Rhod`s Trip To America ch 30 Cheer Practice

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Em feels she over stepped her bounds yesterday, talking back to Mr. Jones. Especially when she called him a bigot. Now she is worried that he will demand that she be asked to leave the Jones residence and moved to another family, or be sent home back to Warsop, England, at her own expense.


I want to thank all the people that have helped me edit and critique this story. I especially want to thank Maddy Bell for allowing me to join her universe and giving me permission to write in it.

Based on the story Gaby, Book # 4 - Once Upon A Time In America By Maddy Bell

All Characters portrayed in the story are copywrited to Maddy Bell for her Gaby series found at Maddybell.com

Scene 30

Cheer Practice:


The alarm went off and I slowly reached to turn it off. I really felt like I got beat over the head with a cricket bat. I was really tired and didn’t feel all that great. I would really love to skive off school today, but that isn’t an option. Why did I feel so buggered? Dragging myself out of bed, I headed for the bathroom to do the necessaries.

What happened yesterday? Oh right, I told Mr. J off big time. Oh God, am I in trouble. I know I am in it deep now. I’m afraid that I will probably be taken away from here and probably be sent home. Good going Rhod, you really made a mess of things, I wonder how long it will take before I am pulled away from here? Oh well, no time to worry about that now, I have to get ready for school.

Sighing, I decided I would wear a long skirt today, since we were going to have cheer practice tonight, I could pull it over the cheer outfit, for on the way home. This is a cute blouse, it looked kind of American western style, like in those old cowboy movies, I think I’ll wear that today. Putting on trainers, and my hair pulled back into a ponytail. I moved over to the vanity and did a modest makeup job.

I went to the kitchen and found Sandy sitting there eating cereal.

“Morning Em, feeling better?”

Being somewhat subdued, I replied, “Morning Sandy, … ah … not to sure about that yet.”

Sandy realized I wasn’t doing to well.

“Em, are you feeling ok?” Looking at me with concern.

Giving a weak smile, “I guess I’ll live.”

“Em, what’s wrong? Please tell me.”

“Ah … I think that I really upset your dad last night and he may tell me to leave and find other lodgings; if I am not told to go back to England first.”

“What! Em, there is no way you will be leaving us. Put that idea out of your pretty little head. My dad is the one that will be told off, not you. Even mom told you that last night.”

“I hope you’re right Sandy, I certainly hope you’re right.”

I noticed Mr. J’s car was gone when we got to Sandy’s car. Well at least I don’t have to worry about him chastising me until later.

“Hi Em, hi Sandy, how are you guys today?” Darla said, after we arrived at the school. “You ok, Em? You look a bit down today?”

“Ah … I’ve been better, things just kind of happened last night that just put me on edge is all. I’ll survive, I think.”

“Anything you need to talk about?” Ally asked.

“Not really, I’ll work it out. Thanks anyway.”

“I need to get going Em, see you later.”

“Ok Sandy, talk with you later.”

We ended up going to homeroom, and the day progressed like any other school day.

Ally, Bernie, Darla, Amy and myself ended up meeting at the entrance to the lunchroom when Mrs. J came to us.

“Hi Girls. Em, can I see you in my office for a minute?”

Oh, oh, I’m in for it now, I thought. “Um … sure Mrs. Jones. See you girls in a bit, ok?” I hoped, trying to put on a little smile.

“Ok Em, see you a bit later then.” Ally stated.

I sure hope so Ally, I thought.

Oh shit, I’m in for it now. Here it comes, I’m going to get expelled and sent back to England, I just know it.

I followed Mrs. J to her office, each step feeling like I was wearing lead shoes. I looked over to Mrs. J, but I got no feeling on what this is all about, looking at her face. She didn’t talk to me all the way there and that was an ominous signal.

When we entered the reception area of the offices, a Secretary said, “Oh Mary, I have a telephone message for you. Mrs. Henry from the school board wants you to call her as soon as you can; concerning that incident you discussed with her this morning. Also, Principal Roberts left a message for you, to keep him abreast of what you have decided to do, concerning that same incident.” The Secretary stated.

“Oh yes, right, I better talk to him first and let him know what I want to do before I contact Mrs. Henry. I better do that right away. Ah … Em, Could you wait for me in my office please? I need to take care of this before we can talk.”

“Um … sure Mrs. Jones.” Starting to shake, I walked into her office as she left to go to the Principal’s office.

Oh God, I am definitely in for it now. She is going to have me sent back home. I just know it. I should have kept my mouth shut last night. Rhod, you idiot, what were you thinking? Mr. J is a true bigoted jerk. What makes you think you are going to change him? He isn’t going to change. He is always going to hate his daughter no matter what you do. Now you are going to be disciplined by being sent back home at our own expense. Mom is going to kill me. Why did I decide to be Mfawny? Why did I come to the states? Why did I decide to come here? Oh why was I even born? I started to cry just as the door opened.

“Mfanwy, what’s wrong dear? Why are you crying?” Mrs. J immediately came over to me and pulled me into a hug.

“Your going to send me back home, aren’t you?” Through tear streaked cheeks.

“My dear, whatever are you talking about? I will do no such thing. What brought this on?”

“Well, you calling me here, and wanting to talk to me, and what you had to discuss with the Principal and that Henry woman, it’s about me isn’t it? About last night?” Crying even harder.

“What! Mfanwy, you are so wrong. That incident doesn’t have anything to do with you at all, dear. Last night, you where absolutely right and justified in what you did to my pig headed, bigoted husband. It is about time he wakes up and realizes the world doesn’t revolve around him. He needed that in the worst way, and I felt like you, when he was going on and on about what he was saying. Honey, you are here to stay dear. I don’t know where you got your ideas from; I definitely was not upset with you in the least. We women have to stick together or the men will just walk right over us, treating us like dirt. I told you last night, what you did was wonderful and not to worry. I’m sorry I misled you into thinking something was wrong, when I asked you into my office. I just wanted to talk with you; make sure you were alright after what happened last night. I can see now you aren’t. Honey, I know you are a bit emotional right now, being on your period and all. I hate being on mine for the same reason, but you have nothing to be ashamed about, and if my husband starts to give you any grief, you just let me know and I’ll take care of that jerk.” She pulled me into a hug, and rocked me.

“What I really called you in for, was to let you know that Sandy wanted me to give you a message. Britney asked Sandy if she could take Gaby and her to the mall, to get some material for Gaby’s dress project, for her home-ec class. Sandy said it shouldn’t be a problem, if it isn’t a problem with you. Is there any problem you could think of?”

Smiling at her and drying up my tears, I sniffed a little and said, “Other than Cheer practice right after school, I don’t see a problem, except that I have to be back before six for Ballet classes. You think we will be able to be back by then?”

“I’m sure that shouldn’t be a problem. I assuming cheer practice is only about an hour?”

“I believe so? It’s our first practice here in the states, so I have no clue how long it’ll be for.”

“Ok, I’ll tell Sandy it has to be after cheer practice, I assume Gaby is in the cheer group too, isn’t she?”

“Yes she is, Mrs. Jones.”

“Well then, Sandy has to wait anyway. When we are alone Em, please call me Mary, Mrs. Jones is just too formal and business like. I put on a scowl around the school to let other would be troublemakers know that I will not take any guff from them. So if I looked tough to you, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. Is this why you thought you were in trouble?”

“Well, yes, really. I thought you were going to send me back home, or I would have to move in with someone else, with what happened last night. I really thought I was in trouble.”

“Em, sweetheart, you are the best thing to happen for our family. I now realize how bad I have treated Sandy and I never appreciated her. You also made me realize, how bad John has been treating her and me both. You gave me a backbone to stand up to my husband, Em. You brought out the fact that we women don’t have to sit and take everything that men dish out to us. I never realized the power I have. For that I’m very grateful. I think that you coming here, has been the turning point in our family.”

“You keep telling me how horrible you have been to Sandy. Why is that? Why have you treated her that way? Is there something I should know about?”

“Oh, uh … I’m sorry Em, I am not at liberty to tell you that.”

“Why? You keep saying that! Are you afraid I might not like what Sandy is?”

“Well, whatever do you mean Em?”

“I mean you keep implying something is wrong with Sandy; like she is a serial killer or something.”

“Oh Em, what an imagination you have. Sandy is definitely NOT a serial killer; at least I don’t think so? I’ll have to ask her the next time I see her.” Giggling.

I chuckled a bit too. “Well, you keep going on about how you treated Sandy so poorly, why is that?”

“I’m sorry Em, like I said before, that is a family issue, and it will stay in the family.”

“Oh, alright, I guess. I just wish you would tell me, so I can help Sandy and you.”

Mrs. J hesitated at that, like she was considering telling me. I sure wish she would, this way, I don’t have to keep it a secret from her that I already know and get Miss Bell in trouble; if ever Mary finds out about it, Miss B will be in so much trouble. I also wish I could tell her about me, but I can’t trust her yet. She is still too volatile when it comes to this issue, since she still isn’t real comfortable with Sandy, herself.

She smiled at me and said, “Sorry Em. Well that is all I wanted to talk with you about, so maybe you better clean up your face, then head for the cafeteria and get something to eat.”

“Um, I guess your right. I must look a fright. Bye Mrs. Jones.” Getting up, I started to leave her office.

“What did I say about my name Em?”

“Oh, sorry Mary. See you later.”

“Ok Em, take care.”

I headed for the loo to check my makeup. I was feeling much better than I have all day. Mrs. J wasn’t upset with me. Phew, that was a fright. Feeling much better, I repaired my makeup and got ready to head for the lunchroom.

Stacey came walking in just as I was leaving. “Hey, hi Em, everyone was starting to wonder what happened to you. Ally told us you had a meeting with Mrs. Jones. Did you get into trouble or something?”

“Hi Stacey, no she is my host family and she just wanted to tell me what was happening this evening, that’s all.”

“Oh right, I remember, Sandy is your host. Cool, well, why don’t you get some food and I will see you at the table, as soon as I’m finished here.”

“Ok! See you in a bit.”

I got my lunch and sat at the usual table with Karen, Samantha, and Casey who were waiting for me.

“What kept you Em?” Casey asked.

“Oh, Mrs. Jones wanted to fill me in on what I would be doing after school this evening, is all. Sandy, Brit, Gaby and I are going to the mall to look for material for Gaby’s dress. She has to make a dress for a home-ec sewing project.”

“Been there, done that.” Casey exclaimed.

“Hi Em, how are you feeling today? Better than Yesterday?” Stacey said, when she returned to the table.

“I’m getting a little better Stacey, I still have some cramping and my flow is still a bit heavy.”

“Sorry to hear you still feel like crap.”

“Well, I can’t wait until I’m done with my period, I hate it.”

“I hear you girl, I hate mine too.” Stacey stated.

All the other girls murmured their agreement at that.

“I feel like crap too, I’m on too,” Stated Ally, “Speaking of which, Em want to come with me to the loo?”

“Huh?” Ally looked at me with her eyes and signaled me to go, “Oh … um … yes, I need to go also, I’ll come with you Ally.”

I grabbed my handbag and went with Ally to the loo? When we entered the loo, Ally checked to make sure we were alone.

“Nice going Em, you sounded just like a girl that was on. What’s with Stacey? She sure seems friendly all of a sudden. What’s going on? I thought you had to be careful with her?”

“Oh, sorry Ally, I forgot to tell you. Yesterday was the day of firsts. I went with Sandy to the diner and those girls were there with their boyfriends, INCLUDING Dan. Dan was looking hard at me with one of those ‘I’m going to get you looks’. I had just gotten my Gaff put back on and had a tampon inserted, before we got to the diner, and figured it was time to confront Stacey. I asked her to join me going to the loo and I used one of the capsules to make me look like I was bleeding. I had no idea how fast it would come out, when I pierced it and it got all over my fingers before I could insert it. I smeared some on the used tampon then discarded it, in case she was going to check, then I put in a new one after inserting the capsule. When I left the stall my fingers were a bit of a mess and she figured I was having a bad flow. The upside of all this is, it convinced her I was a true girl, and she apologized to me, telling me she was asked to spy on me by Dan. Dan was trying to convince her I was really a boy. After I convinced her otherwise, she ended up telling Dan where he could go, and he made some racial remarks and she slapped him and sent him on his way. We are now best friends.”

“Oh wow, that is just so cool. You are really something else Em. So, we can now safely talk in front of her again?”

“Sure, I can’t see why not.”

“I’ll let the others know. Everyone was steering clear of her, because of what she might do to you.”

“Not to worry, she really is a sweetheart, I like her very much. She is cool, and she even thanked me for opening her eyes about Dan. I guess I should feel sorry for Dan. He really isn’t that bad a guy. It is just; he really doesn’t have much tolerance for anything that is different. It’s a real shame.”

“Well that’s his problem. I have to use the loo, be back with you in a bit.”

“Ally, I forgot you were on. How are you feeling?”

“Ugh, bloated, crampy and just disgusting, really. I have been keeping my emotions in check. Thank God for modern medicine.”

“Sorry you are going through it.”

“Hey, I’m used to it. I just don’t have to like it. You know how it is. The cramps just get to be a bit much at times. And if your tampon leaks, ugh it is such a mess to clean up.”

I heard her dispose of her things, flush the loo and she was straightening herself up, as she came out of the stall.

Washing up, she asked me, “Don’t you have to change yours Em?”

“Um, I guess I should.”

After completing that task, we headed back to the lunchroom. I wonder if I will be able to complete eating my lunch.

The rest of the afternoon classes went by without a hitch.

After the final class, which was Music Appreciation, we all got our kit and headed over to the gym, while Darla and Amy headed for home. We went into the women’s locker room and I saw Gaby going into one of the private changing stalls, while I just stayed out with the other girls and changed there. None of the girls minded too much. It’s amazing that the others are just treating me like any other girl, actually. I’m beginning to believe that they truly think I am one. I took out my cheer uniform and tights, and put them on. You basically have to take everything off to wear all this, since the uniform is one piece and has a built in support bra. After finishing the uniform, I put on my trainers and put a hair band in, to hold my hair back. I went to the mirror to check on my makeup and hair, and saw everything was in place. My Rhod, you really do look like a girl, you’re definitely Em.

I joined the others heading for the gym.

I noticed that Gaby seemed to be miles away, she was definitely deep in thought.

Miss C must’ve seen it also, for she said, “Gaby Bond, are you listening?”

“Er, sorry Miss”

I giggled, as did the other girls. We all saw Gaby blush. I kind of felt sorry for her though.

“Care to share with us?” Miss C was demanding.

“I was … er … thinking about my Home-Ec project Miss.” I didn’t want to, but I joined the other girls in giggling again.

“Well ‘MISS BOND’, do you think you could maybe think about why you are here?”

“Yes Miss Cowlishaw.” I saw Gaby bow her head looking at her feet.

Poor Gaby. That had to hurt. I’ll talk to her later about it. She sure seems pre-occupied today. I just don’t see too much of her lately. Maddy seems to be thrilled about Gaby getting chewed out. What’s up with her?

“Right girls, now we have Miss Bond’s attention, for today we are just going to show Miss Bell our current routine as we agreed and next time, we’ll start tuning our performance, ok?”

“Yes Miss.” We all chorused.

With only five of us, Miss C helped with the warm-ups, she had on her warm up tracksuit and went over to help Gaby warm up, while Maddy worked with Bernie and Ally worked with me. I could see Miss Bell was setting something up, over by the bleachers, while we were doing our warm up exercises.

I couldn’t hear Miss C, but she was talking with Gaby. I sure hope she’s not in trouble. It was a bit harsh that she picked on Gaby though. I miss not having our weekly meetings together. I miss talking with Drew. I wonder if we will ever be that close again, now that I’m transitioning? I know he feels I turned traitor to him, becoming a girl, but I have to do this for myself. Sigh, I wish there was a way for me to tell Drew about Sandy with out giving it all away. I certainly don’t want to hurt Sandy, and I’m sure she will be ok with it; but I will have to out Drew to Sandy, to ask her; and that is not fair to Drew. If I ask Drew if it is ok to tell Sandy, then I out Sandy to her and Sandy maybe upset about that. How do I go about this?

“Hey Em, you paying attention? Hold my legs down while I do the sit-ups.”

“Oh, sorry Ally, my mind was elsewhere.”

“No kidding, you could have fooled me; NOT! Be careful, or Miss C will chew you out.”

“Yes, you’re right. Thanks Ally.” Concentrating on the exercises.

“Ok girls, let’s show Miss Bell what you can do. Jessica, can you get the music?”

I was nervous, as were the other girls; it has been a while since we did this routine. The last time we did this was before Christmas, and here we are in January and we have an audience, well one person for an audience.

I thought we did alright, but you could tell we were rusty for our first run through. As we did it again, it seemed to get better, and we all got more relaxed. By the third run through, it wasn’t our best, but it definitely wasn’t our worst.

“Well done!” a clapping Miss Bell stated.

We were all breathing pretty heavily at this point.

“I don’t think I can help too much Miss Cowlishaw, you’ve done an excellent job with the girls. I’ll run over the tape later and see what we can do.”

She taped us? I didn’t notice it when we were performing. That must have been what she was doing while we warmed up, she set up her tripod and camera.

“Ok girls, we’re done for the evening. You can all gather your stuff and head for home. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

After we finished gathering our stuff, Maddy went over to Miss B and the rest of us all walked out to the front of the school, just casually talking. We all got our coats and headed for the exit.

When we exited the school by the car park, Britney hollered “You guys coming?”

That’s when I remembered Gaby, Brit, Sandy and I were going to the mall to find some material for Gaby’s dress.

Gaby said, “I don’t suppose we are going home first?”

“You are so slow sometimes Gab, we can’t waste mall time!”

“But I’m not exactly dressed for it Brit.” Gaby was pointing down at her self, while groaning, like that would help with anything that has to do with Brit.

“Neither am I.” I agreed.

To be continued:

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