Rhod`s Trip To America ch 4 The Grottoes

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Rhod finally arrives in Grottoes Virgina. There is a little welcome party planned were all the exchangees will meet up with their host partners. Rhod has no idea who his host partner is except his name, Sandy Jones. He is the replacement for Dan Martin that freaked out when he discovered Rhod was Mfawny. Dan was removed from the exchange program. How will Sandy react when he meets a girl instead of the boy he was expecting? (Even though she is that boy.)


I want to thank all the people that have helped me edit and critique this story. They are Angel O'Hare, Stacy Miller, Karen Page, Robi McKee, Paula Dillon and especially Maddy Bell for allowing me to join her universe and giving me permission to write in it.
Based on the story Gaby, Book # 4 - Once Upon A Time In America By Maddy Bell
All Characters portrayed in the story are copywrited to Maddy Bell for her Gaby series found at Maddybell.com
Scene 4

The Grottoes:

We entered the Café, and were directed to a couple of tables. Ally sat next to Drew, and I sat next to Ally, while Bernie and Maddy where sitting across from us. The hostess placed the menus in front of us, and then said, “Laura will be your waitress girls. She will be with you shortly.”

“Kewl.” Ally intoned.

“What are ‘sunny side’ eggs over easy?” Bernie asked already scanning the menu.

“Dunno,” Drew said.

“Oh I think that’s just a fried egg,” I offered.

“Oh.” Bernie sounded deflated, “Why don’t they just say that?”

We were interrupted by the arrival of our waitress.

“Hi girls, my name is Laura and I’m your waitress today, would you like to order beverages?”

“Do you do tea?” Jules asked.

“Sure, would that be hot or iced tea?”

“Iced? Yeurgh! Hot please.”

“Do you have any pop?” Mad asked.

“Pop?” Laura queried.

“Soft drinks?” Drew offered.

“You mean soda. Sure, we have cherry, lemon, apple………” she went on and on, there must have been twenty to choose from. “Diet Coke ® and Root Beer” she finally drew breath.

“Root Beer” Mad announced.

The rest of us gave our orders and Laura went to fetch the drinks.

“Root Beer? I had that once.” Drew stated.


“Sounds revolting” Ally mentioned.

“Well I always fancied ordering it, it’s what Snoopy drinks in Peanuts.” Mad stated.

“Peanuts, what’s that?” I asked.

“Dur dumbo, you know, Charlie Brown, Peppermint Patty, Linus” Mad started lecturing.

“Peanuts is what the cartoon strip is called.” Drew explained, “It’s in Dad’s Sunday paper.”

“That’s Peanuts! I never knew it was called that, I thought it was called Snoopy.” I said.

“Well anyway, when Snoopy is being the air ace he drinks Root Beer.” Maddy filled in.

Laura chose that moment to arrive with a tray of drinks, I was impressed that she handed them all out correctly.

“Where are you Girls from?” Laura asked.

I said, “We are from Warsop, in England Miss”

“Well welcome to the US girls, I hope you enjoy your stay,” She stated “Are you girls ready to order?”

The choice of food was pretty much what I figured you would see in such a place. Various burgers, other assorted fried stuff, chilli, steak in various forms, meat loaf - whatever that is, the one attempt at international cuisine was Swedish meatballs.

“Just vegetable soup for me.” I said being first on the draw.

After everyone ordered the conversation returned to Charlie Brown and his relationship with Lucy. The teachers were chatting and laughing, Miss C glanced our way and smiled at Drew and me; by reflex I returned the gesture, my musings disrupted by a voice behind me.

“Miss? Your food?”

“Oh sorry.” I sat back so Laura could deliver my soup.

She gave the burger to Drew and I saw he got a lot of other stuff.

“Erm I didn’t order all this?”

“You ordered the cheeseburger special right?”


“Well that’s what you have here, one quarter pound patty with melted cheese on a bun, side salad, fries and rings, makes one cheeseburger special.”

“Okay, thanks.”

“That’s okay Miss.”

“I’ll never eat this lot,” Drew moaned as he surveyed enough food to feed an army, the burger was like six inches across, it would cost two quid for all those chips at the Hygenic Fisheries and there was enough salad to keep me going for a month! Then there were the onion rings! He made a valiant attempt to clear his food but even offloading some of his food to me, he still had enough to feed a family of four. No pudding for him!

While we were eating, Bernie asked me, “So Rhod, how did you like travelling as a girl? I noticed you look more like Em than Rhod today, and I understand this was on purpose?”

I smiled at her. “Well definitely, yes! The only reason I was not obviously Mfanwy is because of customs. My passport picture for one, does not look like Mfanwy, and two, it says that I’m male. So I dressed as close to Mfanwy as I could, but still be seen as an effeminate male and pass.”

“Well you’re doing a good job Em, you look definitely female, although a bit of a tomboy. I assume you want us calling you Em then?”

“Yes I would appreciate that Bernie, but I’m not sure how my host is going to take me, and by what name. I just hope they aren’t like Dan. I’m worried about him, for he can really make things bad for us, possibly even for Gaby.” as I looked over at Drew.

“Remember, I told you lot that I want to be a girl, and I felt this was as good a time to be Mfanwy, and not have to worry about the rest of the school causing problems. Besides, I’ve to be her for the cheer competition, How is that going to be explained to everyone, and that includes Gaby. Drew and Rhod come over, and all of a sudden Gaby and Mfanwy show up? I don’t think so! That would definitely give us away; especially to the other four in our group. Besides Mr. P called us both girls after we cleared customs, while in front of those four students, I don’t think he did that maliciously. I think he did that to tell the other four that Gaby and Mfanwy flew over, instead of Drew and Rhod. Miss C confirmed that when she pulled us aside outside of the loo at the airport, she told all of us that Mr. P and her decided we should be girls for this trip, it was for our own personal safety.”

I could tell Drew wasn’t to thrilled about this news and saw he was being rather pensive. Maddy, Bernie and Ally all were nodding their heads and Bernie said, “That’s probably a very good idea Em. It would explain things to the other four and they will not twig, that it’s really Drew and Rhod dressing up as girls, which would cause a lot of problems once we got back. I wonder how the other four are taking this bit of news, or if they even care?” We all looked in their direction, where Jules, Justine and the other three where sitting. They were there just chatting away, and no one was paying us any attention.

After we got done eating, Mr. P called us to gather up our belongings, and to get back onto our waiting yellow steed. We returned to a much quieter road and resumed our journey into western Virginia. Drew sat next to me again. The combination of food, early start and warm bus had an effect on nearly everyone and I put my head on the window of the bus, and dropped off soon after.

I woke up when the bus stopped, and saw we were here. I saw that Drew was spread out with his head in my lap, fast asleep. “Drew! Wake up Drew!” I shook him on his arm, “Wake up Drew, we’re here!”

“Hum?” Drew started to stretch.

“Gerooff!” Shoving him a bit harder.

He opened his eyes and realised he was currently lying on my lap!

“Er sorry bud” he said hurriedly sitting up.

“S’okay but we have arrived.” I said.

“Okay people” Miss C raised her voice just enough to be heard over the excited buzz. “I know it has been a long day but we are finally here, Grottoes Virginia”

“Yay!” someone called.

“Quiet!” Mr Pilling intoned.

“Now they’ve got a little reception arranged in this place just here, we are a little earlier than planned; Miss Bell is ringing round all your exchangee’s right now to let them know we’re here. So for now, collect your cases and go on inside.” Miss C looked down the bus and caught Drew’s and my eye, “okay everyone?”

“Yes Miss” we chorused.

“Up and at ‘em then!”

We gathered our bags and brought them into the restaurant. It was actually a coffee shop going by the name of ‘Pru’s’. The staff welcomed us in, cases and all; George took off in the vehicle of our torture. I saw that there were some comfortable looking seats around the room and found one and sat down trying to wake up, Drew plopped into a couch.

Looking around I could see there was going to be a party. There was a buffet table set up at one end of the room. If that’s for us, I’m glad it’s a buffet, for after the dinner we had earlier, I’m not all that hungry.

“Looks like they’re getting ready for a big party?” Mad mentioned collapsing next to Drew.

“I think you might find that’s for us.” Ally suggested from her perch on the arm of the sofa.

It was only a few minutes later when our hosts started to arrive, it was really strange seeing people we knew again. I saw the Walter girls and saw them go for Drew and Jules. They hugged and I saw some olds strolling over to them. The olds must have been Debbie and Britney’s parents. I heard Britney say, “Mom, Dad, this is Jules and Drew.” I saw Brit wink at Drew. “These are our parents guys.”

“The girls never stop talking about you two and all your friends, girls, welcome to Grottoes!” Mrs. W started.

Did I hear right? Did I hear Mrs. Walters say girls?

“I’ve converted the loft space so there’s plenty of room for you girls.” Mr Walters advised us.

I did hear correctly, both olds think that Drew is a girl. Well that should take care of the Gaby thing. Well Gaby, you and I are going to have a very interesting six weeks girl.

“Dad!” Deb hushed her father.

“What I do?” he asked no one in particular.

“Donald, let them be, they just got here.” Mrs. Walters stated.

“Come on you two, Sab’s just got here.” Brit said, as Drew and Maddy followed her.

I saw Darla come in with her olds and saw that she headed right for Ally, yelling her name, and running to her. I smiled when I saw the reunion. Then Amy, with her ‘rents walked in, and when she spotted Bernie, she screamed and rushed over to her.

About that time Britney, Debbie and Sabrina saw me and they screamed and came over and gave me a hug. Britney whispered in my ear, “Are you being Mfanwy?”

I smiled and whispered back, “Yes, just call me Em, I’ll explain later.” as I hugged her tighter.

She backed up and looked at me and said, “Mfanwy you look great, even better than the last time I saw you.” Grinning at me.

Sabrina looked at me sort of puzzled, and then it dawned on her how Britney had called me and she grinned, “Mfanwy, how have you been?” as she hugged me.

“I’m doing wonderfully Sab, and you?” Then I whispered, “I’ll fill you in later why Mfanwy is here. Ok?”

She nodded her head when we separated and said, “I’m looking forward to it.”

Debbie looked at me also puzzled, and then she twigged what was going on and gave me a hug and said, “Mfanwy, you do look great.” Then she whispered, “You have got to fill me in on this, why are you Mfanwy? Why not Rhod?”

I whispered back, “I’ll tell you all later, just play along ok?”

She gave me a tighter hug then said, “I’ll look forward to seeing you later.” Smiling.

Then Britney introduced me to her parents and said, “Mom, Dad this is Mfanwy, she came over instead of Rhod. Rhod couldn’t make it, so Em was asked if she would like to come instead. Isn’t it wonderful she could make it? I’m sorry Rhod couldn’t be here though, he was a neat boy.”

Mrs. Walters said, “Welcome to the United States dear, I’m sure you will have a good time.”

Mr. Walters said, “Yes, welcome Mfanwy is it? That’s quite an unusual name.”

I smiled and said, “It’s Welsh, and is a very common name there.”

“Well it certainly suits you dear. You’re quite pretty.” I blushed.

Brit went, “Dad stop embarrassing her.”

I smiled and said, “Don’t worry about it Brit.” About that time Ally came over with Darla and hugged Britney, Sab, and Debbie. Ally got the introductions like I had. Then Ally introduced me to Darla, “You remember Mfanwy don’t you?”

Darla looked at me confused and was about to say something, when Ally said, “Rhod couldn’t make it last minute, and Mfanwy came in his place.” as she winked at Darla.

Darla was just standing there stunned and confused.

I smiled at her, and gave her a hug, which surprised her and said, “Hi Darla. It’s so good to see you again.” Then whispered, “I’m Rhod, so please don’t give me away. I’ll tell you later why I’m Mfanwy, ok?”

She was stunned but she recovered well and put a smile on her face when she understood who I was. She said, “Hi Mfanwy, it’s so good to see you again. I’m just so surprised to see you here. Welcome to the states. What happened with Rhod?”

I just said, “He had a family emergency so he couldn’t make it.”

“Sorry to hear that.” She said.

Britney’s parents wandered off.

Bernie, Amy, Drew and Maddy joined us, and Britney, Amy, and Debbie, gave each Bernie and Maddy a hug.


“Yes Drew?” Brit intoned.

“Your olds were expecting the both of us right?”

“Course Drew.”

“So why do I get the feeling that there’s something you’re not telling us?”

“What’s up Drew?” Mad enquired

“I dunno yet” Drew gave Britney Walters a pointed look.

“Alright!” Deb started, “Our parents think Drew’s a girl.”

“Dee-ebbb!” Britney whined.

“What!” Drew exclaimed.

“Why?” Jules asked, “We’ve got to tell them the truth.”

“I told you sis!” Deb hissed at Brit.

“Please don’t, we’ll get in heaps of trouble.” Brit practically begged.

“So you expect me to pretend to be a girl for the whole trip?” Drew exclaimed.

So Drew will have no problems being Gaby there, so that means both of us are going to be girls for the duration. I wonder why Drew is fighting it? After all, he was told at the airport that he should stay a girl for the whole trip, which is for his own safety. He can be so dense at times. At least I’m not alone facing girlhood on this trip. This hopefully, promises to be a great trip.

“Not all the time, just around our parents, please?” Brit whined.

“It’s not like it needs much effort Drew, they never figured it out just now did they?” Deb pointed out.

“What about the erm… sleeping arrangements?” Jules was softening.

“We thought you two could use the attic, since Brit and I share a room anyway, it’s gonna be mine afterwards, so Dad even fitted a shower up there. Please say yes?” Deb now took up the begging.

“Okay girls? Hello Sabrina.” Mrs. Walters exclaimed.

“Hi Mrs. Walters.” We all exclaimed.

“And who is this, I thought there were only two Bond girls?” She said.

“I’m their cousin Madeline.” Maddy exclaimed.

“I showed you the pictures Mom.” Deb stated.

“Well I never realised that Drew and Madeline were quite so… identical. You two look more like sisters than Drew and Juliette!” Mrs Walters told us.

About this time Miss C came over and told me, “Mfanwy, Could I see you for a moment?”

“Excuse me Mrs. Walters, I need to go with Miss Cowlishaw a moment. See you guys later, ok?” as I followed Miss C.

Miss C brought me over to meet a tall girl and Miss Bell. “Mfanwy, I want to introduce you to Sandy Jones. She will be your host while you’re here in America.”

I smiled and shook hands with Sandy, “Hi Sandy it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Hi, Mfanwy is it? I was expecting a boy by the name of Rhod.” She said.

“I smiled and said Rhod couldn’t make it, so I came over in his place. It was a last minute change. I expected a boy to be the host, since it was Rhod that was supposed to come?” I said smiling.

Sandy grinned, “Well I’m happy you’re a girl, at least we can have more fun. I was worried what I was going to do with a boy around here. They can be such dorks at times.” Chuckling.

Miss Bell stepped in, “Mfanwy, it’s so nice to see you again. I think you and Sandy will be great for each other.” Winking at me. “Sandy will show you around, while you’re here.”

Smiling, I said, “Sandy, I’m looking forward to it. Are your parents here?”

“Ummm… no! Ahh… they couldn’t make it tonight.” she said apprehensively.

Hmm, she said that kind of evasively, I wonder what is going on? Miss Bell shot up with, “Mfanwy, I’ll leave you two alone for the moment, so you two can get acquainted. I’m sure you two will find you have a lot in common and will have a lot to talk about. I’ll talk with you later, in private. We need to discuss… ah… a few things… since ah… you’re new to the exchange program. I think you know what I mean?” as she winked at me.

I smiled and said, “I understand Miss Bell. I’ll see you later then.”

She came over to me and gave me a hug, she whispered into my ear, “You look good Rhod, I’ll keep your secret Mfanwy, but I want to know why I’m seeing Mfanwy and not Rhod? Not that I mind, mind you. I got you Sandy as a partner because of who she is. I think you will like her a lot. Hopefully you will not have to worry about Dan. You girls have fun.” She let go and smiled, “Take care you two; I’ll see both of you later.”

Miss C said, “Mfanwy, if you have any concerns or problems, come seek Miss Bell or me, and we will help to sort them out. It’s a pleasure to meet you Sandy, I’m sure we will be seeing a lot of each other over the next six weeks. Mfanwy, here are our phone numbers where we will be staying, in case you have any problems.” As she handed over a slip of paper.

With that Miss C and Miss Bell left.

“So how old are you Sandy?” I asked.

Sandy looked at me and said, “I’m eighteen, Mfanwy.”

“Please call me Em, all my friends do.” I smiled.

“Thanks for considering me a friend so soon Em.” Laughing.

“What do you girls do around here for fun?”

“Well we go to theatres, the rec-center, shopping, and the usual girl things.” Smiling.

“Let me introduce you to my friends Sandy, they all have been wondering who you are and what you look like, they were all thinking you where going to be a boy. Matter of fact my girlfriend Ally, wanted first dibs on you if you were cute.” Giggling. “Wait until she finds out you’re a girl, it will be such a scream!”

Before I could introduce Sandy to the others, we were asked to sit down.

Ally was right about the food, I’m just glad it was a buffet, especially after the dinner we had before we got here, I really wasn’t all that hungry. I think most of the English party wasn’t actually, but our hosts weren’t shy of digging in!

We were introduced to Principal Roberts who gave the standard welcome speech before passing the floor to our ‘student co-ordinators’ Jessica Bell and John Fredericks. Mr. F apologised for not meeting us at Dulles, and then they introduced Miss C and Mr. P to the ‘home crowd’ before giving some general notices. Looks like we start at Augusta High School on Tuesday, tomorrow, that’s Sunday, we get to just hang and settle in. Then on Monday, we get what Miss Bell called a day of familiarization with western Virginia, and more specifically Augusta County. I know the Americans had a similar session last summer in Warsop.

By the time all this was done, everyone seemed anxious to get home, I guess I was also. The day seemed to be catching up with me, and I found it hard to keep my eyes open and stay alert. Sandy said, “Are you ready to head home? You seem to be fading away.”

I smiled and said; “I think the day is catching up with me. If you don’t mind, that sounds like a good Idea.”

“Well come on sleepy, we will get you home and settled then. Let’s gather your luggage and put it in my car.”

“Wow you have your own car? That’s awesome Sandy.” I exclaimed.

She chuckled, “Yes I do. I’m sure when you become of driving age you will get your own car also. How old are you Em?”

I scoffed, “When I become of driving age, I’ll be lucky if I could get a motor bike. I’m fourteen, and we have to be seventeen before we can drive. My mother and I really can’t afford too much, so I doubt I’ll ever get a car. We find it easier and cheaper to use public transportation, such as taxi’s, buses, and trains. They are most convenient, and relatively inexpensive. We walk or use our bicycles if it’s somewhere local and easy to get to.”

“Well our public transportation system isn’t all that good, they are seldom on time so it’s not reliable, and the local taxi service is expensive. We find that if we don’t drive, it’s quite difficult to get around, for we are so spread out. Let’s get the bags and put them in the trunk of my car.”

“Pardon? What is a trunk? I thought only elephants had trunks, unless it’s a steamer trunk.” Giggling.

“Excuse me…..? Oh I see what you’re asking. It’s the compartment in the rear of our car where we can carry luggage.” She stated.

“Oh you mean the boot. That’s what we call the storage area. Sorry Sandy I didn’t know.” I smiled embarrassingly.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot that you have different terms for things, this will be fun to learn the differences.” Sandy said.

I carried my luggage out to her car and was amazed to see she had a Volvo, I realized it was not new, but just the same it didn’t look so bad. I also noticed the steering wheel was on the wrong side of the car. She opened the boot, and I slid my luggage in easily. When I got into her car I noticed it had leather interior, and at one time, I’m sure, this was a top of the line model for this make car. All I could say was “Wow Sandy, is this your car? This is quite the vehicle.”

Sandy beamed. “Yes this is my car, it was my parents car until they got a new one, and then they gave me this car.”

“This is simply amazing. Most kids back home couldn’t afford to drive something like this, let alone own it, is it hard to drive?”

“Oh, it’s not that bad to drive Em. Matter of fact it’s quite easy to drive, actually.” Sandy said with a large grin on her face. “I’ll be driving you to school in this car also. I don’t take the bus anymore.”

“Wow, I will feel like a queen, being chauffeured to and from places.” Grinning. “Even our older students, who are allowed to drive, aren’t allowed to drive to school. There simply is no parking for them; unless of course they ride either bicycles or small motor bikes.” I exclaimed.

“Well get used to seeing a lot of parking spaces around here Em. We build places with parking in mind, plus we have the room for it.” Sandy stated.

I looked around the car. It was simply luxurious, compared to our car. The seats were even heated; it felt nice to sit in a warm seat, with it being so cold outside. I just couldn’t believe that Sandy could have a car such as this. Her family must be rich.

It only took a short time before we drove down her driveway, past a large house, to a small house behind the big house. The garage door opened as she approached the small house and she drove into the garage. “Em, I live upstairs, it’s my apartment. I hope this will be alright, it’s not much but I call it home.”

I was shocked; “You live all by yourself in your own apartment? Your parents aren’t here? You’re allowed to do this?”

She laughed. “Slow down Em, yes this is my apartment, and yes I live by myself, and yes I’m allowed to do this, after all I’m eighteen, and I’m allowed to choose what I do with my life. Tomorrow I’ll fill you in on everything you’ll need to know. You look like you need to get some sleep. For now, why don’t you take your carry on bag, while I carry your luggage, and follow me upstairs. I hope you’ll like my apartment?”

I did as she requested, and followed her upstairs to her apartment. When we entered, what I saw wasn’t what I was expecting. This apartment was huge! It went further back than I thought. I would almost say it was bigger than our house back in Warsop. She had a nice size kitchen, a dining room, I was told, a good size living room, a large loo and three bedrooms, one of which seemed to be a catch-all and work room with a desk that had a computer on it.

Sandy showed me to my bedroom, and it had its own loo attached to it. It also had a large walk in closet, and a huge queen size bed. On one wall there was a set of dresser drawers, a vanity, with a large mirror on it and small bench seat. On the other wall there was a window overlooking the back yard, I was told. I couldn’t see much for it was too dark. There was a small end table on either side of the bed and a clock radio alarm on one of them, both of them sporting a light. The room was decorated in a light pink motif, a very feminine looking room. I’m sure Rhod, if he was here, wouldn’t have liked it as much, but would’ve tolerated it. I loved it. It was a girl’s room, and with the pale, cream coloured, deep shag carpeting, it was delicious. I turned to Sandy, as I closed my mouth. “This is your apartment? Are you independently wealthy?”

Sandy chuckled. “No I’m not independently wealthy. Yes this really is my apartment, and do you like it?”

“Like it? I love it! How can you afford a place like this? This has to cost you a couple of bob a month.”

“A couple of bob? What is a bob?”

“Oh sorry, I mean it has to cost you a lot of money.”

She laughed. “Well ordinarily yes it would cost a lot of money, but this is owned by my parents, so it’s rent free. This used to be the carriage house for the large home up front. The servants would live here during the old days.”

“You mean to tell me your olds own the house we passed?”

“Yes they do. Well anyway that’s why I’m here. Why don’t you get set and get ready for bed, and I’ll be in the living room watching some TV. When you’re done, come and join me for a bit.”


As she left the room, I started to unpack and put my clothes away. Wow this place was huge. This bedroom is almost three times the size of my bedroom back home. The bed is awesome; I’m going to have to get a map just to sleep in it, giggling. I love it. I like the fact I have my own loo, this way I don’t have to worry about being found out by Sandy, having her accidentally walking in on me. In a way that’s a relief, for I was afraid I was going to have to share a room with my host. This would’ve made things rather sticky and uncomfortable, especially if my host would’ve been a guy. This way I’m free to be who I am without fear of discovery. Oh girl you’re going to love this. I went into the loo and was amazed it had a shower bathtub. I’m definitely going to like it here.

I washed up, cleaned my face and put my nightie on, then pulled on my silk robe. I put on my fuzzy slippers, and went out to look for Sandy. I found her in the living room.

“Do you want something to drink before you go to sleep, Em? Like a hot chocolate or something?”

“No thank you Sandy, I’m very tired and I think I need to go to bed, or else I’ll fall asleep standing up. Maybe tomorrow we can talk. Is there anything I need to get up early for?”

“No, I’m not going to church tomorrow, I’ll stay here until I have to go to work, I couldn’t get tomorrow off. I’ll help you get acquainted with the house and the local area. You can sleep in if you want, just be lazy and relax. Don’t forget you have to be at the school Monday morning for the orientation to the local area and the school.”

“How early is that?”

“I’m not sure, but I’ll find out. I’m sure it’s not that early. I’ll know for sure by tomorrow.”

I smiled, “I guess I’m going to head for bed then Sandy, talk with you tomorrow then. Good night.”

She smiled, “Goodnight Em, sleep tight. Talk with you in the morning.”

With that I headed off to bed. I remember crawling under the covers, but that was the last thing I remember doing.

To be continued.

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