Rhod`s Trip To America ch 16 Richmond

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Miss Bell queries Em about what happened in the locker room the other day? Mrs. MacDonald didn't twig that Em wasn't exactly a girl. Miss Bell wanted to know how this came about.


I want to thank all the people that have helped me edit and critique this story. They are Angel O'Hare, Stacy Miller, Karen Page, Robi McKee, Paula Dillon and especially Maddy Bell for allowing me to join her universe and giving me permission to write in it.

Based on the story Gaby, Book # 4 - Once Upon A Time In America By Maddy Bell

All Characters portrayed in the story are copywrited to Maddy Bell for her Gaby series found at Maddybell.com

Scene 16



The alarm went off, and I slowly raised my hand to the clock to shut it off.

Argh I felt like I got hit by a lorry, I’m so tired. Did I sleep last night?

What’s on my chest, and between my legs? Oh yea, I remember, my girl bits, as I raised the blanket and looked down my feminine looking body. I smiled when I saw myself.

I was lying there thinking about getting up, and thought back to yesterday. I think I know why I’m so tired; my mom used to tell me that if I get over emotional for a long period of time, this could wear you out. I was on an emotional roller coaster yesterday and didn’t realize I was so on edge. This must be the reason. Oh, I had that PE class yesterday with all those dance routines, I wonder if this could be the reason? I hope today will be better.

I couldn’t believe Mr. J could be so cruel, so inconsiderate towards his own daughter. Why does he hate her so? She is such a lovely person, so caring and thoughtful of others. It’s hard to believe that he spawned her; they are total opposites. What was it I heard Casey say the other day? Oh yes! ‘WHAT A DORK!’ I think that is the equivalent to PRAT! Thank God he doesn’t know about me, or he would blow his top. He probably would have a heart attack. That would serve him right. I wonder how Sandy is holding up. I feel so bad for her.

I better get up and get ready, time is marching on and it’ll not stop to wait for me. After all, we’re going on a trip to a place called Richmond Virginia, where ever that is.

I got up and took a shower. It’s interesting taking a shower with my girl bits on. I finished getting ready.

I looked into my closet and figured I should wear trousers today, with a blouse and jumper. Pulling on my trainers, doing my makeup and hair, I was ready for the day.

I walked out to the kitchen to get myself some breakfast when I saw Sandy sitting there.

“Are you ok Sandy? You’re up awfully early.”

“Yes, I’m all right Em, I just couldn’t sleep any longer this morning, especially after what happened last night. I decided to just get up, get dressed and get ready for school. Are you alright?”

“Oh I’m a bit tired and I ache all over. I think the aches were from PE yesterday. We did a lot of dance moves with tumbles and stuff. It has been a while, since before Christmas holidays, since we practiced. I think I’m a tad out of shape. The tired portion of it, must have been the emotional roller coaster I was on yesterday, if you know what I mean?”

“Yes I do Em, I think I’m feeling it also from yesterday.”

We heard the back door of the main house slamming closed with a loud bang. We both looked out of the window and saw Mr. J walk to his car, jump in and slam the car door hard. He started up the car and tore out of the driveway. Well, I guess you can say he isn’t in a happy mood. I wonder what his day is going to be like?

“Well it looks like my dad is still mad. I hope he is sane enough to not get into an accident on the way to work today.”

“I hope not, Sandy. He did look awfully angry this morning. I wonder what happened now?”

“Well, we’ll find out later, I’m sure. Shall we get ready to leave?”

“Let me get a bite of cereal and then we can leave, alright?”

“Sure Em, take your time. Sorry I wasn’t thinking, I thought it was later than it is, we still have plenty of time.”

We finally got our stuff together and headed for her car. After we got to school, Ally, Bernie, Amy, and Darla were waiting for me.

Ally said, “Em we have to go to homeroom first, keep your coat with you. We’ll be leaving shortly after announcements.”

“Ok Ally, will do. See you later Sandy!”

“I’ll get the stuff for tomorrow's sleepover Em. If we have to shop for anything else, we can do it tomorrow. Have a great time Em, you too girls.”

“We will Sandy, see you later!” everyone said at once.

We all started talking at once in excited tones as we headed for homeroom. I noticed all the boys were smiling at me and greeted me with “Good morning Em.”

I smiled back and said, “Good morning.” with a big smile on my face.

Ally kind of looked at me and chuckled, as did Amy and Darla. The guys looked rather pleased with themselves and a few of them winked at me. I blushed and sat down in my seat. The teacher checked us in. After the announcements were made, we were instructed to go to the front of the school and wait for George and his yellow torture machine to show up.

The rest of the gang showed up and we all were busy talking. I noticed that Drew was wearing a cute skirt and blouse ensemble and wearing low heels. He was the only one wearing a skirt; AGAIN! What is it with Drew and skirts, hasn’t he heard about jeans? He is going to be cold. I could see by the look on his face he wasn’t exactly thrilled.

Just as I was about to talk with Drew, the school bus showed up. We all cued up and got on the bus. I'd have to wait and chat with Drew later.

George welcomed all of us onto the bus. We found a seat and got ready to go. Ally was sitting next to me and was chatting away with Amy, who sat across the aisle from us. Bernie was sitting next to Amy, Darla was sitting across from Sabrina and Jules, Debbie was sitting with one of the older boys in the group, I haven’t a clue what his name is, Drew was sitting two rows in front of me with Maddy. Miss C sat up front with Miss B and they were talking with George about something, Mr. Fredericks and Mr. Pilling sat together at the rear of the bus talking about some sporting event.

After a bit Miss C stood up took a head count and said, “May I have your attention please?” we all quieted down. “Is everyone on board?”

We all looked around for our partners and after a bit we all said, “Yes ma’am.”

“Good. Now listen up all, we’ll be going to Richmond Virginia, which is about a two to three hour drive. It will be a very long day for us today so if you could keep yourselves to a dull roar it would be appreciated. There will be no moving around on the bus, while we’re in motion. If there are any problems, please let one of the teachers know. You’re not allowed to eat on the bus. We’ll be making rest stops while on the way if necessary. We’ll be eating lunch when we’re in Richmond. Are there any questions?”

Looking around, no one asked any questions. “Does anyone need to use the loo before we get started?”

No one raised their hand. “Good. Then we’ll be on our way. George, you’re free to proceed.”

George turned on a radio to a soft rock music channel on the bus and said, “Ok then here we go.”

We pulled out of the school parking lot and we were on our way. During the trip I was pulled into talking about boys, fashion, makeup, periods, boys, magazine articles, TV shows, actors, actresses, boys, hairstyles and any other thing girls talk about. I was able to handle my own and sounded convincing, I guess. The girls acted like I was truly one of them. I’m sure they had forgotten I’m not exactly a total girl, yet.

Drew got my attention and asked me, “Where’s Sandy?”

“Well she’s not really part of the exchange thing and she teaches a class herself on Fridays.”

“Teaches?” Mad enquired.

“Sand tutors Math and Calculus.” Darla advised us, “I usually have her on Fridays for Maths.”

We also talked about who was going to be able to come to the sleepover. So far it was Maddy and Sabrina, Ally and Darla, Bernie and Amy. Britney, Debbie, Drew and Jules were not sure they would be able to make it yet. I hope they would, but we’ll see. Drew seems to be a bit happier lately, Jules and him don’t seem to be down, like they were last weekend. I wonder what their mum is up too? I should ask about her sometime.

We finally arrived in the city of Richmond. It looked like any other large city, if you asked me. My bum is sore from sitting on these things they call seats and I was even sitting on my coat to cushion the seat. I don’t know how people can ride on these things for such a long time.

Looking out the window, I noticed we were heading for a museum. Looking down the street I noticed a lot of large homes, which were surrounded by bush hedges of something. The bushes were well manicured and only came about shoulder high. I guess they use this instead of fences. It really looked neat.

“Miss Bell?”

“Yes Em?”

“What are those bushes they seem to use for fences around those homes over there?” pointing out one of the large homes.

“Oh, those bushes are called Boxwood. They are very common around these parts and people use them for hedges, they are easy to manicure and keep looking neat. They have a distinctive pleasant odor about them. In the summer time they grow a small red berry. They aren’t edible to humans, but the birds like them.”

When we arrived at the museum, we were split into two groups. Jules, Deb and the older kids went with Mr. Pilling and Mr. Fredericks, while the rest of us hung out with Miss Bell and Miss Cowlishaw. We stayed on the bus, as our first stop was a little out of town.

I saw Miss C slide into the seat that Brit had just vacated next to Drew. She seemed to be talking to Drew quite seriously. I hope nothing is wrong. I couldn’t hear what was being discussed over the noise from the other kids and the bus noise.

Miss Bell slid into the seat across from us, since those girls moved closer to the back of the bus.

“How are you doing Em?”

“Not bad Miss Bell.”

“Ms. MacDonald had a lot of good things to say about you girls last night. She said you girls really handled the cheer practice very well. You all really impressed her. That’s quite a compliment coming from her.”

I smiled in spite of myself.

“She told me she asked you, as you came out of the communal shower, where Gaby was and you told her she was in the private showers. She said she didn’t realize that Gaby was on her period and felt bad that she had pushed her so hard. She made no mention that you weren’t exactly a girl Em, how did you get away with it? I mean, you showered with the other girls, and they didn’t guess your secret? Did you have your surgery already?”

Blushing I said, “Well, um … you see … um … when I went with Mrs. Jones and Sandy to the dance shop, to get me kitted out, … well … um … Ellen, the owner of the dance studio, figured me out in a heartbeat. She told me so and I was scared she was going to say something to Mrs. J, but she didn’t. It turns out Ellen and Mrs. J were old college roommates, and she felt she wanted to help me. Well, she stocks all types of things and some of those things are mastectomy forms, and a professional gaff, called a V-string. They match my skin color perfectly. The breast forms look absolutely real, with veins and freckles and the V-String gaff looks like the real thing, hair and all. She told me I could have sex as a girl wearing it, and I could even bleed like I was having a period.”

“Oh so that’s why she didn’t figure you out. Simply amazing Em. I think this will work out, just be careful will you? If anyone finds out about you and it gets around, a lot of people are going to get hurt and possibly there could be a lot of angry people, since you violated the girl’s space. Especially me, for I know the truth and who you are, and it was me that perpetuated the lie.”

“I know Miss Bell, I don’t want to hurt you in any way. I promise to be extremely careful.”

Miss Bell smiled at me and gave me a hug. “Remember Em, if you have any problems, no matter how small, please come find me, ok?”

“Yes ma’am.” as I smiled back at her.

“Em, you’re simple an amazing young lady. You really are. I’m really very glad I got to know you.”

I just beamed a big smile at her.

We arrived at an old cemetery with a white fence around it. This looks cheerful I thought.

“Hey Ally, do you know how many people are buried here?”

“How should I know Em?”

“All of them!”

Ally groaned and went to hit me, I ducked and she missed, as I laughed.

Miss Bell voice boomed down the bus and said, “Girls, if you can all assemble at the gate we can get started.”

As I was standing outside of the gate, I turned to Darla and asked, “Darla, do you know why they put fences around cemeteries?”

“Ah, not really Em, why do they put a fences around cemeteries?”

Perfect delivery don’t you think?

“Because, everyone is dying to get in!” Darla groaned and started to chase me.

Miss Bell had heard the joke and she said, “That was bad Em. Hit her for me too Darla.” as she laughed.

I just giggled. Darla was giggling too.

“Ok girls listen up …” Miss Bell intoned.

Miss Bell told us what happened on these fields over a hundred years ago, during the Civil War. The Northern states, the Yankees, against the Southern states, the Confederates.

The North was fighting to free the Black People from slavery in the South. They also had economic and social reasons to keep the country under one government. The Southern states wanted to break away from the Northern states and claim themselves a completely different country and government for they wanted to keep their slaves to work their fields and maintain their houses and mansions. The true government didn’t want this break away to happen, so war ensued.

The quiet fields we walked around today, using the official footpath, bore no resemblance to the carnage of the battle and of savage fighting, heroism and tragedy of over five thousand deaths.

Miss Bell’s story telling skills, by the time we had gotten back to our yellow transport and George, left us all moved by the scale and the horror of the battle. It’s amazing that the country survived, actually.

Back in Richmond we met up with the others for lunch in the museum’s cafeteria. After lunch we split up once more and this time we got the tour of the museum. I noted that the period costumes, that the women wore, were quite petite and dainty. It looked like the women were really small. I noticed they all had to be pretty skinny to wear the dresses. I found out they wore extremely tight corsets to maintain their waspish figures. I noticed the shoes were quite small too. The rest of the museum showed artifacts from the battle and pictures depicting the fighting. It was interesting, but you can only take so much of it. I’m glad I’m living in this century, instead of the one the Civil War was in. It had to be really hard just to exist, especially for the women; they had the honor of cooking and maintaining the family and rearing their young. The men helped very little with the household chores.

We met up with the other group by the time we finished touring the museum. We were all pretty tired and we figured we’d be heading straight for home. We didn’t however. We ended up taking a different route and came to the Richmond Raceway.

When we arrived in the bus park, a guide came out to talk with us. His name was Kenny, he told us that NASCAR and CHAMP oval racing takes place here and told us how this track came about.

We were told that it was one of the best known, motor racing circuits in eastern US of A. The really neat thing was the bus was actually allowed to take a few laps on the oval track. The bus didn’t go very fast, I think it couldn’t, even if the driver wanted it to.

We then were able to get out and explore the gift shop and the loo. It’s amazing to see the girls really getting hyped up, and buying posters of NASCAR drivers, model cars, and postcards. I really didn’t get all that excited about it. I did buy a few postcards, but that was all.

We finally got back on the road and it was starting to get dark, before we left Richmond. I was a bit tired and leaned up against the window while Ally fell asleep on my shoulder. Fortunately the bus was warm, as it did get a bit cold outside tonight.

The inside of the bus was quiet, as we pulled into the car park from the school. We all woke up and we collected our things to get off of the bus. We all thanked George for driving as we exited the bus and he said. “You’re welcome ladies, we’ll see you again.”

Sandy was waiting for me, as I got off. She was all smiles and said, “Have a good trip? Do you need to get something to eat? Mum is waiting for you with a great meal.”

“Yes we did, getting something to eat sounds great, I’m famished.” Looking around for Ally and the others I told them, “See you tomorrow girls.” as I waved to them.

We headed for home and I asked Sandy, “How did it go for you today?”

“Not bad. I found out what was going on this morning with my dad, why he left in such a huff. It turns out my mom told him he will stay in the spare bedroom until his attitude changes towards me. My mom has had enough from him. He was also told that he had an appointment with a psychologist today, to work on that project he was to be working on. You know the one he was upset about last night? He’s not happy he has to meet others like me.” Sandy giggled at that.

“What are you giggling at Sandy?”

“Oh just getting a visual on how my dad is handling having to meet others like me. He won’t be at all happy.”

“He isn’t having a very good week, is he?”

“I don’t suppose so. But he deserves it.”

“Of that I’ve no doubt Sandy, no doubt at all, the little prat.”

We arrived home and Sandy told me, “Go and freshen up. I’ll go warn mom you’re here, so she can start heating up the meal.”

“Thanks Sandy, I’ll be done in a jiffy.”

I rushed up to the flat and ran to the loo. I had to go bad.
I quickly refreshed my makeup, checked my hair and headed for the house.

As I walked in to the house I heard, “Em is here, Em is here!” as the kitchen door flew open and Kevin came charging after me. I opened up my arms to get ready to receive him. He jumped into my arms and almost knocked me over and hugged me tightly.

“Oof, wow Kevin, why are you so excited?”

“I missed you Em.” I smiled and gave him a hug back.

“Well let me get my coat off and I’ll join you in the dining room, ok?”

“Ok Auntie Em.”


“Well my mom said I should call you that.”

I just grinned back. “No problem Kevin, I’ll accept that.” I put him down and allowing him to run back into the dining room.

I hung up my coat, and joined everyone in the dining room.

“Have a seat Em, I’m sure you’re famished. I’ve laid out the food in front of you so all you have to do is scoop it up.”

“Thanks Mary. Why is Kevin calling me Auntie?”

“Oh that, well, I wanted to impress on him that you’re much older than he is, and you should get some respect from him. Besides, I want to make you an honorary member of the family, you have been so good for Sandy, Kevin and I. I felt the honorarium would fit you much better and now you’re family.” as she gave me a big smile. “You don’t mind do you?” with a shocked look on her face.

“No, not at all, matter of fact I’m flattered.” as a tears started to form in my eyes. I went over and gave Mary a hug.

“Don’t expect me to call you Auntie Em. To me you’re my baby sister.” Said Sandy.

I giggled, “If you say so sis. Auntie Em sounds so over the rainbow?”

“It does, doesn’t it? We don’t mean anything by that, but Aunt Mfanwy is such a mouth full. Well sit down Em, sit down, so you can get something to eat.” I let Mary go and went to my seat and started to eat.

Between mouth fulls, I asked Mary, "What happened today that made you decide I was going to be an Aunt to Kevin?"

“Well it kind of started last night, when I finally stood up to my husband. I’ve never stood up to him before and I always let him have his way. Well, last night he just pushed the wrong buttons and I’ve had just about enough of him and put my foot down. I’m really sorry you had to see that dear; I really don’t like showing you our dirty laundry. But since you’ll be here a while, there’s no escaping what’s going on. So, I want to fill you in so you don’t get the wrong idea. I really love my husband, and he can be a good father too. Just that some things have happened to make him bitter. I don’t feel what has happened really justifies his bitterness, but it has happened and he didn’t take it well.” She glanced nervously over to Sandy for an instant but quickly looked away.

“What happened that made him so bitter, Mary?”

“I’m sorry Em, I can’t tell you that, just know it changed him, and he hasn’t been the same since. He really isn’t the same person I married many years ago.” as she let out a sigh.

“After you all left, last night, I yelled at him and he cowered to me. I realized I had a power I never knew I had. He actually did what I told him to do. I had told him that he would stay in the guest bedroom until he came to his senses, and started treating, not only me, but Sandy with the love and respect that we both deserve.”

I looked over at Sandy and smiled. I saw tears starting to form in Sandy’s eyes, as she looked at her mother so lovingly.

“This morning he tried to come back into the bedroom and I told him to get out. I handed him his business clothes so he could get dressed to go to work. After he got dressed, he left the house in a huff, slamming the doors.”

Mary looked pensive and looked at the table for a bit.

“I sat there and cried, after he left. We have never had a fight like that. I was so mad, I moved all of his clothes into the guest bedroom. He won’t be allowed to use the main bedroom until he has met my demands. His drunkenness, and his derogatory remarks last night were uncalled for and I’m sorry you had to see and hear them. I was so embarrassed. I apologize for that Em. I really feel bad for what you must think of him; … us?” Mary started to cry.

“Mary, I don’t know why he went on like that, but I do know he really has something against Sandy, and it’s horrible. Sandy does not deserve the anger he shows her. I’m having a tough time understanding what’s going on with him and your daughter. I know it’s none of my business and I’ll keep out of it if you tell me to mind my own business, but still it’s really obvious that he really hates Sandy. I just don’t know why?”

Well that was a little white lie. Will she bite and tell me the story so I can help them? Sandy looked at me and gave me a warning look to not continue with this discussion.

I was just about to say something when the phone rang. Mary jumped and sprung for the phone.

“Hello? … Oh hi Ellen, how are you this evening? … I’m fine. To what do I owe this pleasure dear? … Em? Sure she is right here. Em it’s for you. It’s Ms. Burke.”

“Hi Ellen, how are you this evening? … That’s good. What can I do for you? … Oh gees I forgot, we just got back from Richmond this evening. … No, no that’s no problem at all. … Yes I would love to go tonight. … Sure I’m sure. … I’ll be ready in about ten minutes; I just have to run to my flat and get my kit together is all. … Sure that would be fine, see you in fifteen minutes. … Bye!” I hung up the phone.

I turned to Mary and Sandy, “That was Ms. Burke. She wants to pick me up to start my ballet classes tonight. I totally forgot about them. Is that ok with you two?”

“That’s no problem, Em. I didn’t know you were going to do ballet with her. She must really like you?” said Mary.

“Right, I forgot about that myself Em. With everything that happened last night, it’s no wonder. You better run off and get ready. Have a good time, ok? Do I need to pick you up?”

“I don’t believe so, she said she would bring me back home.” Looking at my watch it said it was six thirty. “Look, I’ve got to get going.”

“Awe, Auntie Em, aren’t you going to play any games with me tonight?”

“I’m sorry Kevin, I would love to, but I forgot about my ballet lessons. We’ll play some tomorrow, ok?”

“Ok Auntie Em, you promise?”

“I promise.” As I bent and gave Kevin a kiss on the cheek. Kevin just beamed at me.

I rushed out of the dining room and grabbed my coat and before I could fasten it, I was out the door and running to the flat. I gathered up all of my PE kit including the Ballet slippers. A thought occurred to me. If I’m doing this Ballet thing four times a week, and PE once a week, I better get some more kit, or I’m going to be doing a lot of laundering.

I heard a car pulling into the drive. I looked out the kitchen window and could see it was Ms. Burke’s car. I grabbed my handbag, coat, and kit, and headed out the door and down the steps. Mary had come out and was talking with Ellen.

“When do you want to get together Ellen?”

“How about next week Monday? Say about noon?”

“I think I can arrange that. Ok, see you then dear. Have a good time Em. I hope I see you later tonight.”

“Ok Mary. If I’m not dead when I come back, I’ll stop in.” as I climbed into the passenger side of the car. “See you later Mary.”

“Yes, see you later Mary. I’m looking forward to our luncheon.”

Ms. Burke put the car into gear and we headed for the Grottoes Elementary School.

“How was your trip today Em?”

“It was great. I learned a lot about the Civil war, why it happened and about how small the women were back in that time period. Their dresses were absolutely tiny.”

“Yes they were, weren’t they? Are you all set for tonight?”

“Yes, I’m a bit excited. I’ve never done this before. I don’t know what to expect?”

“Don’t worry about it, you will do just fine. Go with the flow, you may be amazed things aren’t as bad as you think they are.”

Grinning. “Um … Ellen, I realized how many times I’ll be doing this in the course of a week. Shouldn’t I get some more kit, for the classes?”


“Um … yes, you know tights and leotards?”

“Oh, exercise clothes. That probably wouldn’t be a bad idea. After class tomorrow, why don’t we stop by the shop and see what other outfits we can come up with, does that sound ok to you?”

Smiling, “It certainly does. Thank you so much for doing all of this Ellen, you really didn’t have to do this for me.”

“It’s not a problem, Em. I’m enjoying your spirit; you’re such a stunning young girl. I feel like you’re my daughter. You remind me so much of me when I was your age.”

I beamed at her.

“So, I was wondering, now that we’re alone, are you ever going to tell me about Drew?”

My jaw just dropped and my heart almost stopped beating, all the blood drained from my face. “Ah … whatever do you mean?”

To be continued:

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