bag of popcorn, and a medium pop. That was almost more than the cost of the tickets.
We found our theatre seats, and they were showing trivia questions on the screen. I would have liked this better if it wasn’t for the fact that I was here with a boy that thinks I am a true girl. I noticed it was quite warm in the theatre, unlike in the mall. I needed to shed my coat now. Reluctantly, I took it off.
The movie started.
For the first half of the movie Roger tried to snake his arm around my shoulders, but I kept moving away from him and taking his arm off me. I really felt weird about sharing the drink too. He kept looking at me and smiling. He put his hand onto my thigh, and I gently removed it. I could tell he was getting annoyed with me.
“Come on Em, let me put my arm around you to keep you warm”
I wasn’t cold, but it dawned on me that he did pay for everything and it wasn’t cheap. He kind of treated me nice. Sigh! I allowed him to drape his arm over my shoulders and he pulled me into him. I was really starting to feel weird about this now. He whispered into my ear, “Relax, you are so tense.’
It suddenly dawned on me that I had been holding my breathe the entire time he had his arm draped over my shoulder. He was right; I was very tense. Exhale! I thought of Ally. What would she do? Hmmm. I got it! She would relax and lay her head on my shoulder in this situation. Wellllll …? I looked over to Roger and he still had that grin on his face, with his chest puffed out. He was showing off, I guess. I didn’t have the heart to burst his bubble, so I just forced myself to relax and … heck … I even laid my head on his shoulder. He has been behaving, for now.
While we were watching the movie, I felt something on my breast prosthesis. I looked down and saw he was rubbing the nipple of my breast form. I was shocked. I gently slapped his hand. He moved it away.
A bit later he started to rub the side of my breast form. I lifted his arm off of me and forced it into his lap. I glared at him and said in a strong whisper, “I am not that type of girl!” He looked at me like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
A little while later, he moved his hand onto my leg, starting to rub my thigh with his fingers. I froze. I was about to blow my top. I removed his hand again from my leg and glared evilly at him. He just gave me that same silly smile.
We went back to watching the movie and then he leaned forward towards me and kissed me on my cheek. I pushed him away and scooted to the edge of my seat, preparing to go. “Roger, you bloody oaf, will you behave?”
“I am behaving Em. I’m behaving how I am supposed to. My fathers tapes told me all you girls like this.”
“It’s you that is not behaving. I watched my father’s tapes when he isn’t around, because he won’t allow me to watch them otherwise. I learned what I have to do from them. I just want to show you a good time.” With that he put his arm around me again and pulled me forward and tried to French kissed me.
Anger and fear coursed through me now. I tried to push him away, and started to hit his chest, but he was too strong for me. I finally cuffed him on his ear and he let go. In a raised voice, that others couldn’t ignore, I spat, “YOU PIG! KEEP YOUR BLODDY HANDS OFF OF ME!”
SHHHH! SHHHH! SHHHH! Were coming from all around us. This did not do anything for Roger, he just ignored them.
“Oh come on babe, you know you want it. Come to your sugar daddy, he will take care of you.”
“I told you to LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU JERK!”
“You British girls are all a like! You like sex. I know you do. You always dress so provocatively, exciting us. Then you act like you don’t want it! I know you want it babe. I can see it in your eyes.” He tried to reach under my skirt and wrapped his other arm around my shoulders to try and entrap me again.
My nightmare has become real! I just forced him away and jumped up.
“I don’t know what YOU’RE ON, or what you think you saw on those tapes, but SEX is the furthest thing on my mind, JERK!” with that I grabbed my handbag and coat, and ran from the theatre to the ladies loo. I ducked into a stall sat down and cried.
I don’t know how long I sat there crying. One woman, who had entered at some point, heard me and asked, “Are you alright, Miss? Can I help?”
“I’m fine, it’s … it’s just boy problems, that’s all.”
“Oh, well that figures. Are you sure you will be fine? Want to talk about it?”
“I’ll be alright. Thank you, though. No, I really don’t feel up to talking about it.”
“Ok dear. I hope it all works out. Men have no idea what we women want. I’m sure he will come around.”
“Hardly, but thanks again anyways.”
“You’re welcome dear.”
A while later I heard, “Em, are you in here?” It was Mrs. Stoller.
Did I want to talk with her? Shoot, she has to take me home! Damn, I better talk with her.
Sniffing, “Yes, I’m here.” I got out of the stall I had been in for over an hour.
“Are you alright?”
“I guess.”
“What did you do to my son?” in an angry tone. “He told me you slapped him and then ran off.”
“WHAT DID I DO TO YOUR SON?!? Let me tell you about YOUR SON! He was like an octopus; he had his hands all over me. He French kissed me and tried to put his hand up my skirt. He about RAPED ME!”
“Oh and you didn’t ask for it?”
Smirking, “Yeah right. My son wouldn’t do anything unless you gave him permission to do it. He would never do anything like that.”
I started to cry again. “So you believe your son? Not me?”
“Pretty much, SLUT!”
I looked at her in total disbelieve, “Please take me home, right now! I don’t believe this is happening! It’s a nightmare.”
“Yep, you’re the nightmare honey! You don’t even know how to treat a man. You blame him for your short comings.”
I so wanted to hit her. If it wasn’t that I needed her to take me home, I would have slapped her and left her behind. What a family.
When I walked out of the loo, Roger was standing there frowning and looking worried. He wouldn’t even look at me. When I got to the car he got into the rear seat and I walked over and got into the front seat and didn’t say a word. It was deathly quiet all the way home.
When we arrived back at the Jones’s, Roger tried to get out and open my door. I hurriedly got out of the car before he could do something. I slammed the door shut, turned and ran upstairs to the flat. I didn’t say boo.
“I had a good time Em,” he yelled after me.
He frowned and got into the front seat of the car and they both drove off.
I went straight for the bedroom, slammed the door shut, jumped on the bed and cried.
The phone started ringing. I didn’t bother answer it.
A while later I heard the door open. “Em? Em? Are you here?” It was Sandy.
She knocked on my bedroom door. “Em, are you coming over? We have company … Em? Em, are you alright? Can I come in?”
I didn’t answer. I didn’t want to talk with Sandy; I was too hurt and pissed.
She opened the door, took one look at me and realized there was something really wrong.
“Em? Em … what happened? Tell me Em, please tell me!” She ran to the bed and pulled me into a hug.
I cried into her shoulder. “It was horrible … It … was so horrible!” Crying harder.
“He was all over me. I … I-I couldn’t stop him. I s-slapped him … r-r-ran, I… I-I hid in the women’s l … l-loo. After a w-while Mrs. Stoller came … see iff-f I was there … she had the GAUL … to call me a SLUT! R-Roger said I was all OVER him … s-said I … I-I asked for itt-t. H-H-He would not do … what I s-s-said he did … un-unless I t-t-told him he could.”
Sandy got very angry. “That little shit! I’ll be having words with him. That no good lying piece of shit. Where was Mrs. Stoller during all of this? I thought she was supposed to be chaperoning the two of you.”
I slowly pulled my face away, out from the comfort of Sandy’s chest and rubbed the tears away with the back of my hands. Sandy held me close while she patiently waited for my response.
Quietly, I whispered, “She left us alone from the beginning. She said she had shopping to do for tonight’s party.”
“Oh my God, Em! I’m so sorry this happened!”
“The nightmare I had this morning came true. He didn’t take me into the loo, but it was like my dream showed. He tried to reach up my skirt, just like in the dream. I feel so dirty.”
“Shh, shh, shh. Calm down Em. Calm down.” She hugged me tighter, “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up and go over and visit with the others. I think tonight you need to be with people you know you can trust.”
I took off my coat, and went to the loo to freshen up. After cleaning up, I felt somewhat better. Sandy came over to me, “You feeling better?” I nodded.
“Em? I’m sorry I went off on you yesterday and today, I was so frustrated.”
“Say no more Sandy. I know what you’re going through. It hurt that you didn’t even talk with me about it though.”
“We need to talk about that. Things are really getting weird, and I am not comfortable with what is happening. It feels like I am losing control.”
“Sandy, I am trying. You need to talk with Ellen; maybe she can give you some insight as to what is going on with your parents. If not her, maybe even Jessica. I felt horrible today. You didn’t even say ‘good morning’ or say ‘bye’ this morning when you left. I felt so bad, like I was the reason for all your problems.”
“Well it does seem that mom is treating you like her daughter and me as an outsider. That hurt.”
“I know it hurt. It embarrassed me too. I’m trying to help Sandy. Really I am. I thought today your mother was going to tell me about you, but she didn’t, saying it was a family issue and none of my business.”
“Come on Em, there is company here and they would like to meet with you.” Sandy sighed.
We walked over to the house. I heard little feet running when we closed the kitchen door and heard Kevin yelling, “Em is here. FINALLY!” He cautiously opened the kitchen door and when he saw it was safe, ran over to me and jumped into my arms, hugging me and gave me a big kiss. “How’s my girlfriend?”
I smiled at him, hugged him back and gave him a small kiss. “Surviving Kevin. How’s my boyfriend?”
He smiled and said, “I’m great now that you are here. I’m beating Britney on my trucking game. She’s getting upset with me.” I just giggled.
“Well take it easy on her now. You know some tricks she doesn’t so it isn’t exactly fair now, is it. She is your guest after all.”
“Ohhhhh, alright! I will let her win a few.” With that, he wiggled out of my arms and headed back into the house. I’m assuming, back to trounce on Britney and that game again.
This was just what I needed to make me feel better. Sandy and I shed our coats, hung them up, walked into the dinning room and I could see Mary, Jessica Bell and Mrs. Walters sitting there talking.
They looked up and Mary’s eyes brightened. “Jocelyn, have you met Mfanwy Morgan, our exchange student?”
“Yes, I met her briefly the first night when they arrived, and again at Jack’s Diner when I picked the girls up, after they’re little get together. Those girls are tight aren’t they? Such nice girls. Hi Em, how are you tonight?”
“Not bad Mrs. Walters. Hi Jessica.”
“Oh please Em, call me Jocelyn.”
“Ok, ah … Jocelyn.” Smiling at her.
“Hi Em. How was your evening?” Jessica asked.
Mary asked, “Yes, how did your date go tonight dear?”
“Oh, ah fine I guess. I really don’t want to discuss this right now, if you please.”
“Oh, ok, sorry, I guess it didn’t go the way you expected it to then?” Mary said.
“Something like that.”
“Well, the others are about in the living room, or maybe in Kevin’s bedroom, playing games, I think. You’ll have to look.”
“Oh, thank you.”
We continued into the living room area, I saw Debbie and Jules sitting on the sofa, chatting away about something. Mr. Jones was talking with Mr. Walters and appeared oblivious to us entering the room. I could tell they were deep into some type of conversation.
Jules and Debbie saw Sandy come back in and screamed, “About time you got back. Hi Em, have a good date tonight?” They both saw me flinch and realized something was wrong.
They both got up from the couch, went to Sandy and said, "Is there a private room where we can talk? Too many ears are about here.” They said looking at the olds.
“Sure, follow me.” We went back through the dining room, into the kitchen and Sandy took us to the basement.
“Oh wow Sandy, this basement is huge! You could play football down here,” Jules exclaimed.
“If you mean soccer, we did. My dad and I would just scrimmage at times. Sometimes I had my friends over and we would do a little scrimmage. That was quite a while ago, when my Grandparents still owned the house.”
“I didn’t know you played soccer, Sandy?” Debbie said, “You should try out for girl’s intramurals. We play soccer sometimes.”
“Would love too Deb, but I just don’t have the time between school, teaching and work.”
“Oh, sorry I forgot.” Said Debbie.
We all grabbed a seat and sat in a small circle. “So spill Em. What happened tonight?”
“Ah … nothing, really.” Well it wasn’t a lie was it? I left before something would have or could have happened.
“Don’t give me that Em, something happened tonight, I know you better than that.” Jules said.
Tears began slowly spilling forth again and then suddenly the dam broke. There I go again, crying. What is wrong with me?
Jules got up, came over to me and gave me a hug. “Come on Em, out with it. What happened tonight? I know something did. You know we are all girls here, you are one of us and we love you. We all want to help. This can’t be easy for you.”
I began bawling like a baby. “J … J-Jules it was horrible. R-Roger, the b-b-boy I dated … wouldn’t l- leave me alone! He had his hands … and arms … all o-over me! He forced … a French kiss on me! When I asked him to s-stop … he wouldn’t! He s-s-said … we English women wanted it … a-all the time. Th-th-th- that’s why we dressed s-so provocatively … to tell them … we wanted s-sex with them. He saw his dad’s v-videos … s-said he knew … w-what we wanted … a-all the time. T-that is why he had his hands … e-everywhere! I told him ‘NO!’ … many times! H-he wouldn’t listen … H-he grabbed me around my neck ... p-pulled me to him … … h-he took his other a-arm … sliding it under my sk-skirt …trying to fe-feel me up. I-I couldn’t fight him! H-he was too st-strong! … I-I finally … got a hand free … and I smacked him! …. It was enough to allow me to p-pull away … grabbed my p-purse …c-coat … ran to the l-loo … fast! L-locked myself in … a … a… s-stall and c-cried! … THAT BITCH! … His m-mother showed up … b-b-b-blamed ME! … F_FOR … EVERYTHING! … C-called me a …a … S-S-SLUT! ... Saying her child would not … b-b-behave that way! … S-said I told … h-h-him … h-he could … d-do … i-i-it. She believed HIM! … Not ME! She blamed it ALL … ON M-ME … on ME … Me … me ...” I couldn’t stop crying, I cried even harder.
“Oh God, Em, I’m so sorry this happened to you! Not all boys are like him! Trust me.” Debbie comforted as she hugged me.
Debbie and Sandy got on either side of me and held me in a group hug for several minutes as my tears started to dry up some.
Sandy twitched and suddenly straightened up. “That little piss-ant. I’m going to get that little piece of shit if it is the last thing I do!” she menacingly threatened.
“No Sandy! Don’t! You’ll only get into trouble, and I don’t want your mother involved with this! It will only make things worse.”
I coughed some more and wiped the tears of frustration away from an already reddened face.
“Well,” Sandy said, still furious, “There is no way that little piece of shit is going to get away with this! He harmed you Em; who is also my friend and baby sister; and more so an international guest of mine! I’m going to make sure he gets what he deserves.”
I clasped Sandy’s hands in mine, “Please Sandy, don’t! I will just ignore him from now on.” I hugged her.
Jules piped up, “Em, please don’t let this one guy get to you. Don’t protect him. He is definitely a piece of work. You didn’t deserve this. Definitely not all guys are like him.”
Facing the floor, I turned slowly from Sandy’s warmth, pushed my hair back out of my face and looked at Jules. “The thing is Jules, I trusted him, and he acted all shy and gentle like, so I wasn’t too worried about him. Even Ally said he was ok, so did Sandy and Mary.”
“Mary, who is Mary?”
“Mrs. Jones is Mary.” Seeing Jules eyes finally understand. “She even told me there was nothing to worry about, on this date. Mrs. Stoller was supposed to have chaperoned us the whole time and she split before we ever entered the theatre. This is why I originally wanted to go out on a date with Ally and Darla at the same time, so nothing could’ve happened.”
“Oh Em, it doesn’t make a difference who is there at the time, it could still happen.” Deb said.
“What? Getting raped in a theatre? You’ve got to be joking.”
“Nope, it can still happen. It happened to one of my girlfriends, Em. We were all there, but the other guys distracted us and we didn’t know what was going on until she screamed. Sure it stopped there, but still, what happened to you, happened to her; and her friends were right there sitting with her. The boys around here just have one thing on their minds, and your it.” Debbie emphasized her point, “And looking like you do, and being so young, you are an easy target.”
Jules stated, “By the way Rhod, you really do look great. If I didn’t know any better, I would never guess you weren’t a girl. I hear you showered with the other girls at school and change in the locker room with them there. How are you doing it, where they aren’t finding you out?”
“What are you talking about Jules?” Debbie asked.
“Oh Blimey!” Jules put her hand to her mouth.
“What! Em is Rhod? No F’n way?” Debbie said, staring at Em, “There is no way this girl standing here in front of me is that, or was that, geeky kid Rhod.”
“SHHH, keep it down Debbie, you want the olds to hear you?” Jules spat, looking shocked, “I thought you knew. Britney knew.”
“No I didn’t Jules. This is a revelation for me. My lovely sister never told me. I still can’t believe it!”
“Oh blimey. Sandy, I so totally forgot. I mean ah … you do know Em’s status don’t you?” Jules said, “I mean I thought Debbie and her sister both knew about Em; Sabrina, Amy and Darla all know, I just assumed you would. Oh Rhod, I’m so sorry. I think I gave you away to both of them.”
Sandy slightly smiled, “Relax Jules, I’ve known about Em from the very first day. Miss Bell told me. I have no problem with it at all. In fact, I think Em is the greatest little sister around. Just please do not tell my mother and father about Em’s status. Especially my father! He is NOT understanding about people like Em. So we need to keep it quiet.”
I saw Jules visibly start to breathe again. I could see she was shocked with the realization she gave me away to Sandy and Debbie.
Jules relaxed some and then said, “Oh Deb, I really thought you knew. I’m so sorry you weren’t told. Rhod feels he really wants to become a girl, for real. I’ll let Rhod tell you the whole story sometime, but not tonight. Ok Rhod, how are you able to fool all of those girls. I’m really curious.”
Sandy smiled at me, “Why don’t you show them? After all, they both know you Em.”
“Um, ok I will, but Jules, remember to call me Em at all times, or what just happened could happen again, and the consequences could be much worse. Are you ok with me Deb?”
“I just don’t see it.”
“What don’t you see?”
“You really being a boy, there is no way you’re a boy.” Shaking her head in disbelieve. “First you are too beautiful to be a boy, and second, you don’t act like a boy at all, and you are very graceful in all of your actions and movements.”
“Thank you Debbie for those compliments. I have been working very hard for the past several years to pass as a girl.”
“Several years? How long have you been doing this?”
“Since I was ten. Trust me, I will tell you the story sometime. It is a long one, tonight is not the night to tell it though. Drew and Britney know the story, you could ask them about me if you wish. If they will not tell you, I will later, I promise. Alright? Just make sure no one else is around to hear the story, it could make it very bad for me and Ga … aah … a … me.”
“Ok Em, deal. Amazing, simply amazing.” Still shaking her head, with a bemused smile on her face, “I will say this though, you look much better as a girl, than you did as a boy.”
Jules jumped in, “Ok Em, show us. How come you look so good.”
I motioned everyone in to the laundry room and closed the door. I took off my clothes and showed them my birthday suit. Jules eyes bugged out of her head.
“Rhod! I mean Em! When did you have the surgeries? God! Look at you! You have real breasts and a vagina. You are a girl!” She was truly gob smacked.
I started dressing myself again, laughing I said, “I wish they were real Jules. They are prosthetics provided me by Ellen over at the dance shop. She saw right through me the first time I walked into her shop. She frightened the heck out of me. She gave me this stuff to keep me safe. It was to protect me from the kids at school. I am so glad she did this for me, for otherwise I would have been in real serious trouble by now.”
“Oh wow! These are better than what Dr … ah … wow.”
Jules almost blew it again! I knew what she was going to say. She was going to say that mine were better than what Drew is wearing.
“Can I take a closer look, and feel them Em?” She asked.
“Um, a sure, go ahead.” I stopped putting on my bra so Jules could touch my breasts.
Jules felt the breasts and looked for the seam, she finally saw the makeup line and exclaimed, “Wow Em, who ever did this makeup job to them did an excellent job, I really had to get close to even see it. Whoever made these breasts and that vagina, did an excellent job. They even feel real, their warm to the touch.”
“Can I touch Em?” Debbie asked.
“Ah sure go ahead.” I grinned.
“Oh wow Jules, you weren’t kidding, they feel just like mine. Em, welcome to womanhood, you make a wonderful girl. I will keep your secret, I promise. Now I understand why you were all distraught over your date. It must be strange for you, a former male, to be kissing another male; or are you gay? Do you like boys or girls?”
I continued to pull up my bra. I know Debbie was watching me with interest and I fastened it like a pro. She just shook her head. I started putting on my top and said, “At the moment I like only girls. So I guess that sort of makes me a lesbian, and after tonight’s experience, I may stay that way.”
“Well at least that isn’t as bad as being gay, I mean guy on guy; all the boys are scared of guys that like other guys. The gay guys usually get beat up pretty bad, when the other boys find out about them. They seem to let the lessies alone, but they still don’t like it all that much. They think they can change the lesbians by screwing them, or something. Those morons don’t realize that is precisely why girls like other girls. Those boys are like animals in heat. EWWW!” Debbie said. “But in their defense, there are some redeeming guys in school that are truly nice, and they know how to treat a woman. So don’t judge all the guys by this one experience.”
I finished dressing and once I was done, we all gave each other a warm group hug. “Thanks Debbie for your kind words. Thank you for promising to keep it a secret too. I really thought you knew about me. I thought Britney would have told you.”
“No, she really didn’t. I’m amazed, she CAN keep a secret. Imagine that.” We all laughed at that.
Sandy said, “Come on girls we better get back upstairs or they’re going to wonder what happened to us. Em, why don’t you go to the … um loo, over there and clean yourself up, so we don’t raise any suspicions.”
“Sandy, can you get me my purse? I left it in the kitchen, on the table.”
“No problem Em, I’ll be right back.”
The girls headed back upstairs. I heard Mary asking them what was going on and Sandy told her they were curious about what the downstairs looked like and they were all impressed. In the mean time she had grabbed my purse and came back down, handing it to me. I went to the loo and repaired my makeup. I caught up with Sandy and the others a few minutes later, upstairs in the living room. Britney was yelling at Kevin about something being unfair. I chuckled and decided to go to Kevin’s room to see what all the fuss was about. I excused myself from the girls and went to see what was going on.
“Hey Brit, how’re you doing?”
“Oh, hi Em. I was doing fine, but Kevin is cheating! He is doing something with the joystick to make some moves I never seen before. He keeps wiping me out! This stupid game …I’m getting frustrated.”
I looked at Kevin and said, “What did I tell you about beating up on Britney, Kevin? You know you learned some tricks from me. Others don’t know about them. It isn’t fair taking advantage of those tricks unless you tell others about them. If you want to keep learning those tricks, you better behave, and play right, or I won’t show you them anymore.”
“But Em, I’m finally winning at ….”
“OK, ok, I’ll show Britney how to do them.” Looking crestfallen.
True to his word, he did show Britney what buttons to push to do certain things within the game. It took Brit a while to get used to them, but she finally did, and it seemed more of an even game now. The other girls came in and challenged Kevin and it seemed everyone was getting into the game. Kevin was loving it, he never had so many girls in his room at one time that wanted to play on his game.
It was getting close to nine o’clock and I heard the outside kitchen door open and went to see what was going on. I heard voices coming from the kitchen and I poked my head around to see Jocelyn, Jessica Mary, Maddy, Gaby, and a woman I haven’t met before, all talking at once.
I walked in and Gaby (Maddy) said, “Hey Em, how are you doing?”
Maddy (Gaby) finally saw me and said, “Wotcha, Em!”
I smiled at both of them and said, “Not bad, how are you two doing?”
Maddy (Gaby) said, “We had a great evening with Diane. Her place is awesome and her shop is just the neatest. You should see the bicycles she builds there.” Said with a lot of enthusiasm, more than I would have expected from Maddy at least. Drew yes, but not from Maddy.
“I know. Sandy and I were there last Wednesday.”
“You’re kidding, you never said anything about that.” Maddy (Gaby) said. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Well, when did I have the time, or when did I see you?”
“You saw me on the bus, you could have said something then.”
“Oh yes, I could have, but you two were deep into some kind of conversation, and I didn’t want to disturb you. I tried to look for you at lunch, but both of you disappeared. So when did I have the chance?”
Gaby (Maddy) just stood there being quiet and smiled during all this. Is he upset or something?
Mary said, “Come on Kevin, lets get you to bed, I’m sure Em will play again with you tomorrow.”
“You bet Kev.” I said.
We all walked into the living room. I decided to make the introductions for Mr. Jones.
“Gaby, Maddy, this is Mr. Jones,” I said.
“Pleased to meet you Mr. Jones,” Maddy (Gaby) and Gaby (Maddy) said together.
“Wow twins, you two girls look great. Welcome to America. I must say, you English girls look beautiful.” He said.
“Actually, we are not twins. We are cousins. This is Maddy Peters (Gaby Bond) and I’m Gaby Bond (Maddy Peters),” Gaby (Maddy) said.
“I would never have guessed,” Mr. J said.
Maddy (Gaby) turned to me and said excitedly, “Oh this is Erin. She runs the bicycle shop in town and organizes the local cycling club too. She is letting me borrow her bike while I’m here. Erin this is Mfanwy Morgan, Em for short.”
Oh? So Maddy is borrowing a bike from her too then? I thought Gaby said that only she was borrowing a bike from her? Oh well, they probably like to ride bikes together or something like that. I never realized how much Maddy was getting into racing bikes.
“Pleased to meet you Em.”
“Same here Erin, I heard Gaby talking about you for a while.” Pointing at Gaby (Maddy).
“Ooops, I almost forgot, this is Kevin, Sandy’s little brother,” I mentioned, tousling his hair.
“Hi Kevin,” Maddy (Gaby) and Gaby (Maddy) both said.
Kevin jumped into my arms from his mother’s grasp and buried his head into my shoulder trying to make himself invisible.
“Oh come on Kevin, these are my friends. Should I tell them you are my boyfriend?” I said.
Kevin finally looked at them and said, “Hi. Em is my girlfriend. Any friend of hers, I guess, is a … a … friend of mine.” He turned back towards me and grabbed me around my neck and gave me a wet big kiss on my lips. Kevin wound up hugging me tight, almost choking me.
Gaby (Maddy) giggled and said, “Em, it looks like you finally have a real boyfriend there. Has he taken you out on a date yet?” Giggling some more.
I just glared at her flinching at the word date. I wondered why Drew would make such a crack. I could see Maddy saying that, but not Drew.
“Em, can you take me to bed? Puullleeeassse” Kevin said.
“Sure sweetheart, I’ll take you to your room and you can get ready for bed.”
Mrs. J was somewhat at a loss as she asked, “You sure you want to do that Em? I’ll take care of him if you want me too, so you can visit with your friends.”
“Oh it’s no problem Mary, Kevin will be a good boy for me, won’t you boyfriend?” as I hugged him back.
“Sure Aunty Em.”
Mrs. J seemed a little crestfallen at Kevin’s answer.
“Wow Em, you’re an Aunt? Who would of thought it, R … Em an Aunt.” Gaby (Maddy) said.
Is Drew picking on me? I looked at her quizzically wondering what she is trying to pull. I gave her a stare. Why is Drew saying that? I would’ve expected something like that from Maddy, but not from him.
“Oh yes Gaby, Em will make a wonderful wife and mother someday. She is so good with kids,” Mary mentioned.
I blushed. I saw Maddy (Gaby) was gob smacked at that remark and she didn’t say a word, while Gaby (Maddy) was smiling like the cat that got the cream. What is up with him? Is he having me on or something? ‘Drew Bond, you better stop or I’ll get even with you’ I thought.
“Come on Kev, let’s get you to bed.” I put him on my hip and carried him.
I walked to his room and Gaby (Maddy) followed me. Maddy (Gaby) was just standing there wondering what was going on.
“Ok Kev, go to the bathroom and get ready for bed.” He leapt out of my arms and dashed for the bathroom.
“What’s up with you Gaby?” I fumed.
“Huh, what do you mean?”
“Those cracks you made out there? Well?”
“What cracks? Oh … Em, I was just funning you, that’s all. Get over it.”
I just looked at him. Something was DEFINATELY different about Drew, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. He was almost acting like Maddy. I never noticed that before. He sure has gotten more feminine looking too, not only with talking, but in the way he moves. He must be hanging out with Maddy too much, for he seems to be behaving almost like her double.
Kevin came out of the bathroom with a happy smile on his face and ran for his bed. “Goodnight Aunty Em.”
“Goodnight Kevin.” I bent over and gave him a big hug and a kiss, “See you in the morning, ok? Say goodnight to Gaby.”
“Goodnight Gaby.”
“Goodnight Kevin, I hope I meet you again sometime.”
We closed the door and went back to the living room were Brit was talking up a storm with Maddy (Gaby) talking about how Kevin beat her on those games. Maddy (Gaby) was really into the conversation. Strange, usually Maddy didn’t get into PS2 games all that much.
“Sorry he beat you up so bad Britney. I taught him some moves on those games. He always want’s me to play with him.” I said.
“It’s no problem Em, he taught me a few tricks on those games. Even though I don’t like getting beat, especially by a boy; a five year old at that.” I just giggled.
“I guess that makes me a pretty good teacher, doesn’t it?” I said.
Brit punched me in my arm.
“Ouch, what was that for.”
“Well don’t teach those boys so good. We need to keep them off balance,” Brit stated.
“By the way Em, this place is fabulous, I can’t believe you are living here,” Maddy (Gaby) said.
“If you think this is great you should see the coach house. Maddy, you have already seen it last week during the sleepover.”
“Huh? Oh a … oh yea, sorry.”
What’s with Mad? I know she knows the coach house. She is acting like she never seen it. Gaby should be the one that never seen it, and yet she isn’t in the least excited. “You guys want to go over and see it?”
Maddy (Gaby) said, “Sure.” I gave Maddy (Gaby) a look of puzzlement.
Sandy asked, “That alright Miss Bell?”
“Just the dime tour, your mom will be wanting to be shot of us.”
“Brill! Come on Mad.” I grab Maddy (Gaby) and the others trailed behind. I led everyone out of the side door.
“You are so lucky Sandy.” Jules mentioned.
“I guess.” Sandy said forlorned.
“What is this place?” Maddy (Gaby) asked, as we climbed the stairway to the flat.
I looked at Maddy (Gaby) like she was Looney. “It’s were me and Sandy live. Don’t you remember? Gees, you were just here last week.”
“I thought you were staying in the house?” Jules queried.
“Mom thought Em should stay with me out here,” Sandy said, as we all trooped in.
Maddy (Gaby) was all eyes as she looked around. It really appeared she was taking in the place for the very first time. I couldn’t understand that. Gaby (Maddy) was looking like she had seen it all before. There was no awe or amazement in her eyes, nor did she say anything about the place, or asked any questions. Maddy (Gaby) couldn’t get enough of the place.
Jules was amazed too, she was really impressed, stating, “Wow Em, you are like so lucky to be here with Sandy. This place is simply amazing. It’s like you’ve got a whole house all to yourself.”
I saw Maddy (Gaby) give Sandy a questioning look, but she didn’t ask anything. I saw her whisper something to Gaby (Maddy), and could see Gaby (Maddy) whispered something back to her.
“Madeline, time to go Luv,” Jessica called from the door.
I saw a disappointment come over Maddy’s (Gaby’s) face.
“Er coming,” Maddy (Gaby) said.
“Guess we will see you on Monday then Mad?” Deb enquired.
“I suppose so.” Maddy (Gaby) said.
Gaby (Maddy) hugged Maddy (Gaby) and after a round of farewells, Maddy (Gaby) left to find Jessica.
Jules asked Sandy, “This must be way cool to be away from your parents like this? No yelling and telling you what to do in your own flat. No little bro … ah sister getting in your way!”
Gaby (Maddy) chuckled at that one. Britney just looked at Jules. Debbie was nodding her head like she agreed with Jules.
“Well with Em being here it is not as lonesome as it used to be. I will miss her something terrible when she does go. Sometimes it’s just too quiet being by yourself. I get really lonely.”
“Yeah, but you could bring your boyfriends home and not have to worry about the Rents.” Jules said again.
Sandy smirked, “Yeah right! As soon as I’m in the driveway, my parents automatically check up on me. They make certain I do not have a so-called BOYFRIEND with me. I am quite sure they would go ballistic if I did bring one home. They’d probably have heart failure, especially my dad! It will never happen. My dad would probably take a shotgun to the boy, if he ever came close to the house.”
“You’re not serious are you?” Jules asked.
“Oh, I’m dead serious! My dad is the worst. If you don’t believe me, ask Em. She knows EXACTLY what my dad is like, when we go out. If I draw any type of attention from a boy, he would shoot him down. Right Em?”
“Definitely! Mr. J is unbelievable when it comes to Sandy.”
Deb said, “Omigod! Sandy … I never knew! You need to come over to my place and we can go out and start looking for boys, for you. Your dad doesn’t need to know about them.”
“Thanks for the offer Debbie, but you do not know my old man. He is a control freak! Really. I don’t need him going off on me for something else that small and trivial.”
“Trivial? Sandy you know the saying that, ‘all work and no play makes Sandy a dull girl?’ Come on! You need to get out once in a while. Go out with me and the other girls. San, trust me, you’re wasting away here. Being a senior is supposed to be fun, not a tragedy!” Debbie intoned, going over to Sandy and giving her a hug.
“I appreciate what you are saying Debbie, but again, you do not know my father. He is an oversized troll when it comes to this subject. I don’t need him more upset with me than he is right now, for the time being. Things aren’t going too well for him at his work at the moment, and he is blaming me for his problems.”
“Why is he blaming you?” Deb asked, not believing what she was hearing. I could see Jules wanted to know the answer too.
“I can’t really talk about it, it’s a family matter and he always blames me when things go wrong. Please don’t ask.”
Wow that was close, Sandy almost blew it. ‘Nice recovery Sandy.’ I thought.
Britney asked, “So Em, where do you sleep?”
Oh right, Britney was not here at the last sleepover and neither was Gaby.
“She sleeps over in this bedroom Brit,” Gaby (Maddy) took her to my room.
How in the world did she know? Did I tell her earlier? I am amazed. I must have said SOMETHING to her when we got into the flat.
“Yes, this is my room.”
“Wow, look at the space you’ve got! I wish my room was this big back home. Deb and I are sharing my little room while they are here. When Jules and Gaby go back home, Debbie will move upstairs and I will have the room all to myself. In one way I can’t wait, but in another I don’t want Jules and Gabs going back home. It has really been fun having them here.”
Brit then turned to me and in a low voice asked, “What’s with Sandy and her parents? Sandy doesn’t seem to be to happy to be living out here, all by herself. Why is she out here then?”
I replied “She has had a rowe with her rents, and she figures being out here is better than being in the main house. But truth be told, she would rather be in the main house. Her dad is the main problem, he is a big prat! The guy is definitely full of himself and I’m happy we are over here, so we don’t have to deal with him all that much, but it hurts Sandy. She loves her little brother. Her mom is coming around and standing up to her dad. Before I came, her mother was frightened of her husband and always caved in to his desires. But lately Mrs. J is standing up to him and it seems to be working. Don’t ask what it is all about, I am not at liberty to discuss it.”
Gaby (Maddy) looked at me with questioning eyes. If I didn’t know any better, those looks, look just like Maddy’s when she is thinking up a scheme or something. NAH! Can’t be! Rhod get a grip!
Gaby (Maddy) asked, “You’re not joking are you? There is something going on around here that just doesn’t add up. Why should Sandy be stuck out here by herself, if she doesn’t want to be here?”
“I wouldn’t say she doesn’t want to be here, but she does get quite lonely living out here all by herself,” I said, “She loves that I’m here, for we talk just like sisters.”
“I’m also amazed that she knows what you are, and she hasn’t complained about it. You are truly a lucky girl. If Sandy didn’t like the fact that you are not what you appear to be, things could have gone very wrong. When did Mary and Mr. J find out about you? Weren’t they upset when they found out?” Gaby (Maddy) asked.
“They don’t know.” I flatly pointed out. “They have not found out about me yet, so PLEASE, watch what you say to them. It’s great we are here in this flat. It lessens the chance of the Jones’s accidentally finding out about me. It also allows us to not have to deal with Mr. J. Please do not let the Jones’s find out about me. I guarantee you there will be a storm if they did. Mr. J. hates gays and anyone that is a little bit different, meaning people like me. If he ever finds out about me, I probably will be sent home on the next available plane, by him. Not to mention all the questions he would be raising, as would others, which would get back home. So please, please, please, don’t say a word to either of the Jones’s, understand?”
“Sure Em, we certainly don’t want to get you into trouble,” Britney said.
“That goes for me too Em. I would never tell anyone about what you are doing. I know we could all get into trouble if it got out,” Gaby (Maddy) stated matter-of-factly.
“Thanks, you two. I’m just starting to get comfortable being Em, and I certainly don’t want to get busted.”
We heard Jules, Deb and Sandy still talking out in the living room.
Gaby (Maddy) went to my closet and looked inside. “Wow! Em, look at this.” She pulled out my new dress. “You are going to look so hot in this new dress. You better hope the guys behave when they see you in this number.”
How did Gaby know that was my new dress? She has never been here before. I would of thought she would have said ‘WOW, look at all of these clothes in here. Are they all yours?
Britney walked over to the wardrobe, “Omigod! Em, did you bring all of these clothes? Look at all this, you must have had like four suitcases, if not more, if you brought all this along!”
“No, I didn’t. A lot of this stuff actually belongs to Sandy. She told me it was all mine if I wanted them, as she had outgrown all of these clothes.”
“One thing is for certain, she has a great style. There’s a lot of pretty clothes here. Em, you are like just so lucky. You have your own room; you have a ready made wardrobe, that is larger than anything we all have; you and Sandy live alone together; and you don’t really have to answer to a grownup, at least not directly. Where do you two eat, by the way? Here?” Britney asked.
“Sometimes we eat here, but usually we eat over at the main house.”
“Who cleans up and all? Like who does your laundry and clean the flat?” Gaby (Maddy) asked.
“Well we do, of course. We don’t have maid service, if that is what you mean. Mrs. J does the laundry in her basement. She has a washing machine and a drier down there, I just have to take my laundry over. Speaking of which, I have to get the laundry together and get it over there.”
“Gees Em, you really have it made here, as far as I can see,” Brit appreciatively mused.
I just shook my head, puzzled by her comment. ‘Having it made? Living on the edge?’ I thought to myself.
Mrs. Walters called up the stairs for the girls to come on down.
“Darn, we have to go.” Brit said, “We’ll see you tomorrow, or Monday, ok?”
“Sure, no problem,” I said with a smile.
Brit came over to me and gave me a hug, as did Gaby (Maddy). That was outright strange!!! Gaby NEVER gave me a hug before! I mean he felt it was too queer! I hugged her back and she whispered in my ear, “Take care Em. We’ll see you tomorrow, or Monday, sometime, maybe.”
“Um … sure, not a … problem. Tomorrow or Monday then.”
I smiled at her, but suspected she was really losing it.
We walked out to the living room and the others were all hugging Sandy. They saw me and we all had a group hug.
“Take care Em.” Jules stated, “Remember what I said earlier about dating. If you really need to talk with someone, please consider talking with me. I am here for you Rhod.” She smiled at me and I had a chill run through me, spoiling the effect.
“Thanks Jules, that means a lot to me. But … PLEASE!!! Please don’t call me Rhod … EVER again!”
“I’m sorry Em, I just forgot.”
Debbie said, “Take care Em. You are much better off like this, than you ever would’ve been if you stayed as Rhod. I’m so glad you are one of us now. It makes it so much easier to talk with you. I promise I’ll keep your secret.”
“Thanks Debbie, I really appreciate that.”
The girls left, and Sandy and I were left alone in the flat. Sandy looked over at me and gave me a weak smile. “You alright, Em?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
Sandy pulled me into a hug. I don’t know why, but I started to tear up on her shoulder. ‘Damn emotions.’
Sandy kissed me on the forehead and she wiped my tears away. “Why don’t you get ready for bed? You want some hot chocolate?”
“Yes, that sounds great. My nerves are really shot tonight. Did you notice anything strange about Gaby tonight?”
“No. Should I have?”
“No, I guess not. It’s probably just me and the emotional outbreaks I have been having lately. I just feel so weird tonight. and so tired.”
“Well little sis, you had quite a day today. I can understand why you were so tired.”
“I guess.” With that I quickly kissed her cheek and went to my bedroom to get ready for bed.
Sandy was boiling some water for hot chocolate, so I decided to pull out my journal and put in today’s entry. When I opened the book, I realized I hadn’t put anything in for yesterday. Yesterday … it seemed like such a long time ago. I realized now, just how upset I was last night.
Friday, Day 13
We ended up going on a field trip to Luray Caverns, the auto museum and the Carillon Tower. Everything was fabulous. On the way back home we drove over Skyline Drive, which is a road on the very top of the mountain ridge that gave the most beautiful sights of Virginia, but it was too cloudy and rainy to really enjoy it.
Once we got off of Skyline drive, we saw several Civil War battle sites. To me they just looked like pastures for animals. I must say, Americans sure like to fight. I wonder if any of them understand how to negotiate.
Saturday, Day 14
Wow what a day this has been. I started off with ballet practice.
Mrs. Jones picked me up after ballet, to do some shopping for some clothes, for a date I had later in the afternoon. She also took me to this beauty shop to have my hair done and my nails polished.
I ended up having the date with Roger Stoller. American people can be so rude and such liars. His mother went off on me for no reason, claiming I was a gold digger or some such thing, I hadn’t a clue what she was going on about. She was supposed to have chaperoned us, but she left me alone with her Octopus son. Then she blamed me for everything Roger did to me, and called me a slut. I never want to see that jerk or his slandering, psycho mother ever again.
My girl friends told me to not judge Americans by these two people. Not all boys are like that jerk, they claimed. I will see.
We had company tonight, which was very nice and very welcomed after earlier this day. Jules, Gaby, Maddy, Britney, Debbie, Sandy, Kevin, Mr. Jones, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Walters, Mrs. Walters, Miss Bell, and a woman named Erin were all in attendance. We had a great time and the girls definitely got me over tonight’s date.
One thing that seemed strange though, tonight, Maddy and Gaby didn’t seem to be themselves. Gaby definitely was more feminine than he usually was. Is he hanging out with Maddy to much? He seems to be picking up on her habits. Maddy seems to be acting more like Gaby too. I think those two have been around each other to long. They seem to be picking up each other’s habits big time.
I put the journal away.
I walked out to the kitchen and true to her word, Sandy made us both a cup of hot chocolate. We sat down at the kitchen table and quietly drained our cups of hot chocolate.
“Tonight was fun, don’t you think?” Sandy asked.
“Yes it was. I enjoyed being with the girls tonight, it was like being back home for a while,” I said.
The phone rang.
Sandy got up to answer it. “Hello?”
“Oh hi mom, what’s up?” … “Sure, Em’s right here.”
She handed me the phone. “Hello?”
“Hi Em, sorry to call so late, but I wanted to remind you to be over here early tomorrow. We need to get on the road at eight o’clock sharp, if we are going to make it on time for the theatre production.”
“Ah, are you sure you want to take me? You should really take Sandy, not me.”
“Em we went all over this earlier today. I don’t want to hear another word about it. Just be over here by eight, alright?”
“Ah …” sighing, “Ok.” Looking at Sandy and I could see the hurt look in her eyes.
“Please Mary, won’t you reconsider?”
“Em, what did I just tell you?”
“Um, right.”
“Goodnight Em, see you tomorrow. Early.”
“Ok. Goodnight Mary.”
I hung up the phone. I didn’t want to look at Sandy. I knew she was crushed that she wasn’t going too.
“Sorry San … I tried.”
“I know Em. Lets finish our chocolate and turn in. It sounds like you will have another hectic day tomorrow.”
We finished our hot chocolate, put our cups in the sink and I just had to give her a reassuring hug to let her know that she mattered … to me. Sandy toughened up a smile and touched her forehead to mine.
“You have a good day tomorrow, ok? Don’t worry about me. I’ll survive. I just hope you survive my dad. Being with him all day is NOT going to be fun.”
I smiled back feebly and stifled a giggle, “I think I can handle him. Don’t you worry! You better have a good day too!”
“I will sis, don’t you worry, I will.” Sandy gave me another hug and kissed me on my cheek again.
I ended up going to bed, setting the alarm and turning off the light. I don’t even remembering my head hitting the pillow; I was so tired.
If you enjoyed this story please let me know
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Emotions and Decisions
abound from this Chapter Joni. Em has definately gone through a lot and at least she didnt get her clothes pulled off. Its about time Sandy knew about Em too. That helps so much in the scheme of things of helping protect her. REAL friends made themselves known and she has help. Jules needs some duct tape for the lips :P
Em has touched me from way back since the beginning. You brought her to life from being an obscure character in Maddy's Gaby, and really made her human. In my mind, I tend to think of your Em as the only Em because of how you allowed her to connect with me.
I know the confrontation or meeting of minds with Mr. J is coming very soon and I am still wondering how em will pull that off.
Keep your muse steaming forward sis, your excellent writing shows and I love it dearly.
Sephrena Lynn Miller