Rhod`s Trip To America ch 34 The Judgment

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Em is asked to come to Miss Bell's office to identify her attackers. She really doesn't want too, for she doesn't want any enemies. Sandy convinces her to do it, for If it wasn't her, then it would have happened to someone else, and they could of ended up in the hospital. Reluctantly Em agrees to do it.

I want to thank all the people that have helped me edit and critique this story. I especially want to thank Maddy Bell for allowing me to join her universe and giving me permission to write in it.

Based on the story Gaby, Book # 4 - Once Upon A Time In America By Maddy Bell

All Characters portrayed in the story are copywrited to Maddy Bell for her Gaby series found at Maddybell.com

Scene 34

The Judgment:


I was walking down the mall concourse and was surprised how quiet it was. There weren’t any people walking about, so I could window shop in peace. I saw many beautiful dresses I would love to purchase. I bet Sandy would love this gorgeous green, satin, evening gown that just looked like flowing liquid, I know she would look absolutely gorgeous in it. Continuing my walk, down the concourse, looking at the windows, it is sure nice that the mall is this quiet, no crowds to hassle you and you can take your time browsing.

I was coming to another concourse, when I saw three boys mulling around the intersection. They seemed pretty friendly and smiled at me, and I saw two of the guys ribbing each other. I walked closer to them when I realized they were Roger, Matt, and Sam. I smiled at them and said, “Hi”.

They said, “Hi”, with a leering smile on their faces.

They grabbed me without any warning and dragged me into the men’s loo.

I asked, “What are you doing?”

Roger started to raise my skirt.

“Roger, what are you doing?”

I didn’t like what he was doing and he was just grinning at me with that leering look.

I started to scream, just as they were going to have their way with me, I heard a phone ringing. I was desperately looking around for where the phone was, hoping someone would come to my rescue.

I woke up with a start, finding I was all sweaty and breathing heavily. I was disoriented, where am I?

I heard the phone ring.

What’s that? Then I remembered I was in America, at Sandy’s house. Wow, what a nightmare.

I heard the phone ring again.

I heard Sandy stumbling out to the living room to get it. I looked over to the alarm clock and found I had another half hour before it was going to go off. I was wondering who would be calling at this hour anyway.

I couldn’t hear what Sandy was saying too clearly, but I did hear her say, “We will be there. Ok, talk with you later. Bye.”

A few moments later she came and quietly knocked on my door. “Come on in, Sandy. What’s up? Who was that on the phone?”

“Sorry to disturb you so soon Em, but that was Miss Bell. She wants us in her office during homeroom. She wants you to identify the three boys that assaulted you yesterday. At least make sure we have the correct three boys.”

“Oh, ok. Do I go to registration first, or to her office directly?”

“I think she wants you to go to her office directly. She will take care of your homeroom, what did you call it? Registration? Never heard homeroom called that.”

“Oh sorry. That is what we call the room that we go to, before classes start. That is when they take student registration, to make sure everyone came to school, and lets the office know if someone is missing.”

“Oh, that is the same thing we call homeroom. I’m sure Miss Bell will take care of your … ah … registration, as you call it, so you need not worry.”

“Um … ok. Will she really have those three guys there at that time? I mean, … ah … do you think they will come to school?”

“If they know what’s good for them, they will. It would be far worse for them, if they didn’t show up. I’m sure they know they are in serious trouble, they knew yesterday when they ran away from you.”

Sighing, “I guess there is no getting around this, is there?”

“No Em, I’m afraid not. You do need to do this though. Look at it as protecting the other kids in the school. If it wasn’t you, it could have been someone else, and they may not have gotten off as lucky.”

“Ok, ok, you made your point. I just want this to be over with. I don’t want any enemies, is all.”

“I know Em, but there is no other way. By the way, I thought I heard a scream, or was that me just dreaming or something?”

“Uh what do you mean?”

“Well just before I got out of bed to answer the phone, I thought I heard a scream. Was that you?”

“What, you’re kidding right?”

“Well you look a little flushed and it looked like you were sweating.”

“Oh, well, maybe I did, I just had a nightmare is all.”

“You want to talk about it?”

‘Should I tell her,’ I thought.

“Well, ah …” I sighed, “Ok, um … I was at the mall, window shopping and I ran into Roger, Matt and Sam. I said hi, and they had this funny looking smile on their faces. They said hi, and before I knew what was happening, they dragged me into the men’s loo. I asked what they were doing and they wouldn’t answer me. Roger started raising my skirt and I started to scream, that must have been what you heard. Then I woke up when the phone started ringing. That scared the daylights out of me, actually.”

Sandy came over and sat on my bed, put her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. “Oh Em, I am so sorry you had that nightmare. I’m sure it was because of what had happened yesterday. I would so like to kick their butts. I feel so bad for you dear. Trust me when I say this, I am sure Roger, Matt and Sam are not like those boys. You have nothing to fear from them. I’m sorry they were in your dream. Maybe you should tell Miss Bell about this nightmare, for I think that this is what she was worried about, about the experience being traumatic and would effect you in this way.”

“I understand. I will think about it,” sighing, “I might as well get up and take my shower, I’m too worked up to go back to sleep.”

“Are you going to be ok?”

“Yes, I’m sure I’ll be alright,” hugging Sandy back. “Sandy you’re the greatest.”

Smiling, “Thank you Em, It’s kind of nice to be a big sister, sis. I might as well get ready too. See you in a bit.”

Sandy left, and I got out of bed. Now I am having real nightmares, will this nightmare ever go away?

I was getting cold in my sweaty nightclothes. I rushed to the loo, to take care of the necessities, and to take a shower.

I got dressed and headed for the kitchen.

I was wearing a red satiny blouse, white jumper and black trousers, with zip in the back. I put on some thick socks, to keep my feet warm and saw a pair of hiking boots in the closet, and tried them on. They felt comfortable and decided to wear them. They weren’t very femmy, but they looked practical, besides we would be climbing through a cave, what better thing to wear than hiking boots.

I met Sandy in the kitchen. “So what do you think?”

“Not bad, I think the hiking boots may be a bit much, but at least your feet will stay warm and dry. The brown boots don’t necessarily go with the black slacks, but it is practical. After all it is raining outside.”

I smiled at her, and got something to eat. I looked out the window, and true to what Sandy said, it was pouring down and very wet. I guess that’s better than snow, I think.

When we arrived at school, and got inside, we were a little wet. Sandy and I saw Ally and Darla. “Hey Ally, hi Darla,” we both said.

“Morning Sandy, hi Em.” Ally said. “Nice weather we’re having, isn’t it?” Pointing outside.

“Yes, I am glad I am wearing boots, at least their water proof, so Sandy told me. Hey, I have to go see Miss Bell first thing this morning. You two go on to registration, I’ll see you two later.”

“Is anything wrong?” Ally asked, looking at me with concern.

“No, she just wants to discuss something with Sandy and me, that’s all.”

“Oh, ok. I guess I’ll see you later at the bus then, if not sooner.”

“Ok, see you two later.”

Sandy and I turned to go to the offices, while Darla and Ally continued towards registration.

I knocked on Miss Bell’s door. After a bit, she answered the door. “Oh Sandy and Em, please come in. I’ve got the three boys being sent to us, as we speak. Sorry to wake you girls up like that this morning, but I wanted to make sure I got a hold of you.”

“No Problem Jessica.” Sandy said.

I noticed that Miss Cowlishaw was here. I looked at Miss Bell questioningly, and Miss Bell noticed.

“I asked Miss Cowlishaw here as a witness, I needed to tell her, in case something bothers you Em. She really needs to know, just incase you have problems.”

“Oh Em, I’m sorry you had that happen yesterday, I wish you would have told me then.” She came over and gave me a big hug.

“I was trying to keep this from you, I didn’t want you to worry.”

“Em, if you get nervous or a relapse of what happened and no one else was there that knew, we would have been more concerned. I need to know for your own safety and piece of mind. So I can be there for you.” She hugged me harder.

“How are you doing, Em?” Miss Bell asked, as Miss C let me go and went to the other corner of the room to sit in a seat.

“Well, not so well. I kind of had a nightmare this morning.” Sandy turned and looked at me, nodding her head to tell me to go on.

“Can you remember what the dream was about, or what happened?”

I relayed what the nightmare was all about. I told them I had no clue what it all meant. All I know is, the dream took place in the mall, and again it was three boys, only this time it was Roger, Matt and Sam. Then it dawned on me.

“Miss Bell, do you think it has something to do with meeting the three boys in the mall, last weekend? I mean, we are going on a … sort of … um … a date tomorrow, probably at the same mall. Sam, Matt and Roger are taking Darla, Ally and me to see a movie; Roger’s mom is chaperoning. You think the dream was kind of telling me something?”

“Well Em, I’m not sure, but what you went through yesterday was traumatic and could send your mind into overdrive. I think it just put the two experiences together. I would’ve been surprised if you hadn’t had some kind of nightmare. Your mind is just trying to make sense of things. I’m sure your date tomorrow will be fine. There should be nothing to worry about. After all, Roger’s mother is going to be there. Nothing should happen.”

“Well I hope you’re right, I didn’t enjoy that dream. I just don’t want to hurt the guys tomorrow.”

“If you feel uncomfortable with something the guys are doing, just say so, they should back off,” Miss B said, “They are nice boys, from what I have seen of them.”

There was a knock on the door. “Come in.”

A girl opened it and poked her head around the door. “Miss Bell, those three boys are waiting out here. Do you want me to send them in?”

“Yes Margaret, please show them in.”

Margaret opened the door wide and I saw the three boys. They were the same three that accosted me last night. I could see all three of them flinch when they saw me. They walked into the room with their heads down, they knew they where in trouble now.

I saw Miss C give them a look that could have stopped an elephant stampede.

“Thank you, Margaret. Could you please close the door as you leave.”

“Yes Miss Bell,” closing the door as she left.

“Well, Em, are these the three boys that accosted you last night?”

“Yes they are, Miss Bell.”

“I thought so,” turning to the boys. “Well, I guess you really stepped into it this time boys. Do you boys know why you are here? Mr. Lawson, Mr. Deemer, and Mr. Gellepsie?”

They looked at me with terror in their eyes, “Um … no?” Jason stated.

“Oh? You don’t know why I called you here? Why, even Miss Morgan is here, and you do not know? Do all three of you have short term memory loss?”

Dean spoke up, “Um … I guess it has to do with what happened last night,” turning to Em he stated, “I am very sorry we did that to you last night, um … Miss Morgan.” Looking scared and glancing at Sandy, who had a major scowl on her face. “I’m really, really, sorry. We were misinformed and ah …”

“Shut up you idiot.” Jason said.

“My, my, my, is there something you wish to tell me, Mr. Lawson?”

“I’m not saying nuthin, I didn’t do nuthin, ‘WE’ didn’t do nuthin.”

“Mr. Lawson, that should be did nothing. You just told me you did do something.”


“Well, whether you did or didn’t, I have the victim as a witness, she is standing right there. Are you sure you want to stick to that statement?”

“Ah, yes. She has no proof we did anything.” Jason stated.

“No proof you did anything? Hmmm, Mr. Lawson, let me fill you in on what you did do, and yes we do have a witness, two actually. First let me tell you what it is you are facing, in case you don’t know. First and foremost, you are facing a rape charge.”

“WHAT! We didn’t rape her, all we did was drag her into the bathroom and Jason raised her dress, and pulled her panties down. We didn’t touch her, other than that.” Dean shouted. “We didn’t rape her or anything.”

“Whether you did or did not, it doesn’t make a difference. You attacked a girl, dragged her into the men’s room, lifted her skirt, and pulled her panties down. To me that sounds like you were ready to sexually assault her. How would you see it Jason? Is Jason the one that pulled your panties down, Miss Morgan?” Miss Bell pointed towards Jason.

“Yes, he was,” glaring at him.

“You still want to stick with your plea of ‘not having done anything’, Mr. Lawson?”

“I didn’t rape her, honest, I didn’t rape her. Once I realized she was a real girl, I stopped and we let her go.”

“Ah, why would you drag a girl into the men’s room, and then see if she is a girl, which to me is an obvious observation, then pull her panties down, then stop and let her go? This doesn’t make any sense, unless you intended to rape her in the first place.”

Jason was as white as a sheet.

“Let me tell you what will happen to you three. First we will call your parents, we will tell them what has happened. Then you will be expelled from school for a very long time. We will then call the police, and you will be charged with attempted rape and sexual assault. Then you will be taken to the Juvenal detention center, where you will await a court hearing to be tried. If you three are found guilty, you will stay in a Juvenal detention center, where you will spend the rest of your high school career, if not longer. The rape charge will be put on your permanent record, which will label you as sex offenders for the rest of your life. Do you three understand what I just said, or should I repeat it more slowly for you?”

Mitch, up to this point, was quiet and stood stock still, his face was looking absolutely ghostly. It looked like he was about to pass out. I made a dash for him as he started to crumble and caught him before he hit his head on the corner of Miss Bell’s desk. Miss Bell got on the phone and called the school nurse, and told her to bring smelling salts, that one of the students had fainted; while Miss C and myself laid Mitch on the couch.

Jason and Dean looked at each other, and I could see hatred in Dean’s eyes toward Jason. If looks could kill, Jason would be dead right now.

Miss Bell checked out Mitch, making sure he was ok, and turned back to the other two boys. So Jason, and Dean, what do you have to say for yourself now?” Miss Bell knew, that the two of them realized they were in it deep, with no way out.

Jason blurted out, “We didn’t mean it, we were told that ah … Miss Morgan was a boy, dressed like a girl. We had no idea she really was a girl. I’m sorry, I really am sorry,” as he started to cry. “I didn’t mean it, honest. I didn’t mean it.”

“Well what would you have done to her if she was a boy, huh?” Miss Bell was getting angry.

“Ah … well … ah we were going to show HIM we don’t like perverts in our school.”

“Oh, and how is that any better than what you did to her? You do know about the anti discrimination laws that are in place to protect EVERYONE, do you not?”

“Ah … yes.” He weakly replied, sniffling as he talked.

“Do you know what that rule means, Mr. Lawson? Can you tell me please?”

“Ah … we are to leave perverts, queers, gays and lesbians alone.” He quietly stated.

“Hmmm, well you get the gist of it, even though I don’t care for your wording, and regardless of Miss Morgan’s status, did you follow that rule, MR. LAWSON?!?”

“Um … no.”

“So, had Miss Morgan been a boy, what would you have done to him?”

“Ah, we would have um … ah … beaten him up.”

“Oh, the brave do gooders would have taken a helpless boy and the three of you would have beat him up, and possibly landed him into the hospital. With not a thought, that it also would have started an international incident, that would have made our school look bad, and probably had our government involved in what happened. What do you have to say about it now, Mr. Lawson?”

It almost looked like he was going to faint. “I had no idea.”

“Well that is OBVIOUS! Who told you that Em was a boy?”

“Ah … um … uh Dan …uh Dan Martin.”

“Did you do anything to him, after you found out Miss Morgan was not a boy?”

“Oh, I don’t think he will be spreading anymore lies, if that is what you mean?”

“No, that is not what I mean, and I will be having a talk with Mr. Martin later. If you hurt him in anyway, I will file an assault suit against you also, Mr. Lawson. It seems the only way you operate, is by beating people up, and that is intolerable. We need to curb your habit of beating up people and intimidation them. What do you think we should do about that nasty little habit of yours?”

“Um … I don’t know?”

“Well, I know and I will tell you, but I first want Mitch to be awake for this, for I do not want to repeat it.”

Just then there was a knock on the door. Miss Bell walked over to it and let the woman, whom I assumed to be the nurse, in.

“Ah Nurse Green, could you have a look at Mitch Deemer please. He was standing here and after a bit, he got very pale and passed out. Miss Morgan caught him before he hit his head on the corner of my desk. I don’t think there is very much wrong with Mitch, but just to be on the safe side.”

Nurse Green went over to Mitch and she broke an ampoule of something and passed it under the nose of Mitch, who suddenly jerked and tried to brush away the offensive smell from the ampoule. He finally revived, and he looked around the room and realized where he was and why, and groaned.

“Stand up Mr. Deemer. I want you standing to hear what is going to happen to you three.”

Mitch slowly got to his feet and stood up. The nurse was there to catch him if he should pass out again.

“Well MR. Lawson, you and your buddies here, will be on probation for the rest of your time in this high school. If I had my way, I would have had all of you expelled, and given to the police. But a person spoke up for you, and requested that you not be expelled, or given to the police.”

The three boys got big smiles on their faces, and looked at each other.

“Do you know who your benefactor is Mr. Lawson?”

“No, I haven’t a clue.”

“I thought not. Even though I have agreed with your benefactor, I will put you on probation for the next three years. If you three get into ANY trouble, ANY trouble at all, and I don’t care for what ever reason, if I find out you started the trouble, I will have all three of you expelled, turn you over to the police and I will file those assault and rape charges, for what you have done yesterday. Do I make myself clear?”

“Ye … yes Miss Bell,” all three of them stated, gulping with their smiles gone.

“Um … Miss Bell, who persuaded you to not turn us over to the police?”

“You can thank Miss Morgan for that. We will still call your parents, telling them what had happened, and they WILL be here early on Monday. Do I make myself understood? You will also write a letter of apology to Miss Morgan, and thank her for not having you receive what I think you really deserve. You do not know how fortunate and lucky you are, but you will in time.”

The boys looked nervous as they heard this sentence. I think they were really nervous about their parents being notified. They definitely looked very anxious.

“Em, Sandy, why don’t you two go to your homerooms; here are your late slips, I will take care of things here, and I will meet you, Em, at the bus. Off you go.”

We turned to leave and I heard Miss Bell say, “Now, I am calling your parents. I WILL have a note, for you three, that you will deliver to your parents, and they must be signed by both of them. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes Miss Bell,” all three of them stated.

In the note, and when I talk to them, I’ll make sure that your parents know that they are to be here on Monday at the begin of school, with you three in hand, this is not optional. I will definitely see your parents here on Monday, or I will suspend you three until I see them. Understood?”

“Yes Miss Bell,” the three of them said again.

We closed the door and Sandy turned and smiled at me. I smiled back at her and started to giggle.

“You think they will get the message and stay out of trouble for the next three years?” I asked.

“Hmmm, we will have to wait and see. They definitely looked scared though. I am glad I’m not in their shoes.”

“So am I. What Miss Bell has on them is definitely a serious charge.”

“We will see if they have any brain cells left, to understand how serious their situation is. Well, I better head to my homeroom; the bell is about to ring, signaling the next class. You have a good time on your trip, ok?”

“Ok Sandy, I will. See you later today.”

With that we both headed for our homerooms. I arrived at the door, just as the change bell rang.

I gave my note to Mrs. Henderson, who smiled at me, “Ok Em, thank you. Have a good field trip today. I hope you enjoy the caverns. Hopefully, the weather won’t be an issue.”

“Thank you Mrs. Henderson, I’m sure I will. I hope you are right about the weather.” I smiled at her and joined Ally as we headed for the bus.

“So what did you and Sandy do, that you had to talk with Miss Bell so early. I don’t buy that you just had to talk with her. So spill, girlfriend.”

To be continued:

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