Rhod`s Trip To America ch 26 A Spy In The Midst

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“Wow Em, she’s sort of cold isn’t she?” Ally said. “I don’t know what her problem is today? She is not usually like that. She’s usually a really nice person. She must be ‘ON’ herself?” Darla stated. “I don’t think so Darla. Look guys,” as I looked around to make sure we wouldn’t be overheard, “She knows, or think she does, but is not sure.” “Knows what Em?” Darla asked. “She knows about Rhod.” I said. “What!” Ally exclaimed. “Shhh, keep it down. I’m telling you, she knows about me being Rhod.”


I want to thank all the people that have helped me edit and critique this story. They are Angel O'Hare, Stacy Miller, Karen Page, Robi McKee, Paula Dillon and especially Maddy Bell for allowing me to join her universe and giving me permission to write in it.

Based on the story Gaby, Book # 4 - Once Upon A Time In America By Maddy Bell

All Characters portrayed in the story are copywrited to Maddy Bell for her Gaby series found at Maddybell.com

Scene 26

A Spy In The Midst:


The alarm woke me up. I noticed my leg muscles were really screaming today. Wow, if I can survive all this new type of exercising then I’m going to be in fantastic shape when I get back to Warsop. I groaned as I got up to go to the loo.

I finished my morning ritual, and went to the kitchen. I looked through my book bag and found the phone number for Miss Bell. Going to the living room to use the phone, I called her.

“Hello, Bell residence.”

“Hi Maddy, This is Em. Is Miss Bell there please?”

“Hi Em, how are you feeling this morning?”

“Sore from yesterday’s skiing.”

“Me too. My legs are really bothering me too. I’ll get Jessica for you.”

“Hi Em, how are you today?”

“Not bad Miss Bell. Ah, … I think I have a problem.”

“Oh what may that be Em?”

“Yesterday at the picnic Dan Martin approached me and figured out who I was.”

“Did he do anything to you?”

“Well, he threatened me that he would out me to all the guys at school and I told him he better not, for he would lose a lot.”

“Hmm, I think it is time we approach Dan again and remind him what will happen if he causes any problems. I think he is forgetting what’ll happen to him. Anything else?”

“I also told him I was a true girl all along and that I was masquerading as a boy when he was in the UK.”

“That sounds interesting?”

“He thought it a joke, so I told him I had a female passport and enter the country as a girl or I couldn’t have been allowed to enter the states. That isn’t true though.”

“That was a very smart thing to say and may have saved the situation. Please continue.”

“I also told him that I’d showered with the girls in PE. Everyone saw me naked and no one saw me as a boy and asked him how that could have happened if I wasn’t a girl. I saw he was thinking it over and saw some doubt appear on his face.”

“Very good Em, that should make him stop and think. I hope he tries to get someone to spy on you, instead of just telling everyone, just to make sure he is correct. Otherwise we may have to do a lot of damage control.”

“I think he is going to get some girls to spy on me, at least that is what it sounded like. I’ll be getting some blood capsules to allow me to bleed, so I’ll appear to have a real period. I’ll ask some girls to come with me to the loo and ask them for a tampon and use it. This may get the girls to realize I must be a genetic girl. I’m hoping to bleed in PE class, but that is still four days off. I feel he can cause quite a bit of damage before then.” I started to get hysterical.

“Ok Em, settle down. What you’re planning on doing is a very good idea. Too bad your Gym class is Thursday. In the mean time your idea about taking some girls with you to the bathroom is a good one. That may at least put off suspicion for a while, anyway.”

“Ally thought of that one and Sandy told me to ask her mom for a Sanitary towel when I go to the loo in the main house, so she knows I must be a real girl.”

“Good plan Em. Yes that sounds perfect. Maybe telling Dan that you were always a girl and you were a tomboy while in the UK, is a good one. Thank you for this information. Miss Cowlishaw and I will take care of it. Don’t worry; we’ll handle it. Let us know if he tries anything else. If he approaches you, don’t do anything that will make him think you really are a boy. Your ploy may just work out to our advantage. If you can convince the girls you’re really a genetic girl, he will lose face and maybe make him keep quiet for the rest of the time you are here. I’d love to see his face when he’s told you really are a genetic girl. It’s going make him look very foolish. Well I have to rush. Thank you for calling and letting us know, Em. That’ll help us stop him from doing something that could damage the exchange program.”

“You’re welcome Miss Bell. I’m sorry I’m causing so much trouble.”

“Em, you’re not the one that is causing any trouble, so put that thought right out of your pretty little head. Dan is just upset he was banned from the exchange program. He’s the one that’s causing problems, but we’ll fix that. Don’t worry Em. Enjoy your day. See you at school dear.”

“Ok Miss Bell, see you later.”

“Bye Em.”

Sandy walked out of her room. “Oh, did you just call Miss Bell?”

“Yes, I figured I better give her the heads up about what happened yesterday.”

“Good idea. I’m sure she’ll appreciated it.”

“Yes, she did. She told me not to do anything that might give me away, that I’m not a genetic girl. She said the seeds of doubt I planted yesterday was a very good ploy and she is going to use it to control Dan.”

“Wow, that was a good idea you had. That’s so cool to be taken as a genetic girl. You know, you may want to let the other girls know, so they don’t slip up and say something they shouldn’t. We don’t want to give it away.”

“Good point, I’ll get a hold of the girls sometime during the day and let them know.”

“Well, are you ready to go to school?”

“Is there time to get something to eat?”

“Um, just barely, but you’d better hurry.”


We ended up making it to school on time and Ally and Darla were waiting for me by the lockers.

“Hi Ally, Darla how’re you guys doing?” I said.

“Hi Em, Sandy.” they said together.

Ally said, “My legs are sore from yesterday, how are yours?”

“They’re really sore too.”

“Well girls, I need to head.” Sandy said, “So I’ll see you all later.”

We all said, “Bye Sandy, see you later.” We watched her go.

The bell rang for homeroom so we hastily headed to class ourselves.

During the announcements we heard:

“Can all the members, of the Sherwood Foresters from England, please meet Miss Cowlishaw in the gym after final period today.”

Hmm I wonder what that’s all about. Ally looked at me with a surprised look and I silently just shrugged my shoulders. I had no clue to what was happening.

The bell rang for first period. I was getting up out of my seat when Roger came over and said, “Hi Em, have a good weekend?”

“Oh, hi Roger. Yes I had a fab weekend. My legs are a bit sore from yesterday.”

“What did you do yesterday?”

“We went on the ski picnic thingy, yesterday.”

“Oh the community ski thing. I heard about it, but we had other commitments so we couldn’t be there. Here let me carry your book bag.”

“Um ok.” I blushed.

I saw Ally and Darla smirking by the door waiting for me.

“Where is your next class?” Roger asked.

“It’s English. It’s just down the hall. You don’t have to really.”

“It’s no problem, I want to do this for you.”

“Um … ok.”

“So what do you think about getting together this weekend sometime?”

“Well, I’ll have to see how the week goes.”

Darla and Ally walked in front of us as we walked down the hall to our next class. Then I had an idea.

“Um Roger, you think you could get someone for Ally and Darla too, we could all go out and do something?”

“Sure, I’m sure I could find someone for them too. Maybe Sam and Matt can go.”

“Um, ok that sounds wonderful. I let you know later in the week if we can do it. Is that ok with you?”

“Sure, that would be great!”

“Here we are.” I said.

“Ok Em.” He gave me my bag, smiled at me, then said, “See you later Em, maybe during lunch.”

“Ok Roger, see you later.” Smiling at him, Roger turned back the way we came and ran off to his next class.

Ally and Darla started giggling.

Ally said, “Does Em have a boyfriend now?”

“Hush both of you.” I said, blushing.

They continued to giggle as we got to our seats.

Morning classes were like you would expect. The morning went by without anything-strange happening, and no sight of Dan. We headed off to the lunchroom.

“Hey Em, wait up.”

I turned to see who called my name. It was Roger.

Panting he said, “I talked with Sam and Matt, and they said they would love to come, if it is ok with Darla and Ally?”

I turned to Ally and Darla and said, “Would you two like to go and do something with Matt, Sam, Roger and I this weekend?”

“Sounds interesting Em,” Darla said, “But I need to check with mom to make sure we’re not doing something else and if it’s ok with her.”

I saw Ally kind of look at me funny, I’m sure I’ll know what that’s all about later.

“How about you Ally? Will this weekend be ok for you?” Darla asked.

“Um … sure why not? That should be interesting.” she added giving me a look.

I just shrugged my shoulders as she looked at me.

“Great, let me know later, I’ve gotta run, I’m meeting Sam and Matt for lunch. See ya all later.” He ran off.

“So we have dates for this weekend then, huh Em?” Ally looked at me with a strange look.

“Well I’ll feel safer with you and Darla there, than just him and myself.”

“Well, why didn’t you just turn him down?”

“Well he’s a nice boy and I know what he would feel like if I turned him down. Come on Ally, it can’t be that bad. He wanted to take me to the movies on Saturday.”

“What, you already set up a date?”

“What? No I didn’t, he just talked with Mrs. J and myself at the mall. He was eating at a table across from us and he came over with Sam and Matt and chatted us up. He was wondering if I would like to take in a movie, that day. He said his mom would chaperone. I turned him down, for I didn’t know him. Mrs. J said later that he was alright, that he’s a nice boy and she would chaperone if his mother couldn’t.”

“Wow! You work fast Em.” Darla said.


“I mean you haven’t even been here that long and you already have boys asking you out on dates. I’ve never had a boy ask me.”

“Ah, well I didn’t do anything.”

Darla giggled and Ally wasn’t sure what to make of it all.

I walked over to the lunch table, put my stuff down and then went to get some food. I got my usual salad and something to drink and took my seat at the table. Another girl I remember seeing on the American cheer team, sat down at our table today. I was never introduced to her and she didn’t sit with us at all last week.

I just smiled at her and said, “Hi, how are you?”

She put on a fake smile; the smile didn’t reach her eyes and said “Hi.” She didn’t volunteer any more information.

So I just began to eat. I felt a bit uneasy. I don’t know why, but I could tell she kept sneaking glances at me and she didn’t look at all happy.

Ally, Darla, Amy, Bernie, Casey and two other girls from the cheer group, that I recognized, but didn’t know their names, arrived and sat down. They all said hi to me. They were laughing and I could feel things lighten up. We all started talking at once about what we had done this weekend.

“Hey Em?” Bernie asked.

“Yes Bernie, what’s up?”

“Thanks for introducing me to Scotty. He’s a really cool guy. Smart too. Once you get past his shy exterior, he really is sweet.”

“You’re welcome Bernie, I thought you would like him. You and he are very similar.”

“How so?”

“Well you never seem to have a boy friend, I know you are a bit shy too.”

“Well, boys are just yucky at times. I still think they have something, so I’m wary of them, is all. They’re ok I guess, after all, you of all people should know?”

I started to giggle, and the others started also. I saw Stacy looking at me after Bernie made that comment. She had a look of surprise on her face, or something like that. She wasn’t laughing. I realized what Bernie had said and caught on to her meaning. I hope she doesn’t elaborate or she could get me into real trouble.

Casey was sitting next to me, I leaned over and asked Casey, “Who’s that girl sitting on the end of our table over there, I know she’s on your cheer team.”

“Oh sorry Em, I should introduce everyone here. Hey gang, listen up.” Everyone turned to look at Casey. “I want to introduce the girls from England. This is Em, that is Ally, and this is Bernie. You all know Darla.”

Everyone said, “Hi y’all.”

“This is Karen,” pointing across the table, “The person sitting next to her is Samantha, we call her Sam. The girl on the end is Stacy.”

Ally, Bernie and I all said, “Hi, we’re pleased to meet you.”

We all started talking again. I noticed Stacy really wasn’t talking all that much, but she did keep looking at me with a look of disgust. I couldn’t figure out what her problem was. Should I ask her what’s wrong?

I heard Casey say. “Hey Stacy what’s up? You seem awfully quiet today. Are you on or something?”

“Something, Case.”

“Ok, just wondering?” Casey said.

I had uncomfortable feeling about Stacy. Could she have talked with Dan? Does she know Dan?

“Hi Stacy how are you?” I asked.

“Oh, umm ok I guess.” she said.

“So from what Casey just said, I assume you’re on, huh?”

“Umm sort of.”

“I know how you feel, I’m starting my monthly also. Don’t you just hate it?”

Looking at me kind of like I was from another world, she said, “Right.”

I wonder? Does she know something? She’s not very talkative.

“Hey Stacy what’s up with you? Bad night with Dan?” Casey asked.

“Oh, something like that.”

“What’s up with you today? You really look like you’re pissed or something? Spill?” Casey said again.

“Hey don’t worry about it. Chill, I just have some things on my mind I have to work out.” glaring at me.

“She is usually not like this Em, she’s probably pissed at Dan. He is one of the track team jocks. He can be a real pill at times.” Leaning over to me and whispering, “The guy has been a real jerk since he came back from England. I’m sure you know him. His name is Dan Martin. Something happened over there and he has been put on suspension and removed from the exchange program.”

“Well, I know of Dan. I heard a little of what went on, but I’m not allow to say anything.” I said.

“You do? Tell me later, I won’t spill.”

“Sorry Casey I can’t.” Starting to feel my stomach doing some flips. “I’m not feeling to well. I need to go to the loo. Ally could you join me?”

Ally took one look at me and saw I had gotten very white. “You ok Em? You don’t look so good.”

Thinking fast, “I think I’m really starting, my gut is really starting to hurt.”

I saw Stacy started to take an interest in what was happening.

Casey got up and said, “Lets Go Em, I’ll help.”

Ally, Casey and myself made our way to the loo. I really didn’t want Casey there, I wanted to talk with Ally and tell her what I suspected was going on. Now I can’t. Sitting on the toilette, I came up with an idea.

“Oh nuts!”

“What’s wrong Em?” Casey said.

Making like I was frantically looking in my handbag. “Oh, I’m embarrassed. I thought I’d put the tampons in my purse this morning, but I must’ve left them lay on my nightstand.” holding a tampon in my hand, I put the tampon back into my handbag. “You wouldn’t have one would you?”

Just then I heard the door to the loo open.

“Um … let me check Em. Nope, I’m all out too.” I then heard her turn to someone and say, “Hey Stacy, would you have a spare tampon for Em? She forgot to put some in her purse this morning?”

“Um … Let me look, I think I may have some. Oh here’s a couple.” She gave one to Casey.

Casey slipped it under the door and I took it. “Thank you. Are you going to be ok by giving me this Stacy? I mean, I know you’re on, so I don’t want you to be short?”

“Don’t worry about it Em, I’ve a few to hold me over until I get home. Do you need a pad also?”

“Sorry? A pad?” I said.

“You don’t know what a pad is?” Stacy said kind of excitedly.

“Uh … yes, I don’t know what you mean.”

Stacy went, “I see!”

Casey said, “You know Em. A sanitary pad.”

“Oh you mean a sanitary towel.” I stated.

“A sanitary towel!” they both exclaimed. “What’s a sanitary towel?”

“That’s what we call it. It’s what you put in your knickers to protect them in case you leak?”

“Oh, right. That’s what I meant Em. Do you need one?” disappointment in Stacy’s voice.

“Oh … um sure, if you have a spare.”

“Here you go Em.” She said passing me the pad under the door.

Ally came out of the stall next to me and I heard her go to the sink.

I looked at the tampon, having no idea what it really is, this being my first time to see one, I unwrapped it and tried to figure out what it is and how to do this. I saw it was a little plastic container with two parts, with a string coming out of one end. The one side had a bigger rounded tip with an X cut in it; I assume this is the end that is supposed to go into some hole down in my bottom, but which one? I saw that the one piece slipped into the other. I pushed the two plastic pieces together and I saw the end started to open. ‘Oh this is what it is and how it works; a white cotton something was coming out. The string must be used to pull it back out.’ Figuring it all out helped, but which hole does it go in, and will this damage the gaff device? I looked at the prosthetic and figured it must be the larger hole in the back of the gaff that it’s suppose to go into. Maybe I should wait to do this until after I talk with Ellen. I really don’t want to damage this gaff. I noticed that there was a waste container in the wall of the stall, I looked into it and saw that it was empty. ‘Hmm better put something in it, in case Stacy may enter to check it out. I better empty this tampon container though.’ I pressed the two plastic tubes together and remove the cotton wad. I put the wad in the bottom of my purse. ‘Let’s see, if a girl really did this, it probably would be wet or something yukky. What would a girl do? Oh, I know, they probably would wrap it in toilet paper.’ It then dawned on me. ‘So that’s what I saw in the waste container in the loo back home. I never realized what it was.’ I took some toilet paper and wrapped up the tampon container and put it into the waste container mounted on the wall of the stall, making more noise than was really necessary, but I wanted the girls to hear I had used it. Placing the towel in my knickers, I pulled my knickers back up. Again making more noise than necessary, I used the disposal container to throw out the remnants of the towel.

Making sure everything was where it should be; flushed the toilette and left the stall.

I was heading for the sink, when I caught Stacy’s reflection in the mirror entering the stall I just left and she locked the door. I smiled to myself. I was putting on some lippy when I heard the waste container opening in the stall were Stacy was. I knew it; she’s checking me out. Dan must have told her. I better be careful the rest of the day when she’s about. I need to warn Ally and Darla about her. I finished doing my makeup.

Ally turned to me, “You ready to go Em? You feel better?”

“Umm yes, much. Shall we get going girls?” I said.

“Sure Em.” Casey said.

We walked out of the loo; Darla was walking towards us.

Casey said, “Well see you guys later, I have to get to class.”

“Ok Casey, see you later. Thanks for your help.”

“No problem.” she turned and left for her class.

“You ok Em?” Darla asked.

“Yes, no problem Darla, everything is taken care of.” I said, just as Stacy came out of the loo.

She looked over at us. I smiled at her and waved. “See you later Stacy and thanks for helping out.”

She sort of smiled at me, “Ah … yea sure, no problem … ah, Em.” She then walked off towards her class.

I could tell she was puzzled about something.

“Wow Em, she’s sort of cold isn’t she?” Ally said.

“I don’t know what her problem is today? She is not usually like that. She’s usually a really nice person. She must be ‘ON’ herself?” Darla stated.

“I don’t think so Darla. Look guys,” as I looked around to make sure we wouldn’t be overheard, “She knows, or think she does, but is not sure.”

“Knows what Em?” Darla asked.

“She knows about Rhod.” I said.

“What!” Ally exclaimed.

“Shhh, keep it down. I’m telling you, she knows about me being Rhod.”

“How can that be? There’s no way.” Darla stated.

“Dan must’ve told her.”

“Oh come on Em. You’ve got to be mistaken?” Darla stated.

“I wish I was Darla. She was watching me very closely during lunch today. She didn’t think I saw her looking. She never smiled at me. When I didn’t know what a pad was in the loo, did you notice how excited her voice was? Like a little girl that just won a prize. She was sure she found me out. Then did you notice how disappointed she sounded when I told her we call a pad a sanitary towel? I’m sure she’s puzzled about me. Did you notice she went into my stall after I left it, even though Ally’s stall was available? She wanted to see if I really used the tampon and the towel.”

“Your getting paranoid, Em.” Ally stated.

“I don’t think so Ally, but in one way I hope you’re right. We better keep an eye on her. Last week she was in our PE class and she didn’t act this way to me then. I hope Ellen got those capsules for me today. I’ll use one in PE class and shower with everyone. If they see me bleeding, maybe then we can put this all to rest and they’ll believe I’m a real girl.” I said.

“I hope you’re right and it works, then we can relax a little and start enjoying our time here, instead of worrying about you being discovered.” Ally stated.

Smiling a little, “I wonder what Dan will say when she tells him about me bleeding. I would love to see his face. At least now I know who’s spying on me.”

“I’ll make sure the others are told so they know.” Darla mentioned.

“No you better not. They may act differently toward her and she may get wise. It’s better they don’t know, that way they’ll act natural around her. I rather have her not knowing I know what she is up to, otherwise she may think I do have something to hide, being suspicious of her.”

“You sure?” Darla asked.

“Yes Darla, I’m sure.”

“If you say so, Em.”

“Well, we better be off to our next class or we will be late ourselves.” I stated.

We approached our next classroom. It was Geography with Miss Bell. We saw Maddy and Sabrina walking from the other direction from us and we arrived at the door at the same time. Since we were running late we couldn’t talk, but smiled at each other and we hurried to our seats, just as the bell rang.

Miss Bell saw us and smiled. She started her class.

After the class finished, we all got up to leave and I wanted to talk with Maddy, but before I could say anything Miss Bell said, “Em, could you come here a moment? I wish to speak with you.”

“Sure Miss Bell.”

“Em, how’s it going? Any problems?”

I looked around the room and Darla and Ally were the only people left in the class.

“Well, I think a girl from your cheer group, her name is Stacy, I think she knows about me. She acted very strange towards me during lunch and when I went to the loo. She was watching me very closely.”

“Has she confronted you in anyway?”

“No she hasn’t and I believe she’s not sure about me. I found out her boyfriend is Dan. I think he may have told her about me, for she definitely wasn’t to happy when she sat at the lunch table. She kept looking at me as I was a piece of something nasty.”

I told her what had happened in the loo. She looked surprised and figured I was right about her spying on me.

“Hmm, well if she starts anything you let me know. Should I confront her?”

“Please don’t. If you do, it may confirm her suspicions of me that something is wrong.”

“Good point Em. You’re right, let it run it’s course and if you do what you say you’re going to do, that may be the only thing she needs to see to confirm you are a girl for real. Sort of.” Chuckling. “If you have any further problems please let me know.”

“Ok Miss Bell.”

“Well you girls better get going or you’ll be late for your next class. Now Scoot.”

We said our goodbyes and we rushed to get to our next class, which was History.

We entered the class and I saw Scotty sitting over by the window isle. He smiled at me and winked. I smiled back and got to my seat just as the bell rang.

When class was over Scotty walked over to me and said, “Thanks for introducing me to Bernie, Em. She is awesome.”

I smiled at him and said, “You’re welcome Scotty. Just treat her right, ok?”

“You bet Em, I certainly will.”

“Well take care Scotty I need to rush to get to our next class so I have to go.”

“Bye Em, see you tomorrow.”

Darla led the way to get to our next class, which we haven’t had before. It was Art class. When we entered I noticed Miss Cowlishaw was sitting in the back of the room and Ally and I both smiled at her. When she saw us she just perked right up and smiled at us. The main instructor introduced Ally and I to the rest of the class and then we settled down to the class project.

We had to make a clay bust of the person sitting on the table. Ally and I had never done this before, so we were just wondering were to get the supplies and tools we would need.

Miss Cowlishaw came over and said, “You girls going to be alright? You look lost.”

“Well Ally and I have never done this before, we didn’t do any sculpting back in Warsop.”

“Yes I gathered that. Why don’t I start you off and help you get started. First put on those smocks to protect your clothes. Then I’ll tell you what you need to do.”

We both went over to the hooks on the wall and grabbed a smock. It sort of looked like a long paint covered lab coat.

Miss C showed us to our tables that had a large hunk of clay on them and showed both of us how to soften the clay so it was malleable. Then she went on to show us how to use the sculpting tools. We started to catch on and enjoyed what we were doing. By the end of class my bust didn’t look to bad, neither did Ally’s.

Miss C came over to look at them and said, “Wow girls, you did that quite well. We’ll have to do more of this when we get back to Warsop. Remember to put your name on your work.”

We smiled at her from the praise, but didn’t know what to say. This was admittedly a very fun class. I hope we get the chance to do more of this back home; next term, this was fun?

“Well hurry up and clean up your area and equipment. The sculpting tools you used needs to be cleaned, so go over to the sink over there and clean them well so the clay doesn’t get hard on them.”

“Ok, we will.” Ally and I signed our sculptures, then walked over to the sink with everyone and cleaned up all of our equipment.

Everyone was leaving when Miss C called us over and said, “Miss Bell told me what happened to you yesterday Em. You think he will be a major threat? Are you going to be alright?”

“Did Miss Bell tell you what I was planning to do?”

“Yes she did. When did all this happen anyway? She told me you showered with all the girls and no one figured you out. How did you manage that?”

I told her the short version of the story and she was amazed, and I saw she was relieved all at the same time. I then told her what I was planning, and she smiled at me.

“Em, what a marvelous idea. That would certainly convince all of the girls about your sexual status and it’ll probably end what Dan is trying to do to you. Let’s hope this works. Ok, I won’t do anything until all of what you’re planning on doing is finished. If it doesn’t go the way you planned, then I’ll step up and have words with this boy. I certainly hope no one finds out, you’ll have a lot of angry girls after you, especially for being in their showers with them. They don’t think kindly of having their space violated like that.”

“Well, let’s hope it does work. I’m pretty confident it will. I’ll know for sure after Thursday if it worked. If Stacy says anything to me, or becomes more friendly to me, then I know it worked.”

“Ok dear, let’s keep our fingers crossed. We better get going to the gym, I’m sure all the other girls will be there waiting for us.”

We left for the gym. When we arrived I saw everyone sitting there and we crawled up into the bleachers and we all talked at once. I noticed Gaby was sitting behind us looking kind of gloomy. I wonder what her problem is?

Maddy turned to me and said, “Ally tells me that there is a girl that is spying on you for Dan?”

I looked at Ally and said, “You weren’t suppose to tell anyone.”

“Well sorry, it just came out.” Ally said.

“Don’t spread it around Mad, I don’t want anyone acting differently around the girl, otherwise she’ll know something is up. If she does, then she may think Dan is right.”

“Oh, good point. Ok, I won’t say anything, but let me know if there is any trouble, I will tell Jessica.”

“She already knows about it and who it is. She said she would keep an eye on the situation.”

“Oh, ok.”

Maddy turned away from me and started talking to Bernie.

Ally said, “Sorry Em, I just figured we should all know. I mean this could be a real threat to you and it could affect us all.”

Sighing, “I know Ally, but I don’t want the girls acting differently around her, that can be just as damaging.”

I looked up at Gaby and noticed Gaby was really quiet today. I wonder what was up with her? I was just about to speak with her when I saw Miss C and Miss B coming in, talking animatedly.

“Hello girls, everyone here?” Miss C said.

“Yes Miss.” Bernie replied.

“Well you’ve escaped cheer practice for a couple of weeks now, so we need to get cracking if we are going to be ready for the competition. So starting on Wednesday we’ll be having practice after class alternate days. Miss Bell has volunteered to help out and make sure our routine meets competition criteria. So Wednesday make sure you have your gym kit, poms and cheer shoes. Any questions?”

“How long will it be?” Ally asked the question we all were thinking.

“About an hour,” Miss Bell volunteered, “and don’t worry, we’ve got transport back to your hosts arranged.”

“I was going to ask about that.” I said.

“Well if you think of anything, we can talk on Wednesday, but get off now, and we will see you in the morning, ok?”

“Yes Miss.” we all chorused.

“Oh, ladies don’t forget about tomorrow. We will be going on a bus trip.” Miss B stated.

“Ok Miss” we all chorused again.

We all got up and headed for our lockers and got our wraps. I bid Ally and Darla goodbye and headed for the car park. Sandy was waiting for me, as she knew we had a small meeting.

“Everything go alright?” She questioned.

“Yes, we were just told that we would have cheer practice every other night starting on Wednesday, for about an hour.”

“Cool, I guess you are going to be one busy little girl, aren’t you?”

“I guess. I hope I can survive all of this?” I giggled, “So what’s up for tonight?”

“I have to go into to work for a few hours, and isn’t Ellen going to be picking you up tonight for ballet?”

“Oh yea, I forgot. Wow, I really am going to busy while here. You think your mom will have something ready to eat tonight, before I have to go?”

“I saw her leave a little bit ago, we’ll ask her once we get back home, then I’ll have to leave for work.”


When we arrived home we first went to the main house before going to the flat.

“Mom, are you here?”

“Yes dear, what’s up?”

“I have to leave for work and Em has to get ready to go to ballet later this evening. You think you might have something for her to eat.”

“Certainly Em, don’t worry you have lots of time. Ellen won’t be here until 6:30. Why don’t you go to your room and get rested and changed. I’ll have dinner ready for you in about an hour.”

“Thank you Mary. Be back in a bit then.” I said.

“See you later mom.”

“Ok Sandy, take care driving, see you later tonight.” Mrs. J stated.

We left for our flat.

“Here Em, why don’t you take my books upstairs so I can get going, I’m a bit late.”

“No problem Sandy, see you later tonight. Bye.”

“Bye sis.” Sandy jumped into the car and took off.

I got upstairs and realized how tired I was. Well I better get changed. The emotions of the day were catching up to me. I really hope that Stacy doesn’t figure me out. That would really spell disaster. After changing I went over to the main house.

“Mary, are you here?”

“Em’s here; Em’s here!” I heard Kevin yelling, that really put a smile on my face.

He tore through the kitchen door and before I knew it, he jumped into my open arms and gave me a big hug and a kiss.

“Hi Kevin. Were you a good boy for your mom?”

“Oh yes Em, I’m always a good boy.”

I chuckled.

Mary walked through the kitchen door and said, “We were in the living room a moment ago.” Chuckling too. “So, did you have a good day at school today?”

“Not bad. A lot happened and I am starting to feel a bit tired. I know, I have to get back to the flat soon. I’ve got to get my homework finished before I leave for ballet practice tonight. I know I’ll really be tired after practice, knowing what Rachael will do to me.”

“Does that mean you can’t play a game with me tonight?” Kevin started to pout.

“I can play a few games with you Kevin, but I have to limit how long we can play, ok?”

“Ok Em.” That cheered him up a bit.

“Shall we go into the dining room and we can get started eating.” Mary said.

“Isn’t Mr. J going to join us?”

“Ah … no. I haven’t heard from him at all today. I have no clue where he may be. He really has been taxing of late. It is almost like he has become a different person. A person I don’t know and this is really starting to bother me. I don’t know who he is anymore.” I could see Mary was on the verge of tears.

To be continued:

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